Once Written, Twice Shy (The Broken Men Chronicles)

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Once Written, Twice Shy (The Broken Men Chronicles) Page 21

by Decevito, Carey

  Lost in my reverie of the fresh memory, the scent of her arousal still surrounding me, remnants of our earlier copulation, I hadn’t noticed her return.

  “I sure hope you plan on helping me eat this but judging by that tent you’re pitching I’d have to say that you’re not hungry for sweets just yet,” she said and leaned up against the doorway in her naked glory. She licked the bit of icing off of her finger before walking up to the bedside.

  “Actually, you couldn’t be more wrong, sexy,” I said and took the plate with the cake from her with one hand and pulled her down on top of me with the other.

  Alissa had smeared a handful of cake over my chest and if I thought that her kissing, licking and nipping had been erotic before, the fact that she was eating our dessert off my body had me bursting at the seams. I wanted my turn to come but that mouth of hers had me at her mercy for a little while longer.

  I had grabbed the last bit of cake and massaged it onto her breasts, bits falling and sticking to her stomach. Soon enough it would be my turn to show her how one eats off another.

  I pulled her face up to mine and laughed at the sight of chocolate smeared across her lips and chin.

  “A hot mess,” I said, sucked a few crumbs and icing off her chin before sucking her lower lip into my mouth which made her moan.

  As messy as this whole experience was, it was one of the most sensual ventures I had ever enjoyed.

  “I missed a spot.” She pouted.

  “You’ll never get it all off,” I said, “this stuff is just too damn sticky.”

  “That’s what you think,” she said, winked and gave me a grin as if she knew something I didn’t and shimmied down my body, her wicked mouth going to work again.

  Showered and the sheets changed from our earlier chocolate indulgence, we settled in bed with the TV on mute.

  “I’m thinking about making it a rule where you’re naked when we’re both home,” I said kissing the crown of her head. Her body shook with silent laughter while my fingertips tickled the skin of her bare back and she cuddled into me.

  “Only if you’re naked with me,” she said and dropped a kiss on my chest. “So, are you going to tell me what else you’re hiding?”

  “There’s nothing to tell,” I said and hoped that I was more convincing than I sounded to myself.

  She looked up at me and said, “Sure, and that’s why you’re not twitching like your itching to tell me what’s going on.”

  “Honey, it’s for me to know and you to find out. I promise that you’ll love it when the time comes.”

  Chapter 30

  Two weeks had gone by and everything was been going great. Jasper’s health was getting better every day to the point that Doctor Messing approximated that he’d be able to come home in the next couple of weeks if his neutrophil count kept going up and stayed high enough as well as his engraftment which was a fancy term I learned meant that his body was agreeing and accepting the transplant more and more.

  With Messing’s help, we found a specialist to work with Jasper on his slight speech impediment at Julie’s request despite the fact that we had been told that our son’s difficulties might not be permanent. My ex had decided, for all of us that it was safer to err on the side of caution and have someone work with Jasper as soon as possible. I saw her point but I also didn’t want Jasper to feel overwhelmed by this sudden extracurricular that had seemed more frustrating to him than fun from the get-go. Those initial visits had not been fun with the boy breaking down in frustration which only aggravated his condition as Julie referred to it. The minute my son got flustered, excited or suffered a sudden surge of any emotion, his slur grew exponentially.

  If you’re thinking right now that I held resentment toward my ex-wife, you’re damn right I did! I wanted Jasper to have his normal life back. I didn’t want to rush to hire a speech therapist for him. A four-year-old doesn’t need that kind of push that early in his life. But still, to keep the peace, I went with it and after about five sessions, Jasper was making progress and was adapting well to the change in his routine. That in it of itself did wonders to still my conscience.

  Earlier in the week, Jasper should have started his first year of school. He was all too disappointed to learn he couldn’t go and more than upset that he didn’t get to make new friends. My son had voiced that all his classmates would have their friends by the time he got there. Try and explain to a four-year-old that it was possible to have multiple friends and reassure him that he wouldn’t be cheated in his delay to experience schooling.

  It was now Saturday, and after two weeks of keeping things bottled up, it was time for me to come clean with Alissa.

  My plan had been set in motion on the day I had signed those papers at Jake’s office. My parents had time to set their affairs in order which was why I delayed telling Allie in the first place. The fact that we were busy with work and visiting Jasper whenever we weren’t at our respective offices posed as another reason as to why I hadn’t given her the news sooner. My final reason for holding off on telling her…she was the queen of surprises. I felt like having some fun with the delivery of my news and it was high time that I surprised her myself.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?” she asked as she snuck her arms around my torso.

  I hadn’t noticed her enter the shower stall during my deep pondering session. I turned and pulled her under the steady stream of water that poured over me and faced her.

  She wrapped her arms around my neck, got on the tips of her toes to kiss me.

  “How much I’m going to miss having you around today,” I said.

  “I’m only working a few extra hours until dinnertime,” she said. “You’ll get a whole day alone with Jasper, one I think you both could use since I’ve been in the picture.”

  “And all he’ll be talking about is you,” I said.

  She giggled. “And I love him even more for it.”

  “Of course you do,” I said and rolled my eyes.

  “Do I sense jealousy?”

  “Not really. He knows you’re mine,” I said and held her against me. “He can talk about you until he’s blue in the face, I’ll only enjoy hearing from his perspective on how perfect you are for me, for him. It’ll remind me of how much I miss you though. I’ve grown used to it being the three of us together.”

  We finished with our shower, got dressed and headed out for the day but not before Alissa had left me fused to the spot I stood in with a spine-tingling kiss that promised me a reward for my tiny sacrifice. What she didn’t know was how I planned on collecting that said reward later.

  “I’ll miss you,” I said as I saw her off from the front step. “So you’ll meet me over at the ranch when you’re done?”

  “You know I will…times two,” she said through her car window while backing out of the drive. “Give Jasper a kiss from me and I’ll see by five, not a minute later.”


  It was nearing five now and Mom was in the kitchen while Dad and I sat in the living room, our beers in hand and talking about anything and everything.

  My stomach did a flip when I heard the light knock on the front door but the minute I opened it to let her in, a sense of calm washed over me.

  What would she think of what I’d done?

  “You’re early,” I said looking at my watch and noticing that it was ten to five.

  “I couldn’t stay away.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Julie and I were done an hour and a half ago.”

  “And you didn’t call?” I asked and tried to get a read on her.

  “It was your day with Jasper. How was your man day?” She smiled and her arms wrapped around my neck while looking up at me.

  “Great,” I said and kissed her smiling lips, “better now that you’re home.”

  “But we’re not home,” she said.

  “It is whenever you’re with me,” I said.

  “Charmer,” she said and patted me on the cheek before giving me a small peck on the m
outh. “I can only imagine what you want when you start spouting that stuff.”

  “And you eat it up every time, baby,” I said.

  “Right you are, handsome.” She winked.

  I took Alissa’s hand and escorted her into the living room. She was looking around and I could tell that she was deep in thought.

  “Pax,” she said.


  “Is it just me or does it seem like there’s a lack of furniture from the last time we were here?” she asked.

  “For good reason,” my mother said. Alissa turned with me to face the woman who had now joined us. “We’re moving.”

  “But why would you want to leave a place like this?” she asked, looking at me with worry in her face but I smiled back at her.

  It hadn’t been the reaction she had expected by the looks of things. She knew I loved the place. Hell, she loved it too and had said so on numerous occasions.

  “It’s time to move on, sweetie,” Mom said, looking at Dad and smiling, “this house was built for a family and I’m sure the new owners will love it as much as we have for all these years.”

  “Someone’s already bought the place?” she asked and squeezed my hand.

  “That they did. If you ask me, it was a steal,” my Dad said and eyed me. If I wasn’t careful the man would give it all away.

  “I hadn’t even realized it was for sale,” Alissa said.

  “Well, it wasn’t up until about two weeks ago when we chose to go for it and live life a little more,” Mom said and grabbed my father’s hand in hers as she sat on the arm of the chair, beside him, “so we jumped on the first offer that was made.”

  “Lucky family,” Alissa said and I couldn’t help but notice that for as little time she had spent here, she seemed to have formed an attachment to the place.

  “Yes, they are,” Dad said. “That little boy will love it here as much as our sons ever did. I hope they have lots of kids. This place needs at least a couple more on top of the one they already have.”

  My mother giggled. I was beside myself with what my Dad had just blurted out.

  “There better be at least one of their own,” Mom added and kissed Dad on the forehead as they shared a wistful look between the two of them.

  “How could you not want to fill this house up with kids?” Alissa asked. “It’s what I’d do.” No sooner had she spoken, she realized what she’d said and covered her mouth in shock. I laughed at her statement, her blush far from concealable. “Provided I was happy, not to mention married,” she added a little too late which made us all laugh at her attempt at old school propriety.

  “Of course, honey, of course,” my mother said and winked at me.

  Mom! I gave the woman a warning look.

  “I’m glad to hear that,” Dad added insult to injury. “I guess wishes do come true.”

  Alissa looked between my parents and then at me and then did the same thing over again. I couldn’t hide the smirk from my face any longer. All the woman did was smirk back but I saw the glimmer of confusion in her eyes which was chased away with the gleam of suspicion. The three of us were grinning like the Cheshire cat by then.

  “What’s going on?” she asked but no one spoke up as we could tell she was reviewing the conversation in her mind. “Wait. What? Am I missing something here?” She pointed a finger at me. “You should be upset but you’re not.” She pointed in my parents’ direction. “You’d think that you two would be sad after all the years and good times spent here but you seem to-”

  “Son, tell her,” my Dad said with a slight warning tone.

  “Paxton,” Alissa turned to me, “what’s going on? Tell me what?”

  I couldn’t hold the kid-like excitement that was beginning to wrack my insides with giggles. I broke into a fit.

  “Paxton Lowell,” Alissa pushed a second time and got up with her hands fisted on her hips to face me. It only caused my fit to get louder and for my father to join the raucous.

  “Nice to see that you’ve found one just like your mother, son,” Dad said which merited him a slap to the back of the head from none other than my mother. “Hey!”

  “Don’t you dare laugh when I know damn well you enjoy it when I get demanding,” she said and broke down into a fit of giggles herself while I reached out and pulled Alissa so she sat sideways on my lap.

  “I didn’t say I didn’t,” the man said.

  “Guys,” I looked at my parents with exasperation lacing my tone. I turned to face Alissa again who was brimming with impatience. “Let me put it in a simpler fashion,” I said and handed her a velvet box which I hoped would alleviate any remaining confusion and help her piece the puzzle together.

  “Paxton, one thing at a time please,” she said and rolled her eyes. “Now tell me what’s going on and then I’ll open it.”

  “The answer is in the box, gorgeous,” I said and pushed her hand-covered box toward her body. “Open it.” She stared at the box and rubbed the velvet with her fingers. She looked up at me with suspicion. “Open it already.”

  She did.

  Her brows furrowed.

  She picked up what was inside and held it out in front of her. “What’s with the key? I already have one for the house,” she said.

  No one answered.

  The next minute seemed to go on for an eternity.

  Wait for it…

  I watched as those wheels turned in that pretty little head of hers and then…Bam!

  “Welcome home,” I said when she looked up at me with a disbelieving grin on her face.

  “You’re serious?” she asked.

  “As a heart attack,” I said and laughed. “It’s been ours for two weeks already. I wanted to tell you when the time was right.”

  “Why you…” she said and smacked me on the chest and then turned to look at my parents. “Please tell me this is a joke.”

  My parents both shook their heads, indicating the negative.

  “I was dropping something off when Dad mentioned of their plans for a change of scenery. I jumped at the chance when they offered the house. They signed the deed over to me on the same day I took you to dinner,” I said.

  “This is what you were up to?” she asked and I nodded. “Wow, talk about a big canary.”

  “A what?” my father asked.

  “She told me I looked like the cat that had eaten the canary, that night,” I said. “I almost spilled the beans to her right then and there but based on this reaction, I’m glad I didn’t.”

  She cupped her cheeks in her palms and shook her head before letting her hands fall to her lap.

  “What do I say to this?” she asked herself aloud.

  I grabbed her chin and brought her face so she looked straight at me and said, “How ‘bout when can we move in?” I suggested and offered her a sweet smile.

  “You’re simply too much. This is too much. When do we move in?” she asked with watery eyes.

  I wiped the stray tear that had begun to trail down her cheek with the pad of my thumb and grabbed her cheeks in my hands.

  “Tonight seems as good a time as any,” I said before kissing her. “I have another confession however.”

  “No more surprises…please,” she said with her forehead against mine. My parents laughed at her over-dramatic request.

  Oh, how I love this woman.

  Chapter 31

  The look on Alissa’s face when I told her that we weren’t going back to the townhouse to spend the night had been priceless. My confession had spurred some excitement on her part.

  As soon as she had closed the front door on my parents, I turned Alissa around and pushed her up against it for a scorching kiss.

  “What are you doing?” she asked as I trailed my lips down the side of her neck.

  “I would have thought it obvious,” I said and chuckled against the pulse-point next to her jugular.

  “I know what you’re doing, baby, but shouldn’t we be trying to pack things up over at the house?”
  “Already taken care of, sweetheart,” I said.

  “What?” She pushed me back with her hands on my chest.

  “I hired movers. They should be here,” I said and looked down at my watch, “in the next hour or so to drop our stuff and pick up the rest of Mom and Dad’s which leaves us with-”

  She wrapped her hands around my face and pulled me down to her lips. “You’re unbelievable,” she said against my mouth before closing the gap and pressing herself into me further.

  “And you’re perfect for me,” I said.

  I had always imagined what it would be like to bring a girl home and act shamelessly as I pinned her against that solid oak door and ravaged her until she was a puddle of mush in my hands. The two things that had prevented me were the fact that either the house had been full of partiers or my parents were such light sleepers that they would have come down to investigate the noises. And rest assured there would have been lots of noise. No, I’m not that self-assured; I’m just stating what I’ve witnessed in my years. Just because my history of adventurous women was slim to none doesn’t mean I’ve been a slouch in bed or that I hadn’t had my fair share of opportunities.

  Well, ladies and gentlemen, such was not the case tonight. This night, Alissa was all mine. The house, all mine. Behind the solid oak door there was nothing more than two horny adults behaving like sex-starved teenagers—reliving a piece of misplaced youth.

  She made haste with ridding me of my belt and releasing me from my pants. I was thankful that she had worn a summer dress today.

  I hummed against her neck when my fingers made contact with the hem of her dress. “Have I ever mentioned to you how much I love easy access?”

  She grinned. I felt her warm and confident hand reaching down and grip me. Holding on to the bottoms of her thighs, she guided me inside her slick heat and maintained the rhythm. I wasn’t just behaving like a teenager, I felt like one too. I was flying—defying gravity—with her wrapped around my body while I pinned her against the cool varnished wood that bore entrance to our new abode.


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