Gavin's Submissives

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Gavin's Submissives Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  She moaned and opened her lips to receive him. Fisting his hand in her hair, Landon used her mouth and watched as she took him to the back of her throat. Her lips closed around his lips, sucking him inside the heat of her mouth.

  He’d taught her how to take him. Her skill over the last few weeks had grown wonderfully well. “Take me deep,” he said.

  Her tongue licked along the vein before slipping down and letting his cock sink to the back of her throat. When her eyes went wide, he pulled out giving her time then pressing back inside.

  “Whatever you’re doing, keep it up. Her pussy has tightened. She’s close to another release.”

  He smiled. “You like taking my cock?” he asked.

  She mumbled. The sound was muffled around his cock. Laughing, Landon eased out of her only to slide back inside. Her body jerked as Gavin increased his thrusts. He worked her mouth to Gavin’s pace.

  Her moans grew until she was riding his cock with her mouth.

  “Fuck, she’s tight,” Gavin said.

  Landon groaned unable to hold back his release.


  Swallowing his cum, Heidi opened her eyes to stare up into his bright blue gaze. The love shining out of them made her feel whole. Gavin grunted, pulling out of her body. She’d noticed he stopped wearing a condom. She was scared to ask him why and what it actually meant.

  She’d found her place with her two men, and she didn’t want to mess it up by asking the wrong questions. He picked her up in his arms then laid her on the bed. Gavin caressed her cheek then kissed her lips.

  “You taste like Landon,” he said, licking his lips.

  Landon dropped down on her other side. He stroked her breast making a pattern around her nipple.

  “I’m sticky,” she said, feeling his semen dripping out of her pussy.

  Gavin ran his hand down her body. He pressed a finger inside her. “I like you sticky.”

  She groaned as he finger-fucked her.

  “You’re such a greedy little sub,” he said.

  “Only for you and Landon.”

  “Good answer. Time for a bath.”

  Heidi loved the moments when he and Landon cared for her after sex. She lay in their arms as they bathed her.

  The following morning she woke up alone. She wasn’t startled by being alone. Her men always left her to get up in her own time. Throughout the night, Gavin and Landon reached out for her. Their passions were insatiable. She couldn’t believe she’d gone from having no pleasure at all to having it on a daily basis.

  She threw the blanket off, grabbed a pair of sweats and a shirt before making her way down the stairs. Landon sat at the counter eating waffles. Gavin was nowhere in sight.

  “He’s gone into town. He’ll be back later. How did you sleep?” Landon asked. He stood, pulled out a chair for her. Once she was seated, he pushed the chair under the counter then handed her a plateful of waffles. She’d never get used to being waited on hand and foot.

  “You didn’t have to do this,” she said. Her stomach rumbled, which only made him laugh.

  “Eat, Heidi. You’re going to have to get used to it. There was an offer on the house,” he said.

  She listened to the offer while eating. There had been a lot of interest in her home. She didn’t mind. Her old life was gone. Gavin was true to his word, and she trusted him with her heart and body. Her mind was starting to repair the damage that Derek had placed inside. She no longer saw herself as beaten against his words. With each day she found herself growing stronger and fighting against the doubts and negative words.

  Gavin’s punishments had quickly turned into a pleasure. She looked forward to going over his knee, and she liked the fact he included Landon in her punishment. Having both men punish her body felt amazing.

  “I’ll take what they offered. I’m not going anywhere,” she said.

  “I think Gavin will like your answer.”

  Landon finished his food then went around to massage her shoulders as she ate hers. She moaned as he hit the right spot.

  “What are we going to do about Gavin’s birthday?” she asked.

  “I’ve got it covered. His birthday is a couple of months away. We’ve got time to train you and get everything set up.”

  She finished eating. Landon took her plate as she went to her office. She didn’t see Gavin for the rest of the day. Landon didn’t seem unfazed by the lack of Gavin’s presence. She missed him. He’d become part of her life, and without him, nothing felt right.

  “Are you sure he’s fine?” she asked when Landon came into the house at lunchtime.

  “He’s fine. I called him, and he went to the realtor to sort out the details of your house. He’s settling everything for you.”

  “Did he say anything?” She nibbled her lip.

  You’re sounding like a hysterical wife.

  “Yes, he said not to worry and to work. When you’re done for today, go and have a bath, rest your feet. We’re going out tonight. Gavin is organising everything. You’ll see the dress on the bed.” He kissed her head then left her alone.

  She stared up the stairs but forced herself to go back inside her office.

  When she finished all of her work for the day she made her way up the stairs. On the bed lay a purple box. She opened the box to find a beautiful pale cream dress. Feeling the soft fabric between her fingers, she saw the right size on the gift tag. She was a size eighteen. The thought of her men picking out the dress left her embarrassed. How did they know her size?

  Duh, you’ve been living with them for the past few months.

  Leaving the dress she made her way into the bathroom. She did everything Landon told her. If his words came from Gavin then she didn’t disobey the commands of her master. She took plenty of time to soak while putting her feet up.

  She thought about the life she was living with her two men. In the short time she’d been with them she’d started to feel like her old self before she met Derek. There were still occasions when doubts filled her head, like in the bedroom thinking about the dress. She wondered if Landon and Derek were embarrassed by her size.

  There you go again.

  Stop with the doubts.

  After spending an hour in the bath, she got out and made her way into the bedroom. She took time getting ready. Landon went to the bathroom but didn’t venture into the room. Nerves pricked at her. Why were her men avoiding her? She finished dressing, applied minimum makeup, and then made her way out of the room.

  Walking down the stairs she heard her men in the kitchen. Both men were dressed in suits. Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she waited for them.


  The ring was in his pocket. Gavin and Landon had spent a great deal of time talking about marriage. They’d agreed she’d marry him, but Landon would wear a ring also. With their marriage they were all protected. He showed Landon the ring.

  “Do you really think she’s ready for this?” Landon asked.

  “I don’t know. I spent all afternoon preparing everything. I hope she’s ready.” He closed the box then placed the ring back in his pocket.

  “She missed you. Lying to her wasn’t fun.”

  “I didn’t imagine it would be a piece of cake.” Gavin let out a sigh. Landon touched his head then pointed behind him. Turning around he saw her. She stood, leaning against the door, her body encased in pale cream. The dress dipped in at the waist but flared at the hips. He didn’t think she’d be comfortable with a tight dress. He’d purposefully gone for a fit she’d be comfortable in. The bodice plunged at the breasts. The swells of her gorgeous breasts were on display.

  “I’ve missed you,” she said.

  “I’ve missed you, too.” Moving toward her, Gavin pulled her against him. Her soft body melted against him. He dropped a kiss to her plump lips.

  “You were gone for a long time.” Her lips were out in a pout.

  “I’m back.” He kissed the top of her head. “You look stunning.”

Thank you for the dress.” Her hand ran down the length. All he wanted to do was take her upstairs along with Landon and make love to his subs.

  “We’ve got dinner reservations.”

  Creek Valley had opened a restaurant a few months back. The fine dining was a rare luxury but one Gavin had become accustomed to. They drove in his truck. Landon sat by the door, and Heidi was pressed between them.

  Landon helped her out of the truck. All three of them walked to restaurant. He’d booked seats a week ago. The chef was a friend, and when Gavin told him what he planned to do, he’d made sure seats were available.

  Several couples were eating. He acknowledged them as they passed. Threesomes were known in Creek Valley. It wasn’t a town to judge or be judged.

  “This is a pretty fancy place,” Heidi said.

  “There wasn’t a restaurant when you lived here before, was there?” Landon asked.

  She shook her head. “Nor a sex shop.”

  Gavin laughed. “Have you been inside the sex shop?”


  “Then you’ll have to go. I recommend it.”

  Their glasses were filled with wine. They were alone to contemplate the menu.

  “I don’t need a place like this,” Heidi said. Her face was flushed as she glanced down at the menu.

  “Order what you want. We can afford this, baby.”

  Landon squeezed his leg. At that moment Gavin needed all the comfort he could get. He’d never asked a woman to marry him.

  He sipped at the wine. When the waiter came back, they ordered their meal. He listened to his subs talk for several minutes.

  Their meal came, and Gavin was onto his second glass of wine. He watched Heidi eat, and all the time he felt like he’d been punched in the gut.

  What if she said no?

  He’d given her dominance, but what if it wasn’t enough for her? Pushing his doubts aside, Gavin tore into his steak.

  “Ask her,” Landon said.

  “Ask me what?” Her hazel eyes stared at him. He saw the trust reflected in her gaze.

  Wiping his mouth on a napkin, he reached over the table. She scooped up some potato before turning her attention to him.

  “It’s about what I’ve been doing today. It’s pretty important to both of us.”

  “You need your space?” she asked.

  “No. No, this is nothing about that,” Gavin said.

  Landon’s hand tightened on his thigh.

  Reaching into his jacket Gavin presented her the box. “Will you marry me?” he asked. The words were a relief to get off his chest.

  “Marry you?” She took the box from him.

  He’d bought her a simple gold band. She wasn’t the kind of woman who wanted big extravagant gestures.

  “Yes. Landon and I talked about it. He’s in agreement. You marry me, but we’ll be married to each other.” He handed Landon the gold band he’d bought for him. “A family.”

  Tears filled her eyes. He’d wanted her to be happy, not to cry.

  “You don’t have to say yes. I thought you were ready.”

  She tightened her hold on his hand. “Will you shut up?” she asked. Her gaze went to the ring then back up to him. “This is perfect.”

  His heart pounded inside his chest.

  “I thought you were trying to get rid of me. You want to marry me?”

  “Yes, more than anything. I’d marry you both if it was legal. This is what we both want.”

  “Oh my God, I think I’m going to cry.” She dabbed under her eyes. “Shit, I haven’t even told you the answer.”

  Gavin waited.

  “Yes. A million times yes. Please, put it on.” She handed him back the ring. He took the ring out of the box then slid the gold band onto her finger. The ring fit perfectly. He’d guessed the size. She stared at the ring.

  “Oh my,” she said. Tears spilled down her cheeks.

  He got out of his seat embracing her in his arms. Landon winked at him.

  “Love you, baby,” Landon said.

  “I love both of you. Thank you so much for giving me this. This is amazing.” She held her hand out in front. Gavin chuckled, admiring his band on her finger.

  “I told you, you’d be mine. I meant every word.” He kissed the side of her face then took his seat beside Landon.

  They toasted to the future.

  His future looked perfect with his two subs, and he couldn’t ask for anything more.


  “This will be perfect for his birthday,” Heidi said. The gown she wore covered her body. Every now and then she took the time to admire the ring on her finger. She wasn’t married yet, but they’d set the day for Christmas. Becoming Mrs. Powell would be the best Christmas gift she’d ever received.

  Her parents had met Gavin and Landon. They remembered Landon from when they lived in Creek Valley. They didn’t understand her situation, but they were happy for her. She couldn’t ask for much more.

  “He’ll completely lose it. Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Landon asked.

  “I’m his woman and sub. This is nothing.”

  Landon had bought the collar, which lay around her neck. The collar was bound with a lock. The card on the door contained the key for Gavin. He’d promised her Gavin would understand what she was doing.

  Heidi was giving herself to her man. Letting out a breath she touched the collar wrapped around her neck.

  “Do you think you can handle being married to Gavin?” Landon asked after several minutes passed. She stroked the collar around her neck, smiling.

  “I can’t wait to be married to him.”

  “Gavin was a little worried because of your married life with Derek.”

  “Derek is a prick. I know Gavin and you are not like my ex. You’ve given me more love and passion in the last few months than Derek gave me in years. I love you both. I look forward to the future. You’ve got no idea how excited the future leaves me feeling,” she said, meaning every word.

  “Okay, I thought I’d ask.”

  “No worries.” She stroked the collar bringing his gaze back to her neck. Landon let out a sigh.

  “He’ll never like my presents,” Landon said.

  She slapped him on his naked ass. “Stop whining, Gavin loves you for you. Save a little for me.”

  He smiled at her. “Okay, before we have a drink, show me your pose.”

  She went to her knees. Spreading her thighs wide, she bowed her head and thrust her chest up in offering.

  “Keep your gaze on the floor even when he enters. When he presses the key into the lock then look at him.” Landon cupped her cheek. “When he sees the butt plug in your ass he’s going to lose it.”

  “Do you really think so?” she asked. She’d gone into the sex shop and bought an anal starter pack. She and Landon had been using it on her. Tonight she’d be giving herself to Gavin, but also they would share her. Both of her men inside her at the same time. She shivered at the delightful thought.

  “He’ll lose it. Come on. We’ll have a drink, and then we’ll get everything else set up.”

  She followed Landon downstairs. Coffee waited in the mug. She poured herself a generous amount. The plug in her ass pinched a little. The inflatable plug expanded inside her every few minutes. By the time Gavin got home from town she’d be more than ready to take both of her men.

  Twirling the band on her finger she glanced over at Landon. He looked so relaxed as he stared at her. The robe she was wearing felt invisible against his gaze.

  “What are you staring at?” she asked.

  “I’m proud of you. You’re amazing to have come so far.”

  She relaxed, going to him. “I love you, too.”

  Landon wrapped his arms around her. “I’ve never been happier than I am right now. I can’t believe I almost fucked this up with my stupidity.”

  “Don’t think about that now. You’ve learned your lesson.”

  “Come on. Let’s get the rest of the house ready
. Gavin deserves the whole show.”

  They’d ordered several roses. Heidi plucked the petals and started a path leading up to the room. Landon lit candles in the direction up the stairs. She cut her fingers on a couple of the thorns. Pushing the pain aside she concentrated on the now.

  “If you want to back out we can clean it up.”

  “No, I want to be his and yours. I want to do this.”

  Gavin had given her so much in the last few months. Her confidence under his gentle guidance had flourished. She was finally getting back what Derek had taken away from her. Letting out a sigh she plucked the last rose petals.

  When she was satisfied with the scattering of petals, she took the final rose outside. She placed the stalk in the door knocker. The envelope containing the key rested inside with a birthday card. Closing the door she made her way up to their room. The bed was naked apart from the bottom sheet. She’d folded the blanket in the corner of the room.

  Landon was lighting the last few candles as she knelt at the foot of the bed. She rested her hands on her knees waiting for when she heard the door opening. Landon knelt beside her.

  Her heart hammered inside her chest.

  “There’s no need to be nervous. Gavin will love this gift you’re giving him.” He fingered the collar around her neck. “You look beautiful.”

  She smiled, resting against him. Landon calmed her nerves. He’d always been her rock. Derek was out of her life for good, which she was relieved about. He’d never darken her door or leave her feeling less than human. Rubbing her arms she sank against Landon’s warmth.

  “I’m so happy,” she said. “I want to show Gavin how much I’m happy. Without you or him I’d never be me again.”

  “He knows. Even without this he’ll know.”

  The sound of the door opening downstairs filled the room. “He’s here.”

  “Then get into position. He’ll be up soon.”

  She settled on the floor. Her heart started to pound. Closing her eyes she forced herself to relax.

  This is what you want.

  Taking deep breaths she trained herself to calm down. She chanted her own wants and needs, and with each step she heard Gavin take her mind grew lax.


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