Aimee Cupid (Angel Tweet Series)

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Aimee Cupid (Angel Tweet Series) Page 5

by Peggy McGee

  “Yes, timing is everything when it comes to love and commitments. That’s for sure,” Aimee conceded, taking the guitar. “Well, I guess it’s my turn to practice. Is there a particular song you would like to sing?”

  “Any will do,” Krystal remarked, pensively.

  Valentine’s Day was only two weeks away, and Aimee continued to yearn for her family. With Krystal working, she became very bored with too much time on her hands to reminisce. She missed her mom, dad and little sister and wondered how they were doing.

  Finally, unable to contain herself any longer, she made a clandestine visit to see them. Invisible, she floated towards her hometown and observed from afar. Much of everything was the same as she left it almost two years ago, but sadness still prevailed in the atmosphere of the home. Granted, everyone was busy with the tasks of life and interacted superficially, but the joy was gone. She had hoped her parents would be able to move on, but she soon realized they hadn’t and it saddened her.

  She then floated around the city to reminisce about their past hangouts and fun times together, before she headed back. In her reflection, she was unaware of the consequences of her actions until she returned to her apartment and Celeste was waiting for her.

  “It is my understanding that you have broken the rules involving your mission,” Celeste stated with disappointment.

  “I am so sorry. I’ve just been thinking about my family and miss them so much,” Aimee confessed. “Actually, I just observed them secretly without anyone actually knowing that I was there.”

  “You do realize that your mission is not to make just positive changes for Krystal, but also it is a learning experience for you as well,” Celeste reminded her.

  “Yes, now I do,” Aimee whispered tearfully.

  “It is the ultimate test of trust which involved staying on task and within the rules of the mission,” Celeste continued.

  Aimee sighed with angel tears falling down her cheeks. “It’s just that I’ve been thinking about my family so much lately. They are still grieving for me, and there is no joy in the house anymore.”

  “Yes, but this all distracts from your current mission and influences you to act and feel differently than you would ordinarily,” Celeste reminded her. “There is a time and place for everything. Your personal mission is to stay focused and experience patience. Your time here is almost over. Make the best use of it.”

  “I will,” Aimee promised as she watched Celeste gradually disappear.

  She then came to realize that she had let Krystal down by not being tuned into her needs in the process. She decided to take a walk to clear her mind. It was snowing again, but with soft and gentle flakes. She needed time to reflect on how to wrap this all up. She feared suddenly leaving Krystal would re-enforce her feelings of abandonment which she experienced for most of her life. She didn’t know what to do, so she just offered it up. Sometimes, that would help the right answer to reveal itself.

  She didn’t realize it at first, but the Community Church was right around the corner. She suddenly felt cold and wondered if the sanctuary was open to warm up. She was relieved when it was and went inside to pray.

  Luke had entered from the rear to collect some music he left behind and was surprised to notice someone praying. Looking more closely at the person, he witnessed a beautiful bright light that surrounded her. So, he quietly sat in the choir area not wanting to disturb her concentration. Then, his vision became clearer, and he noticed that it was Aimee.

  That’s strange, he thought to himself, but he definitely didn’t know what to make of it, so he remained silent still observing and reflected on his own situation. He, too, had been met with rejection his entire life because of his weight. His goal was to find a forever spouse, but although he was Mr. Nice Guy, everyone thought of him as just a friend. He then became determined to lose the weight, but really wanted someone that wanted him for who he was and not only his appearance. But, in this social media world, he knew appearance counted seemingly more than personality. But, he continued to hope and pray about it every day. He too liked Krystal, but he was afraid of rejection noticing at the gym how much she was into Brad. He didn’t want to scare her off by asking her out. Right now he realized that she was hesitant and needed a friend, something he was definitely an expert at.

  Finally, Aimee came out of her meditation and felt a presence behind her. Turning around, she saw Luke who smiled at her and then an idea came to her. She knew she needed his help with Krystal’s transition after she left. Perhaps, he would be the perfect candidate for this. As Aimee stood up to leave, she was approached by Luke.

  “It’s really getting late and cold outside. I just came to pick up some music and lock up. Do you need a ride home?” he offered.

  “No, but I could use your help,” Aimee claimed. “Is there somewhere we can go and talk privately?”

  “Certainly, how about my office?” he suggested.

  After making Aimee a cup of hot chocolate, Luke asked her, “How can I help you?”

  “Since I arrived, I’ve become friends with Krystal as you well know. I’ve come to learn that she really needs someone to be there for her since she has been going through some difficult times. The problem is that I need to return back home, and I just don’t want to leave her suddenly without anyone. Simply, I need someone to be there for her,” Aimee sadly explained.

  “Why are you leaving?” Luke asked.

  “It involves a family issue that I must return home for,” Aimee continued. “I’m not sure if you know Krystal’s history.”

  Luke shook his head no.

  “Her mother passed away and her dad is in jail, and because of this she has been in and out of foster homes most of her life. She does have an older brother who is in the Marines, but stationed at Guantanamo, so she is pretty much on her own. When I came she was all alone, having broken up recently with a boyfriend and working in a basic job with little future,” Aimee explained and then continued, “We have made some headway by applying to the community college and scholarships in the nursing field, but we have yet to hear anything. She has been making progress; however, it frightens me to just leave her. That is why I need you to be there for her and follow through when I am gone.”

  “I can do that, but what about you?” Luke asked.

  “I’ll be fine. I have a very large support system back home unlike Krystal here. So, please don’t worry about me,” Aimee reassured him.

  “So, specifically what do you need me to do?” he continued.

  “Just be there for her and encourage and guide her on the right path in life,” Aimee suggested.

  “Well, that’s part of my pastoral duties most every day. I’m sure I can do that for her, but we will miss you around here. You definitely have a beautiful voice, and I hope wherever you go, you will continue to share your God-given talents,” Luke conveyed.

  “Thank you. I knew I could count on you,” Aimee proclaimed as she gave him a big hug.

  “Is there some way I can keep in touch with you after you go?” Luke asked.

  “I will leave the information with Krystal once I know,” Aimee promised. “Well I must go, Luke. Thank you and blessed be.”

  “God speed.”

  Chapter Ten

  In the meantime, everything had settled down at work after the State surveyors had left, and Krystal relished having a friend to do things with who seemed to really care about her. Aimee was both understanding and there for her; something she never really experienced before. She trusted her completely which didn’t come easy for her. More important, she now had hope for her future. Aimee had opened up her eyes as to possibilities. Yes, she was a Godsend, Krystal decided.

  Relaxing after an extremely busy day at work, she was surprised when there was a knock on her door so late. Opening it up, she noticed Aimee appearing somewhat serious and upset which was unlike her.

  “Hello girlfriend. You’re up late. What’s the problem, anything wrong?” Krystal inquired, somewh
at surprised.

  “Yes, I just wanted to come by to talk with you,” Aimee declared solemnly and then began, “It’s just that I have to go home for a little bit, so I wanted to come by and let you know before I leave.”

  “What’s the matter? Is there anything I can do?” Krystal queried with concern.

  “I wish there was something, but it is a family health issue I need to help out with,” Aimee explained.

  “I am so sorry, but you’ll be back, won’t you?” Krystal beseeched her.

  “I certainly hope so if everything works out, but right now I’m not sure about the future,” Aimee responded with a sigh.

  “Is there any way I can get hold of you?” Krystal asked.

  “I will provide that information when I know more. Here is the key to my apartment upstairs. God bless,” Aimee emphasized, giving her a hug.

  “Are you leaving right now?” Krystal mumbled in shock.

  “Yes, I’m being picked up soon to return home,” Aimee disclosed. “I better go. They should be here any minute now.”

  After another all-encompassing hug, Krystal retreated into her apartment, stunned with tears in her eyes. All she could think about was how alone she felt and how much she had become dependent on Aimee. Though Aimee felt the same way, leaving behind a note with the angel necklace she had recently purchased at the mall. She knew Krystal would be okay, but she felt as though she hadn’t finished her mission. Soon, Michael was there to fetch her to return to Heaven as they both slowly dissipated into the air.

  Upon her return, Aimee asked Michael if she would be able to observe Krystal and her future from Heaven.

  “I’m sure we can arrange it,” Michael promised. “Though, they need your lovely soprano voice for the heavenly choir right now.”

  Aimee just nodded as she reflected sadly on her perceived failed mission.

  The next day, Krystal too, somehow made it through work; however, she was surprised to notice a letter in the mail from the Community College upon her return home. Her breath caught as she read an acceptance letter into the nursing program under a full scholarship. She could hardly believe it. Her thoughts were disrupted by a knock on the door.

  “Luke!” she exclaimed, surprised to see him. “What brings you here?”

  “I was hoping to catch Aimee since she left her purse behind at the church,” Luke explained.

  “We can check upstairs, but I think she’s already gone. I have a key, though, so we can take a look,” Krystal offered.

  Krystal first knocked and then unlocked the door to discover a totally empty apartment. “Wow, everything is gone, but I never saw or heard her move out.”

  “She left a note on the table for you,” Luke noticed as Krystal went over to pick it up. As she did, an angel necklace fell out.

  “What does it say?” Luke asked.

  “It says ‘Krystal: this angel necklace is for you. Please wear it and think of me. I will always be looking out for you. Blessed be, Love, Aimee’,” Krystal murmured.

  “Wow, do you think…?” she began, “No, it can’t be. Do you want to come down to my place and maybe figure this all out?”

  “Yes, I would,” Luke agreed, equally stunned as he followed her out.

  As they both were heading down the stairs, Krystal bumped into Mr. Keller, her landlord, who was escorting a girl up the stairs.

  “It’s a small efficiency, but it has everything you’ll need,” he informed her.

  Krystal was surprised that Mr. Keller already had another tenant for the place.

  “Oh, Mr. Keller. Aimee wanted me to give you her key to her apartment,” Krystal interjected.

  Mr. Keller looked at her dumbfounded. “Who’s Aimee?” he asked.

  “You know, Aimee Angelique, the girl who last rented the efficiency,” Krystal answered, surprised by the question.

  “This apartment has been empty the last few months. I don’t know any Aimee Angelique,” he retorted brusquely.

  Krystal blushed as she turned to let Luke into her apartment.

  “That was the strangest encounter, wasn’t it?” Krystal mumbled astounded.

  “Yes, it most definitely was,” Luke agreed wide-eyed while checking out some information with his Smartphone.

  “Just what I thought. There isn’t any Aimee Angelique enrolled at Hope College.”

  “Seriously?” Krystal surmised. “Do you think she is an angel? No, it couldn’t be that.”

  “When I saw her in church last night, there’s was a strange glow surrounding her as she was praying,” Luke shared. “Afterwards, she asked me to watch over you since she had suddenly been called back home. She was quite upset about it as though she had been crying.”

  “Then she came directly here afterwards to say good-bye,” Krystal added, “Do you still have her purse with you?”

  “Yes, but there is only money in it,” Luke said, giving it to her.

  Tucked inside the rolled money was a business card of a guitar shop. Printed on it was “For Krystal’s new guitar. There’s over $200 here!” Krystal exclaimed.

  “Well, I guess I know what she wants the money to be used for then,” Luke commented, shaking his head in disbelief.

  “Unreal and only today I received acceptance and a scholarship to nursing school. This is unbelievable!” Krystal whispered.

  “I think we have been visited by an angel,” Luke declared.

  “I’m inclined to agree with you, but I don’t think anyone else will ever believe us,” Krystal concurred.

  “Then, it will remain our little secret,” Luke proposed.

  “Yes. Or everyone will think we’re just plain crazy,” Krystal agreed.

  “You know I could use some fresh air. Why don’t we go down to check out that guitar shop? You might need some advice in picking out a guitar for yourself,” Luke suggested.

  “Yes, I definitely need some cold air to clear my mind,” Krystal admitted.

  “Then perhaps afterwards, we can stop off for some pizza,” Luke remarked.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Krystal affirmed.

  Chapter Eleven

  Aimee, back in Heaven, returned to the choir sadly and without her heart into it. After a few days, she received another visit from Celeste.

  “It is quite noticeable that your mission has taken much of your light from you,” Celeste questioned gently.

  “It’s just that I feel I have failed my mission. I never had a chance to finish what I began,” Aimee replied with sadness.

  “Oh, but you did, my child. You allowed Krystal to see possibilities, to have hope and to love again. In that we can rejoice,” Celeste marveled.

  “Oh, I thought I was suddenly pulled because I didn’t follow the rules,” Aimee expressed hesitantly.

  “No, you were pulled because your part in the mission was completed. You did everything that was expected of you. Now it is up to your new friends to make choices that are right for their lives,” Celeste explained.

  “Will I ever have the opportunity to observe or visit Krystal or Luke again? Aimee asked hopefully.

  “Yes, of course, but we need to reflect and regroup to replenish the light in our souls. It is depleted after a mission, and it takes some time back in Heaven to re-energize and regroup,” Celeste revealed.

  “Oh, I didn’t know that,” Aimee admitted, “Though, I was hoping to visit clandestinely of course on Valentine’s Day.”

  “Yes, I can grant your wish once you are healed, that is,” Celeste promised, “But actually, I am here to visit with you about another concern. Even though it was against the rules, we all understood your desire to visit your parents during your mission. After much contemplation with the other angels, we have decided that we would make them our next mission.”

  “Seriously?” Aimee asked wide-eyed. “Will I be involved with it?”

  “Only as a consultant since another angel needs an earthly mission to fulfill her heavenly requirements,” Celeste conveyed with a smile. “Also, St. Pet
er and St. Jude want to convey that they are very proud of you and are looking forward to presenting you with accolades this Easter.”

  “Thank you, Celeste. This means so much to me!” Aimee exclaimed.

  “You’re very welcomed, my child.”

  By Valentine’s Day, Aimee’s light had returned and she couldn’t wait until she could return to Earth again. After much reflection, she knew exactly how and where she wanted to make her earthly revisit again and remained busy making preparations.

  Since Valentine’s Day was on a Sunday, the theme of the Community Church service revolved around love.

  “We have a special surprise for everyone today to conclude our Valentine’s Day service,” Luke announced to the parishioners. “We have a student today from Hope College who will play her baby harp and sing for us. I would like to introduce our harpist who goes by the name of Angela.”

  Aimee, who was disguised as a beautiful and talented African-American music student in her early twenties, smiled at Krystal and began her heavenly number. The parishioners were mesmerized by the soprano voice that filled the church with love and joy. At the conclusion, the church was momentarily silenced in awe before breaking out in applause.

  Angela politely acknowledged the ovation, bowed slightly with a smile as she winked at Krystal in the choir before making her exit.

  Afterwards, Krystal, who received familiar vibes from Angela asked Luke, “Where did she go? I would like to talk to her.”

  “I don’t know. She seems to have just disappeared,” Luke declared astonished.

  “Do you think…?” Krystal began. “No, it couldn’t be but there was something very familiar about her. She even winked at me before she left.”

  “Would you like to go out after church for dinner where we can discuss this more?” Luke invited since he was still involved with the choir.

  “Yes, I would,” Krystal replied very confused while touching her angel necklace, “I just wish if it was her, she would leave me a sign.”

  “I’ll pick you up at your place in an hour then,” Luke promised as Krystal nodded her head in agreement.


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