Edgewind: Chronicles of Nahtan: Book 4 (The Herridon Chronicles)

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Edgewind: Chronicles of Nahtan: Book 4 (The Herridon Chronicles) Page 23

by D. L. Kramer

  Following his lead, they led their horses towards the east gate. The guards there obviously noticed Nahtan and Brijade's cloaks, but neither said anything after meeting Mallin's gaze.

  They rendezvoused with the army several hours later, finding them camped in a narrow valley. Knowing Valry would sense his frustration, he forced it down, burying it deep within himself when she ran to meet him. As Bear approached, he felt a moment of guilt, then realized that Brijade was right, and there was no reason for him to feel that way. He found it very easy to meet his friend's gaze as he told Bear what they had learned in the village. Brijade's greeting kiss for Bear was more personal and was met with several whistles and calls from the Mo'ani around them. Rial met Nahtan's gaze for a moment, then the young lord looked away, showing no outward sign of interest in what happened between them.

  The night passed quietly with no problems reported by the scouts or watch. The next morning, Nahtan divided up his army and sent it to circle around Edgewind. None of them would be near enough to be seen from the village's outer wall, but if Nahtan should need them, they would be able to arrive quickly. Mo'ani took the lead of one quarter, Adie another, Arlend the third and Tosia the fourth. Nahtan sent the falcon with Arlend, hoping the giant bird would act as scout for them, and warn them if they were in any danger of being discovered.

  Arriving back at the east gate, the church guards on duty saluted Mallin smartly as they rode through. They exchanged looks when Nahtan, Bear and Brijade rode past, but didn't try to stop them. Gaurel and Garren brought up the rear and the guards seemed to study them for a moment as they rode past.

  Back in the village square, Gaurel and Garren once again went in search of Thorvald's horses while Calan and Mallin broke away to search for more information. Nahtan took the lead and led the others back to Jensina's temple. Rial rode to the rear this time, keeping his thoughts and comments to himself.

  Once reaching the low wall around the temple, Nahtan dismounted and let Renato wander at will.

  "Is this where we're staying, Papa?" Valry asked. She waited until Tion dismounted from behind her before swinging her leg over Ayita's back and holding on for a moment before dropping to the ground.

  "Yes," Nahtan said. "You should be safe here." He led them once again through the door, noticing this time that a good portion of the dust was now gone from the floor. He wondered if that's what Jensina had meant by waking the temple up.

  With Bear carrying Valry, they walked around the curving hallway to the double doors. Nahtan paused to look back at Yenene, who only shrugged. Apparently there wasn't anything else Jensina wished to tell them about the temple. Sighing, Nahtan pushed open one door.

  He led them inside, and it was Yenene's scream that made him realize something was wrong. Turning quickly, one hand reaching over his shoulder to his sword, his eyes fell on Thorvald and several church guards standing just inside the door. Thorvald held Yenene by the throat, a knife pointed at her abdomen. In the moment of confusion, the church guards managed to level pulled bows on each of them, including those along the far wall who aimed their bows at Valry and Tion.

  Standing to one side, Nahtan nearly growled when he saw one of the hooded riders, the cloak's hood still concealing his face. He could feel the evil emanating from within the cloak and it took all his will to not charge that figure. With a nod from Thorvald, another guard took their weapons. Brijade put up a fight for her sword and managed to knock the guard several times in the head before another managed to subdue her and remove her sword and stiletto. After the guard removed his sword, Nahtan realized they had missed Rial's smaller dagger, along with the one in his own sleeve.

  "You will give me the girl," Thorvald said to Bear.

  Nahtan knew Bear had resisted fighting off the guards since Valry was so near to him. Bear pushed Valry behind him, his jaw setting.

  "You go through me to get her," he said, his tone deadly quiet.

  "I can arrange that," Thorvald said evenly. His gaze shifted to Nahtan, then back to Bear.

  Nahtan glanced to his side when Rial slowly edged closer to him. He had no doubt Rial knew about the dagger in his sleeve.

  The air in the temple grew heavy with tension over the next few moments of silence. Thorvald turned to the cloaked man. With a single nod, the man stepped forward towards Valry and Bear. To Nahtan's surprise, Tion moved deliberately from Brijade's side and stepped between the cloaked man and Valry, protecting her from a second side. Valry turned to look at her father, her eyes telling him how scared she was. Nahtan, however, was surprised to see the cloaked man seem to flinch at Tion's presence and begin to circle to Bear's back. Tion moved with the cloaked man, keeping himself between him and Valry. After it became obvious the man would not try to reach her through Tion, Nahtan turned back to Thorvald.

  "You will not have my daughter," he said, trying to control the rage in his voice. He realized Rial had moved nearer to him and now only stood a couple of feet away.

  "That is where you are wrong, false king," Thorvald returned. "We will have your daughter." He nodded to his guards and they lowered their bows. Dropping them to the ground, they drew their swords and charged towards the center of the temple.

  Nahtan remembered little of the initial charge except for drawing his dagger and lunging towards the nearest guard while Rial drew his own and did the same. Bear roared very much like his name and fairly crushed the first guard to reach him with his bare hands. Brijade proved to be nearly as deadly with her hits and kicks as she was with her sword and stiletto.

  Thorvald threw Yenene to one side as he drew his own weapon and advanced on Bear. Nahtan tried to shout to warn his friend, but it was too late. Thorvald managed to work his way around to Bear's side while he was distracted by another guard. Wrapping his free arm around Valry's waist, he quickly withdrew, as did the cloaked man who was practically hissing at Tion. Thorvald stopped at the double door, his eyes meeting Nahtan's as Nahtan finished pounding the guard in front of him into unconsciousness. Nahtan turned to take a step towards Thorvald but found Rial standing in his way. Around him, the guards left off their attacks on Bear and Brijade, hurrying out the double doors and into the hall. The one who had taken their weapons threw them to the side in his haste to leave.

  "Your daughter is ours," Thorvald said, pausing. "And the power she touches will soon be ours as well."

  Nahtan growled and stepped around Rial, his mind intent on killing the former church guard before him as he backed out the door with the struggling and crying Valry. Rial, however, took a quick look at Thorvald, then stepped to Nahtan's side.

  "Find where your daughter is taken," he said, barely loud enough for Nahtan to hear. He grabbed Nahtan's shoulder and forced his dagger between his ribs, then twisted it deeper into Nahtan's chest, piercing lung and heart.

  Nahtan gasped, stumbling backwards as the lightning sharp pain exploded through his chest. His breath came in ragged wheezes and he fought to hang onto consciousness. He could feel the blood flowing freely from the wound, his heart continuing to force it through him even as every beat became a struggle. For a split second, he met Rial's eyes and saw what the young lord intended. In that instant, he realized that this was the only way to know. The only ones who could tell him where to find Valry were the gods themselves. And the only way to ask them, was to join them. From somewhere in the distance, he heard Yenene's scream.

  Nahtan clutched Bear's tunic as his friend reached him, lowering him to the ground.

  "Don't kill him," he managed through clenched teeth. He started to shake, a terrible chill coming over him. "Don't..." he repeated before falling into nothingness.

  Nahtan kept his eyes closed and took a moment to compose his thoughts as the pain of Rial's cut ebbed and his soul lost the weight of his body. The cryptic lyrics of the mage's discipline ran through his mind and his tongue moved through them with an ease learned through decades of careful practice. When he finally opened his eyes, he knew both Jensina and Halona could see him
as the chant bent to his desire and willed him into existence in their reality. They stood near the altar, their forms shimmering slightly. Tion stood near them, watching silently as Yenene tore open his tunic to reach Rial's cut. At some point, his body had been lifted onto the altar.

  "Nahtan?" Jensina's sad eyes widened slightly, and the faintest smile broke on her lips.

  Nahtan nodded his head a single time. He took a moment to inspect himself, wondering just how he would look after his second death. He wasn't surprised to find the shade of his clothing and weapons still with him. Apparently he had remembered the mage's teachings better than he thought to pull along those images as well as his own appearance. A strong presence behind him drew his attention, and he didn't bother turning to face Aiqho'il as he joined him.

  "Hello, 'Gaurel'," Nahtan said, realizing now why the young man had seemed so familiar to him. Nahtan's dark eyes fell on Yenene again. She frantically wiped at the tears coursing down her cheeks as she fought to save him, not letting herself admit that his body was now dead. Bear held Rial against one wall while Brijade's eyes burned and she gripped her recovered sword. He hoped Bear would honor his dying order and not kill the young lord. If his friend would stop and consider the events, he should be able to figure out why Rial took the action he had.

  "You only have a few minutes before you will have been dead too long to return to your body," Aiqho'il said, stepping to his side. "Jhaintro'il has told Yenene how to close the wound so you can return--and live."

  Nahtan glanced at the blonde haired young man. He nodded a single time again. "That's all the time I need," he responded, looking to Jensina and Halona again. "Where is Thorvald taking Valry?" he asked them.

  The goddesses exchanged looks, and when Jensina looked back at him, she shook her head slightly. "He is following Zared's instructions," she said. "We cannot stop him from making the decisions he has."

  Nahtan contained his anger, deciding it wouldn't help him find his daughter if he started ranting at the goddess who considered him her son.

  "But I can," he pointed out. He stepped closer, slightly surprised to find he was taller than both of them. "Where did he take Valry?"

  Jensina looked to Halona again, and the elder goddess pursed her lips.

  "If you don't tell him, I will," Halona stated. "Maybe this will convince our father to cast out Zared for good."

  "I--," Jensina faltered for a moment, looking back to Nahtan. "If one of us tells you, it can endanger the fates of every one of your allies. Just as we could not warn you they were waiting here."

  Nahtan looked at Aiqho'il. "Can Jhaintro'il tell Yenene?" he asked him. If Jensina and Halona could not help him, he would use his kindred souls to get what he needed. "Or even Shaerya'il?"

  Aiqho'il shook his head. "I left the woods and the Dwellers at Zakris' request to help you," he answered. "Even though I knew it would bring death to that forest. What our healer knows, she hasn't shared. Nor any of the others."

  Nahtan muttered a curse and looked back to Jensina and Halona. "I don't have much time. Please tell me which direction to go."

  "He will take Valry west," Rena's soft voice preceded her appearance at Jensina's side. As she appeared before him, Nahtan felt a stab of pain when he realized he could choose to stay here with her. "He has made allies with the Lord of Basiyr and plans to take her there."

  "Thank you," Nahtan told her, wrapping his arms around her as she came to him. Her scent lingered over him, bringing back memories of holding her by the window in his room at the Stronghold as she told him she was pregnant.

  "You shouldn't have come," Jensina told her servant. "You know the risks--"

  "This is my daughter," Rena said, not bothering to look away from Nahtan's shoulder. "Zakris has already risked their fates by allowing them to travel to Edgewind, knowing what was here." She finally looked at Jensina. "I risked my very existence by becoming mortal and helping Nahtan claim what Halona promised him. I know his friends, and each one will do the same for him."

  "There are things you do not know," Halona said evenly. "But I do believe that my nephew," she paused to smile at Nahtan. "Has quite literally paid for this knowledge with his life, and as such has earned it."

  "If you want to return," Aiqho'il said. "You had best do it quickly. Yenene does not have the ability to use all of what Jhaintro'il knows."

  Nahtan nodded his head, knowing what he had to do.

  "I have to go," he said to Rena, stroking her long hair. "I'm the best chance our daughter has of being found."

  "I know," Rena said, her voice quiet. "Promise me you won't live the remainder of your own life alone," she requested. She paused to look at the altar where Yenene insisted she continue working on his body--despite Brijade's suggestion that he be left alone. "There is someone there that loves you nearly as much as I do."

  "Now," Aiqho'il said, his voice urgent. "You only have seconds."

  "I love you," Nahtan said, gripping Rena's hands as he began reciting the second verse of lyrics.

  Nahtan's chest burned and felt as if it were about to explode as he inhaled sharply, his back arching and every muscle screaming against the pain in his chest. His head pounded as the room spun and his eyes refused to focus as he slowly settled back onto the cold white stone beneath him.

  "Dear Jensina," Yenene's black eyes widened as he sank back against the altar. Her hands stopped stitching Rial's cut closed, trembling over him and dropping her needle.

  "I told you he wasn't dead," Rial said, jerking himself free from Bear's grip.

  "I was dead, you bastard," Nahtan managed weakly, opening his eyes more slowly and giving them time to focus. While his voice was strong, he felt incredibly weak and could barely turn his head to look past Yenene. "The only reason why you're not is because I realized why you killed me."

  Bear looked at Brijade, then motioned to Rial. "Don't let him out of this room," he said, stepping up to the altar as Brijade took his place by Rial. She grabbed the front of his tunic and pushed him against the wall again, her eyes daring him to try escaping. "What in damnation is going on?" Bear asked Nahtan, his eyes unsure for the first time Nahtan could remember.

  Nahtan didn't bother trying to sit up, knowing it would be futile. "Somehow, the swamprat figured out the fastest way to find out where Valry is being taken was for me to ask Jensina and Halona," he explained, his voice halting and weak. "It turned out to be Rena who told me." He closed his eyes again as the room spun. He didn't want to lose consciousness again, even though he realized it was probably inevitable.

  "And you could come back?" Bear asked. "Because you're not one of their souls."

  Nahtan nodded his head slowly. "I had--someone there who was able to help me get back before it was too late," he said. He knew Kutci had helped Yenene keep his body so he could return to it. Aiqho'il hadn't had that help, and he guessed the Wardsman would be unable to return. After a moment, Nahtan cautiously opened his eyes again, only to have to close them immediately.

  "Enough," Yenene said. "There are still things I need to finish here." Nahtan heard footsteps and one of the double doors open. "Go get a litter or wagon so we can take him back to the camp," Yenene ordered. The others' voices were too quiet to understand as the door closed, while the stumbling of Rial's feet was not. Seconds later, he felt Yenene's still trembling hands start cleaning the fresh blood from the wound in his chest. "I can help you sleep," she said, her voice quiet. "I still have several stitches to finish, and I'm sure you're in a lot of pain." She hesitated, and he heard her a catch in her voice. "His dagger pierced your lung and your heart. If it weren't for Kutci, I wouldn't have known what--" she stopped before emotion overcame her words.

  Nahtan forced himself to open his eyes, using her face to focus on. He could barely lift his hand to take hold of hers. "He had to make it quick," he told her. He paused, trying to swallow. His chest felt like it was on fire and every breath took all of his strength. As inviting as her offer was, however, he was more afraid o
f what it could bring. "If I'm asleep, I might dream of things I don't want to," he finally managed. His dreams of Rena had finally started to subside in the last couple of years. He was afraid being so near her again would only bring them back. Letting his hand fall back onto the altar, he let his eyes close again.

  "Sewati must hold the highest respect for you," Yenene said after a moment. "I think he honestly wanted to kill Lord Valin with his bare hands for doing this to you. The only thing that stopped him was what you said just before--" Nahtan heard her voice break and she didn't try finishing her sentence. He winced as he felt the stab of the needle pierce his skin. Despite his wish to stay awake, he fell into unconsciousness before Yenene had finished three more stitches.

  When Nahtan woke again, he had been moved to a low cot in a tent he guessed was at one of his army's camps. He still felt drained, but not in nearly so much pain. A noise drew his attention and he turned his head to see Bear standing by the tent's front flap.

  "How long?" Nahtan asked him, clenching his hands into fists as he tested his strength. He wasn't surprised to find both hands still weak.

  "You've been asleep three days," Bear answered. "I finally made Yenene get some rest herself. She's wanted to take two watches for every one Brijade or I took."

  "Three days," Nahtan sighed, sinking further into the thin mat on the cot. Valry would be that much further from him by now.

  "I've got scouts out looking for any sign of Thorvald," Bear continued, as if knowing what Nahtan was thinking. "But they haven't found anything yet." He pushed himself away from the wall and came to crouch beside the cot. "I'm sorry," he said, his deep voice heavy with grief. "I don't know what happened--how he got behind me to get her--"


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