Indivisible Souls: Book 3 of the Bound4Ireland Series

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Indivisible Souls: Book 3 of the Bound4Ireland Series Page 30

by Tricia Daniels

  He lifts his hands then drops them, afraid that if he touches her he’ll never let go.

  “You’ll never be safe around me.”

  “The only time I’m safe is when I’m around you. I can’t eat; I can’t sleep… I can’t breathe without you.”

  “I made the right decision.”

  “No, you’ve made a mistake. You can fix it.”

  “I’ve put plans in action,” he reasons.

  “Fuck the plans. Stop this madness and just come home.”

  “I can’t”

  “You can,” she says, walking away. “Start with shaving and run a comb through your hair, for fuck’s sake.”

  Ethan tries to keep it low key-over the next few days, but his picture and his name are all over the news. When he refuses to acknowledge Olivia’s calls, she takes drastic measures and resorts to sneaking into his office every morning, leaving behind unsubtle reminders. When he opens his office door, the morning of the big meeting, he finds his desk covered in pink daisies.

  John laughs out loud. “You have to admit, she’s more persistent that you were when she wanted nothing to do with you at first.”

  He gives John and unimpressed look. “Fuck me. The woman is incorrigible.”

  “She’s perfect for you.”

  Ethan sighs. “Let’s get this meeting over with, so I can pack up my shit and get on with my life alone.”

  John follows him to the boardroom, where some of the senior managers, stakeholders, and a few press members have begun to gather. John shrugs when Ethan looks at the front row of seats marked reserved, and gives him a questioning look.

  When Aiden arrives, he takes his place beside Ethan at the front of the room. “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asks his son.

  Ethan nods.

  “Let’s get started, then.”

  Ethan thanks everyone for joining them today when the doors fly open and Olivia marches into the room. “Sorry I’m late, everybody. You have no idea how hard it is to find pantyhose to fit these days.”

  Ethan grinds his teeth, flashing John a frustrated look when the crowd begins to laugh. John fights back a smile as Ethan’s look of frustration turns to shock. Behind her, following her into the room, is a long line of loyal friends. As they take their places in the reserved front row, Olivia makes her way to Ethan’s side. Becoming nervous, he tenses and she reaches down and takes hold of his hand.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” he whispers.

  “Trust me.” She places a small kiss on his cheek then addresses the room. “I’m excited about this new direction in business, and so very proud of my husband, that I can’t wait to share the news. I hope he’ll forgive me for stealing his thunder.”

  Ethan looks around the room at the curious and pleasant faces then glances over at his father. Is that a smile? He turns to John and whispers in his ear. “I feel like I’m walking through an episode of the Twilight Zone. I should put a stop to this.”

  “You’ll do nothing of the kind,” Aiden warns.

  “You knew she was up to something and said nothing?” he asks John.

  “That’s correct.”

  “Why the fuck is Reese here?”

  John straightens his jacket, avoiding Ethan’s angry look.

  “He never had an affair with Jessica. I’ll explain later,” Shannon advises quietly.

  “I have a feeling that if I knew about any of this, I wouldn’t have agreed.”

  John looks at him with an amused expression. “That’s why we didn’t tell you.”

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” Olivia begins. “After a lot of thought and consideration we’ve decided to take OCI in a new direction. I’m pleased to introduce you to the new international team, who will take O’Connell Industries to the highest level of global standards: Landon Scott - South Africa, Carter Brant - Australia, Reese Wilson – Europe, and Scott Parker - North America. Reporting to him, Rick Reed will look after Canada. In addition to our sales team, James Cooper will take on the position of Head Design Engineer. You all know John McCabe, he’ll come on board as our head of security. I’m sure global security will be less work than trying to keep my husband’s ass out of trouble.”

  The room erupts in laughter. “By the way, John. Thank you for that.” She turns to find a boyish grin on Ethan’s face. “To John’s left is our new Chief of Legal Counsel - Shannon Quinn.”

  “What about Ethan?” someone in the back of the room asks.

  “Ah,” Olivia smoothes her hand over her stomach. “I’ll be keeping him close to home for the next little while. He’ll continue to look after the local business in the UK, and the family business, at home.”

  They turn their attention back to Olivia. “So if you will bear with us, gentlemen, I’m going to turn the floor over to Carter Brant. He’s going to share with you our global vision and business plan for the new O’Connell Industries.”

  Aiden and Ethan take their seats, and Carter begins his presentation. Olivia moves to the back of the room and stands out of the way. Ethan locks eyes with her, unable to tear himself away. She smiles and mouths the words, ‘I love you’. When he looks away, for just a moment, she slips out the door. Ethan tenses, when he notices that she’s gone. Looking around the room, he hopes to find her.

  Aiden leans over and whispers in his ear. “Don’t be a fool, boy. Go after her.”

  Ethan excuses himself and pushes past the people that are now wandering around the room, chatting. By the time he makes his way out in to the hall, she’s gone.

  John comes looking for him. “Ethan. They want to take pictures of you with the team.”

  Conflicted, he hesitates.


  “I’m coming.” John puts his hand on his back as he passes and he glances at him. “Remind me, later, to fire your ass.”

  John grins. “I’m trying to think of a downside of that.”

  “You’d miss me too much.”

  “There’s a lot to catch up on. The boys will be here for the rest of the week to start nailing down business plans.”

  “What about their positions at Aurora?”

  “They quit. Each and every one of them. For you.”

  “For Olivia,” Ethan corrects.

  “No, Ethan. Their loyalty has and always will be to you. You stood beside each one of them during difficult times. They’d do anything for you. All Olivia had to do was call.”

  “And my father?”

  “All I ever wanted was for you to find a career that makes you shine and a life that makes you happy,” Aiden says, from behind.

  “Dad,” Ethan says, startled.

  “I love you, Son.”

  “Ethan, Aiden,” Ian interrupts. “McKenna just messaged me and said we need to turn on the TV in the conference room. There’s something we need to see.”

  Olivia drives back to the flat, having a hard time putting a name to her emotions. She’s done everything she came here to do. She proved his innocence, got him back on the right career path, made things right with his friends and his family. Only one thing hasn’t fallen into place. As she turns the key in the lock, she resigns to the idea that it may be the one thing that she can’t change. Perhaps making things right between them is an insurmountable task that even the universe can’t pull off. Needing a little time to think about her next move, she ignores messages from Shannon and Madison, and turns off her phone. She suddenly feels exhausted and curls up on the couch. Pulling her feet up, she leans her head down and closes her eyes.

  The sound of the front door lock jiggling wakes her. She sits up, frightened. She reaches for her phone but it must have fallen from the couch, she searches the floor for it frantically. The door opens, and she gets to her feet, waiting.

  He moves into the light slowly and pauses.

  Her heart beats in her chest like a jackhammer. His silence tortures her. The blank expression on his face is painful.

  “Ethan?” she whispers, hoping to elicit a response.

>   The only sound he makes is his anxious breath as he crosses the room toward her.

  She stands frozen where she is, trying to assess his frame of mind. Then she see’s it, that glimmer in his eye. The magic that Carter’s friend captured on film; the look of unyielding love.

  As he reaches her, her body trembles. She lets out the breath that she’s been holding and tries to breathe new air in as his body presses against her. Staring into her eyes, he brushes the hair away from her face then runs his fingers through the long curls. Twisting it around his hand, he gently pulls her head back then nips and nibbles up her neck and across her jaw. She whimpers with her next breath and it almost unravels his self-control. He claims her lips, moaning as his mouth touches hers. Never has she tasted as sweet as she does right now. He can’t stop. Passion takes over.

  Olivia’s hands glide across his chest and over well-defined muscles. She grips his shirt in clenched fists, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. He pulls away, looking like he wants to say something. Olivia runs her fingers across his lips, acknowledging his unspoken thoughts.

  “I love you,” he whispers. “I want to come home.”

  Olivia wipes a tear from his cheek with the pad of her thumb. “You are home, Baby.” She gives him a small smile. “What the fuck took you so long?”

  “I’m an ass.”


  “You never gave up on me. You never stopped loving me.”

  “Never,” she confirms.

  “Why?” he asks curiously.

  “Oh, well…you never divorce an O’Connell,” she teases. “You’re stuck with me forever.”

  Ethan smiles and pulls her against his chest. She tucks her head under his chin and wraps her arms around him.

  “I want my ring back,” she demands

  Ethan releases her and takes a step back. She gives him a bewildered look as he digs into his pocket. Finally, he retrieves it and holds it up for her to see.

  She extends her left hand and watches with delight as he returns it, to its proper spot on her ring finger. “You brought it with you?”

  “Not exactly. I’ve carried it with me every day since the day you gave it back to me.”

  Olivia throws her arms around his neck and kisses him. “It will never happen again, believe me.”

  He scoops his arm under her knees and lifts her. “I do believe I have some make up sex to attend to.”

  “Ooooooooh. Well then, you should look after that right away.”

  “I fully intend to, Mrs. O’Connell.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Olivia wakes up, covered in her favorite Irish blanket. When she starts to sneak out from beneath his heavy, muscular bicep, he tightens his grip. “Where are you going?”

  “Doh! You’re squishing me.”

  “I don’t know how you sleep with all that wiggling and moving going on inside you. I could feel it all night long.”

  “She wasn’t a happy girl last night.”

  “Do you think everything’s okay? Should we have Dave stop by?”

  “I think everything is fine. We gave her one hell of a ride last night.”

  “Maybe, try to get some rest today.”

  “Ethan, I need to get up. It’s been two days, if we don’t resurface soon, people are going to think I’ve been kidnapped.”

  Ethan stretches and presses his hips against her bottom. “Good. I’m okay with them leaving us alone.”

  “Your mother is expecting us for lunch today. Everyone is going to be there.”

  Ethan lifts the bottom of her t-shirt and runs his hands over her bare skin. His cock begins to harden. “I’ve got other plans.”

  “Are you kidding me?”

  He rubs it against her, making it harder. “Does it feel like I’m kidding?”

  “Get off of me. I need to get up. You need to go have a shower.”

  “Yes, Dear.”

  “And do something about that monstrosity you call a beard.”

  “Seems to me, you have no right to judge,” he jokes.

  Olivia raises her eyebrows. “Are you complaining about the landscaping? I can’t even see anything past my belly, let alone shave it.”

  He quirks a grin. “Nope. Not complaining, just making an observation.”

  Olivia frowns. “You don’t like it…au natural?”

  Ethan slides the t-shirt off her shoulder and nibbles that tender spot that only he knows how to find. “Surely you’ve noticed. There’s nothing that would keep me away.”

  They arrive fashionably late for lunch. Anna tips her watch to look at the time as they enter the room.

  “I told you she’d be pissed,” Ethan says nervously.

  “She’s probably shocked. When have you ever been late for anything?”

  “Now that you’ve met my mother, you should understand why.”

  Olivia laughs, “Well, she’ll get used to it. Once the baby is born, we’ll likely be late for everything for the rest of our lives.”

  “I’ll go say hello to my father. Would you like something to eat?”

  “Why do I look hungry?”

  Ethan takes a step and then stops, smiling as he turns.


  Ethan leans in and brushes his lips against hers. “Nothing. I’ll be right back.”

  “We were worried about you two,” Maddie announces, as she bounds across the room.

  “I’ve called several times,” Shannon adds, as she joins them.

  “Oh, good,” Megan says, as she approaches. “Then it’s not just my messages she’s ignoring.”

  Olivia’s face turns red in embarrassment. “We’ve been a little busy.”

  “No need to explain,” Madison says, holding up her hand.

  “Speak for yourself,” Rachel says. “I want details.”

  “You don’t look any worse for wear,” Shannon notices. “You’re absolutely glowing.”

  “I’m surprised I can even stand up today.”

  The girls all have a small laugh.

  “I’m not even joking. I’ve heard many times about the luck of the Irish. Nobody warned me about their stamina.”

  “It’s absolutely true,” Shannon confirms.

  “Now wait, my husband isn’t Irish, but he has the stamina of thoroughbred racehorse.” Rachel grins. “Hung like one too.”

  The men look at each other nervously as the group of women across the room erupts in laughter.

  “I wonder if there’s a way we could do screening for that for all future sales managers at O’Connell Industries?” Olivia says in jest.

  “I would give up dance and volunteer to do all the human resources screening,” Madison offers.

  “You’ll do nothing of the kind,” a masculine voice adds from behind.

  “NATE!” Olivia says excitedly, as she throws her arms around him. “I didn’t know you were in town.”

  “I made a special trip in to spend some time with my girl. She’s been worried and concerned about you two.”

  Olivia releases him and immediately he pulls Madison into his arms. “Now, what were you saying?”

  “I was only joking,” Madison squeals. “Why would I want anybody else, when I have my own personal rock star?”

  “True. Very true. I’m not bad in the stamina department myself, you know.”

  Madison’s face turns a dark shade of red. “Oh, I know.”

  “I’m not sure about the racehorse thing. Maybe I should get the girls’ opinions.” He reaches for the top button of his jeans.

  “Not funny,” Madison growls as she drags him away.

  “I can’t believe Madison is dating Nate Ross,” Rachel says, as she watches her drag him into the other room.

  “Much to her brother’s dismay.” Olivia watches Ethan cross the room with a sandwich hanging out of his mouth and a few in his hand. She shakes her head.

  “He’s all yours,” Shannon laughs.

  A look of adoration sweeps across her face. “I wouldn’t change a
single thing about him.”

  Megan smiles. “Olivia, I wanted to say, thank you.”


  “Hiring my husband, so he can spend more time at home with the kids and I.”

  “Pfft. Oh that. Wait until he has to work with Ethan. He’ll probably quit,” she jokes.

  “You shaved!” Rachel says as Ethan joins them.

  “Thank God.” Olivia runs her fingers across his smooth, chiseled jaw. “I like being able to see my husband’s face.”

  “You didn’t have any complaints about not seeing my face last night,” Ethan adds with a smile.

  Olivia looks at Shannon and makes a face. “Can I retract the statement I made a few minutes ago? There’s one thing I’d like to change. I’d like my husband to learn when to stop talking.”

  “We all wish our husbands would learn that skill,” Anna adds.

  “Does Aiden have that problem too?”

  “Mmhmm,” Anna confirms. “Sometimes he suffers from his mouth runneth over syndrome.”

  “Ethan, did you ever ask your mom about what Eva suggested?”


  “About your twin?”

  “Lord have mercy, No. Ethan wasn’t a twin.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely,” Anna insists.

  “Olivia was,” Megan blurts out, shocking everyone.

  Olivia blinks her eyes and stares at her sister. “I was what?”

  “You were a twin. I found the documentation when I was going through Mom’s things.”

  “And you decided to keep that information a secret, because…?”

  Meg looks embarrassed. “I don’t know really. He died during childbirth. I guess since it was something Mom never talked about or shared, so it was something I should honor.”

  “Well, that’s shocking news,” Olivia says looking around at everyone. “I guess Eva’s radar was a little off that day.”

  Ethan tenses beside her and she looks in the direction of his gaze. Reese stands in the corner, engaged in a conversation with Ian.

  “This whole thing began with Jessica trying to blackmail money out of him,” Olivia begins to explain. “She told him, that unless he paid, she would tell you that they were having an affair.”

  “Why would she need to do that? I gave her everything she wanted,” Ethan says confused.


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