Hard Love

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Hard Love Page 13

by Joanne Schwehm

  “I got us a table.” Cade walked up and shook my hand. “I’m starving.” He waggled his eyebrows as two pretty brunettes walked by. But I had a strawberry blonde beauty in my head, so he could have at them.

  I sat down across from Adam and Cade, who were next to each other. If only I could blurt out, “I’m seeing your sister,” but I had promised Margo that she could tell him, so I suppressed the urge.

  “It’s good to have you back.” I raised my glass to Adam before taking a sip. “The west coast treated you well?”

  Adam nodded. “It did. I’m glad to be home even though I froze my nuts off when I stepped out of the airport.”

  I chuckled. “Did California turn you into a pussy? It was in the sixties today.”

  “Speaking of nuts,” Cade interrupted. “Our boy Noah here has been getting his off the old-fashioned way.”

  Both my friends looked up at me, but I flagged down the waitress so we could order something to eat. Sadly, that only bought me about five minutes.

  “So . . .” Adam said before popping a peanut in his mouth. “Tell me about this Sally chick.”

  You know when you think you’re going to die and your life flashes before your eyes? Well, that was what happened to me. But not because I thought I was going to die, but because of all the ways I felt about Margo. Even though it hadn’t been long since we reconnected, thinking of her in the rain, bowling, looking like a mime, laughing together, kissing her, and how her pussy felt when I was inside her, were all the things I never wanted to end.

  “She’s great. I like her a lot.” Yes, that was lame, and my pals weren’t buying it. Both just looked at me like deer in headlights. “Fine, I care about her. She means more to me than any other woman I’ve ever been with.”

  Adam’s lips quirked to the side. “That doesn’t say much since you don’t commit to one woman. Does Sally know your track record? I give it a month before you get bored and move on, and that’s generous.”

  I shook my head. “No, it’s not like that. She’s different, and you’re right, I’ve never had a long-term relationship, but with her I want one.”

  “Well, then, I can’t wait to meet her.”

  Cade’s eyes went wide. He tipped the top of his bottle toward the entrance of the bar behind me. “Looks like it’s your lucky night. Sally just walked in.”

  Holy shit! Adam’s eyes followed where Cade was pointing. “Where? Hey, there’s my sister. Is Sally friends with Margo?”

  When I pivoted my body to look, my eyes caught Margo’s who looked like she wanted to turn and run, but instead she squared her shoulders, smiled, and walked up to us.

  “Hey there, big brother.” She wrapped Adam in a hug. “What a surprise to see you guys here.”

  Adam looked thrilled to see his sister. When he released Margo, he focused on Rochelle. “Hi, I’m Adam, Margo’s brother, and you must be Sally.” He stretched his arm out toward her.

  My eyes closed, and my head dropped in defeat. Of course, Cade let out a chuckle—dickhead. Everyone looked confused.

  “I’m Rochelle,” she said, shaking Adam’s hand. “Who’s Sally?”

  Margo and I looked at each other. I stood, offered my chair to Rochelle before linking my fingers with Margo’s. Her petite hand had a slight tremble. I gave her a quick, reassuring squeeze.

  Adam’s eyebrows furrowed as he studied what just happened. “Wait . . .” He looked at his sister. “You’re Sally?”

  Margo looked at me for confirmation.

  “I’m dating your sister.” Flew out of my mouth.

  “You’re what?” I tightened my hold on her hand. “My sister? You’re fucking my sister?” Margo gasped, I got pissed, and both of Adam’s hands went to the top of his head as if he was preventing his skull from exploding.

  “First of all, this isn’t the time or place. Second, don’t call it that. I told you I care about her.” I stood between my girlfriend and my best friend. “Can we please talk about this later?”

  Margo interjected. “We have a table waiting.” Rochelle stood just as Margo released my hand. “Adam, don’t flip out. I’m here to celebrate a great week, please don’t ruin it. Plus, I’ve missed you, and I don’t want our reunion to be like this.” Adam nodded. “And, you’re being ridiculous.”

  I slung my arm around Margo, pulling her into a hug, and whispered in her ear, “I’m so sorry. I’ll take care of everything. Go enjoy your night.”

  Before she walked away, she kissed her brother, waved to Cade, and just when I thought she was leaving, she rolled up on the balls of her feet, looped her arms around my neck, and brought her lips to mine. Not a chaste kiss, but our kiss. One that said, “don’t worry, I’m still yours.” It was perfect.

  We all sat back down. Cade, of course, was laughing. “So, what did you think of Sally?”

  Ignoring Cade, Adam looked at me. “If you hurt her, I will end you. Do you understand me? I don’t care that you’re my best friend.” He took a swig of his drink. “My baby sister? Really? Out of all the women in Manhattan, you go after her?”

  “It wasn’t planned; it just happened. Cade was there, ask him.” I crossed my arms over my chest and relaxed back in my chair.

  Adam turned his attention to Cade. “Wait, you knew all along that Sally was Margo?”

  Cade put up his hands in defense mode. “Not my story to tell, man.”

  The waitress dropped off our wings. “Will there be anything else?”

  We all shook our heads. “Look, I’m not going to hurt her. Like I said, she’s special to me.”

  Adam slowly nodded, taking in my words. “You better not. Does she know you have commitment issues?”

  “My issues have nothing to do with commitment. Plus, our relationship is new. We’re getting to know each other. I happen to enjoy being with her.” Once again, he nodded. He understood that I’d never wanted just one woman before, but neither had he.

  “You know I love you like a brother. Just don’t do anything stupid.” His words didn’t hold an ounce of humor, not that I expected them to.

  “Are we good? Can we eat now? I’m starving.” Cade reached for the plate of wings.

  We fell into our normal banter. My phone dinged with a text from Margo.

  Meet me near the ladies’ room.

  I waited a minute before excusing myself. Nerves started to build in the pit of my stomach. I hoped that her brother’s reaction didn’t give her second thoughts. If they did, I’d be the one doing the ass kicking and Adam would be on the receiving end.

  Margo stood next to the wall waiting for me. “Hey, is everything all right?” I asked.

  She smiled and threw her arms around me. “Yes, are you okay?”

  I cupped her face with my hands, tilting her head up. “Sweetheart, I’m fantastic.” I gave her a quick peck on her lips—anything more and I’d have her pinned against the wall. “You worried me. We can talk about it when I come over.”

  “You’re still coming?”

  Lines formed on my forehead as I studied her. “Don’t you want me to?”

  “Yes, of course. I just thought maybe you reconsidered . . .” She shrugged one shoulder. “You know . . . us.”

  “Not on your life. To be honest, I’m glad he knows. How are you getting home?”

  “Rochelle and I will share a cab.”

  “I’ll have Arthur waiting for you.” She opened her mouth to speak. “Don’t argue.”

  “Fine. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I better get back before your brother figures out where I went.”

  She laughed. “I’ll see you later.”

  “You better believe you will.”

  Watching her walk away from me, even though I knew it was just for a few hours, gave me an odd sensation in my chest. Commitment was a funny word. I’ve committed to my job, my friends, and philanthropy, but to a woman, never. There were so many varieties of how two people could commit to each other. But what I did know for sure was, at this momen
t, I was committed to Margo.

  Chapter 17

  Headed to paradise.

  “Where are we going?” It was the weekend Noah was whisking me away to an unknown destination. When I attempted to prod it out of him, asking what I should pack, he remained silent except to say he had everything I would need.

  We had been in the car for over thirty minutes, Noah holding my hand and didn’t say a word. Trying a different tactic, I leaned forward. “Arthur, do you know where we’re headed?” Both men laughed, causing my bottom lip to jut out.

  “Trust me?” Noah’s thumb caressed the back of my hand.

  “Yes, but . . .”

  His index finger covered my lips. “Then stop asking questions.” He smirked, and my entire body tingled in anticipation.

  Arthur weaved through traffic. Noah kissed me in the backseat as if we were kids. His diversionary tactic worked because I hadn’t noticed we left the city. When we slowed down, I looked out the window and saw a tower. “Are we at an airport on Long Island?”

  “That’s a question,” Noah said. “You’re horrible at this. Maybe you should have been a reporter.”

  “Ha-ha, very funny.”

  The sedan finally came to a stop adjacent to a medium-sized jet. Not wanting to ask anything, I opted to stay silent. Butterflies took flight in my stomach, wondering what he had planned. No one had ever done anything like this for me before—not that I dated many men who had Noah’s resources. The only surprise my ex gave me was when I found out he cheated on me.

  “Come on, let’s go.” Noah gave me a mischievous grin before exiting the car.

  Of course, Arthur was at my door, opening it before I could reach for the handle. “Have fun, Miss Margo.”

  Noah placed his hand on the small of my back and led me to the stairs of the airplane. “Your chariot awaits.” He swung his free arm toward the door. “After you.”

  I had been on private planes before, but they were nothing like this one. Each part of this aircraft screamed luxury, much like Noah’s apartment. “Wow, this is unbelievable.” I dragged my fingers over the supple leather chair before turning to look at Noah, whose face shone with pride.

  “Thank you. Let me show you around.” He took my hand. “As you can see, this is the main cabin.” I nodded and took in the size of it. Eight chairs, four side by side and four facing each other, and right behind them were two couches with a small table between them.

  Then he opened a narrow door, and the bed grabbed my attention—covered in a fluffy white comforter. Plush periwinkle pillows were propped up against the navy button-back headboard.

  Noah’s arms wrapped around my waist. With my back against his chest, he whispered in my ear. “This flight isn’t too long, but we do have some time, if you’d like to join the mile-high club.”

  I spun in his arms, his biceps flexed under my touch. “What makes you think I’m not already a member?”

  His smile faltered, making me feel bad for my question. “Are you?”

  I fired back with a grin. “Are you?”

  He leaned his forehead against mine. “I don’t bring women on my plane, and I haven’t flown commercial in years, so no, I’m not.”

  “Good, because I’d like for you to issue me my membership card.”

  Noah cupped my face with his strong gentle hands; his lips felt like feathers on mine. “When we get airborne, I’ll be happy to fulfill that request.”

  So many things about him surprised me. Never in a million years would I have thought he hadn’t brought women on this plane. Not to mention, never having sex in it or any aircraft. Something about being his first filled my heart.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Winston?” A tall, very handsome man in a pilot’s uniform stood just outside the bedroom.

  “Joel, this is Margo Perry. Margo, this is my pilot and long-time friend, Joel, who insists on calling me Mr. Winston even though we were in the same fraternity.”

  The two men shook hands. “Yes, well, I’m at work, so you’re Mr. Winston.”

  Noah shook his head. “I should fire you.”

  They shared a laugh, making me smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Joel, and before you do, please call me Margo.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He winked at me. Noah tossed his arm possessively around my shoulders, causing Joel to chuckle at Noah’s expense. “We will be taking off in about ten minutes, if you could kindly take your seats. I’ll let you know when you’re free to move around the cabin. Allison is on board today as your flight attendant. If you need anything, please let her know.”

  When we took our seats, a woman, who I could only assume was Allison, approached us. “Good morning, sir.” She looked at me questioningly, raising my cockles just a bit.

  “Hi, I’m Margo, Mr. Winston’s girlfriend.”

  Noah glanced at me and smirked like the devil himself. “Do you want anything, sweetheart?”


  He nodded and turned to Allison. “Two please.”

  Once we were airborne, and two drinks in, Joel’s voice came through the overhead speaker alerting us we were at cruising altitude. Noah reached over, unclipped my seatbelt, took my hand, and pulled me into the bedroom.

  “Are you ready for me to issue you your membership card?” His lips found the curve of my neck, then that spot behind my ear that made my lady parts come alive.

  Realization hit that I still didn’t know where we were headed. “So, where are you whisking me off to?”

  Noah laid me down on the bed. His strong arms held his body above mine. He looked into my eyes, and if I wasn’t already in the clouds that would have sent me there.


  “Wow.” I craned my head back to take in the high ceilings of this gorgeous home. Glass walls outlined the back of the house, allowing the view of the Gulf of Mexico to feel as it if was part of the décor.

  “Thank you, I bought it last year.” Noah strolled into the big gourmet kitchen, which was at least two times larger than my entire apartment in New York.

  The place was immaculate. Subtle hues of grays and white, just like his bedroom back in the city. The only pictures on the walls were scenic or abstracts. No photos of family or friends. Noah followed as I walked to the glass wall in the back of his home. The sunshine danced on the pristine pool water as it rippled in the warm breeze. Every part of this house was perfect from the inside out.

  “Why don’t you live here? Naples is beautiful.”

  “Because I don’t want to associate this place with work. Plus, living in Florida full-time doesn’t have the same appeal to me as the city does. It’s my getaway.” Before I could say anything, Noah leaned over and grabbed a remote off the small sofa table, wrapped his arms around me, and placed his chin on my shoulder. He clicked a button and the glass walls slid open. I gasped as the outdoor space just became part of the home. He pressed another button and soft music started playing.

  “Impressive.” I glanced at him. “Thank you for this.”

  “Thank you for coming with me. This place is very special to me. Come on, let’s have a seat.” He motioned toward the patio sofa. “Would you like a drink? Glass of wine, maybe?”

  “Sure, that would be nice.” He opened a bottle in the alfresco bar and poured us each a glass.

  Once we both had our drinks, he raised his glass. “To us.”

  Us. My heart swelled just hearing the two-letter word. “To us,” I repeated.

  We took a sip and set our glasses down. Noah pulled me into his side, wrapping his arm around me. My hand caressed his chest as he spoke. “I’m so happy that you agreed to come with me this weekend.” He kissed the top of my head. “You really do mean a lot to me; I told Adam the same.”

  His admission caught me by surprise. I straightened so I could look into his eyes. “You did?”

  “Yes. He needed to know that you weren’t just a fling to me. My past reputation with women had him questioning my ability to commit to just one.” My heartbeat stutt
ered at the thought of all the women who came before me. Would I want to know his number? No, not a chance in hell. When I remained silent, he continued, “I can and I have. Since that rainy day, I haven’t seen or been with anyone else.”

  Did he want me to acknowledge the same? For some reason, I didn’t feel that was necessary. My life was so much different than his. Sure, I loved the finer things in life, but I was content with what I had been able to afford on my own without having to delve into my trust fund. My family’s wealth didn’t come close to Noah’s—he was in a different league.

  “I’m glad.”

  I watched as his Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat. “You don’t sound convinced.”

  “No, I am. You have always been my dream guy.” He smiled wide as I blushed. “Some days, like today, I just feel like this isn’t reality. As if it’s something I conjured up in my head. That tomorrow I’m going to wake up and this will all have been a dream.”

  “I can assure you it isn’t. You’re the first woman who has wanted me for me. Maybe it’s because you knew me when I was a cocky college guy who hung out at your house. But, to be honest, I’m glad we didn’t get together then, or we probably wouldn’t be together now.”

  I furrowed my eyebrows. “Why? Would you have gotten bored?”

  “I highly doubt that would have been the case. But you wanted to go away and start a life for yourself. Can you honestly say if we were together then, you would have left?” I shrugged my shoulders, all the while knowing the answer was no. “Then you would’ve resented me and thus we would’ve broken up.”

  “So, you have us all figured out?”

  Noah let out a chuckle as he linked his fingers through mine. “Not a chance. All I know for sure is that I like where we are right now.”

  “I do, too.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “You’re a really great guy, Noah.”

  “Don’t sound so surprised.”

  I laughed. “I’m not—not really.” Our hands rocked back and forth on my lap. “Noah?”

  “Yeah?” His gruff voice made the fine hairs on the back of my neck stand up.


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