BLYSS (Blyss Trilogy #1)

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BLYSS (Blyss Trilogy #1) Page 21

by J. C. Cliff

  He pulls back and gently tilts my chin up using his forefinger, and he looks into my eyes with what I think is empathy. “Happy birthday, sweetheart. You know what? I say you get dressed and get all dolled-up, and let’s get out of this room. What do you say?”

  I perk up a little at the thought of going somewhere, but then my mood quickly deflates. “Go where? I ask speculatively.

  “It’s your birthday, after all; maybe there’s a nice luncheon awaiting you down the hall.”

  I shake my head. “I’m not in the most festive mood, and I don’t think I will be for some time.”

  His eyes search mine. “Don’t you know by now? Living is the best game of revenge you can play against your enemies.”

  I’m baffled at his remark. “I’ve never thought of it that way before.”

  “C’mon, go get ready. I want to have a dance with the birthday girl.” He gives me the most gorgeous smile, and I melt.

  “Will you stay with me?”

  “The whole time, if you want.” He’s quickly becoming my security blanket all over again. I’ve always despised this back-and-forth thing of liking somebody then hating them again. I guess this is karma for judging those who had these on-again, off-again type relationships. I know this is far from a relationship, but he’s the only person providing me with any sort of companionship right now. My choices are somewhat limited, I would say.

  I let out a sigh. “Okay, I’ll try, but I’m not making any promises.” I raise my eyebrow at him.

  “It’ll be nice; you’ll see. C’mon, up you go,” he says, dragging me out of bed. He pulls me into his hard body for one last hug and kisses the top of my head. “You get ready, and I’ll be back in two hours to pick you up, sound good?”

  I nod my head and quietly whisper, “Yes, sir.” With me skipping breakfast, my stomach decides at that moment to grumble loudly in protest.

  At the sound of my hunger pangs, his lips thin. “You need to eat.” He nods toward my tray of food on the kitchen table. “Go ahead and pop your breakfast dish in the microwave, warm it up and get something on your stomach now.” He says it with a tender voice, but the look in his eyes says he means business.

  “I will.” I assured him.

  As he makes his way to the door, he stops and turns around. “Save some room for dessert.” I nod my head, attempting a small smile.

  When he leaves the room, I do as he asked, then quickly jump back into the shower, washing away the morning drama. By the time Travis is due back, I’ve finished applying a little makeup, mascara, and lip gloss. When I slip on the little black dress and shoes that were laid out for me, almost immediately, I feel a little bit better about myself. There is a basket of decorative hair clips on the counter, and choosing a colorful one, I put my hair up with it. It’s been a week since I’ve indulged in beauty products, and I almost feel half-human again.

  I’m startled from my thoughts when I hear knocking at the door, and my brow furrows in confusion. Why would someone be knocking? Hell, I can’t even open it. The wheels start turning in my head, and I think maybe my father has reached me and his men are here, clearing the building. My heart races and I run to the door, but before I can scream out, the door latches open and Travis steps through. I skid to a halt, my heart pounding in my chest. Shit, do I feel foolish.

  Travis quickly glances behind him, seeing nothing. He steps into the room with concern etched into his face. “What’s the matter? You look like you just saw a ghost.” I stand frozen, too shaken up to answer him. I don’t dare tell him what I was thinking. My God, I could almost taste the freedom. The feeling ignited a spark of hope within me; it felt so real for a moment. His hands clasp around my shoulders, and he gently shakes me. “Julianna, snap out of it. What’s wrong?” I close my eyes and dust the cobwebs out of my brain, taking a deep breath. “Baby? Talk to me.”

  I paste a fake smile on my face and give thanks that my voice isn’t shaky, betraying my true emotions. “Nothing, for a moment, I just thought...”

  “Thought what?” he prompts, trying to analyze my shaken exterior.

  “It’s nothing, really; I’m fine. You just startled me by knocking on the door is all.”

  He looks relieved and his shoulders relax. “Oh, baby, I’m sorry. I should’ve thought better of it.” He shakes his head as if he’s scolding himself. “I know you’re used to us just barging in whenever we damn well please. I thought...I thought I was giving you a little respect on your birthday by knocking first.”

  I wave him off. “Really, it’s okay. Can we go now? I’m ready to get away from these four walls for a while.” I needed to change the subject before I have another meltdown, thinking about my father and freedom again. I don’t want a repeat performance from this morning. Travis seems to accept my excuse and gives me a half-hearted smile.

  “You look lovely, by the way.” He lifts my medallion from my chest and my belly twists; just one touch from this man sends my heart fluttering. “Your medallion goes nicely with your outfit, too.”

  I give him a small smile and say, “Thank you.”

  “Well then, Madam,” he says in a mock accent and holds out his elbow for me to slip my arm into, “your chariot awaits.” I slip my hand through the crook and his smile disarms me. I like playful Travis, and I decide to play along.

  “Oh, yeah? Would that chariot happen to be a sleek and sexy silver Maserati?” I ask with a lively grin.

  Travis taps his forefinger on his lips in thought. “Mmnn...I’ve got something sleek and sexy, and I’m staring right at her, but it’s not a Maserati.”

  I feel a blush spreading over my face and I look away. His fingers reach under my chin, immediately tilting my head back to meet his gaze as he cocks his head to the side. “I can see you in a Gran Turismo Sport, just as seductive and refined as its owner. I think your color would be…Blu Sofisticato,” he says with the same silly accent as before, shaking his head. “I don’t see you in the red.”

  “I don’t know what shade of blue that is, but it sounds fancy.”

  “It’s the same as your baby blues.” He leans in for a quick peck on my lips, and I swoon.

  “How do you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Have an inherent ability to know what I like?”

  Travis grins widely and arches his eyebrow while he licks his lower lip seductively. “It’s my job to know your tastes...and I might add, you do taste good.”

  “Oh, my gosh, stop!” I look away from his handsome face, staring anywhere but at him. Although I like playful Travis, I don’t like getting this familiar with him. It feels too real. My subconscious has a fist fight with the rest of my brain, and I know this is the manipulative side of Travis, messing with me. He’s only doing this to get me hooked on him, to make his job easier. Unfortunately for me, once I’m caught, he’ll just release me on the dry dock, taking the hook, line, and sinker with him, leaving my heart to suffocate and flop around helplessly. No, thank you. My heart’s not up for it.

  He forces me to look at him once again, and his gorgeous eyes are twinkling with glee. He gives me that heart-stopping smile and persists in his jaunt. “Yes, this thing continues to impress, with equal parts seductive styling,” he quirks a brow, moves his hands to gently cup my breasts, and then skims them down my sides and over my hips, “scintillating speed,” he takes a step between my legs, rubbing his semi-erection against me, and I giggle at the absurdity of his skit, “mmnnn, and sumptuous comfort.” He reaches around my body, grabs the globes of my ass, and as he squeezes, I let out a squeal. “Hold on to your hat, ‘cause she’s a wild ride, and makes a lovely purring sound as she reaches top speeds.” He gives me the goofiest boyish grin I’ve ever seen, and I burst out with laughter.

  The glint in his eyes dances with mirth, and somehow, he’s breaking through all my barriers one at a time. “Uh-huh,” I say, raising a single brow, “I bet you’re proud of your own ingenuity, performance, and handling, aren’t you?”

sp; “Somehow, I don’t think we’re talking about the same thing anymore,” he says with wry amusement.

  Swatting playfully at him, I can’t help the smile spreading across my face. “You’re such an ass!”

  He laughs out loud and gives me a peck on the cheek. “C’mon, sweets. You owe me a dance.”

  How the hell does he do this to me each and every time? Seems like the moment I’m about to lose my emotional stability, he somehow manages to steer me around, my turmoil doing a one-eighty, changing my reactions from stark to stellar. I honestly don’t know what I would do without him. Travis is making life bearable until I either find a way to escape or get rescued. In the meantime, he’s setting up shop, making himself at home in my heart.


  We step into a banquet room just a few hallways down from my room. Upon entering, I become all too aware of the weirdness of this moment. Who the hell holds a birthday party for a captive? I don’t have a clue who anyone is, and I find myself squeezing Travis’ hand.

  People turn to look at me and give me warm smiles. This is really freaking me out. None of this should be happening right now, but then again, nothing has made a lick of sense since day one. Why should today be any different?

  Bright birthday decorations adorn a buffet table full of food. Balloons and streamers have been choreographed to perfection, and they’re spread throughout the room. I’m so taken by the sights, I don’t see Nick scooting up behind me. I smell his expensive and distinct cologne just before I feel his arms snake around me like a boa constrictor, causing my body to instinctively shiver.

  “Whoa, darlin’, you cold?” he asks while squeezing me tighter against his hard body. I feel as if Nick has caught his prey, squeezing and suffocating, and then he’ll devour me whole, just like the snake in the grass he really is. He stays behind me but leans his body off to the side, shifting me in the opposite direction.

  “I’ve missed you, Princess,” he says while a small smile tugs at the corner of his lips. Tilting his head, he gauges my reaction.

  Is this where I’m supposed to say ‘I’ve missed you too’? Nope, not going to happen. I haven’t seen him in almost a week, and if it would have been a century, it would’ve been too soon. After the way he treated me that first day, stole my engagement ring, and robbed me of my life, I’d love nothing more than to hang the man by his balls. Visualizing the scenario in my brain, it makes me grin. His smirk turns into a beautiful smile. He’s mistaken my vengeful expression, thinking I’m happy to see him. Smug bastard, let him think.

  I ignore his question and answer the first. “No, I’m not cold.” I should spit in his face, but I’ve had enough drama for one day. I’m tired, emotionally-drained from my morning meltdown.

  He pulls my body back into his snare. “Happy Birthday, Princess,” he whispers, his lips breathing over my ear, tickling my skin.

  I swallow hard, then taking a deep breath, I respond, “Thank you, Nick.”

  He nips at the base of my ear, and goose bumps spread all over me. “Do you like what I did here? It’s not as extravagant as it could have been, and I know you deserve over-the-top, but once you hand yourself over to me...the sky’s the limit.” He sucks my earlobe into his warm mouth, and I purse my lips together, staving off the unwanted arousal. Dear God, not again.

  Travis sees the growing panic in my eyes, but he looks like he’s stacking bricks, reinforcing his infamous stone wall. I continue to watch him as Nick assaults my neckline. I shiver as Nick pulls my backside against his manhood and subtly grinds into me. Travis still remains impartial, and I can’t believe after everything we shared he would allow this.

  “’s beautiful.” I stifle a moan and try to keep my voice even. Does Nick know my erogenous zones, too? It’s either that, or the remnants of the drugs, because the sensations feel good…too good. I close my eyes, trying to fight the growing need inside me.

  He chuckles, and I can feel him smiling into my neck. He knows he just affected me. Dammit! Why doesn’t he just lift his leg and pee on me, make it official? His assault on my neck stops and I hear his deep voice roll over me. He doesn’t sound like he’s in a good mood all of a sudden. “Travis, I need a word. Now.”

  I can only presume he’s staring down Travis with a death glare, because Travis’ eyes are suddenly locked onto my neck in a heated gaze. I move my head to the side to find Nick shooting daggers at Travis. He lets me go and nods at Travis. Yes, he’s pissed.

  “You think now is a good idea?” Travis nods his head toward me as if I’m a third wheel or a toddler who needs supervision.

  “There’s no time like the present,” he says on a snarl. My hackles are suddenly rising. Who the hell pissed in his cornflakes? “Office, down the hall. Now.” Then Nick looks at me. “I’ll be right back, Princess. Don’t go anywhere.” The smug bastard winks. As if I could.

  The curious spy in me surfaces. I want to know what’s going on, and I contemplate how I can follow them. I’d love to be a fly on the wall. I watch the men walk away, disappearing down the hallway. I stand there for a moment, not sure what to do. I would love nothing more than to run, and for a second, my heart races at the thought.

  “Hey, I guess you’re the new girl?” Interrupted from my escape thoughts, I turn to see a girl about my age. She’s in a cocktail dress, and my brow furrows in question.

  “Do you work here?”

  She half-giggles. “No, darling, I’m just one of the girls. Just like you.” Her eyes drift over my body, taking stock of me like she wants to eat me for dinner. Did she just say ‘a girl like me’? Suddenly, I’m nervous, but curious.

  “Don’t you want to...I don’t know...escape?” I ask in all seriousness.

  She laughs at me, looking at me as if I’m a nut case. “Are you kidding me? Who wouldn’t want to live in this lifestyle?” she asks incredulously.

  I’m appalled. “They are drugging you, and you’re okay with that?” I can’t believe what I’m hearing.

  “It’s not a drug; it’s medicine,” she says, almost offended. Well, excuse me! “I’ve never felt better in my life; not to mention, I’m living in the lap of luxury. Most women would give their left arm to be in our shoes.”

  I huff with growing annoyance. “You mean to tell me you’re perfectly fine with this arrangement? Are you crazy?” I shake my head at her. “No, thanks, I would choose to eat mac n’ cheese every day and have my freedom over living in this...” I wave my hand around searching for the right word.

  She interrupts me while waggling her manicured finger at me. “’re that rich bitch who Nick wants, aren’t you.” She’s not asking, though. She narrows her beady eyes at me and says, “You need to get one thing straight here, Ms. High and Mighty Princess. The majority of the women here have been given a life for the first time, one they would otherwise have been a miserable failure at. But, of course, you wouldn’t know anything about that, would you? You’re a spoiled little rich bitch.”

  No, she didn’t. I feel a catfight coming on. I’m about to give her a piece of my mind when I get distracted by a movement off to the right of us. Another girl comes to this girl’s side, interlocking elbows with her. It dawns on me that I’m looking at Tweedledee and Tweedledum.

  “Well, then, I guess you haven’t had Nick yet, have you?” Tweedledum pipes in. She has the audacity to wink at me, and then they both give me a knowing grin. “You’ll change your tune after you do, don’t worry.”

  Tweedledee stares toward the ceiling for dramatic effect and says, “You’re so damn lucky. What I wouldn’t give to be able to lasso that cowboy in.”

  Tweedledum turns to her friend, exclaiming, “I know, right! Isn’t he the most delicious?” Then the two girls start cackling as if they’re giving birth to a litter of hyenas and I cringe.

  “Wait until he throws a threesome into the mix.” What the hell? “He likes to have two girls at the same time, but sometimes, he just likes to sit and watch the show.” Ew! Oh, my G
od, they both are insane!

  I feel bile rising up the back of my throat. I’m speechless. Someone needs to help me pick my jaw off the floor. Both Nick and Travis have left me surrounded by a pack of horny hyenas.

  “Is everything all right here?” A strong, masculine voice sounds from behind, and I feel his hand touch the small of my back. I freeze, uncomfortable with everyone here and everything surrounding me. Why isn’t Travis back yet? I want to go back to my room. I’m surrounded by crazy people.

  “Where’s the ladies room?” I croak out, scanning the room. I don’t even bother to see who it is standing behind me. I’m going into panic mode; I just want out of here, and away from everyone.

  A finger appears over my shoulder and points. “Down that hall, to the left.” I don’t even say thank you. I take off like a bat out of Hell, taking the same path Travis and Nick took.

  Passing a closed door, I hear raised voices, and my curiosity gets the better of me. Pausing in the hallway, I look around at my surroundings first, making sure the coast is clear before I eavesdrop. I press my ear to the door, trying to make heads or tails of what’s going on behind the closed door.

  “Shit!” I hear Travis yell in anger. “What was I supposed to say? You know how women get, all emotional, clingy, and shit, especially when they’ve never done something like that before.” I hear something slam against a hard surface. “What was I supposed to do? She was a virgin, for fuck’s sake, just mercilessly plow through her? She was scared shitless! You tell me, Nick—do you want her broken or whole by the time she gets to you?”

  “She’s fucking mine, Travis,” I hear Nick growl. “You don’t fucking touch her!”

  “Then tell me why the hell I’m working with her again, if you can’t stand for anyone to touch her. What the hell was I supposed to do? You’ve never said anything about the way I trained these women before.”


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