The Enemy's Daughter

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The Enemy's Daughter Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “Do you like what you see?” she asked.

  “More than you can know.”

  She licked the tip of his pre-cum, and he more than anything wanted to come all over her tits, and slowly feed it to her.

  “You’re a dirty little bitch really, aren’t you?”

  “Scared yet?” she asked.

  “No, babe. This has just gotten a whole lot more interesting.”

  This was more than he could have ever hoped for.


  “You’re a fucking dirty whore.”



  “You want me to do what?”

  Bella’s boyfriends over the years hadn’t exactly given her a lot of confidence in the bedroom. She always knew that she rather liked sex dirty, and with the lights on, and to see everything. She loved to watch a cock sinking deep inside her, taking her, and the pleasure from both watching and being filled.

  With Blue’s dick in her mouth, she stared up at him, and rather than seeing disgust in his eyes, she saw desire. During sex, her previous boyfriends liked to keep the bedroom lights off, and to be partially clothed. There was nothing worse than being rubbed raw as a guy was going at it on top of you.

  “I’m not going to come inside your mouth this first time,” he said, grabbing her arm, and pulled her up to her feet.

  Suddenly, Blue pressed her up against the kitchen counter, and made it so her ass was sticking out.

  He slid his hand between her thighs, plunging his fingers inside her pussy. “A nice, wet cunt, just what I like to feel wrapped around my dick.”

  She felt the tip of his cock press against her entrance, and a second later she cried out as the past three years of celibacy caught up with her. He rammed every single inch of his impressive cock inside her, making her moan, and sink back against him. Blue grabbed her hips, keeping her in place.

  “So fucking tight!”

  He paused all the way inside her, and she moaned, wriggling on his shaft. She squeezed his dick, and he slapped her ass. “You ready for some more?”


  Blue pulled out of her pussy until only the tip of him remained, and she was about to whimper when with another thrust, he was pushed so deeply inside her that she went to her tiptoes.

  Closing her eyes, she cried out his name once again.

  His name seemed to be the only word she could form.

  “This is not going to last long, but we’ve got all night.”

  “Are you sure you can go all night?” she asked.

  “Baby, I’m about to show you that real men like me, do it fucking better.”

  He slammed inside her, and she cried out. The only sounds in the kitchen were the moans coming from her lips, his grunting, and the echoing of their slapping flesh. Blue rode her hard, gripping her hips tightly to the point that she knew he was going to leave his mark on her body. She didn’t have a problem with that.

  His cock was so long and thick. He was the biggest man she had ever been with, and right now, he was proving that he knew how to use it.

  “Such a nice tight pussy. I’m going to fill it with my spunk, Bella. I’m going to fill you up, and then watch it drip out, and down your thighs.”

  “Yes,” she said, moaning his name. “Please, please.”

  He fucked her hard, and she gripped the edge of the counter, to keep herself from being pushed through the damn window. She hoped no one could see her. Actually, screw it, she didn’t care.

  Blue leaned over her and bit down on her neck as he rode her pussy. He released a groan, and suddenly pulled away. His dress was pushed up over the middle of her back, and she looked in time to see his cum splash over her back. Blue held onto her hip even as the last remnants of his orgasm covered her.

  They were both panting, and neither of them spoke a word. Bella really didn’t know what to say after what had just happened between them.

  She turned her head, and that didn’t help as it was dark outside, and she saw his reflection in the mirror. This wasn’t supposed to happen.

  A nice dinner date, that was all.

  This wasn’t a nice dinner date.

  This was sex.

  Raw, dirty sex.

  She could handle nearly everything else, but right now, she couldn’t handle this.

  You don’t have a choice. You made your decision, and now you must deal with it.

  “I think we need to talk,” he said.


  He reached over her, and grabbed her kitchen tissue. “I didn’t think this would happen today.”

  “It’s fine. I get it, Blue. Really, I do.”

  “What do you get because from where I’m standing, you can’t even look at me?”

  She looked into the window, and her cheeks heated even more. “I’m a little embarrassed right now, to be honest. This was just dinner, and now—”

  “It’s still dinner. Order whatever you want, my treat. I’ll pay. I love everything from the menu.”

  When he’d finished wiping, she pushed her breasts back inside the bra, and fit the dress comfortably.

  “I think it’s best if you go,” she said.

  “No. You’re not going to get away from me that easily.”

  “This isn’t something I want to talk about.” When her dress was back on properly, she turned toward him. It was much harder looking at him directly than through the mirror.

  “Yes, it is.”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “I don’t think we have anything to talk about. You came by. We had sex, and now it’s over.” The last thing she wanted to do was analyze it.

  Glancing down Blue’s body she saw his pants were open even though they rested against his hips. “I’m not going anywhere. What just happened between us was fucking amazing.”

  Heat filled her cheeks. “I don’t know what else to say.”

  “Years is a long time to finally let go.”

  “And I finally did, and now I don’t know what to do.” She pushed some of her hair off her face. “I can’t handle this right now. I’d rather you just left.”

  He stepped closer to her. “Not happening. I’m not leaving.” He held her arms, rubbing them up and down. “Some asshole hurt you, didn’t he?”

  Gritting her teeth, she stared at his chest, and let out a breath. “They. I’ve had three boyfriends, and each one didn’t like what I was like in the bedroom. It always came between us.” She breathed in deeply, which she had seemed to be doing a hell of a lot around him. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she forced a smile. “I like sex. You’d think guys liked that in a girl.”

  “The guys you’ve been with are complete fucking assholes.” He placed a finger beneath her chin, and lifted her up to look at him.

  “They’re not.”

  “Yes, they are. They’re assholes, and they don’t have a clue what they’re missing out on. You’re amazing. You’re beautiful, and I’m not going anywhere.” He leaned down, licking her pulse. “Because I’ve got a lot of plans, and you’re not going to keep away from me now, Bella.”

  He kissed her neck, and she closed her eyes, moaning. “You’re making this hard for me.”

  “You’re making me hard.”

  She tilted her head back. “Already?”

  “I’m good to go again. I’ve got to ask you something, baby. Are you on birth control?” he asked.

  “No. I’m not.”

  “Fuck. I need to get us some condoms.”

  She whimpered. “I don’t have any.”

  Blue groaned and pulled away. “I’m going to the pharmacy to get us some condoms, and I’m going to pick up some food. I want you to get naked, and be waiting for me.”

  She frowned, watching him leave. “Where do you want me?”

  “Anywhere we can fuck and eat.”

  He left, and her heart was pounding.

  “Holy shit.” She grabbed her cell phone and dialed Rebecca.

  “Hey, sweetie. It’s about
time you called. I thought you were going on a date?”

  “I was, but, erm, we didn’t make it out.”

  “Did he stand you up?” Rebecca asked.

  “No. Erm, something else stood up, and well, I think I’ve just made a big mistake.”

  “You’re not making sense.”

  “I’ve just fucked my date. The guy I met yesterday. The older guy. Blue, remember!”

  “Oh my God, you little slut.” Rebecca squealed. “Was he good?”

  Bella sighed, and moved to lean against the counter. The movement reminded her of how tender she actually was between her thighs.

  “He’s so damn good. He’s gone to get some condoms. Tell me I’ve got to keep him away, that what I’m doing is a big mistake.”

  “Nope. Not going to happen. I’m surprised he didn’t have to dust between your thighs it has been that long. I want all the juicy details, and if he’s coming back, I think we should talk tomorrow. Don’t you?”

  “I’ve got to have dinner with my dad tomorrow.”

  “Ugh, later that night?” Rebecca asked. “Can you record it?”

  “Ew! I’m not going to do that. There’s no chance of me recording myself. Gross.”

  “It’s a thought. I’m not dating, and I’m trying to get my kicks any way I can.”

  Shaking her head, Bella glanced over at the clock to see some time had passed. “Crap, I’ve got to go. Talk to you soon.”

  Hanging up the phone, Bella rushed around her apartment, making sure everything was put into place. This was fine.

  She could handle this.

  Totally. Nothing like a hot guy to entertain, to enjoy a Saturday night.

  Chapter Five

  Monday morning, and Alaric stared out of his corporate window overlooking the city. There was nothing like a weekend of good, hot sex to make him feel alive. Bella had surprised the fuck out of him. After getting a huge box of condoms and picking up some Chinese, he’d found her in a robe, sitting on the sofa. She had poured them both a large glass of white wine.

  At first, she had tried to pretend that nothing had happened between them. He wouldn’t allow her to get away with that. Forty-eight years, and he’d had the best experience of his life.

  “This couldn’t wait?” Rex asked, storming into his office.

  Alaric frowned as he looked toward his friend. “I have no idea why you’re in my office,” he said. “I didn’t send you a message to be here. What are you doing here?”

  “Ugh, my stupid PA is pissing me off. She is awful, and is getting everything completely wrong right now.” He threw his arms up in the air. “She told me that it was an emergency, and I was supposed to get here right away.”

  “What’s her name again?” he asked. “Do you even know it?”

  “Her name is Nora, if you must know, and I can’t fire her. I’m not allowed.”

  “Have you been creating a bad reputation being partner and all?” Alaric asked.

  “It would seem even if you are partner in a law firm, you are still bound by their damn rules, and I’m not allowed to screw random PAs, and it’s good for the integrity of the company that I be above reproach.” Rex went into a very posh accent. “Have you ever heard of such bullshit?”

  “You need to be careful. Your fellow partners could band together, and kick your ugly ass out.”

  “Nah, they won’t. I’ll deal with Nora. I may have said some pretty nasty as fuck shit to her.” Rex shrugged. “I’ll deal with it. I always do. How are things going with Bella?”

  “Things are actually going better than I planned.”

  Alaric moved from his window to lean against the front of his disk. Folding his arms, he couldn’t help but smile. “We had a very good date at the weekend.”

  “A very good date?” Rex asked.

  “She’s like fire, and I have to say, she caught me with it.” He had enjoyed every single second of their date. At first, he’d been dreading it in case she was boring, but the whole night, they ate and talked. “She is nothing like her father.”

  “Duh, she’s not a he.”

  “I don’t even think she cares about her father’s line of work. She’s more interested in having a normal life away from all the wealth.”

  “Did she come out and say her father was wealthy?” Rex asked.

  “No. She didn’t. What I believe is she’s been burnt by that knowledge before.”

  “Someone use her?”

  Alaric nodded. “Or tried to blackmail her or something. I don’t know. Either way, she doesn’t talk about Daddy, nor does she go into great detail about him.”

  “Are you regretting your decision?” Rex asked.

  “No. I’m not.” There were twinges of guilt that he got every other day. “Anyway, why would I want you here today? I’ve no need for you.”

  “You’re a heartless bastard.” Rex sighed. “I may have called Nora a fat, useless, stray.”

  Alaric winced. “Why?”

  “I was getting pissed off by this damn case, and then the partners are breathing down my neck for some kind of sexual harassment suit. I was at my breaking point. She was there, you know the drill.”

  “Actually, I don’t. Huh, figure that one out. I’ve got work to do, and a plan to deal with.”

  “You know, Reed hasn’t said anything about you in the paper.”

  “What do you mean?” Alaric asked.

  “He gave a thank you speech. Maybe you should see it.” Rex opened up his briefcase, and handed it over to him.

  Alaric took it and sneered at the front page.

  “In fact, when I think back over the past twenty or so years, he hasn’t mentioned you once. Any chance you’ve been overreacting with this?”

  “Rex, the door can hit you on the way out.”

  “Ah, you don’t mean that. We’re close BFFs and all.”

  Alaric laughed, and glanced through the paper. “I just wanted to say that the stock that I acquired with Macalister is in safe hands. It has always been a wish of mine to own a modeling firm. I know this is strange for some of you, as my businesses range across the globe, and nowhere near this firm. My wife, rest her soul, she had a dream, and I had hoped to help her realize that dream. As it happens, it came fifteen years too late. Macalister will be diverse. I will make sure without fail that there is a new wave of models within the industry, and that it’s not so cutthroat anymore. Thank you.” Alaric read the piece, and there was no reference to anyone else in the bidding war.

  “I did some digging after I read that, and in all of your competition pieces, he rarely mentions the losers. I think it’s rather noble of him to be honest.”

  “Why do you think that is noble? It’s out of respect to acknowledge the losers.”

  “That’s exactly my point. The losers. It’s tacky. It’s like some kind of game-show, where the winner is rubbing it into the losers face and all.” Rex shrugged. “What do I know? I’m a lawyer who can’t keep it in his pants, with his partners red faced at him. Anyway, I’ve got keep my father’s rep ticking.”

  “Your father was a playboy, doesn’t mean you have to be. Also, last time I checked, you weren’t mean, Rex.”

  His friend’s shoulders visibly dropped. “You’re right. I really need to apologize to Nora before she has me booked on a plane for a useless meeting that doesn’t exist.” Rex walked toward the door, and stopped. “You know, be careful with Bella.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “First, this is the first time in my lifetime I’ve seen you smile a genuine smile. Second, you ever thought she could make you happy? Really happy.”

  Alaric had thought about it. They were so alike it was kind of scary. “Talk to you soon.”

  His friend left, and the door swung open, and then shut. Glancing down at the paper in his hand, Alaric cursed. This wasn’t what he wanted to deal with. Bella was just a damn girl and someone he could use to send a message to her father.

  This wasn’t about feelings, or needs.
  It never would be.”

  Tossing the paper into the trashcan by his desk, Alaric took a seat. His plan was in focus, and he saw what he wanted. There was no reason to stop now. He wasn’t going to stop.


  “Have you heard from him?” Rebecca asked.

  Bella stared at her best friend and sighed. “No. We didn’t exchange phone numbers, or give a date for when we’d meet each other next.”

  “Do you want to?”


  “Meet him again? Have some fun?”

  “I don’t know.” She rubbed her temple. “Just thinking about it is going to give me a headache.”

  “So that’s a yes. You’re pretty much glowing, Bella. Besides, he was really great in the sack.”

  “He could still be married.”

  “Was there a band mark around his finger?”

  “No, and I did check.” Bella ran her fingers through her hair. “I don’t get it.”

  “Get what?”

  “Why me? He’s a sexy guy. I mean smoking hot sexy, and I’m me. I’ve looked in the mirror, so don’t give me any of that crap that I’m beautiful or shit. I won’t buy it.”

  “Sweetie, you are beautiful. It’s just a different kind of beauty.”

  “Right. It’s the kind that people overlook when they get to know me.” She rolled her eyes. “I don’t know. Something just doesn’t feel right, you know?”

  “No, I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. This is supposed to be a good thing, and you’re treating it like some kind of curse. A guy likes you. You’ve had the best sex ever. I’m jealous, babe. Like real jealous.”

  Bella chuckled. “You’ve got nothing to be jealous of. You know you’re a hottie, and you have men falling all over you.”

  “I know. Sometimes I wonder if my parents have sent men to me.”

  “To try to lure you back to their way of thinking?”

  “Yeah. It has been done before, and then I wonder if I’m just lame in thinking that,” Rebecca said.

  The waiter came to bring them their food. Bella had spaghetti carbonara, one of her favorites, while Rebecca went with chicken Milanese. “So you think I should just play this out? See what happens?”


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