My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1)

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My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1) Page 11

by Jakz, Nikita

  Cole laughed, rubbing of his head. But when his fingers bumped into a knot forming, he grimaced. “Well, you got the sliding part down,” he drawled, “so they might.” He looked around, then snapped his fingers, the mess instantly vanishing along with the buttery egg slime covering their bodies. Sera flashed him a look that said, ‘You are a wicked, wicked male.’ Sitting up, he chuckled. “Next time you want to fix me dessert, just come naked to my bedroom with a can of whip cream and a bowl of cherries and I'll be a happy man.”

  He stood up and brushed off his clothes, only to find Sera already digging around in the refrigerator. “Sera, I have something I want to show you,” he grinned. When she made no move to halt her search, he walked over and manually extricated her. “Come with me.” Taking her hand, he pulled her through the living room toward the bedroom.

  Little did Cole know, but his comment about naked bodies, whip cream, and cherries had Sera heated and blushing fiercely. So much so that she’d had to hide her face in the freezer to cool her flushed cheeks. The visual he’d planted had nearly wrenched a moan from her lips.

  As he tugged her across the open room, she sighed in relief that he hadn’t noticed. Thank the stars above. But then it dawned on her where he was taking her. She dug in her heels in alarm. “Wait! We are headed for your bedroom.”

  Cole grinned at her over his shoulder. Her heart skipped a beat. Eyes wide, she shook her head, a nervous chuckle breaching her lips. “Oh no. No, no, no. I do not think that would be wise. Every time I go-” Sera winced, pointed to his bedroom door, “in there,” she nibbled her lip, gesturing to him, “with you… naughty things tend to happen.”

  She watched as his smile grew wider. When he gave her another tug, she whimpered. “Please, Cole. You turn into a tempter beyond measure in there. I have no defense against you when in the vicinity of your bed.” She pried frantically at his fingers as he dragged her forward. “Wait. Please. What must you show me? Can it not be taken into the safety of the nice newly-cleaned kitchen?” Pleadingly, she batted her lashes at him.

  A wicked idea came to Cole’s mind as he glanced back at her. “Okay,” he grinned salaciously. “Kitchen it is.” As they headed back to the kitchen, he heard her exhale in relief. He smirked. She thought she was getting her way. What a surprise she was in for. His little minx was going to learn that not all rooms where sacred. Taking her by the waist, he set her on the breakfast bar. Strong hands spread her legs wide. He smiled, stepping between them as a look of confusion crossed Sera’s face. “Don't move unless I say so.”

  He snapped his fingers and produced a dark jar with no label. Setting it on the bar beside her, he next manifested a small, white, palm-sized bag. He could feel Sera watching him, knew she was biting her lip nervously. His gaze rose and held hers as he pulled a bar stool close and placed her foot atop its cushion. Doing the same with her other foot, he took a step back. Clothed in shorts and a tank top, she had way too many clothes on for his taste.

  Clearly intrigued, Sera watched him closely. He could tell she was dying to know where he was going with this. He’d discovered a long time ago that her driving curiosity was most likely going to be her downfall. At least she didn’t seem nervous anymore. Raptly fascinated seemed more like it. He grinned. She still thinks she’s safe just because they were in the kitchen. Foolish seraph. If she remembered him, she’d know better. But for now, he was at least grateful that she found his crafty, plotting mind enchanting. She’d always loved how unpredictable he was. Now, if he could just convince her that he was exactly what she’d wanted. Her perfect compliment. The naughty to her nice. The spice to her sugar. She’d chosen him, damn it, and he was determined to make her remember that crucial little fact.

  His warm hands slid up her shins, over her knees and along her thighs. Sera stilled, then grinned. Cole growled at the look in her eyes. She was still holding out hope that as long as they weren’t on his bed, she still stood a chance of resisting him. Not likely, he smirked to himself.

  Her soft hands settled on his shoulders as she tilted her head and laughed. “What in bright blazes are you up to now?”

  Cole just grinned, blatantly enjoying her silky smooth skin. Finally, he leaned over, giving her no explanation as he grabbed the jar. Time to play. With a twist of his wrist, he opened the lid and set it on the counter. Dipping his finger inside, he covered it in chocolate, then brought it to her mouth. Leisurely, he rubbed it over her bottom lip until her tongue peeked out to lick it. He bit back an approving growl.

  But when she sucked him into her mouth, his grin faded. Inside the warm recesses of her mouth, her tongue was licking his finger clean. Holy hell. He blinked, then slowly pulled it free, trying to focus as he dipped it back into the jar. Taking her left leg, he slowly wrote her name. Once finished, he leaned down and licked the chocolate off, making sure to get every bit. He felt her shiver as his tongue dragged along her skin. Eyes hooding, her repeated the process on her other leg.

  A huge grin spread across Sera’s face as she tried to hold back her laughter. “That tickles.” She wiggled, her smile widening on a blush. “Edible body paint. How positively divine-” she gasped when he abruptly spread her legs wider. It made her feel exposed. Vulnerable. In an amazing sort of way.

  Her heart beat faster. Cole’s heated gaze somehow excited her. She watched as he picked up the small white bag and shook three candy pieces into his hand. To her guilty delight, he again dipped his finger in the jar, then made three dots on her inner thigh. Atop each drop, she watched him place a candy, as if embellishing her with care. And then he leaned down and sucked off the first, scraping his teeth along her flesh. She held her breath. Into his mouth, he drew the candy, suckling her skin as he went, methodically working his way up the inside of her leg.

  Mesmerized, she licked her lips. “What a fantastic alternative to sweets- Oh!” she yelped as his teeth grazed her again. Her skin shimmered briefly as goose bumps erupted. A surge of unbidden desire raced through her veins. She could take it no more. If she didn’t stop his playful teasing, she would surely go up in flames. Besides, a part of her wanted to give her sexy captor a taste of his own magnificent medicine. And she did so love to paint…

  Pulling her knees up, she planted her feet on his chest and shoved him back. “My turn!” she chirped, hopping down from the counter. With a beaming smile, she pointed to Cole and then to the bar. “You. Up there. Now.” She clapped her hands excitedly. “Come now! Move with haste!”

  Cole quirked an eyebrow. Sera bounced on her feet. He chuckled and sat up on the bar. Sera sighed happily. Such a good sport he was.

  “What are you planning?” he asked, his handsome gaze watching her intently.

  “Making you into a masterpiece, of course,” she grinned, wiggling her brows before dipping her finger in the chocolate. A curious smile curved his lips as he toed off his shoes, letting them fall to the floor. Without warning, he leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. She blinked, melting like the chocolate on her finger, her huge smile fading as their gazes met… and lingered. She swallowed. Starry night, his eyes would enslave her soul if she wasn’t careful. Suddenly she felt the need to return the favor. Before she could think better of it, she closed the slight distance between them and kissed his cheek, peering up at him before sheepishly looking away. “Do not ask me why I did that.”

  She could feel Cole grinning down at her. And mercy did it feel exquisite. Nothing was more intoxicating than this male’s attention. Quickly, she took the jar of heavenly goodness and dipped two fingers deep, then looked up at him through long, thick lashes. “I did so love when you did this to me...” She brought her coated fingers to his lips, sighing happily as he sucked them into his mouth. When his tongue began to tease her, his eyes ever locked with hers, she bit back a breathless moan. She was falling under his spell...

  He chuckled in that velvety way. Sera snapped out of it, clearing her throat as she pulled her fingers free. “So where would you like me to adorn you
,” she asked softly. “Anywhere you desire. I will honor your request as a gesture of gratitude for this tasty surprise.”

  His gaze scorched her as he unbuttoned his shirt and slowly shrugged it off. Her lids fluttered. When he finally tossed the material to the floor, he took her hand and placed it on his chest, over his heart. “Here,” he murmured. Before she could respond, he slid her coated fingers down to the taught muscles of his stomach. “And here,” his warm breath brushed across her cheek. Sera’s pulse hammered, her angelic light flickering. She was going to faint. Slowly, he brought them back up to his neck, his lips curving seductively. “Here, too. If you would.”

  Heat crept up her neck. Sweet stars above, he had answered her just as she’d hoped he would. So badly she’d wanted a legitimate reason to touch him. And oh how he’d delivered. As he continued to guide her hand over his body, she continued to stand there, mesmerized by the wakes of chocolate left lingered on his flesh. He was the perfect canvas, all smooth flesh and rounded muscle. Fresh eagerness bloomed. Along his chest she began to doodle, of ivy and crescent moons and stars. Her name in swirling arcs she penned across his abs.

  With a happy sigh, she tilted her head to admire her work from all angles. Yes, it was merely her work she was admiring. Not Cole’s bunching and flexing muscles, nor the way his bulging pectorals were rising and falling so gloriously. Mmm. Nay. She was simply appreciating the images strewn delectably across his flesh.

  She smiled, especially pleased with the way her name looked against his golden abs. Without realizing what she was doing, she drew a heart atop his breastbone. When it finally dawned, she froze, her gaze flicking to his, hoping he hadn’t noticed. Thankfully, he had not. His eyes were oddly trained on her mouth…

  Heart thudding, she re-dipped her finger, then made her way up to that heavenly dip at the base of his neck. Across his collar bone, she covered him with sexy little stars, embellishing his exquisiteness in her own special way. Once his torso was completely covered, she set down the jar and smiled. “All finished,” she purred. “Although I believe it is now time to clean up my mess.” She licked her lips timidly, stepping closer, deliberating on where to start.

  Knuckles white, Cole couldn’t believe he hadn’t cracked the countertop with Sera’s fingers prancing up his torso and dancing across his neckline. But now, as she eased closer, murmuring about needing to clean up, he suspected he just might. “Use that talented mouth, Sera,” he murmured huskily, “and lick me clean.”

  Slowly his eyes lowered to stare at her moistened lips. When they touched his tensing chest, a moan escaped his throat. She was intoxicating. He could still taste her on his tongue, could smell her exotic scent mingling with the chocolate. His angel’s lover stirred within.

  Her fingers moved eagerly at his sides as her mouth worked its way over every inch of his torso. All around his neck she licked and suckled, inadvertently teasing him to the point of insanity. Breath left his lungs with a whoosh. Reaching out, he cupped her face and pulled her mouth to his. “Let me taste,” he said, claiming her lips. His tongue tangled with hers, stroking away any remnants of chocolate. When she gripped his forearms and kissed him back, he moaned into her mouth, a spark igniting inside him.

  He heard her, felt her gasp, as if overwhelmed by his passionate outburst. And Cole could completely relate. He was that close to igniting himself. With a growl, he dropped from the counter and lifted her up against him. Their kiss never breaking, her legs snapped around his waist. Low in her throat, he heard her purr, as if drugged by the moment’s intensity.

  “Cole,” she panted, “you set me aflame. I am consumed by your desire.”

  Tighter he held her, growling heatedly as she continued to whisper the sweetest sentiments against his lips. With one eye open, he whisked her into the bedroom, keeping her distracted as he laid her on the bed. Once she was spread out for his viewing pleasure, he snapped his fingers. All of her clothes disappeared. She blinked, in a daze.

  In nothing but jeans, he stood there, licking his lips. One glance at the night stand and he snapped his fingers again, a can of whipped cream relocating into his hand. Slowly, he shook it, watching his angel catch her breath. He couldn’t help grinning at her wondrous expression. His kiss had leveled her. Did she even realize she was naked?

  Smirking, he watched her watching him. He could tell her wheels were turning. He’d give her something to think about. Whipped cream in hand, he leaned closer, drawing long, rich lines up the length of her legs. Taking her ankle, he leisurely licked and sinfully sucked every inch of her succulent skin. Only when he reached her uppermost thigh did he pause to flash her a decadent grin. She let loose a trembling sigh. But before she could speak, he resumed, gracing her other leg with the same sensual attention.

  Sera should have resisted him the moment she realized she was in his bed. She should have, but the truth was, she was completely spellbound by this mind-blowing male, intrigued on a level she couldn’t even begin to understand, let alone fight. Inwardly she smiled, amused at the irony of how she’d set out to make him dessert but had ultimately ended up being it. And to her surprise, she was utterly enjoying sating his sweet tooth. Chocolate and candies and whipped cream, oh my…

  Biting her lip, she propped herself on her elbows and watched him. How delicious he was in his playfulness. She adored his heart-stopping smiles and the way they turned more wicked the higher up her thighs he traveled…

  Her smile faded, suddenly realizing just how close he was getting to her sex. She was certain she was just as slick from arousal as she was from the whipped cream. Would he know? Did she care if he did?

  Cole paused, his breath hot on her core. Her heart hammered wildly. What would he do now? Captivated eyes watched as he flashing another grin, then picked up the canister again. With casual precision, he sprayed a V at the apex of her thighs, filling it in before turning to meet her gaze. Smoldering eyes held hers steady as he slowly swiped his tongue through the rich, white cream. Sera mewled like a happy kitty.

  And then he moved lower, his tongue’s firm tip teasing her flesh. Sera had to fight to keep her eyes from rolling back. She didn’t want to miss a single moment of this glorious event. But his piercing gaze wouldn’t have let her even if she’d desired it. She moaned, his tongue continuing to do sinfully divine things to her sanity. She could feel her grin returning in full force. Could see her skin glowing ever brighter.

  Through hitches and gasps, pants and laughs, her body squirmed and writhed. “Cole,” she mewled, “Your tongue- It’s- Oh God!” Her eyes went wide as her hips jerked hard. Gripping his comforter, she muffled a cry. “Oh God- What are you-” she sucked in a breath, shuddering against his mouth. “Cole, I- Oh!- Oh yes!” Her head fell back as her body arched hard off the mattress.

  But Cole refused to relent. Mercilessly, he persisted, moving his tongue in fast, steady strokes. Skilled fingers circled her core, saturating themselves for smooth penetration. Slowly, he slid one inside, heard Sera gasped at the feel. But before she could react further, he drove in a second, growling when she cried out and clamped down around him. Burning eyes watched as she came undone, light exploding from her form.

  And still, he wasn’t done. Not even close. She wasn’t coming down any time soon if he had anything to do with it. Savoring the sight of her, pulsing and writhing, he slowly pistoned his fingers, his hot tongue circling her tiny nub. He moaned against her flesh, knowing the vibrations would drive her wild.

  A heady hiss rushed passed his lips as her nails sank into his scalp, adamant fingers pushing him harder against her writhing body. Cries for more filled the air as her juices drenched his hand, flowing steadily as his touch had her igniting a second time. He replaced his fingers with his tongue and lifted her legs over his shoulders. He wasn’t done feasting. He needed more of his angel. Hungrily, he lapped and nibbled, unable to get enough. In and out, his tongue slid from her core, devouring every drop she emitted for his taking.

  Cole knew in thi
s moment, if he opened his eyes they would surely be black. His inner demon was well past the point of arousal. He could feel its driving need to let loose and claim what was his. Sera. She belonged to him. Growling, he didn't relent until once again her channel was squeezing him hard, her juices coating his tongue, a sweet taste on his lips. Her sharp, frantic mewl the last sound he heard before she erupted like a downpour inside his mouth. As she came apart for a third time, Cole moaned, deep in his chest. He felt starved, like he hadn't fed in years. He would ravish her until there was nothing left to take. And that’s exactly what he did.

  Chest heaving, he finally set down her legs. He needed to take her like he needed to breathe. Her dewy, sated look was making him mental. She was his, as he was hers. But he knew she wasn't ready. Besides, she still didn't know who he was. He let out a growl, wishing he didn't love her, need her so much.

  With eyes flaring, he backed off the bed and stalked blindly into the bathroom. Down went the shutters as he slammed the door behind him. Leaning against it, he exhaled, then banged his head in frustration and slid to the floor in defeat. As his heart thundered and his mind raced, his face fell into his hands. All this time, he knew he had feelings for her, but only now did he realize how deeply. He'd kill anyone who got in their way, would lay down his life for her and her alone. Out there, spread out on his bed like the finest of feasts, was an angel who’d managed to take his heart without even knowing it.

  He suspected he’d fallen in love with her that week they’d spent together so long ago, but as the years had gone by he'd grown so cynical that he'd brushed it off as puppy love. Now though, now he knew he'd truly loved Sera, that she was his and the only one for him. No one else would ever take her place. His little innocent angel had turned him inside out.

  He groaned, knowing he was done for. There’d be no going back now that his heart was involved, which meant he was now vulnerable to everything out there that had it in for him. He couldn’t let that happen. He’d make sure no evil ever touched his Sera. She was his, damn it, and no one was going to touch what was his.


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