Where Love is Found

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Where Love is Found Page 15

by Tiya Rayne

  “Gotdamn, I love your ass.” He announced before smacking it again.

  It took a moment to adjust to Jackson’s size and drive, but I was no punk, so I started to back it up on him. I slammed my hips back as he thrusted forward. Just when I got accustomed to him, he pulled out of me with a wet sucking sound. He spun me around, attacking my lips with a hungry kiss.

  He started to lead me out of the kitchen all while still kissing me. At some point he must had come out of his jeans. We walked through the house like two drunk lovers, smashing into walls and furniture. I even heard glass shatter, but I didn’t give a shit. I’d worry about it tomorrow.

  After finally making it to the bedroom, Jackson lifted me off my feet and tossed me onto the bed. I bounced once before he was on top of me. His heavy body comforting. He used one hand to hold himself up and the other to direct his dick into me. It was a new angle and that delicious painful bite was back. Jackson’s hips moved between my legs like they were possessed by the devil. He was fucking me so good my bed knocked against the wall, making its own rap beat.

  He slid out, flipped me on my side, straddled one leg while holding the other against his chest. I screamed in pleasure at the new angle.

  “That’s right, Char. Take all this dick, baby, because you’re mine now.”

  My second orgasm hit me and I was speaking in some gibberish language that had never been heard of.

  Jackson fucked me for hours, flipping my body around like a damn ragdoll. I came so many times I lost count and he only came twice. He had amazing stamina. He rode my body like a fucking racehorse until I fell asleep in an exhausted heap with my body hanging off the side of the bed.

  I was thoroughly fucked.


  I woke up the next morning to an empty bed, a sore body and the smell of bacon floating through the air. For just a second I laid in the bed and remembered the night I’d just had. Never in my life had I had sex so damn good. I’ve slept with plenty of men, my numbers weren’t astronomical or anything, but they were up there and I wasn’t ashamed of it, but of all the men that had graced my bed no one had put it down like Jackson.

  There was something different about being with him. I mean, yes his dick was big, I was talking long and fat. However, I’d had a few bigger than him. His tongue game was fantastic, I thought I would be permanently cross eyed for a moment, and his stamina—that man was like the energizer bunny. I thought my pussy was going to get up and leave at one point last night, yet, there was still something else about last night that made sex with Jackson so much better. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

  I grabbed the pillow on the other side of the bed and brought it to my face taking in his scent. I closed my eyes as his smell made my heart beat faster. “Get your shit together, Duck. You’re in here smelling his pillow.” This wasn’t normal, plus I let him sleep over last night. Not in another room like before, but in my bed. But, in my defense, my body was too exhausted to kick someone out. Shit, I was too tired to even roll out of the wet spot. I had no idea he was here all night.

  I finally rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. I almost screamed when I saw the mess of my hair. I had just got it done and already it was time for a redo. Jackson was definitely a hair puller, I would have to explain to him what being with a black woman that wore weaves was all about. There was no salvaging my hair. After my shower I tied a silk Chanel scarf over it and went down stairs.

  On my way down the stairs I noticed that the mess Jackson and I made last night was all cleaned up. The pictures on the wall had been straightened. The clothes that made a trail from the kitchen to the bedroom were picked up and even the picture we broke was swept away.

  I found Jackson in my kitchen without a shirt and in nothing but his boxer briefs. His body was incredible. He was definitely not sporting any six or eight packs, but his thick muscles and wide shoulders looked delicious. Those thick muscled thighs stretching the elastic of those briefs. I felt my body softening again for another round. I was turning into a Jackson fiend.

  “You going to come over here and tell me good morning, or just stare at me from the doorway?”

  Those hypnotizing eyes turned to me. His eyes raked down my short night shorts and tank top underneath my silk robe.

  “Come here, baby.” He demanded turning off my stove and taking a pan off the burner.

  I didn’t even pretend like in his arms wasn’t where I wanted to be. I marched over to his open arms and allowed him to swallow me up. His lips are on mine instantly and I easily opened for him. Our kiss took another turn when Jackson’s hand went under my robe to grip my ass. It was still tender from Jackson smacking the shit out of it all night, but I wasn’t complaining. I wanted him again.

  I moaned around his tongue and Jackson pulled me closer allowing my belly to brush against the hard pole barely contained behind his shorts. He pulled away when my hand dropped in between us to find the hem of his boxers.

  “Eat first.” he demanded.

  I groaned. Despite how horny I was, I knew Jackson would not relent until I actually ate something. The man had incredible will power.

  I turned to the stove to find puffy scrambled eggs, and perfectly crispy bacon.

  “There is some fruit in the fridge.” Jackson said from behind me.

  “Where did you get all this food?” I knew it didn’t come from my house.

  “I went to the grocery store this morning after I grabbed a few things from my house.”

  My hand stopped midway, the piece of bacon I was about to eat forgotten.

  “What time is it?”

  “A little after ten, why?”

  Just as he answered the doorbell rang.

  “You expecting company?” Jackson looked down at his still hard dick barely being contained behind his underwear. I laughed at the sight. I had plans for it later.

  “Don’t worry big guy, I’m breaking you out of there later.”

  I headed out of the kitchen, I knew exactly who was there. It’s Saturday, and my weekend with the girls.

  “It’s my cousin,” I called over my shoulder. “I forgot I was supposed to get the girls this weekend. I’ll try to take them in the living room and you can find some bottoms.”

  The bell rang again and this time someone knocked at the door like they were here with a search warrant. Even Lady got annoyed. She let out a quick bark.

  Without taking the time to look through the glass, I swung the door open to stop the damn knocking.

  “Now is not a good time, Devin….” The words trailed off at the end as Devin, Keva, Keisha, and both my god children stood on the other side of the door.

  I should have looked first.

  “Damn, Duck! What took you so long to answer the door?” Keisha said as she walked into the house before I could stop her. She was closely followed by Devin, Keva and the girls.

  “And why does your house smell like food?” Devin said as she placed Naya down on the ground.

  Lady came out of the kitchen to inspect the noise.

  Kylie squealed as she rushed to lady.

  “Kylie don’t!” Devin tried to warn her daughter from getting too close to the dog, but Lady was already excitedly licking Kylie’s face.

  “Mommy, Aunt Duck has a dog.” Naya said as she headed towards a happy Kylie and Lady.

  “And a white man.” Keisha stated.

  I looked up to find Jackson standing in the kitchen door.

  All eyes were on him now. Thankfully he was able to locate some gray workout shorts to cover up what I knew was under those boxers.

  “Good morning, ladies.” Jackson said when no one else could find the words to speak.

  “Damn!” Keisha mumbled under her breath.

  “Hi, I’m Duck’s cousin, Devin. The two little one’s are mine.” Devin held out a hand to shake Jackson’s. He stepped forward to shake her hand.

  “Duck?” he smirked looking over Devin’s head to find my i
nflamed face.

  “Oh! Ummmm I meant, Charlice.” Devin looked to me and turned her lips down briefly.

  “My childhood nickname is Duck.” I said by way of explanation.

  The mirth danced in Jackson’s eyes before turning his attention back to Devin.

  “Well it’s nice to finally meet you, Devin. I’ve heard a lot about you and these two beautiful little princesses.” He turned to my god daughters who both seemed just as infatuated with Jackson as they were the dog.

  “Are you Aunt Duck’s boyfriend?” Naya asked and I could feel the embarrassing blush fill my cheeks.

  Keisha busts out laughing as Keva looked at me expectantly—probably ready to take this back to the family.

  “Don’t be silly, Naya! Aunt Duck doesn’t have boyfriends. Right mommy?”

  Devin’s eyes nearly popped out of her head as she stumbled over the right words.

  “Don’t call me silly, Ky.” Naya’s innocent voice replied angrily. “Can he be your boyfriend, Aunt Duck so we can keep the dog?”

  “Ok, Girls. How about you two go in the living room and watch TV.”

  Anything to make this situation less awkward.

  “Told you he isn’t her boyfriend.” Kylie mumbled to her little sister as they walked side by side into the living room.

  I looked back up at Jackson and the laughter that was in his eyes earlier was gone.

  “Hi, I’m Keisha. Duck’s younger cousin.” Keisha offered Jackson her hand.

  “Younger by four months.” Devin stated. Keisha rolled her eyes at Devin.

  Jackson briefly shook Keisha’s hand.

  “I’m Keva. The only married one in the room.” Keva cut her judgmental eyes to me before turning back to Jackson.

  “Well, it was nice to meet you ladies. There is food in the kitchen. I’m going to get out of your way.” He headed for the stairs and I cut him off.

  “You guys can head into the kitchen I’ll be there in a minute.” I said to my cousins who were entirely too interested in what Jackson and I were doing.

  Devin had to drag Keisha into the kitchen. The moment they were out of sight I turned back to Jackson to find that hurt look in his eyes.

  “Stay!” I pleaded.

  “No! I should go. I don’t want to confuse anyone of who I am.” He went to walk around me and I placed my hand on his chest to stop him.

  “What did you want me to say? They are just kids, they won’t understand when you disappear in a few months.”

  His eyes narrowed down at me. I knew immediately I had said the wrong thing.

  “That’s all I am to you, right? Someone to fill in space in your bed until you dismiss me for the next? I mean damn, Charlice did last night mean nothing to you?”

  Damnit he’s using my full name again.

  “Jackson, you knew how I felt. I don’t date and I definitely don’t do labels.”

  He chuckled, but there was no humor in it. “I understand you very clearly now.” He removed my hand from his chest and heads up the stairs.

  “Jackson! Jackson!” I called out to his retreating back.

  How did our morning go from promising to this? I had planned to ride Jackson about three more times today. I turned to the kitchen to catch all three cousins rushing away from the door. I rolled my eyes as I headed towards them.

  I placed my hands on my hips. “Ya’ll couldn’t have called first?”

  “We tried, but clearly you were occupied?” Keisha said with a smirk as she chewed on a piece of bacon.

  “Shut up, Keish!” Devin barked. “I’m so sorry, Duck. And I’m sorry about the girls. I’ll talk to them about that.”

  “It’s not their fault. Children speak the truth. If you have a man in your house this early in the morning and he’s shirtless, he should be your husband or at the least your boyfriend.”

  “Keva, I’m not in the mood for your bullshit. I just woke up twenty minutes ago.”

  “Damn! He had you sleeping like that?” Keisha asked around a mouth full of eggs.

  “Will you get your greedy ass away from my breakfast?” I marched over to her to take the spoon out of her hand.

  “I can’t help it. This baby got me hungry.”

  I sighed as I felt a pressure headache coming. “Can we postpone this get together? I’ll pick up the girls later today. I have some business to handle.”

  “You sure do. You were wrong for leaving him hanging like that. The man dicked you down good and cooked you breakfast, and you couldn’t even lie to your godchildren about him being your boyfriend. That was a real bitch move.” Again Keisha said sneaking another piece of bacon.

  “How do you assume I was dicked down?”

  “That Aunt Jemima scarf over that tangled weave.”

  I touched my tangled hair and frowned.

  “As crude as Keisha is,” Devin cut her eyes to Keisha then back to me. “She’s right, Duck. You like Jackson. It’s obvious by the fact that he is here this morning. Plus you’ve been glowing since he’s been around. I think he deserves some kind of title. You could have said he was your friend or something.”

  “If the title isn’t husband he shouldn’t be here.”

  “Shut up, Keva!” Devin, Keisha, and I said at the same time.

  They left me with something to think about. I guess they were right about how I treated Jackson. I mean he definitely meant more to me than someone I should brush off when I was asked about him.

  I really needed to make it up to him. Which brought me back to this impromptu family gathering.

  “So tell me again, why did all of you need to be here just to drop off the girls?” The sooner I could figure that out the faster I could get them out.

  “Oh!” Devin shrugged. “Intervention.”

  “For who?” I placed my hands on my hips.

  “Not for you.” Keva said waving me off. “I’ve been trying to get the family to have a prayer intervention for you for years, but they won’t listen. This is for Chante.”

  Devin rolled her eyes at Keva. “I think something is wrong with my sister. Like seriously wrong.” Devin rubbed her rounding belly. “Gram’s said that she let Chante borrow some money two days ago when she was at the house, and when she left, Grams noticed some money was missing from her purse. She isn’t saying Chante took it, but she said it was there before Chante came over. Then I went over there yesterday and Amari was soaking wet and screaming at the top of his lungs while she was passed out on the couch. I think Chante is going through postpartum depression and money issues.”

  No, she was not depressed, she was on drugs. Her poison of choice were opioids. Like I said, I knew secrets.

  For about two months I was sleeping with a Pharmaceutical rep that had a certain side hustle. Guess who I discovered was one of his most dedicated customers? Chante. Quincy had an issue with keeping his dick in his pants and his hands to himself when he was mad. Chante dealt with her problems by zoning out. In the end, the baby suffered the most.

  “Well, good luck with that.” I say heading back to the foyer to see my cousins out.

  “Maybe you should come.” Devin asked. “The more people the better, plus she will respect it more coming from you.”

  I stopped and spun around. “Are you kidding? Have you been blind the last 23 years? Your sister barely even talks to me without it being a shitty insult. She is not going to listen to me. She’s just going to get angry and we will end up arguing or fighting.”

  “Duck is right, Dev. Chante will not listen to her.” Keisha stated.


  “Besides, Duck has some making up to do.”

  I rolled my eyes at Keisha.

  “Fine! I guess you’re right.”

  I felt bad for Devin. Her and Chante’s relationship has always suffered due to Devin’s close relationship with me. It wasn’t from Devin’s lack of trying.

  Unfortunately, this intervention wasn’t going to help. Chante needed rehab. She was too far gone for a friendly intervent

  I opened the door to see my family out.

  Devin stopped at the open door. “You really do need to make it up to him. I’ll just take the girls with me and you can pick them up later.”

  “Let them stay.” I told Devin.

  No need to ruin anyone else’s day.

  “I think I need me a white man.” Keisha whispered beside me.

  I followed her eyes to the top of the stairs where a fully dressed Jackson was coming down. He was wearing one of his t-shirts and dark wash jeans.

  “We’re going to go.” Devin announced.

  “Why? It’s starting to get good.” Keisha whined.

  Devin grabbed Keisha and called out a good bye to the girls before all three cousins walked out the door.

  When Jackson got to the bottom of the steps he placed his bag down at his feet and whistled for Lady to come. The dog rushed into the foyer with my goddaughters hot on her trail.

  “Are you leaving?” Naya asked Jackson.

  Jackson squatted down to get eye level with Naya. “Yeah, I have to go. It was nice meeting you. And thank you for watching my dog while I was busy.”

  He really was good with children. My stomach tightened at the sight.

  “Awww, I thought you were going to stay and play with us.”

  Jackson looked up at me and that hurt from earlier was still there.

  “Sorry, Beautiful, but I think it’s best I go.”

  “Actually.” I said cutting in as Jackson stood to his feet. “It would really be great if you could stay and hang out with us.”

  “Yay! Please stay, Mr. Jackson? We always have fun at Aunt Duck’s.” Naya was really trying to work her magic to get Jackson to stay.

  I owed that girl a new toy.

  “Yes, Mr. Jackson.” I said teasingly. “I would love for my god daughters to get to know my new …..boyfriend.”

  Kylie gasped beside me and Naya squealed with delight. They were more excited than I was about the announcement.

  The smile that spread over Jackson’s face had me wanting to send the girls away so that I could finish my morning the way I had planned. It was very much worth the lie.

  “I guess I could hang out for a little while.” Jackson replied with his eyes glued to me.


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