My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1)

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My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1) Page 9

by Jakz, Nikita

  Cole shifted, growing noticeably harder, then grinned. Sera stilled, wary of what he was smiling about-

  He snapped his fingers and all her clothing disappeared. She gasped, snatching the covers up over her breasts. Incorrigible male! But Cole only laughed, taking hold of her hands to yank them – along with the sheet- away from her brazenly bare body. Atop his torso he pulled her, groaning when her breasts pressed into his chest. “Sera, you feel so good in my arms.”

  She blinked down at him, her hands now clutching his shoulders. She had yet to deliver a reprimand, and already her insides were melting. How did he do that? Her lips parted, readying to dish out a protest, but again he smiled in that mischievous way. Oh no-

  Onto her back, he abruptly flipped her and settled between her thighs. She moaned, their gazes locked, as he secured her wrists with his hand and raised them above her head. Utterly infuriated and completely captivated, she stared up at him from their newest position. How could he fluster her so? One minute she was certain she had the upper hand, and the next he had her naked as a nymph with his hips wedged wonderfully between her thighs. Wait, no! Not wonderfully! Shamelessly! Sinfully! Ugh!

  Her lips pursed and her eyes narrowed. She needed to give him a piece of her mind.

  But then his features softened as he swept a stray tendril from her face. Oh no, she whimpered inwardly, do not make that face-

  “Don't you remember the first night we spent together?” he murmured, his expression tender. Her ire sputtered out, his warm gaze disarming her. He looked so sad, and yet, in his eyes she also saw a shimmer of… hope? Her heart skipped a beat. Did he truly still believe he held a chance in-

  His hips rolled into her, liquefying her on contact. How? How did he keep doing that!? Turn her to putty with the simplest of acts? She nibbled on her lip, debating on what she wanted to focus on most; his intriguing words or that amazing hardness nestled snug against her intimate flesh. Neither would be prudent! Flustered, she croaked, “I am sorry, I do not remember.”

  His eyes dimmed in clear disappointment. Sera frowned, not liking how that made her feel. When he moved to pull away, she quickly locked her legs around him, blurting out before she could stop herself, “Wait! Perhaps you could… refresh my memory?” A small, timid smile played on her lips. “Will you tell me … about this time you speak of?”

  Cole paused, clearly surprised by her request. For a long moment he just watched her. But eventually he settled back down, palming his hands against the sides of her head. Slowly, he closed his eyes.

  His hands began emitting a curious vibration. Sera stilled, her heart beating faster. What was he doing? She squirmed beneath him, his look of deep concentration unsettling. Her hands lifted to cover his, readied to yank them away at a moment’s notice. But nothing bad happened.

  She took a deep breath, and decided to trust him. Why, she did not know. It just felt like something inside her was pleading to give him a chance. She closed her eyes and tried to relax.

  “See my thoughts,” Cole whispered, bringing forth the first images, “the memories of us.” She froze beneath him as images flowed steadily into her mind.

  Cole; tumbling with her atop a huge king-size bed. They were wrestling and laughing, teasing and tormenting.

  Her tickling, merciless fingers ran up and down his ribs. Cole growled, keeping his arms pinned protectively against his sides. “Sera- come on- stop or you’re going to get it.”

  She merely laughed, wiggled taunting fingers at him, clearly undaunted. He smirked and she grinned. And then she lunged. But Cole rolled quickly to the side, affectively dodging her attack. Grabbing her wrists, he flipped Sera onto her back and, in the blink of an eye, had them pinned above her head.

  Plastered atop her, he grinned, catching his breath. And as he gazed down at her, Sera couldn’t help feeling as if he was marveling at her beauty. “Sera,” he whispered as his lips descended to hers…

  Sera’s eyes snapped open, her fingers gripping tighter to his hands. Not to remove them, but to steady herself. She had felt their affection down to her bones, their genuine love for each other’s company. And sweet starlight, the way Cole had said her name, with such reverence. The sound had her soul exalting to the heavens.

  And then he’d kissed her, so sweet and tender and filled with devotion. She moaned at the memory, her eyes sliding closed for more.

  Against his lips she purred, “Cole. You light me on fire. How my body burns for you to touch me in ways I fear are immoral. And yet, I do not care. I love you and need you. Please, sweet prince. Take me now...”

  “No,” Sera gasped, her eyes squeezing shut. “How can this be?” She shook her head in protest, but Cole persisted, as if determined to show her more.

  “Sera, you know I'm no saint, just some guy who believes the world revolves around you. I think you’ve been reading too many romantic poems.” She giggled and he grinned, rubbing his nose against hers before kissing his way down her jaw to the side of her neck. “You’ll have me reciting all kinds of sappy shit before long, won’t you.”

  She gazed up at him as he’d lifted his head. In his decadent, velvet deep voice, he recited a comical limerick in Italian. “La mia ragazza giovane e bella di Boston, Ha detto: La mia insalata è bisogno di un Tossin Tira fuori la lingua, E leccare il mio tappo, Fino ad allora le mie gambe saranno Crossin.”

  Her bewildered expression made him laugh out loud, but before she could say a word, his lips were descending on her throat, blowing an overly boisterous raspberry atop her glowing flesh, a fresh round of squirming giggles igniting…

  Sera's brows furrowed, her eyes still tightly closed. Her mind was reeling, even as Cole’s memories made her want to openly smile. It all felt so familiar. And good. But how? None of these things could have possibly taken place. She mewled in restless confusion as the scene continued on.

  Playful and happy, they were like young lovers without a care. Cole, busy turning that adorable raspberry into something much less sweet and a lot more savory, was nibbling and biting, sucking and licking, turning her quickly into a panting puddle of moans and gasps…

  Sera could feel it deep within; Cole had been her world, her air, unable to breathe had he not remained between her thighs and against her heart. That, had he left at that very moment so many years ago, she would have surely shriveled up and died.

  And then Cole was touching her in places she'd never been touched before. Tenderly, but with purpose, making sure she was ready for him in every possible way. He slid open her blouse to reveal her delicate bra. With a growl, his mouth fell upon it, suckling her hard nipple through the thin, lacy material.

  His hand slipped inside the front of her jeans, delving deep to find a spot she was unaware she had. Sera arched on a startled cry of bliss…

  Abruptly she released Cole's hands to grip hard to the sheet at her sides, oblivious of how her body had assumed a position identical to that of Cole’s memory. “Oh…”

  Lost in his recollections, Cole had begun reenacting what he'd done to Sera that morning so very long ago. Only she could overwhelm his senses like this. But with innocent intensions, every bit the angel she was. The angel he knew and adored.

  So clearly he remembered the thick texture of her jeans as he’d slid them down her legs. And those baby blue, barely-there panties that lay in wait beneath. He’d moved down her body, his mouth lingering over her heady center, his nose rubbing against its dampness. He remembered the feel of the satin, the smell of her sweet, sweet sex.

  As he’d made his way back up her body, he’d kissed her along her stomach’s smooth skin. Her naked breasts he’d sampled next, swirling his tongue around each hard point before taking them into his mouth.

  The taste of her brought everything back. He’d licked and sucked every inch of her body that week, leaving his mark, claiming her as his. He wanted to do the same thing again, at this very moment. He growled as her hands tugged on his hair.

  Beneath him, the tantalizing so
unds of her panting drove Cole wild. His memories and their current reality had quickly merged into one, confusing his mind, no longer sure what was really transpiring. His mind spun deliriously. Was he merely experiencing a powerful figment of his own recollections? Or was this really happening, in the here and now? Whatever the case, he was quickly losing control. He needed to stop before he succumbed completely, or flat-out passed out from mental overstimulation. Screw it. It’d been way too long since his heart raced like this.

  “Please Cole, stop,” Sera suddenly gasped. “Something is wrong. My heart is hammering and I can hardly breathe.”

  Cole stilled, slowly lifting his gaze. Sera looked down-right panicked. He frowned. Their stroll through memory lane had clearly just come to an end. With a groan, he dropped his head and rolled onto his back, gritting his teeth as he tried to ignore his body’s burning protest.

  “You’re fine, Sera,” he murmured, catching his breath. “That’s just your body saying it wants to jump my bones and ride me like a bucking bronco.” He grinned, but the image of her straddling him had his body throbbing harder, a bitter reminder that his raging hard-on wouldn’t be going away anytime soon.

  Sera sat up in confusion, the sheets clutched tight to her chest. “Why would I want to jump on your bones? That sounds morbidly unpleasant. And what does it mean to ride one like a bucking bronco?” A smile lit up her face. “Is it like a piggy-back ride?” Cole’s chuckle seemed only to encourage her. Rising to her knees, she bounced happily. “Oh, yes! Let us delight as bucking broncos! Turn around. I shall climb upon your back and you shall gallop around your home!” She clapped with a squeal, inadvertently letting go of the sheets, her torso instantly bared to Cole’s eyes. With a yelp, she yanked them back, wrapping them around her as she flashed a sheepish smile. “Shall we begin?”

  Cole moaned, the sight of her barely clad breasts jiggling making his manhood twitch with need. He had to get away from her before he did something he’d regret. “No Sera, we shall not,” he muttered, forcing his eyelids to close.

  Bare-ass naked, he rolled off the bed and headed for the bathroom - to take a very cold shower. With the door left ajar, he turned on the water and stepped beneath its bitter cold spray. Large hands splayed against the wall as frigid rivers of ice racked his tightly rung body. He dropped his head and clenched his jaw until his teeth began to chatter. That angel was going to be the death of him.

  Back in the bedroom, Sera frowned. Cole had left looking less than pleased, and she somehow felt responsible. Was it something she’d said? Slender fingers raked through her hair as she let out a sigh.

  But then his memories came back to her. How had he done that? Made those visions feel so utterly... real? She rubbed her breastbone, her soul strangely troubled.

  Her eyes moved back to the bathroom. She didn’t like seeing him sad. In another place and time, she knew she would enjoy making him happy. Every minute of every day. But he was not just some male to be smitten with. No, Cole was some sort of magic-strewn rogue who had kidnapped her from her home and was currently endeavoring to brainwash her.

  With a restless heart, she slipped from the bed and, once dressed, began plotting a way to escape.


  “Come and get it!”

  Cole set out the food he'd conjured up, hoping to tantalize Sera's taste buds with normal edibles so she’d stop trying to eat the damn houseplants. He'd thrown out every one he could find after catching her eating a fern leaf yesterday. Shit, who knew what else she'd try to eat. Maybe feeding her this meal would help so she didn't go snacking on things that didn’t belong in her mouth.

  “Sera,” he shouted, heading toward the bedroom. “I have something for you.”

  In the back of her awareness, Sera could hear Cole calling her, but she was too engrossed with the images flashing across the TV. Sprawled out on a mattress, lying on her stomach with her head where her feet should be, she stared wide-eyed at the screen. She tilted her head - then titled it more- until she was looking at the pictures from a sideways perspective. Cut-rate music throbbed from the speakers, pumping through the room as female gasps, masculine grunts and a myriad of skin slapping noises made their way into Cole’s hallway.

  Her jaw dropped open as her eyes grew wide. “Sweet stars above...” she murmured, awestruck. “I sooo want to try that with- Oh my!” She gasped, blinking repeatedly at the newest turn of events.

  Cole followed the sound of music until he reached the spare bedroom’s doorway. Sera was hanging off the end of the bed, watching the TV upside down with a peculiar smile on her face.

  “What are you watching?” he chuckled. Sera squeaked in surprise, toppling off the mattress to land in a heap on the floor. Cole shook his head and laughed. Sauntering over he helped her up. “Sera, you don't need to be watching that. You can do that with me anytime you want.” He winked at her, helping her straighten her shirt. “Come on, Luv,” he chuckled again, enjoying the flush in her cheeks. “I’ve got dinner ready for us.”

  Her blush only darkened, clearly mortified that he’d caught her watching such a thing. But then her eyes flashed. He sighed, suddenly realizing all the questions she’d be hitting him with shortly regarding the movie’s creative and colorful content. Yet, as they walked down the hallway, he couldn’t help smirking. Her innocent ignorance was just so Sera.

  “Cole,” she began, eying him curiously as they entered the living room. “Those lovers. They were doing the most peculiar things with their bodies...”

  He chuckled again, tugging her along by her hand. Which direction was she going with this? There were so many his angel could take. He looked over his shoulder and grinned. “And?” he prompted.

  She shrugged sheepishly, following in his footsteps. “And I would like to learn how to do them. The sounds that female’s ministrations were causing her male to make were positively divine.” She smiled up at him, biting her lip. “Do you make such lovely sounds, Cole?”

  The question shouldn’t have given him pause, but for some reason it did. It wasn’t often that he got to witness true curiosity, in its most sincere and unadulterated form, untainted by twisted, perverted intensions. It was one of his many inward ironies when it came to Sera. For a demon to enjoy such purity went against everything he stood for.

  “Hell, as long as you rub me the right way, I'll make any noise you want me to,” he grinned as they arrived at the living room coffee table. By the way her face lit up, she must have liked his answer. He gestured for her to sit atop a myriad of large pillows surrounding his colorful spread of food. As she wiggled about, clearly determined to get optimally comfortable, Cole smiled. Again, so Sera...

  Her attention locked onto the food. Brown eyes widened in delight. He sat down across from her, watching in amusement as she nibbled eagerly on selective pieces. When she noticed him staring, she tilted her head, her cheeks still tinted with red.

  “Sera,” he smirked, resuming with their conversation. “I know you’re not innocent.” She merely looked at him, her lips curving slightly. But while it clearly wasn’t a salacious smile, it was still inviting; as if she didn’t mind him believing such a thing, even if to her it wasn’t true.

  He took a bite of his food, watching her intently, but stopped when she licked her fingers – an action she began repeating after each and every bite. He looked down quickly, tamping back a groan as he struggled not to get turned on. But as he reached down inconspicuously to readjust himself, he discovered he was too late. He cursed. With Sera around, he’d become a perpetual walking hard-on.

  Eyes on her meal, Sera smiled inwardly, still considering Cole’s earlier words. So sweet they had been, offering to appease her audial needs. He made her feel beautiful, wanted, like she was the only woman in the world. And despite her better judgment, she liked the feeling.

  Her eyes resumed roaming the interesting array of edibles, but always found their way back to him. And each time they did, her thoughts went back to that TV program, to th
ose delightfully creative activities that that couple had been engaging in.

  She cleared her throat, squirming awkwardly on her pillow, endeavoring to respond to his most recent remark. “I suppose ‘innocence’ holds varying meaning among species.” She grinned at him. Abruptly she changed the subject as a new thought came to mind. “Tell me. When did you find time to procure and prepare all of this wonderment? I did not see any of these items in your refrigerator, nor in your cabinets.” She tilted her head as she studied him, a look of suspicious intrigue flickering in her eyes. “It is as if all this appeared out of thin air. How could that be?”

  Her eyes narrowed when Cole merely grinned, then abruptly snapped his fingers to make a drink appear. “Just like that,” he shrugged, wiggling his fingers. “I'm just that special. I can make anything appear and disappear.” Sera’s back straightened immediately as she stopped chewing to stare at him. She frowned when he groaned, putting down his fork. “Oh hell, here it comes. Your curiosity just spiked.”

  Sheepishly, she bit her lip, which to her delight, caused him to smile. Which, in turn, made her melt in response. She sighed dreamily. With Cole around, she was ever a ‘puddle of swoon.’ But she didn’t mind. She realized she loved making him smile.

  She watched him as he leaned back on his pillow, clearly waiting for her multitudes of questions to begin. “Go ahead,” he prompted her. “Ask me what it is that’s bouncing around in that head of yours. I can practically hear Hamster double-timing it in his wheel.”

  She blinked at his odd remark, then out-right laughed, throwing a piece of food at him. He barely dodged it. “Am I really that transparent?” she asked. “That predictable?” He merely raised a brow and grinned. Her insides instantly ignited. Heavens on fire, she loved when he made that face. He was pure charisma, sexy and mysterious, setting her spirit aflame. But he didn’t need to know such a thing. It would empower him unfairly. And he was already entirely too self-confident - which as it was, she found positively delicious.


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