Hard Love

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Hard Love Page 9

by Joanne Schwehm

  With her head held high, she pivoted and strutted, yes, strutted to the settee area. Bryce and Hank high-fived her and right before she sat down, Margo glanced at her nails. For a minute I thought she was going to rub them on her shirt, but she didn’t.

  It was my turn and when I threw the ball, all I pictured was Margo’s ass in jeans that looked as though they were made for her. After I picked my spare, I saw Cade joking around with her.

  Cade clapped me on the back as he got up for his turn. He leaned in with an all-knowing look and whispered, “Wow, Adam’s little sister? You’ve got balls of steel, but she is a knock-out. You can explain why you call her Sally later.”

  Or not.

  Margo bowled as if she was a pro. We were in the tenth frame, and she killed it.




  Holy shit! Margo ended up with a 259 for the last game and averaged a 225 for all three games. She kicked all of our asses even before we added in Jan’s handicap. Thanks to her, we were the big winners for the night.

  After we collected on our bets, returned our shoes and her ball, we started to head out.

  “That was so much fun!” Margo beamed. “If you ever need a substitute again, let me know.”

  Before I could answer, Cade barreled in between us. He tossed his arms around both our shoulders. “Do you kids want to go out for a drink?”

  “Sorry, but I need to get home. I have work in the morning.” Margo smiled at him and the green-eyed monster hit me hard.

  “Is it safe to assume that your brother doesn’t know about you two?”

  Margo calmly replied, “There isn’t anything to know. We’re just friends.”

  “That so?” Cade’s lips twisted into a snarky grin. “So, maybe you and I could go see a movie or have dinner this weekend?”

  Now it was my turn to speak up. “It’s late.” Fucker. He did that to get a rise out of me and it worked. “Talk to you in the morning, man.”

  He let out a chuckle. “Thought that’s what you’d say. Catch you at the gym, buddy.” He turned to Margo and pulled her in for a hug. “Great to see you again. You look great.” He released her just as I opened the door to my car.

  She smiled sweetly—a bit too sweet if you asked me. “Good seeing you, too. Maybe when Adam gets back we can all get together. I haven’t seen him in a long time.”

  Cade nodded. “Count me in. I wouldn’t want to miss that reunion.”

  “Let’s go, Margo.” I practically ordered her into my car, and Cade laughed. Visions of me kicking Cade’s ass played in my head. Maybe the next time we went to the gym, rather than lifting weights, I’d do a little kickboxing, and Cade would be the recipient of my blows.

  She slid in and waved to him once more through the window.

  His fingers waggled toward her then he looked at me as if he had just found the Holy Grail.

  “You’re a dick.”

  He chuckled. “Sally?”

  “It’s an inside joke, dumbass.”

  “Yeah, I bet it is.”

  Chapter 11

  Note to self: Buy batteries.

  Were my feet even on the ground? I heard the clicking of my heels on the tiled flooring, but I swear, I couldn’t feel them. Everything about last night replayed over and over in my thoughts. First, bowling. I mean, of all the sports, that was what he liked? Then, Cade. Truth be told, he looked great. And just like I remembered, a ball buster.

  Adam would be coming home soon, and by Cade’s reaction, I was concerned. Once again¸ I wanted to call Adam and let him know I was seeing his friend. Then again, maybe it was no big deal.

  But it was the drive home that really commandeered my memory. Watching Noah’s knuckles whiten as his hands gripped the wheel when I mentioned Cade confused me. Was he jealous? My lips curled upward at the thought of it.

  Before Noah, I never craved a man’s lips on mine or wished him to plunge his fingers in my hair and pull me in for a toe-curling kiss. Then there was sex. We’d crossed that line, and it was the best set of orgasms I’d ever received.

  Of course, I put up the barrier and made the proclamation that we were just friends. Maybe I was being an idiot. No . . . I was an idiot. Would it be that horrible to date Noah? I sighed, resigned to the fact that work was what needed my attention.

  Sadly, my inbox wasn’t flooded with requests. At this rate, I’d be living month to month, something I didn’t want to do. It scared me. I saved up a bit of money and had my trust fund, but promised myself I wouldn’t touch it. Was I stubborn? Yes.

  Rochelle knocked on my door. “Margo, your mom is on line one.”

  That was weird; why didn’t she call my cell phone? Shit. I forgot to charge it. “Thank you, Rochelle.”

  I exhaled, picked up the receiver, and pushed the button next to the flashing light. “Hi, Mom. How are you?”

  “Oh, sweetheart. It’s so great to hear your voice. You know, you could call or come over occasionally.”

  “I’m sorry, you’re right. I’ve been busy. How are you? How’s Dad?”

  “He’s fine, we’re both fine. Just missing our kids, that’s all. Your brother will be back soon. I’d like the family to get together.”

  I nodded—not that she could see me. “Sounds good.”

  “So, tell me, how’s work going? Is business good?” My mom was my biggest supporter, even though she generally took my father’s side concerning the family business.

  “It’s great, thank you. Paris taught me a lot, and I’m applying it here in the city. We should go shopping one day.” I knew that would make her happy. When I was a little girl, she’d dress me up in all these frilly dresses. The problem was that I’d rather wear a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. But, I was like her living doll that she liked to play dress-up with.

  “Oh, that would be lovely. Chanel’s fall line is coming out. But, I’m sure you know that. Let’s do it. Have a ladies’ day out.”

  “Sounds good, Mom, just let me know the details.”

  “Will do, sweetie.” I heard a deep voice in the background, and my mom whispered that she was talking to me. “Dad says hi. I need to run. I can’t wait to see you. Love you!”

  Before I could say anymore the phone went silent. “Love you, too, Mom.”

  Haley and I decided to meet for dinner. Even though we chatted, it wasn’t the same as having her as a roommate. “So, how was your night?” She knew Noah had taken me out, just not the details. A bi-product of not living together.

  “Fun, we went bowling.”

  She smiled. “I know.”

  My heart hammered in my chest. How did she know? “What do you mean you know?”

  Her head bobbed as she chewed her burger. “I went to the apartment to get some things, I saw your shirt in the basket of laundry in the hallway.” She laughed. “I love that it has Sally written on it. How adorable is he?”

  “Very.” I crossed my legs under the table. My body started to crave him. My mind was consumed with him. My heart raced at the thought of him. Shit. I was screwed.

  “Did you kick his ass?”

  “That I did.”

  She tsk’d. “You should never beat a man at a sport. It makes them feel inferior. They need to be good at everything.”

  “Whatever. Not happening. I don’t think it put a dent in his ego. Actually, he seemed very happy and weirdly proud of me.”

  “Hmm . . . really?” Haley dabbed the corners of her lips with her napkin. “Want to know what I think?”


  “Too bad. I think he’s falling for you.” My eyes widened at her declaration. “No, scratch that. I think he’s fallen for you.” She leaned forward, placing her elbows on the table. “Face it, you landed one of New York’s finest. The question is, what are you going to do about it?”

  “You just want everyone to be blissfully happy like you.” She shrugged. “I’m fine with the way things are.”

  “You’re okay with no sex?”
r />   “Yes, I am.” Mostly. I think.

  “If you say so.”

  “You don’t sound convinced.”

  Haley smiled. “I’m not. Would you like to know what else I think?”


  She laughed. “Too bad. I think you’ve fallen for him, too. You don’t see the way your face lights up at the mere mention of his name, or how you looked that morning after you slept with him. Why won’t you give in to that? Before you say it’s because of the past, fuck the past. Really, who cares what happened years ago? This is now, Margo. Do yourself a favor and embrace today.”

  Back in my bed, I thought of everything Haley had said. It wasn’t much different from what I was feeling. Maybe this whole “friends” thing was a mistake. One thing I did know was that I needed to thank him for last night.

  Me: Hi. You busy?

  Hardheaded: Just lying in bed, you?

  My hand drifted over my breasts. What was I doing?

  Me: I’m in bed, too. Thank you for last night. I had fun.

  Hardheaded: You’re welcome. How was your day?

  Me: Good. Yours?

  Hardheaded: Better now.

  Me: Didn’t you have a good day at the office?

  Hardheaded: It was the usual. I closed a few deals, made some new ones.

  Me: Sounds like it was profitable.

  Hardheaded: It was.

  Me: I’m glad. I should get some sleep.

  Hardheaded: I wish I was there.

  Me: You do?

  Hardheaded: Yeah, I do. There’s something I want.

  Me: What?

  Hardheaded: To give you another orgasm. You’re beautiful when you come, did you know that?

  How in the hell would I know that?

  Me: Can’t say that I did.

  Hardheaded: One day soon, I’m going to have you again.

  I glanced over at my nightstand, knowing I could grab my toy, Wendell the Wonder Wand, and get off to this text—so I did. The purple toy felt heavy in my hand. I ran it down my torso until it was between my legs. My breathing labored as I positioned it under the panel of my panties right where I wanted it.

  Hardheaded: Margo?

  Using my free hand, I typed out a text.

  Me: I’m here. Tired. Going to sleep now.

  Fine, I lied. What I really needed was a bit of alone time with Wendell and the memory of Noah.

  Hardheaded: I meant what I said. One day soon, I’m going to make you come harder and longer than you ever have. For now, I’ll think of you. Good night, Sally.

  Me: Sweet dreams, Harry.

  I set the phone down next to me on the mattress, just in case I needed some inspiration. But, when I pressed the little white button, nothing happened. You have got to be kidding me. I tried once more and it came to life and then died. Great. No man and a dead vibrator. Knowing I didn’t have any batteries, I tossed it in the drawer, charged my phone, rolled over, and went to sleep.

  Thanks to our fun night bowling, each one that followed paled in comparison. Rochelle, my glorified assistant with a degree in marketing, and I plotted out next quarter’s strategies. She had great ideas and I planned to implement them. Originally, my focus was on the socialites and boutiques, but Rochelle suggested we target the male consumer. This all made sense, since most men hated to shop, both for themselves and for their significant others.

  We made a list of small shops and designers who specialized in men’s clothing. It was a niche market, so we needed to make sure we hit it with a bang. Rochelle was lining up appointments for me when my office line rang.

  “Exquisitely Yours, this is Margo.”

  “Well, that’s quite a revelation. Do you tell every man who calls this number that you’re his?”

  “Hi, Noah.”

  “Hi. How are you?”

  “I’m good. You know, living the dream.” Living the dream? What the hell was I saying?

  He chuckled. “Which dream would that be? I have several that include you; want to swap stories?”

  “No.” Even though I was taken aback at his dream admission, I wasn’t ready to let him know how many starring roles he had when I went to sleep or the fact that I had tried to get off after our texting session the other night. Note to self: get batteries!

  “Figured you’d say that. So, I’m calling because I wanted to know if you’d like to have a drink with me tomorrow night. I can have Arthur pick you up. I’d do it myself, but I have an appointment across town, and I wouldn’t get to your place until later.”

  “Sure, I’d love to meet you, but you don’t need to send Arthur. I can take a cab.”

  “I’ll send a car. Is five o’clock okay?”

  “Yes, that’s fine, but a car isn’t necessary.”

  “Can you not argue with me, just once?”


  “Good girl.”

  “Bye, Noah.”

  Before I could hang up, he said, “Margo?”


  “I can’t wait to take you in my arms, slide my hand up your back until I get to the nape of your neck . . .” I uncrossed my legs and then crossed them again in the opposite direction. “I’m going to press my lips to the soft skin just below your ear, then your cheek, forehead, other cheek, and finally your mouth. I’ve been dying to taste you again. Trust me, tomorrow night, I’m going to.”

  My breathing faltered. I didn’t even care that he could hear it over the phone. In a soft breath, I said, “See you tomorrow.”

  Chapter 12

  My other friend was also a douchebag . . . I needed new friends.

  Jan entered my office and read off a litany of meetings and calls that needed my attention. She handed me the legal-sized sheet of yellow paper off her notepad and then clicked the top of her pen. I stared at her dumfounded. “You know, all you need to do is add these appointments to my calendar and I’ll get a notification. That’s why you have a computer and iPad.” Even to my own ears I sounded cranky. Jan quirked that all-knowing brow at me. I sighed. “Sorry.”

  “Well, I like my way better. It’s more efficient. Don’t forget you have the Bauman Charity Gala tomorrow night.”

  “What gala?” Son of a bitch.

  She leaned over and pointed to the second item on the paper she gave me. “Right there. It should also be in your computer, since this is the third reminder I’ve given you.” I dropped my head. I hated these things. Before I could ask if I had to attend, she said, “Yes, you need to be there. Your tux is back from the cleaners, and I had it delivered to your apartment.”

  Not wanting to argue, I just nodded. It’d be futile, since she was set in her ways. She walked out the door, and I transferred her appointments to my calendar.

  I groaned as I looked at everything I had on my calendar. The only thing that brought joy to me was the fact that I had scheduled a delivery for Margo. God, what was wrong with me? My phone rang and displayed Adam’s name.

  “Hey, Adam.”

  “Did I catch you at a bad time?” Adam sounded just as stressed as I felt.

  Although, I had a meeting to get to, and then a date with his sister, I made time. “No, I have a minute. How are you?”

  “Good, but I need a favor.” Generally speaking, any time he needed a favor it didn’t bode well for me. “You can say no, but I’d prefer if you didn’t.”

  “What’s up?”

  “You’re going to the Bauman Gala, right?”

  I let out a frustrated breath, remembering he was supposed to be there, too. “Yes. How lucky for you that you’re out of town.” We both hated these fucking things.

  “Not really. Anyway, I was supposed to go with Louisa, and since I’m not in town, I was hoping you’d take her.”

  “What? No way. You know I’m trying to acquire her father’s company, right?” I rubbed my temple with the fingers on my free hand. I would have loved to add, I’m dating your sister so I can’t take someone else, but I refrained. “You told me I could decline.”

  “I lied. Noah, help a brother out. I swear I’ll owe you one. She doesn’t want to go alone, and who cares about her father’s business? You’re not taking him; you’re taking his daughter.” Fuck me. When I remained silent, he said, “Thanks, man. I’ll text you her address.” Before I could stop him, he hung up.

  Owed me one? That was a complete understatement. This had “blow up in my face” written all over it in epic proportions. Not only with Louisa’s father, but with Margo. I wanted to prove to her I was into her and only her, and now I needed to tell her because of her brother, I had a date tomorrow night. Yeah, yeah, technically it wasn’t a date, but to all the gala goers it would appear that way.

  I was sure as shit going to collect on his debt to me when he found out I was dating his sister. Let’s hope after I told her about the gala, dating would still be an option.

  Margo’s eyes met mine as I walked into the small tavern. During the car ride over there, I’d rehearsed over and over again how I would tell her that because of her brother, I was taking another woman to a major social event. However, the thought of her not giving a shit was almost worse than her being mad at me. Would she even care if I went with someone else? She had played hard to get for so long, I couldn’t even remember if we actually were dating.

  “Hello, gorgeous.” I leaned over and kissed her cheek before taking the seat across from her.

  “Hi.” The pink hue on her face made me grin like a fool. Why she still blushed when she was around me, or when I paid her a compliment, baffled me, but I didn’t mind.

  The waiter came over and took our drink orders before leaving us some menus. “How was your day?”

  She shrugged. “It was okay, I guess. Work is a little slow, but that’s the way the business world works, right?”

  Stress lines formed on her forehead. I didn’t like seeing her this way. “Is there anything I can do?”


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