Razor: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

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Razor: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance Page 10

by Landish, Lauren

  I jerked my hand back. “Huh?”

  Carly gulped. I could tell it was a struggle for her to keep her eyes on my face. “You okay?”

  “Where’d you say the towels were again?”

  “In the bathroom and to the cabinet to your right.”

  “Thanks,” I croaked. My dick felt like it was going to burst out of my jeans, but I resisted, and I’d never let Carly know the power she had over me.

  Carly nodded her head, carefully keeping her eyes trained on my face, her cheeks still flaming. “Mmmhmm.”

  * * *

  A frosty blast of water hit me, plastering my hair into my eyes. I let the cold water splash against my chest and pour down my stomach. I turned sideways for a moment, and then turned my back to the water, letting it roll down my back and off of my chiseled ass.

  I was trying to let the water hit my body from every angle, hoping to cool the fires of lust that burned inside of me.

  I thought a cold shower was supposed to kill an erection, I thought. Maybe I just need to give it time . . .

  I continued to let the cool water do its thing, but nope. Still hard as a fucking rock. The fire inside me required one thing and one thing only.

  Images of Carly’s smooth creamy legs flashed in front of my eyes, making my cock throb.

  “Fuck,” I muttered. “This isn’t going to work.”

  I slid a hand down my slippery wet abs, and grabbed a hold of my throbbing cock. Gripping my shaft tightly, I slowly starting pumping to images of Carly bent over in front of me, waiting to be pummeled.

  “Carly,” I moaned, thinking about spreading her tight hole.

  I thrust my hips forward with each stroke, sounds of Carly moaning in my mind drawing me ever so close.

  Faster and faster I went, until a blazing fire was lit inside me. My breathing quickened and I could feel my cock grow impossibly hard within my grasp, right when I heard the sound of Carly’s voice from outside the bathroom.


  “Focus,” I muttered, trying desperately to push the image of Mason’s giant bulge out of my mind but failing.

  I always heard that Mason was packing, and he definitely wasn’t afraid to say it, but I hadn’t had the pleasure of seeing it myself. But it was plainly obvious that he was carrying around a monster!

  What was going on in that head of his? It wasn’t like I’d done anything special to turn him on. And hell, after the wild events of the day, I looked a hot mess.

  But what if he did get hard because of me? I wondered. And what if he’s in the shower, relieving himself while thinking about me?

  Goosebumps arose on my skin at the titillating thoughts and my pulse quickened. A dizzying array of images flashed through my mind, causing moistness to gather between my thighs and my nipples to harden beneath my bra.

  I clenched my hands into fists and fought to drive the thoughts away. Now wasn’t the time — I needed to focus on something else.

  I glanced at my laptop. Mason told me not to even touch it, but what harm would it do if I logged on for just a second?

  Setting down the remote, I jumped up from the couch and walked over to my laptop. I lifted the screen and was just about to log in when I froze, suddenly remembering the cold blade that had been pressed against my side hours earlier.

  Remember what happened last time when I didn’t believe him? I almost ended up dead.

  I stepped away and walked to the bathroom. I needed something to do to stop my mind from racing. Besides, there was nothing that could kill my libido faster than washing away dried blood.

  At the bathroom door, I looked around. I didn’t see Mason’s hoodie and shirt anywhere. I pressed my ear to the door and inside I could hear the sound of running water — Mason was still cleaning himself.

  I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing pulse. “Mason,” I called out tentatively.

  His voice was muffled and was hard to understand but I could just make out his response. “Yeah?”

  “Where are your clothes? I thought I told you to leave them outside the bathroom so I could wash them for you.”

  “Shit. I forgot. They’re in here with me.”

  “Okay. I’ll just get them when you get out.” I turned away to go back in the living room.

  “Just step in and get them. They’re on the floor.”

  I hesitated. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. It’s not like you will see anything and I’m almost done. And even if you do, I’m sure you’ll like it.”

  I have no doubt.

  I placed my fingers on the door, opening it and stepping inside.

  Just don’t look, I told myself.

  I expected a blast of steam to hit me, but there was nothing. There wasn’t an ounce of steam in the room.

  Was Mason taking a cold shower?

  And, of course, I had to look.

  The shower door was made of glass and it would’ve been steamed up had Mason been taking a hot shower, but since he wasn’t, I could see enough. There he was in all his glory, his body sculpted as if he were a god, with the water cascading down around him.

  My breath caught in my throat, and he looked up just as I stepped in. I couldn’t quite tell through the glass, but I swear I could see the corners of his lips curled into a cocky, challenging grin.

  I quickly looked away, my heart pounding like a battering ram.

  “I didn’t see anything!” I blurted quickly.

  I heard him chuckle. “You sure about that? Looked like you got an eye full to me. I’m in the shower but I bet you’re wetter than I am.”

  “You’re an asshole! I’m J-Just grabbing your clothes,” I stuttered. Keeping my head turned, I knelt down on the floor and felt around blindly until I grabbed what felt like his stuff.

  “Got ‘em!” I squeaked. Not waiting for a response, I rushed from the room, my cheeks on fire.


  Holy fuck. I was so close too.

  I swear she was torturing me, not letting me get a release. But the look on her face when she fled the bathroom had been pure gold.

  The look in her eyes told me everything I needed to know. I bet she was out there right now, soaking wet and praying that I’d come out and show her what Razor could do in the sack. Considering she just ruined my orgasm, I might just do it.


  It was bigger than I thought it’d be. So thick and long, I was practically salivating and down below I could feel the moistness gathering between my thighs once again.

  The asshole was right.

  Then I remembered how he looked at me with that cocky grin and I froze in the middle of the hallway as sudden realization washed over me.

  The bastard wanted me to see him naked! Was he trying to seduce me?

  Or torment me.

  I rushed to the kitchen with his clothes, and quickly located some detergent and turned on the faucet. I dumped his hoodie into the sink first and started scrubbing at it fiercely, trying to focus on the task at hand to get him out of my head.

  I won’t think about his big fat dick, I repeated over and over inside my head while I scrubbed his sweater.

  The problem with this mantra was that I was still thinking about his big fat dick as I was saying the words over and over.

  The sound of wood creaked, causing me to look up from my psycho scrubbing. My breath caught in my throat and my heart skipped a beat. Again.

  He was standing in the hallway, his hair wet with a white towel wrapped precariously around his waist, his perfectly etched abs and rippling torso on display. My eyes trailed down, and I could see the imprint of his cock pressed against the towel.

  “Why are you only wearing a towel?” I demanded. It sounded like an accusation. Like I was fucking pissed at him for doing it. And I guess I was to a degree, because it made me want to go drop to my knees in front of him.

  That cocky grin spread across his face and he nodded at the counter. “Because you stole my pants.”

  I scowled. “I didn
’t steal your . . .” my voice trailed off as I glanced down. Sure enough, his jeans and boxers were resting on the counter along with his shirt. In my haste to flee the bathroom, I must’ve just grabbed everything. “Shit, I’m sorry. I grabbed them by mistake.”

  Mason chuckled. “It’s okay. Can you toss them over?” Mason shifted on his feet and the towel almost slipped from around his chiseled hips.

  I wish it would have.

  I tried to keep my eyes level with his. “Do you want the boxers too?”

  “Can you give them a quick wash with my hoodie and shirt? Until we can risk going to a store, they’re all I’ve got.”

  I mockingly widened my eyes. “You mean to tell me the amazing Razor didn’t think of bringing a change of clothes?”

  “I didn’t exactly plan it to go this way. I was supposed to turn the video over to Anonymous, and I would have, until I realized how much it could benefit you.”

  “Are you going to keep staring, or are you going to toss me my jeans?” He added, not giving me a chance to reply.

  Asshole. I grabbed his jeans and slung them across the room at him with more force than I intended.

  Mason snatched the pants out of the air with ease, unfazed by my irritation. Then in a bold, cocky manner, he let the towel fall from around his waist right in front of me.

  My breath caught in my throat at the sight of him. Of course I’d just seen him in the shower, but it was through blurred glass. His chiseled body was amazing, and even soft, his cock was to die for.

  He slowly pulled his jeans up to his hips and buttoned them as if I wasn’t even there.

  “You could’ve went back into the bathroom to change,” I managed, finally remembering to breathe and feeling hot around the ears, my cheeks burning.

  Instead of giving me an eyeful that will leave me hot and bothered for the rest of the night.

  Mason’s eyes seemed to say, ‘I know you liked it,’ and the corner of his lips curled up, letting me know that he’d done it on purpose. He shrugged, “You didn’t have to stare either. Anyone ever tell you it’s not polite?”

  My mouth gaped open and I was speechless. The asshole is taunting me, I thought, daring me to do something about it.

  Whatever Mason’s game, I wasn’t about to engage him, even if I was burning up with feverish desire. What if I tried to engage him and he turned me down, humiliating me like he so loved to do years ago. Nope, never. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction, so I ignored him, returning to scrubbing his blood-stained clothes.

  “Did we make the news yet?” Mason asked, breaking me out of my reverie.

  “Nope,” I replied, “Nothing.”

  “Damn.” He went over to the couch and flopped down, grabbing the remote and flipping through the channels. After a moment, he scratched at the fresh stubble on his jaw thoughtfully. “That kind of worries me. We should’ve been on by now.”

  Now was the time to seize opportunity. I’d been dying all day to see how many hits my blog had. “Then let’s just log on my laptop for a second, just to see what’s going on.”

  Mason shook his head firmly. “Not yet. I’m not going to play that card yet — let’s give it a little while longer. Maybe twenty-four hours. Anonymous is going to be monitoring it and it’s not worth the risk.”

  I nodded and sighed in frustration. Something was wrong, I could feel it.

  I finished scrubbing the last few places, and while there were still stains on his sweater, it was at least clean.

  “I’m going to take these outside and hang them up,” I told him.

  Mason looked up, immediately alert. “Need me to go with you?”

  I made a face. “Are you serious? It’s like two feet away. I’ll be fine,” I said firmly, moving toward the door. “But I’ll be sure to call out if I see the boogeyman.”

  Mason didn’t crack a smile at my joke. “I’ll be watching.”

  Outside, it was chilly, but other than that, it was a beautiful night with a clear sky and a full moon whose light filtered down in between the trees, illuminating the entire area with an ethereal glow.

  I made my way around to the side of the cabin where I had a clothesline. While I hung up his clothes, a sudden idea struck me. Why let Mason keep tormenting me? Why not turn the tables on him and use my feminine charms and see how he liked it? Then I’ll humiliate him like he’s done me so many times before.

  I’ll show him two can play that game.

  I wasn’t sure what I was going to do, as seduction wasn’t quite my forte, but I was sure I could come up with something.

  “See,” I said when I walked back inside the cabin a minute later, “I’m perfectly fine. No boogeyman out there or anyone hiding in the bushes.”

  Mason was watching me like a hawk. “Where are you going?”

  “To my room to change,” I said flippantly. “It’s hot as hell in here.”

  Mainly because of you.

  Not giving him a chance to reply, I went to my bedroom and emerged two minutes later dressed in some tiny little pink shorts that rode my ass cheeks and a white cutoff top that showed off my cleavage.

  “Whew,” I said fanning myself. “That’s much better.”

  Mason tried to act calm, cool, and collected, but I saw his eyes look like they were about to pop out of his head.

  “Why are you wearing that?” Mason demanded in an almost angry tone. He looked mighty uncomfortable, but his eyes followed my every move. Take that!

  “Because it’s hot, that’s why.”

  “It’s not that hot,” Mason objected. “It’s like fifty-five outside.”

  “Really? Feels like eighty.” I suddenly looked over at the TV. “Damn, where did all that dust came from?” I grabbed my duster from nearby and walked in front of the TV. I bent over ever-so-slowly, pointing my ass directly at his face. I imagined he could see the outline of my swollen pussy too, pressing against the flimsy material of my shorts.

  After I was done with my fake dusting, I straightened and placed the duster back where it was and turned to face him.

  He was gawking at me, his lips parted as if in awe, and I smiled seductively at him. He snapped his lips shut and quickly averted his eyes, but he looked like a man in pain.

  Payback was a bitch.

  Swaying my hips with each step, I walked over to the couch and sank down beside him. I crossed my legs, but made sure my knee was touching his and then moved in, resting my elbow on his shoulder.

  “Are you okay?” I asked in a soft, feathery voice close to his ear. I couldn’t believe how well I was doing at acting sexy. I almost felt like a pro.

  “Yeah,” he replied. “Why wouldn’t I be?” His voice sounded hoarse, strained, and I knew he was just trying to act like I wasn’t having an effect on him.

  Glancing down, I got further confirmation — a huge bulge in his jeans. Mason was hard for me.

  And then I realized something.

  This whole time I’ve been thinking he was the one with power over me, when I have just as much over him, I thought.

  Emboldened, I moved in closer, pressing against his side, my breasts pushing up against his shoulder. “Doesn’t seem like it,” I purred in his ear, slowly running my hand up his thigh. “Looks like you’ve got a big problem in your pants.”

  “Careful, Carly. You might want to stop. I’m much better at this game than you are.” Mason said, though he made no effort to remove my hand.

  “Why should I?” I hissed, pausing my hand on his inner thigh, inches away from his package. Mason still didn’t push me away, letting me know he wanted it. “I know that little stunt you pulled was on purpose. Two can play that game.”

  I wasn’t sure what exactly I was going to do next. And the fact that he threatened that he’s better at the game than I am sent a thrill through me.

  But one thing’s for certain, I’d never seen him so rattled in my life. Beads of sweat were running down his face and he was trembling beneath my fingertips.

  “Oh loo
k,” I said mockingly, “the great and powerful Razor, crumbling beneath my little fingertips.”

  Mason’s face twisted in agony. He looked like a man trying to lift a mountain. Obviously, he was trying his hardest not to give in to temptation and his hands were clenched at his side so hard that they were turning white. He could’ve pushed me away if he wanted to, but he didn’t. Now I’d confirmed it — he wanted me just as bad as I wanted him. And it dawned on me, it’d probably always been that way, I just never had the confidence to realize it.

  I stared at his hands, which were trembling like he had Parkinson’s. What would happen if he touched me? The plan was to turn him down, to humiliate him and finally get payback, but I realized I’d never have the strength.

  My lips were inches from his face and I could feel the heat emanating from his body. I glanced down at his crotch and Mason followed my eyes.

  “If you unleash the Razor,” Mason growled with caution, “You might get cut.”

  Despite his warning, every cell of my body screamed at me to find out, screamed at me to push him over the edge to the point of no return.

  I leaned in even more, my pulse pounding in my ears, moistness gathering between my thighs as I gained the courage to reach for his big hard cock — intent on crossing the boundary that had separated us for so long . . . when news of our video finally came on.

  Chapter 13


  “Shit! It’s on!” Gasping with relief, Mason jumped up from the couch like a speeding bullet, nearly knocking me onto the floor.

  It was like the news chose that exact moment to come on and save us both from stumbling head-on into dangerous territory — a point in which there would be no coming back from.

  But I had no time to think about it. The moment I’d been waiting for all day had finally arrived.

  I gathered myself, my lust and desire momentarily forgotten, and focused my attention on the TV screen.


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