The Other Family

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The Other Family Page 11

by Linda A. Hardy

  “yes I am afraid so, but do not worry Dorothy, I have not given up, I am sending a letter to the local newspaper in Reading and asking them to place an ad stating I am looking for Tom, so I am going to do that today”

  We ended our conversation, and I went and picked up my mail off the floor and found I had a pile of letters from various Thomas Caxton’s that I had written to. As I opened each envelope, most were short and sweet replies stating they could not help, one had sent me a photograph of himself as a young boy which I thought I will have to return as he was not the Thomas I was looking for, and another had sent me a ten page letter giving me his life story, none however were the Thomas Caxton I was looking for.

  I sat and drafted my letter to the newspaper and then typed it out on the computer and printed it, and popped out to the post office to get it sent off straight away hoping it would make this weeks edition. For the rest of the week not much happened, I saw Kevin briefly on Tuesday evening when he knocked on my door and asked if I would like to come to dinner on Wednesday evening at his place, he offered to cook us a meal to remember and he laughed when I asked him “can you cook then?” to which he replied “well I am going to try”

  “would you like me to bring anything, like food” I suggested with a laugh

  “ha ha funny, no just your lovely self will do”

  “that’s a date then” I said

  “yes it will be our fourth date actually” he said, and I felt his eyes looking right through me, why does my stomach feel like it is doing somersaults whenever he looks at me like that, maybe I should not of said it’s a date, ah Lindsay will you stop bloody worrying, excuse swearing, and just enjoy spending time with a friend, but I felt a bit uneasy when he said about it being the fourth date? We had not even been on a date as far as I was concerned and I was starting to have reservations about fancying him since that conversation with his mother.

  I am only going to have dinner with Kevin, it is not like it is a proper date or something, is it? It worried me that Kevin thought this was our fourth date, why does he think that? I told myself as I was trying on several different outfits and deciding none of them were suitable, I got nothing to wear was the thought that sprung to mind as I stood there staring at a wardrobe full of clothes most of which I hardly ever wear these days. Then my phone rang, would have to ring right in the middle of me having an indecisive moment.


  “Linds its me, you coming up soon, just I got things warming and was not sure how long you would be?

  “yes sure, of course, on my way, give me five alright”

  Oh god now I need to put some clothes on, in the end I grabbed a dress, just flung it over the top of my head, squirted on a bit of perfume and brushed my hair, again, grabbed my clutch bag with my phone and keys in, and then pondered if I should of brought some condoms, Lindsay your having dinner, you know, eating food, not taking your knickers off, relax, yes I know but supposing Kevin wants too, you know, I told myself once to stop worrying.

  “Hi sorry I’m late, just had a bit of a dilemma with the wardrobe”

  “wow, don’t think I have seen you in a dress before, you look gorgeous”

  “oh what, this old thing, don’t normally wear dresses to be honest, just thought it would make a change, anyway what’s for dinner? Smells good”

  “ah surprise, by the way I did not ask, and I should of done really but your not vegetarian are you?”

  “no I like my meat so don’t worry”

  “that’s a relief, lets have a drink, I got you something special, my dad said all the girls like it” Kevin opened up a small bottle, of Baby Cham, and I burst out laughing.

  “what’s so funny?”

  “I did not think anyone drank that anymore, it’s a bit camp, if you know what I mean, it was all the rage back in the 1980‘s”

  “oh I did not know that, do you want something else?” he asked looking rather disappointed, I actually felt like Kevin was nervous, not sure why.

  “no this is fine, I love bubbles anyway, come on let’s have a drink, can I help you with anything in the kitchen?”

  “I got all that under control, should be ready shortly, is that ok?”

  “yes of course, you mind if I sit down”

  “oh sure, sorry, not thinking tonight”

  “are you alright?”

  “to be honest I feel a little nervous”

  “why, what is there to be nervous about?” as I sat there knowing how nervous I felt before I came up to Kevin’s flat.

  “maybe you won’t like my cooking” he said with a small laugh.

  “well if I don’t like it, we will go and get a curry, but I‘m sure it will be great” I said with a smile.

  I felt like the two of us were treading on tippytoes, Kevin picked up an envelope that was sitting on his coffee table and said he had a copy of the photograph’s taken at his folks place for me, his mum and dad were a nice couple, very welcoming, I looked at the picture of Kevin and I standing there in his parents living room, arms around each other, looking for all the world like a couple in love and all I could think about was, Lindsay stop being a silly old fool, this man will want to get married one day, have kids one day, I am too old for kids, he deserves someone his own age. Kevin had popped into the kitchen to check on the dinner and when he walked back into his living room he saw me looking at the picture of the two of us.

  “great pic, that is my favourite, dinners nearly ready, may I escort you Madame to the table?”

  “yes of course kind sir”

  Why am I flirting, my head is all over the place. Kevin took my hand and walked me over to his dining table, he pulled the chair out and held it while I sat and then brought my drink over.

  “you sure there is nothing I can help you with” I asked him.

  “stay right where you are”

  A few minutes later Kevin brought out our dinner, wow, he had only gone and made roast beef with Yorkshire pudding, vegetables and roast potatoes.

  “Wow Kevin I cannot believe you cooked this, this looks amazing”

  “why thank you Miss, did it all myself just like my mother taught me, well to be honest I didn‘t, I actually got it from a Takeaway place that does these amazing roast dinners, but I did make the gravy” he said with a laugh

  I felt rather disappointed, I thought he was going to cook me a lovely dinner and don’t get me wrong the roast did look very nice, but it was only a Takeaway, he had not cooked it himself at all and any idiot can make a gravy, I actually felt like getting up and going back to my flat and cooking myself a stir fry or something, there was no effort put in to this at all, maybe this is how all young men are today? I don’t know, I felt like I wanted to go home, to the comfort of my own space. We sat and ate our dinner with very little conversation going on between us and Kevin kept prompting me to drink another Baby Cham, was he trying to get me drunk? I wondered, feeling somewhat suspicious.

  After we finished our dinner, Kevin want back to the kitchen to get our dessert, strawberries and cream.

  “wow what is in this cream? Tastes delicious”

  “added a little something extra to it, a dash of Kahlua to the cream, tastes great with the strawberries”

  “I could get tipsy on this cream” I laughed

  “Lindsay there is something I have been meaning to ask you”

  On no I was thinking, what is he going to ask me, can’t we just be friends, I do not know what I am going to say if he asks me to be his girlfriend, I am not ready for this and to be honest I no longer wanted to be his girlfriend, I was having lots of doubts.

  “what is it?” I said

  “I have been thinking”

  Oh Kevin please don’t think, I think enough for all of England, seriously wish I could just switch off sometimes.

  “what you been thinking?” I asked

  “well what do you think….”

  Oh god here goes.

  “if I were to take a few photographs of
the cemetery, like something moody looking, and help you set up your own website for your business?, I know how to do that, it is not as hard as it looks”

  So he does not want me to be his girlfriend, instead he wants to take pictures of gravestones, I should be happy, I should be over the moon, isn’t my ideal man a man who likes looking for dead people like I do, a man who likes wandering around cemeteries, a man who shares the same interests, now I have one sitting here in front of me and now I do not want him at all.

  “well I think that sounds like a great idea Kev, why don’t I come along to the cemetery with you, I can show you where my grandparents are buried”.

  I suggested we go along to the cemetery on Sunday afternoon, just before it gets dark, I thought it would be a good time to get some dark moody shots and Kevin agreed. I helped him clear away the dishes and washed up, Kevin made us coffee and we sat side by side in the living room, my skin felt like it was electric, just waiting for that first move, that first touch, which I now did not want to happen, instead I said I had better go back to my flat and Kevin said “sure ok but you can stay the night if you wish, my bed‘s available if your feeling too tipsy”.

  “thanks for the offer Kev but I am not tipsy tonight and anyway I am sure I can find my way to my flat”

  “yes sure, of course, hey I got some Baby Cham left over, why not stay and have another?”

  At this point I was starting to feel very suspicious, he was definitely trying to get me drunk, I said goodnight and made my way back to my flat, once inside I locked the door and leaned back against the door feeling relieved that ordeal was over, I was feeling like Kevin was pressuring me, not sure why, but I got the distinct impression he wanted me to spend the night in his flat.

  Chapter 25

  On Saturday I checked online that my letter to the editor of the local newspaper in the Caversham and Reading area was printed in the paper, and yes it was, all I had to do now was wait to see if Philippa or anyone who knew her or her father Tom would contact me.

  Staring at the telephone is not going to make it ring Lindsay, so stop staring at it, I kept telling myself for the rest of the day. I made a list of things I thought should be on the website that Kevin was going to put together for me, the usual stuff like contact details, but clients needed to know what area’s I could research in and if I would be willing to travel to record offices etc, I was thinking no more than a couple of hours by train would be for the best, I did not want to spend hours just travelling with little time for researching. As I was writing my list the phone rang and I nearly jumped out of my skin.


  “Hi Lindsay, this is Lesley, are you going round Uncle Bill’s on Sunday?”

  “yes I will be there, how are you?”

  “great yes, I thought I might pop over on Sunday too, do you think that will be alright?”

  “of course it will, Uncle Bill will be thrilled to have you there and of course the rest of us, be good to see you again, how is your mum?”

  “oh she is well, she probably will not be coming along on Sunday though, it was quite emotional last time wasn’t it, in a good way I mean though”

  “it was the best feeling ever, you so surprised me by bringing your mum, I had no idea she would be there and it was a thrill to meet her, I look forward to seeing you again”

  “yes see you on Sunday at Uncle Bill’s”

  I had just made myself a quick sandwich for lunch when the phone rang again. This could be the call I am waiting for I hoped.

  “Hi Linds, its me Nat”

  “oh Hi Nat” sounding a bit disappointed

  “you don’t sound very enthuastic, you alright?”

  “yes I’m good, I put an ad in the paper looking for someone and thought maybe when the phone rang that it might be someone ringing about that, anyway how was your holiday in sunny Bournemouth?”

  “it rained for two days but nice to have a break, anyway just checking if your going to Uncle Bill’s on Sunday?”

  “yes I will be there, Lesley is going too, isn’t that great?”

  “oh good, more the merrier, how are things with your toyboy?”

  “Nat he is not my toyboy, he is not even my boyfriend even, Kevin and I are just friends, that is all, just friends, and anyway I am beginning to feel a bit suffocated by his behaviour, I had dinner at his place last night, he said he was going to cook me a lovely dinner, you know what he did? He brought a takeaway roast dinner, all he did was make the gravy, I felt so disappointed, I think he was trying to get me drunk”

  “that does not sound good”

  “no, I am beginning to worry about it”

  “Kevin wants to go to the cemetery on Sunday to take some photographs to create a website for my business, so I will probably only stay at Uncle Bill’s for a short while”

  “well why don’t you bring Kevin round Uncle Bill’s, then we all can get a good look at him, make sure he’s not trying to pull a fast one on you”

  “Nat that’s a good idea, I will see what he says ok but I will see you on Sunday”

  I sent a text message to Kevin before I could chicken out, and asked him if he would like to come with me to my uncle’s on Sunday, then afterwards we could go to the cemetery, he texted me back straight away saying he would love to go “that’s a date Linds” oh god not another date I thought, no we are not dating, so why does he say that, actually I think it was me who said it first, he seriously needs to only think of us as just friends, that is it, nothing more, maybe I led him on and now he has got the wrong end of the stick, need to do something about that.

  Last time Kevin and I had been out together, we went to Reading and caught the train, Kevin does have a car but we thought the train would be easier and cheaper, but this time Kev suggested taking his car to Uncle Bill’s, that way we could drive straight over to the cemetery afterwards before it got too late.

  “Hi Uncle Bill, how you doing?” I said as Uncle Bill answered his front door

  “hey its our Linds, good girl, good, and who is this young fella with you then?”

  “this is Kevin, a friend of mine, he lives in the top flat where I live”

  “oh I see, come on in then Kevin, make yourself at home”

  “is Lesley not here yet?, she said she would be coming today as well”

  “not yet luv, she called me though, said she would be here today, be nice to see her again”

  A few minutes later Natalie arrived, grabbed my arm and pulled me into the kitchen, not even a word of hello to Kevin.

  “well I can see why you are worried, he‘s a mummy‘s boy, can spot them a mile off, all he wants is someone to cook and clean for him and expects a shag, use you and abuse you and spit you out afterwards”

  “Nat” I said surprised by her comment, and continued “how can you tell just by looking at someone”

  “I just know these things, trust me, come on lets go out there and introduce him to me”

  Nat and I walked back into the living room and I introduced Kevin to my cousin Natalie who promptly sat herself down right beside Kevin and started giving him the third degree.

  “what do you do for a living Kevin?” said Nat in a rather terse way

  “I work for a builder, labouring mostly, its hard work“

  “and where does your family come from?

  “my folks come from Reading but live in Caversham now, it’s a nice area”

  “so why you living here in Croydon then?”

  “because of the work, kept getting more and more jobs this way so decided to move over here”

  “so do you have a girlfriend then Kevin, anyone special in your life?”

  At this point I felt like strangling her, I swear to god Natalie, I could almost feel steam coming out of my ears, don’t make it too obvious please Nat, only need to have a chat not an interrogation, I was thinking to myself.

  “no I don’t have a girlfriend, yet, but I’m working on it” as he looked across at me, or was I imagin
ing things, or maybe he was hoping for me to save him from Natalie, but I was quite happy to leave him with her for now. I got us all a drink, for Uncle Bill and Kevin, they had a beer and Nat and I had a coffee, a short while later there was a knock at Uncle Bill’s door and in walked Lesley. I got up and gave her an embrace, so good to see her again, and introduced her to Kevin.

  “how’s your Aunty Blue then Lesley” said Uncle Bill with a big grin

  “oh she is very well, still over the moon to of found you all, it is unbelievable really isn’t it” says Lesley

  I suggested we all go and sit out in the garden as the sun was shining, so we all made our way out through Uncle Bill’s French doors and grabbed a chair, Lesley sat next to Kevin, a few times I noticed they were leaing close to each other and whispering, I could not quite hear what they were saying, but what with Natalie interrogating him and now Lesley looking like she has gone all gooeey eyed over him, I could feel my temperature rising and I was not sure why.

  Kevin and I stayed for a couple of hours before I said to Kev we had better get going soon if we want to make it to the cemetery, we said our goodbyes to everyone.

  “good to have you here Linds” said Uncle Bill, and then he whispered in my ear “and bring that nice young man with you again next time ok”.

  Kevin and I arrived at the cemetery at half past four, I noticed it was open until 7.30pm so plenty of time to get some photographs, for some reason I thought the cemetery shut earlier than that, can you imagine being shut in a cemetery all night, there is something about gravestones which I find rather spooky, it is like the stones themselves are alive whilst everything else around them is dead, you never know what is hiding behind those stones, I think maybe I have watched one too many horror movies.

  “what sort of gravestones are you looking for Kev?”

  “oh not sure, old looking one’s, and maybe a few with cherubs etc on them, let’s see what’s around”


  “are you ok?, you did not say a word in the car on the way over here”

  “yes I’m fine, hope you liked meeting my Uncle Bill and some of the family?”


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