Dangerous to the Touch (The Lindsey Smith Detective Series Book 1)

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Dangerous to the Touch (The Lindsey Smith Detective Series Book 1) Page 4

by Melinda Craig

  “Seriously…why don’t you ever answer your cell?!”

  He must think I’m an amateur, I’d been solving cases since I graduated high school and I was no idiot. My purse also contained pepper spray and a small handgun, I knew how to use both.

  At this point I was on edge and nothing could be done to make me feel better. So much for the calm I needed to feel prepared. I tugged at my black gloves, trying to not feel anxious.

  “Thanks a lot Jake.” I murmured to myself.

  At last, footsteps echoed in the hall, making their way closer. I took a deep breath and remained poised. With the element of surprise gone, I decided to just go for it. Shaking Samuel Cade’s hand was probably the best way to sort out his innocence or guilt. I took the black glove on my right hand off and placed it in my purse. Clutching the purse tightly against my shoulder, I straightened my black pants and stood, ready for the elusive Samuel Cade to walk in.

  At last, in walked the butler and behind him was the man, who I assumed, was Samuel Cade. He stood in the hallway just out of my full site, the shadows from the hall concealing his face. I could see the family resemblance, even from this distance. From what I could tell, the brother was the same build and carried a similar robust middle. The butler smiled and spoke.

  “Miss Smith, sorry for the wait. Your early arrival had thrown us off. Indeed, we hadn’t expected you to find your way here for at least a few more weeks. May I present to you Mr. Cade.”

  I stood with my hand outstretched as Samuel Cade walked in. However, I was greeted by Theodore Cade, my client. My hand faltered and fell to my side as I tried to smooth out the confusion that was plastered across my face. Feeling a little awkward, I spoke.

  “Mr. Cade…I was waiting for your brother.”

  His plush face no longer held the anxiety I was used to seeing. For a man who suspected his brother hated him, he was quite at ease in his home. Mr. Cade’s lips stretched into a smile and a glint of excitement shone through his gaze. He stretched his arms wide and embraced me, swinging me in a circle, yet somehow managing to not make any skin contact with my right hand. Completely taken aback with shock, I felt myself sinking to the plush couch trying to gather my thoughts…I was a planner, I planned for any scenario that could happen when I went somewhere, still…this outcome took me by surprise. Mr. Cade snapped his fingers at the butler and immediately I was presented with a glass of iced tea. I took a sip, trying to remind myself to stay composed as I gave my client my full attention. Taking that as a cue, he spoke.

  “Miss Smith! It is a delight! Oh, how I didn’t think you would make it here for at least a few weeks. Truly, you have no idea how happy it makes me to see you. Your clever mind is remarkable and you, little miss, are full of surprises.”

  Mr. Cade winked at me--actually winked--as he spoke! I was so filled with awkward confusion and curiosity that I almost spilled my tea on my blouse. Steadying my hand, I cleared my throat.

  “Mr. Cade, it was my understanding that you wanted me to find your briefcase, and you led me here to your brother Samuel? Now, I was under the impression you and your brother were not on speaking terms and I took time out of my day to try and get a read on your brother…imagine my surprise finding you here. You’ll need to explain yourself.”

  My tone was blunt and business professional. Above all else, I could stay calm or at least appear to be. Mr. Cade’s excitement still shone brightly in his eyes and he paced the floor with enthusiasm, using his hands as he spoke.

  “Oh Miss Smith! It’s wonderful, I’m sure you will forgive me once I explain.”

  My patience was thinning…and I could only hold the calm for so long without losing it. Without giving it another thought, I grabbed Mr. Cade’s wrist. I was jolted and felt the familiar numbing pull of a mind washing over mine. I was back to the original memory I saw in my first meeting with Mr. Cade. This time, the memory took shape where I had left off. Mr. Cade’s fear was still evident as he stared at the man who was walking away with his briefcase…and then his features relaxed. The man had turned around and pulled his hood and mask off. Mr. Cade spoke to him and began to scold the thief…

  “Dear God, Max! You didn’t have to sneak up on me like that!”

  “Theo...You and I both know that Miss Smith reads strong emotional memories, remember?”

  “You don’t think you could have warned me!?” Mr. Cade shook his head and raised his hand to massage his temple, “Aaah…I suppose you are right though. Can I have my briefcase back now? The forms in there happen to be my life.”

  “Of course sir. Here, I trust you obtained what you needed?”

  “Oh, you know I did Max.”

  Mr. Cade opened the briefcase and pulled out a single sheet of paper with a list of names. Mine was on top.

  “There she is,” Mr. Cade sighed in some obvious admiration. “Why does Mr. Grannerd need her? He would pick my favorite…”

  “Yes sir, a pity but she is requested.”

  “No doubt, no doubt.”

  Mr. Cade pulled out a check from the briefcase and handed it to the butler.

  “For your service Max. Couldn’t have done this without you.”

  “I am, as always, just performing my job sir.”

  “Yes, yes. Money talks and I value your work. Look, I am guessing Miss Smith makes her living without an inkling of when her next case will come up. I’m going to make her a financial offer she can’t refuse. I’m sure she’ll take it…she is a sensible, gifted woman…”

  A sick adoring sigh escaped Mr. Cade. “You don’t suppose he’d let me keep her when he’s done do you?”

  Max looked at Mr. Cade and raised his eyebrow in response.

  “No…I suppose not then. Pity…her talent has evolved at such a high rate these last few years.”

  Suddenly the electricity ended as did the memory. Mr. Cade was smiling a twisted smile and I sank back onto the sofa. How had he been watching me without my knowledge? Who was this Mr. Grannerd? None of this made sense.

  “I wish you wouldn’t have done that Miss Smith…Lindsey,” Mr. Cade said, still with a twisted smile on his face. He reached over and grabbed my left gloved hand and wrapped both of his around it, “Please excuse the deception I had to play. You have no idea how incredible you are. I know you have so many questions and I wish I could be the one to answer them…but, someone else can. He can help you tap into your full potential…it’s all there…you don’t even realize.”

  I yanked my hand from Mr. Cade, disgusted at his expression, his lies, and frustrated that I wanted to know more at the same time.

  “How dare you…you have wasted my time Mr. Cade. How have you been following me!? I would have noticed if I was being trailed!”

  Chuckling, Mr. Cade got up from his kneeled position. He looked at me with an arrogance I had never noticed in our meetings before. Apparently, Mr. Cade was a good actor and I hated myself for falling for the incompetence he pretended to portray.

  “Lindsey…sweetheart…you wouldn’t know. You’re so unique. We’ve been watching you since the day you were born. There was always the possibility your gift would manifest but I was never allowed to interfere…not until now.”

  Since the day I was born…it hit me like a ton of bricks on my chest and I sank further into the soft plush couch. My mind sorting, thinking, trying to find a link. Mr. Cade looked pathetic; I almost felt sorry for him. He was anxious and that anxiety was real this time. I had no doubt it had to do with his boss, Mr. Grannerd. I wanted to know…to know more-but not from him. Trying to not be caught or carried off…whatever they planned to do, I feigned composing myself, acting like I was catching my breath and turned away from Mr. Cade towards my purse. I threw in a few sniffles for effect and pretended to look for a tissue. I could hear Mr. Cade ordering his butler to grab me one and begging me not to cry. It gave me the time I needed to pull out my pepper spray.

  Mr. Cade walked closer, “Lindsey…Miss. Smith, listen. Mr. Grannerd will make it worth your w
hile. He’ll explain how you and your gift exist and much more…I thought I had time to ease you into this but you’ve been too smart and showed up much earlier than I anticipa----AAAAAAHHHHH.”

  I blinded him with a thick spray from my weapon. Mr. Cade was rubbing his eyes and coughing on the pepper spray which I had doused him in. His butler, or hitman—whoever he was, came running towards Mr. Cade for assistance and I aimed the pepper spray in his face as well. He looked confused and surprised that I had anything to protect myself with, until the fire stung and his eyes began to water. The butler reached out as I ran past, causing me to drop my purse and its contents. I frantically grabbed my keys as quick as I could, and felt Mr. Cade grab my ankle, causing me to trip and hit my head on the end table. Without any feeling of remorse, I kicked Cade hard and heard the satisfying break of his nose and a squeal of pain.

  I ran. I ran as fast as I could, out of the waiting room and down the ornate hallway. I had one goal and it was to get to my car. I reached the front door, yanking it open and gave a full force run…right into Jake. I could hear his breath leave him as we toppled over the steps onto the paved driveway.

  “Good God, Lindsey. I’m the good guy remember?”

  “Jake! Oh My God-move! Get out of here, we have to leave!”

  I untangled myself from Jake and saw a glimmer of amusement in his eyes and then was roughly shoved back into the ground with Jake covering me. I could feel the marble driveway owning my face, leaving a nasty scratch from the shove. I heard a loud bang as Jake’s gun went off and I tried to lift my face.


  I dared to turn my head back just a smidge and saw Mr. Cade on his knees, holding his newly shot arm. His eyes were still splotched and red from the pepper spray and he spluttered and slurred from pain as he talked, blood dripping from his nose.

  “Lindsey…Ms. Smith. Please, you don’t understand what is at stake here. I need to deliver you to Mr. Grannerd.”

  Jake had made his way over to Mr. Cade, twisting his arms behind his back and cuffing the man. Mr. Cade cried out from the pain in his wounded arm.

  “She’s not going anywhere with you Cade. Stay down or I’ll shoot you in the head.”

  Mr. Cade whimpered from the pain but didn’t take his gaze off of Jake. I could see a festering, dangerous hate through those eyes, as he watched Jake approach and help me to my feet. Just as I was pulled up, I saw Max, the butler, stumble out of the house. He was carrying a gun and he looked angry…


  He was running towards us with purpose, and I realized I still had my pepper spray attached to my key ring. I yanked it out, ready to aim if need be, only to have Jake knock it out of my hand. The keys and my only weapon hit the ground, at least a foot out of reach. Max, Mr. Cade’s butler/hitman was shielding his eyes and looking warily at me.

  “For the love of God woman…please put that thing down,” Max stared at Jake as he spoke, “She has impeccable aim.”

  Jake laughed out loud and clasped the man on the back, embracing him in a hug...leaving me speechless.

  “Lindsey, meet my friend and partner Max. He’s an undercover police officer. Actually, he’s the reason I was put on this strange case and the reason you’re safe.”

  I stared at both of them, not even attempting to hide my confusion…and then the confusion left, replaced by a rage of realization. I was the only one who had no idea any of this was going on. The whole time…Jake knew. He knew, and could have told me sooner. I whirled around, shoving my finger in Jake’s face, anger exploding out.

  “ARE YOU KIDDING ME? What on earth were you thinking!? YOU KNEW! You knew the whole time and didn’t find it convenient to let me know what was going on? And what do you mean partner? I saw this man in Mr. Cade’s mind and he tried to stop me from leaving!”

  I reached my arm back to slap Jake across the face, but he was too quick and grabbed my gloved wrist, gently moving it back down to my side before he spoke.

  “Hey now…calm down ok. If you don’t remember, I tried to call you all morning Lindsey. It’s just like a woman to throw the blame around.”

  “You lowlife son of--”

  My rant was interrupted by Max clearing his throat.

  “I’d hate to interrupt this highly interesting conversation Jake, but your perp is making a slow escape,” he looked at Jake, “I think you should get him since I’m still recovering from Miss Smith’s pepper spray to the face.”

  We all turned to look at Mr. Cade bumbling across his garden with his hands cuffed behind his back. He tripped over one of the statues that filled his garden.

  Jake sighed loudly, “Mr. Cade, I believe I told you to stay where I put you…lucky for you, I’m feeling generous and won’t shoot you in the head like I fully intended to do earlier.”

  Jake closed the distance between him and Mr. Cade in a matter of moments. He put pressure on Mr. Cade’s wound causing him to cry out like a girl and then dragged him to his feet and towards Jake’s patrol car…how had I missed that he had pulled in with a cop car?

  Jake shoved Mr. Cade into the backseat of his car, but before closing the door he spoke.

  “You know…we may be able to get you a plea bargain if you cooperate Mr. Cade. You haven’t shown a tendency for violence and that can work for you...all you have to do is tell me where to find Mr. Grannerd and more about the list.”

  Mr. Cade’s face lacked all color as he took in the reality of the situation, but Jake’s attempt at good cop got him nowhere. Cade spit by Jake’s shoes and the loathing hate that was focused on Jake, slowly turned to Max. Mr. Cade spoke, barely above a whisper, but I could still hear his quiet and sincerely felt threat.

  “You Max…you have been added to the list. From this day forward, there will be nowhere you can run, nothing you can do. He will find you, and when he does…” Mr. Cade let out a deranged, unnatural cackle. Jake slammed the door shut.

  Jake looked at Max.

  “You got it?”

  Max handed Jake a familiar piece of paper. Taking a look at the names on the list, Jake shook his head and handed it to me.

  “Know any of these people by chance?”

  Ten names were printed on the sheet. My name at the top, had been crossed out. I looked at them all, trying to find a familiar name, but none stood out to me.

  “No, I’m afraid I don’t recognize any of them…I’m not even entirely sure how they knew…you know? About me, I mean…none of this makes sense. Not that much of my life ever did.”

  “This is what I wanted to talk to you about earlier Lindsey…well, actually, to stop you first and then tell you. I didn’t realize how soon you’d take action and I should have found a way to give you a heads up…but, Lindsey, this case is big. Bigger than you even. All of these names are known professionals for their different gifts.”

  I blinked, one, two, three times…processing Jake’s statement. I stared at his face, searching for the familiar sarcasm he had shown since the day we met, but there was none.

  “You mean they are like me?”

  Jake ran his hands through his hair and looked at me with a touch of pity. Max took this moment to speak.

  “Yes, Lindsey. You’ve all been marked and tracked from the day you were born…unfortunately, this discovery wasn’t made until much later or we could have tried to find everyone sooner. I know you saw me in the vision, and unlike Jake’s logic that keeps getting in his way of believing, I do know you can do what you say. My mother was very similar to you, you know.”

  I looked at Max, the man I had thought an enemy just minutes before, the man I still wasn’t sure I could trust. I reached out to touch his face with my bare right hand but before I made contact he turned his cheek and stepped away.

  “I know you don’t trust me, and that’s fine Lindsey…but some people’s past are their own. Please don’t try that again,” and with that, Max walked to his car and got in. He gave a nod to Jake and rolled down his window before dri
ving away.

  “I trust you can get Miss Smith to safety, Jake?”

  “Of course.” Jake smiled at me and gave me another rueful wink. I rolled my eyes, not feeling the normal anger or offense I typically did when I was around him. I looked up at Jake and raised my eyebrows,

  “Ok…detective, er, policeman—whichever you are. What’s the plan from here?”

  Jake smirked before speaking.

  “You know Lindsey, you have such a delicate way with words…”

  “Oh please, like you do Jake.”

  “Alright, alright. Well, Miss Smith., if you will follow me to the patrol car, I will escort you home. You get to sit up front of course; I wouldn’t dare put you in back with Mr. Cade and from there, I’ll just need you to hang tight and wait at home. We will have you come in for a statement later…oh, and here, you might want to make a copy of this...if you tell anyone I let you do that, I’ll deny it.”

  Our fingers brushed as Jake handed me back the piece of paper with the ten names. I looked up to smile at him but instead of seeing his face, a jolt of electricity ignited and my vision blurred. I knew the contact of his fingertips with my bare hand was taking me somewhere else…somewhere in Jake Lauren’s mind.

  Blood, it surrounded the floor in splatters and puddles. It covered his hands, those hands that looked familiar to my own painful past. Jake rocked back and forth, the red liquid smeared on his hands and his shirt as he cradled someone and sobbed. She was young, maybe thirteen. I not only heard his cries but felt the pain. My chest ached with sorrow and I thought I would lose myself in this moment, this overwhelming sense of grief. I looked up and saw an officer walk over to Jake…for the first time I noticed how young Jake was. A teenager, perhaps fifteen?

  “We’ll get the bastard Jake. If I have to search my entire life, I’ll take him down son.”

  With another jolt of electricity, the memory ended. I stood frozen looking at my ungloved hand. I glanced up at Jake, pleading with my eyes…praying he would not be angry at the uninvited intrusion in his mind. Jake stood there, his eyes faced towards me but it was evident he was mentally somewhere else...I knew he was back in the present when his look turned into one of disgust. My stomach dropped. I was familiar with this reaction. It never pays to let your walls down when you are what I am. Through clenched teeth he spoke.


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