Bound by Steel

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Bound by Steel Page 1

by Connie Lafortune




  by Connie Lafortune

  Bound by Steel

  Connie Lafortune

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Bound by Steel

  All rights reserved

  Copyright © 2016 Connie Lafortune

  Cover design © Hang Le

  Edited and formatted by Peter Gaskin

  Except for use in a review, no part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.

  To Catherine and David Bibby

  For your endless support and lifelong friendship

  You guys rock!


  I’d like to thank my husband, Alan, for putting up with my obsessive-compulsive behavior. A ton of one-sided conversations and a drawer full of takeout menus. Without your encouragement and support, I wouldn’t be doing what I love. You are and always will be my hero. Love you, baby.

  To my beta readers and street team—Catherine at and David at, The both of you have been so pleasant, generous and downright selfless since I’ve met you. Your dedication and hard work in wanting to see all of us succeed is overwhelming. I’m so grateful for our Zoom meetings, nightly chats, Tweets and passion for books. But most importantly, I’m thankful to have found such amazing friends! Here’s to 2016…

  A big shout out to my girl Miranda, for taking time out of your busy schedule to read my manuscripts. Your enthusiasm knows no bounds and gives me the inspiration to keep on writing.

  To my editor, friend and mentor, Peter Gaskin. It’s been a year in the making and I’m so glad you’re along for the ride once again.

  I'd like to thank Nathan McCree: producer, composer, and sound designer for the production and score of my book trailer, Bound by Steel. It was an honor and a privilege working with such an amazing icon in the music industry.

  To all of my readers who’ve taken a chance on me. Every single one of YOU are the reason why I pour my blood, sweat and tears onto a blank page. Every. Single. Day. I am nothing without you…

  And to my parents—Jeanne and Roland—who are no longer of this Earth but are forever in my heart. I love you both to the moon and back, a trillion times ten.

  To my Lord and Savior for giving me the gift of words so I can in turn share them with others.

  Table of Contents

  Part One

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Part Two

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Part Three

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven



  Other Books by Connie Lafortune

  Part One

  Chapter One



  I open my eyes, and for a fleeting moment I am hopeful. Until the cold and empty space beside me crawls ruthlessly into my weary bones.


  It’s been my personal retribution for the past three years. Since the death of my beloved.



  That’s all I’m able to do. Until I take my last breath.

  So, with a heavy heart I fling off the covers and plant my feet on the ice-cold floor. Apparently, the raging fire I stoked before going to bed has now fizzled to a few burning embers. I’d laugh at how symbolic that is to my life. Burning bright one minute, just to have it snuffed out in a millisecond. The irony of it should have me laughing, but somehow I don’t find anything amusing anymore. Maybe it has something to do with the nightmares. The same damn nightmares that have haunted me for years now. Leaving me broken, alone. Death, my only escape.

  I rest my elbows on my knees and cover my face with my hands. Desperately holding back emotions that want to overpower me. Consume me. Today marks the third anniversary of Bella’s death. She was the most talented ballerina that had ever graced this Earth. Unfortunately, she was struck and killed in a hit-and-run. While the world celebrated Christmas, I was burying the most beautiful part of me. Bell was my best friend, my lover, my wife. My everything.

  After six weeks of heartfelt condolences, botched investigations, and sleepless nights, I shut down. My mind was muddled and my heart was shattered. So I did the only thing that made sense to me at the time. I ceased to exist. It wasn’t hard to pull off, since I work for the government. They were kind enough to gift me with a new identity, a job, and a place to live. So on a cold January morning, Ryker Steel climbed into his black SUV, never to be seen or heard from again.

  I’m suddenly pulled out of my thoughts when I feel a cold nose trying to pry my hands apart. I can’t help smiling when I look up and see Cody’s golden eyes gazing into my black and lifeless ones. She’s my beautiful Bernese mountain dog and the only reason I bother getting out of bed every morning. She makes me smile when her tongue darts out to lick my scruffy face.

  “Good morning, Cody. Would you like to go out?” Her resounding yelp echoes off the walls before I even push off the bed. “Okay, okay. Let me get dressed.”

  Once I’ve thrown on a pair of jeans and a hooded sweatshirt, I head downstairs with her close at my heels. The moment I open the front door, bitter cold bites at my exposed skin. A fresh layer of snow stretches across the horizon as far as I can see. She’s gone in a flash. Cody loves to mark her territory in the white snow, so I know I won’t be seeing her for quite some time.


  After closing the door, I head straight for the kitchen. I need my fix. Caffeine. It’s my one and only addiction. The rich scent of brewing beans permeates the air almost immediately after I throw in a pod. Now I’m thankful I took the time to go into town yesterday to pick up supplies. Especially since they’re predicting another sixteen to twenty-four inches of snow our way. I’ve no doubt it’s just a matter of time before they close down all the secondary roads. Which will make traveling nearly impossible for everyone rushing home for the holidays.

  While waiting for my second cup, I add more wood to the fireplace in the living room. It sits directly in the center of the log cabin and heats the entire first floor. I’m mesmerized as I watch the flames flicker like an exotic dancer reaching out her hand to seduce me. But no matter how long I stand there and stare into the fire, I’m cold from the inside out. Nothing could ever make me feel warm and alive.


  Wrapping my hands around the mug I gaze into its dark depths. Hoping its warmth will spread into my hands and radiate throughout my body. As the steam billows and curls, it appears to swallow me whole. Pulling me beneath its murky darkness.

  So I let go and allow it to take me,




  Until something niggles at the back of my mind.

  A sense of foreboding washes over me as goose bumps break out along my skin.

  Something feels off.

  I can’t put my finger on it, but my sixth sense is never wrong. I stride into my office and flip a switch. Ten monitors promptly blink to attention. Lighting up the darkness of the room with an eerie glow. The hairs on the back of my neck quickly stand at attention when I see Cody running around in circles.

  What the fuck!

  A car has veered off the road and is now sitting precariously close to the edge. Although Lake Lucerne is frozen this time of year, a car falling from that height would plunge straight through the ice. Location Seven continuously flashes red and I don’t hesitate for a second longer before putting on my gear and racing out the door.


  The last thing I remember is losing control of the wheel. Then nothing. I’m cold. So, so cold. I don’t know how long I’ve been trapped in this stupid car. Hours could have easily turned into days. And every breath I take feels like it will be my last. My head hurts and something sticky is oozing out of it. Not good, since I’m in the middle of the woods in Bum Fuck, New York. Obviously, I’m lost. And I’m an idiot for thinking I could rent a car and make it to my parents’ house before the storm hit. Now, I know exactly where I’m going to spend my holidays. This hunk of metal will surely be my tomb until they find me in the spring.

  Darkness. It envelops me like a stifling cocoon. Only this time, it feels different. It’s not cold. It’s as warm and cozy as a summer day. Is this what it feels like to die? Could death be knocking on my door? No, I won’t die! Gage and my parents would never forgive me for being so selfish. Fight, Lyra! Do not succumb to this feeling of euphoria simply because you’re too weak. Fight!

  One lone tear makes its escape as I feel my body floating towards the heavens.

  I wake to something soft and warm draped across my chest. But it takes a minute or two for me to realize what it could be. A comforter. Was I dreaming? No, the accident was most definitely real. I know this to be true because my head feels like it’s split apart. Slowly, I raise my hand and feel the gauze that now covers my wound. Am I in a hospital? No, I can’t be because it doesn’t have that clawing antiseptic smell that hospitals do. So, where am I? Distress causes me to suck in a deep breath, which is excruciating. Clearly, my head wasn’t the only injury I sustained. My ribs must have taken a beating, too.

  Once my senses return, I can actually hear and smell the logs crackling in the fireplace. While the mouthwatering scent of stew surrounds me. Comforts me. It doesn’t take long before my belly growls in anticipation. How long has it been since I’ve eaten? Hours? Days? I have no idea but my eyes suddenly fill with unshed tears when I realize I’m in someone’s home.

  Someone saved my life…

  I can no longer hold back my tears as they suddenly burst free. Every single emotion I’ve ever repressed comes gushing out as I feel the bed dip beside me. I draw in a painful breath, too afraid to open my eyes. God only knows what’s waiting on the other side. But the one thing I do know—death surely would’ve snatched me with her icy fingers had I stayed in that car for much longer. Perhaps she already had.

  I muster all the strength I possess and slowly open my eyes. Only to see golden ones staring back at me. A beautiful dog with a multicolored coat and floppy ears peruses me. Before I have a chance to utter a sound, a loud bark resonates in the quiet room.

  When a man suddenly appears at the head of the stairs, I’m cautious. His height and broad shoulders cast a scary shadow that dances along the dim walls. And my heart immediately takes flight as it thumps wildly inside of me.

  “Cody. Come.” The dog takes one last peek at me before joining its master. “Sit,” he commands, as his hand firmly brushes the top of the dog’s head. Then I cower when his focus returns to me. “How are you feeling?” he asks.

  When I open my mouth to speak, nothing comes out. I’m so parched. And it certainly doesn’t help when I have to tilt my head up just to look at him. He’s intimidating with his tall frame looming over me. Immediately, my body begins to react. Trembling uncontrollably. Quickly, he grabs a blanket from the foot of the bed and wraps it around me. “Is that better, Lyra?” he asks, squatting down beside me.

  He knows my name. Now he’s at an advantage because I sure as hell don’t have a clue who he is. All I can do is nod as I gaze into his hypnotic eyes. They’re as black as the night and a perfect match to his silken hair. Which is long enough to graze the collar of his shirt. With his scruffy beard, it’s almost impossible to see if there is a handsome man underneath. But it certainly draws attention to his full, sensuous lips. They’re perfectly shaped. And when he catches me ogling them, they curl into a mischievous grin.

  When a glass of water mysteriously appears in his hand, I lunge for it. Spilling half of it on myself before quenching my undying thirst. “Go easy, Lyra. You’ll be sick if you drink it too fast.”

  After I’ve extinguished my scratchy throat, I say, “I’m glad you find me so amusing, especially since we don’t know one another. Apparently, you know my name but I don’t know yours.” I can’t help glaring as he matches my stare. When he reaches for a towel on the nightstand and tries to mop up my mess, I swiftly grab it out of his hands. I might be in pain, but I will not let a stranger touch me.

  He’s smiling when he runs his index finger across those sexy-as-sin lips. “You didn’t have a hell of a lot to say over the last three days, but you’re sure making up for lost time.”

  Chapter Two


  Lyra scrutinizes me from head to toe. When her eyes finally land on mine, she blushes. How precious. Just wait until she realizes that the clothes she’s wearing now are not what she had on the day of her accident. And that we’ve been sleeping in the same bed.

  “Well, I’m waiting. Who are you?” she inquires.

  First, I hold out my hand just to see if she’ll even consider taking mine into hers. She hesitates for a heartbeat and then her small hand gets lost in mine. Instantly, my heart races when something deep inside of me sparks to life.

  No. This can’t be happening!

  Immediately, I pull my hand away. Lyra looks confused when I stand up and make a mad dash for the stairs. Once I’ve taken a few calming breaths to quiet my hammering heart, I slowly turn around and reply, “My name is Ryker Steel. You don’t have to thank me for saving your life. Thank Cody. She’s the one who found you.” God, why does it feel like the room is closing in on me? I need to put some distance between the both of us. Now!

  What the fuck just happened?

  My hands tremble as I dip the ladle into the steaming pot of stew. Thanks to our little encounter, my appetite is nonexistent. But that doesn’t mean Lyra has to go without. So, I reluctantly climb the stairs with the tray clenched tightly in my hands. But when I reach the top step, my heart skips a beat. She’s sitting up against the headboard with the sheets securely wrapped around her. She looks so small and fragile, reminding me of someone I used to know so long ago. “No, she doesn’t!” my subconscious screams back at me. But my heart knows. The woman who’s mysteriously appeared looks just like the one I’m trying to forget.


  “What did you do with my clothes? And why don’t I remember changing into my pajamas?”

  Sighing, I carefully set down the tray. Lyra swallows down hard as I come closer. “Your clothes were soaked by the time I brought you here. Believe me, it was imperative I keep you dry and as warm as possible. It was the only way to bring your body temp back up…”
br />   She frantically shakes her head as her eyes open wide. “Oh my god! You undressed me while I was unconscious? How dare you…”

  Without hesitating, I grasp the slats of the king-sized bed right between her head and shoulders. Immobilizing her. Placing one knee on the bed beside her hip, I calmly lean down so we are eye to eye. “How dare I? Is that what you were going to ask? Well let me tell you something, we wouldn’t be having this conversation if I hadn’t done what I did. Hypothermia had already set in when I found you. One more hour, precious, and you would’ve been dead. Dry, warm clothes and my body heat are what saved your sorry ass. And don’t worry, your virtue is still safe because I love my women with a little more meat on their bones. More cushion for the pushin’ if you get my drift,” I whisper, as I glide my nose from her smooth jawline to her temple. Unfortunately, my dick doesn’t agree. It perks to life the moment my skin comes in contact with hers. Fuck! Quickly, I push off the bed. “There’s venison stew on the tray along with some crusty bread. You need to eat so you can gain your strength back. I’ll be up later when I’m ready for bed.”

  “You’re sleeping with me?” she asks, in a hushed voice.

  “Since this is my bedroom, then yes, I’ll be sleeping in that bed with you. Don’t worry, precious, I promise all we’ll do is sleep.” Goading her, I wink before heading downstairs.

  Lyra has only been awake for a few short hours and I’m already irritable. Maybe I’ve lived alone for far too long and I’d forgotten what confrontation was like. Well, it doesn’t matter. Now that she’s here, she can never leave. By saving her life, I’ve now jeopardized my own. But as far as I’m concerned, her life is far more precious than mine ever could be.


  I’m still trembling as his words play over and over in my mind. “I love my women with a little more meat on their bones. More cushion for the pushin’.” Vulgar brute! So why does his blatant insult make me so angry? Perhaps, it’s because I can still feel the warmth of his breath as his nose glided along my cheek. Argh, I should be thankful he finds me so repulsive. Then I’ll know for certain that this bed will only be used for sleeping.


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