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by Gee, Maurice

  It’s a dream. Perhaps I don’t need to dream it any more.

  I’ve never forgotten Jack, and never will.


  by Maurice Gee

  There’s no street like Orchard Street, and no year like 1951. So much happened to me and my family, and to Teresa and hers, that our lives could never be the same.

  Some very strange things are happening in Orchard Street. Ossie’s dad is doing something illegal under the house; everyone is talking about the waterfront strike; adults are behaving in odd ways towards each other – and Ossie is falling in love. As he moves out of the safety zone of childhood, Ossie begins to understand that life will never be predictable again.


  by Maurice Gee

  A letter for Gloria was waiting in the rack. The envelope looked ordinary – Miss Gloria Wood written in ink – but Ailsa knew that crazy words lay hidden inside.

  Ailsa takes a dislike to Calum Page from the day she is invited to play tennis with his sister. The Pages looks down on her because her mother is the matron at Woburn Hostel, but Ailsa enjoys her life there. In particular, she is fascinated with the love life of her beautiful, aloof roommate, Gloria.

  Gloria begins to receive menacing love letters from an anonymous writer, and the girls realise he must be watching her – day and night. As the stalker closes in, Ailsa becomes increasingly convinced of his identity. And as she struggles to protect her friend from the complexities of obsessive love, Ailsa finds an unexpected ally.


  by Maurice Gee

  When people like Herbert Muskie take up residence in your mind, there’s nothing you can do to get them out.

  Colin Potter is a skinny boy, hungry for chocolate. Herbert Muskie is enormously fat, hungry for revenge.

  A dramatic encounter down at the creek forges an unhappy alliance between the vindictive man and the fearful child.

  But who is the fat man and why does he hate the people of Loomis? What guilty secrets are hidden in the past and why are Colin’s parents such special targets?

  Winner Aim Junior Fiction Award

  Winner Aim Children’s Book of the Year

  US Publishers Weekly Top 10

  Children’s Books of the Year


  Published by the Penguin Group

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  First published by Puffin Books, 1989

  This edition published in 2013

  Copyright © Maurice Gee, 1989

  The right of Maurice Gee to be identified as the author of this work in terms of section 96 of the Copyright Act 1994 is hereby asserted.

  All rights reserved

  ISBN: 978-1-742-53952-2




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