Razor: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

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Razor: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance Page 18

by Landish, Lauren

  Andre let out a gasp and dropped the chair, grabbing his knee in agony. Not wasting any time, Mason balled his fist and delivered a cross to Andre’s face.

  Mason grabbed the dazed brute by the front of his shirt and pulled his fist back to deliver a blow that would probably render Andre unconscious, when a cold voice shouted out.

  “You hit him again and your little stepsister is dead!”


  I spun around . . . right into Maddy’s fist. Gasping with surprise, I stumbled, the blow leaving me temporarily stunned.

  Mason quickly let go off the dazed Andre and advanced on Maddy, his face a mask of rage. “Get away from her.”

  Maddy grabbed a hold of me before I could recover, placing me in a chokehold and using me as a human shield.

  “Don’t take another step,” Maddy commanded.

  Mason froze, eyeing her wearily. “You don’t have to do this Maddy,” he argued, his voice calm. “We can talk about this — we can make things right.”

  Maddy sneered and shook her head. “Things will never be right between us. Not after what you did to me.”

  “We can talk about that,” Mason said softly, gesturing with his hands. “Just let her go and I’ll talk about anything you want.”

  By the tone in his voice, I could tell he was planning something, much like in the library where he’d rescued me from Aubrey. I watched as his hand slowly went to his pocket. He was about to do something and I needed to be ready when he did it.

  Except there was one problem.

  Andre was recovering and was picking up the large vase off of the floor. And I didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to know what he intended on doing with it.

  I opened my mouth to warn Mason, but Maddy placed a cloth over my mouth and nose, muffling my warning.

  A few seconds later, I became drowsy and my vision began to darken.

  The last thing I saw before I slumped in Maddy’s arms was Andre raising the vase high above his head and slamming it against Mason’s skull.


  On the floor, barely conscious, I watched through a haze of pain as Andre grabbed Carly and threw her over his shoulder and went out the front door.

  I tried to rise to my feet to chase after them, but fell back to the floor, my skull pulsating with stabbing pain.


  I stayed on the floor, gritting my teeth, fighting to stay conscious through the wall of pain. After about five minutes, the pain abated enough for me to be able to stand up.

  A wave a dizziness hit me as soon as I was on my feet, threatening to send me back to the ground. I grabbed a hold of a nearby seat to steady myself, slowly breathing in and out.

  I touched a hand to my scalp to assess the damage and pulled back blood. Andre’s blow had cut the skin, but it didn’t seem to be too deep. Still, I could have a concussion and not know it.

  Well if I do, it’s going to have to wait, I thought, wincing at the stabbing pains. My main priority is finding Carly.

  Pushing away the pain, I grabbed my mask, stumbled out of the lobby and back outside. I glanced around the building. One way led up the street back to the parade, the other went to a commercial area where there were a couple of hotels.

  I knew that they couldn’t have gone to the faire — a big man carrying an unconscious girl over his shoulder would be bound to draw attention, so I made my way toward the hotels, ignoring my pounding skull every step of the way.

  As I made it up the street, my blood boiled with rage and I grew more determined with every step.

  I didn’t care where or how far Maddy and Andre took Carly, I was going to find her.

  And when I did . . . there would be hell to pay.


  “She’s awake now,” said a feminine voice.

  My eyes fluttered opened. I looked around the room, rapidly blinking, until my vision became more focused.

  I was lying on a large bed in a white room, filled with opulent furniture. It looked like a hotel suite of some kind. Maddy was standing over me, grinning down at me with malice and Andre stood off to the side. I was scared shitless.

  But it wasn’t being in a strange room with the two villains that really made me do a double take, it was the vision of Brian standing in the middle of the chamber.

  He was dressed in a suit, gazing at me with an expression of disappointment.

  “Brian,” I gasped with shock, sitting up in the bed. “What are you doing here?”

  Brian didn’t respond immediately and instead seemingly took a moment to gather his thoughts. “I came here to collect my son,” he said when he was done. “And ensure that he answers for his crimes.”

  I shook my head in confusion. “What? What are you talking about?”

  “Carly, Mason belongs in a jail cell. He’s never really had to suffer any consequences in his life, and it’ll be the best thing for him. The SFPD have a warrant out for him, but they’re not going to actively pursue him. But the FBI on the other hand . . .”

  I scowled. “Unbelievable. You talk about crimes, yet you are working with these criminals. You do realize that, don’t you? These people,” I pointed, jabbing a finger at Maddy’s evil face, “Are far worse. Why are you so set on vilifying your son?”

  “These two individuals claimed to know your brother and were confident in their ability to track him down, so I paid them to bring him to me so I can convince him to face the consequences of his actions.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t believe what I’m hearing.” Brian was being a hypocrite in his quest to ensure Mason went to jail. “Mason should be rewarded, not punished. He exposed a corrupt politician’s murder.”

  Brian ignored my argument. “It’s a shame, Carly. He has manipulated you and you don’t even know it.”

  I opened my mouth to reply, but the door to the hotel room burst open and in stalked Mason, his face a mask of rage, blood running down the side of his face.

  Oh my God, I thought with horror, knowing that Mason must’ve fought through terrible pain to find me.

  Andre moved to cut him off, but Brian gestured sharply. “No. I need to talk to him.”

  Andre backed off, but kept a watchful eye as Mason walked into the room. He glanced at me to make sure I was alright and then turned his baleful gaze on his father.

  “I knew you hated me,” Mason snarled, “but I didn’t realize you hated me enough to consort with these,” he gestured at Maddy and Andre, “lowlives.”

  Maddy placed her hands on her hips, scowling at his insult. “Asshole.”

  Both men ignored her and Brian walked over to face his son.

  “Let Carly go, Dad,” Mason growled.

  Brian made a face. “Let her go? Let her go where? Away with you?” He shook his head. “She can go wherever she wants, just not with you. You aren’t going anywhere. I’ve already alerted the F.B.I. — they will be here shortly.”

  “Un-fucking-believable,” Mason growled. “That you hate me so much that you would have me put in jail and your own stepdaughter put in the middle of this.”

  Brian glared. “I didn’t bring her into this, Mason. That’s all your fault. It’s time for you to face up to that — your callous attitude has been a thorn in my side for far too long and I’ll be glad to pluck it out.”

  Mason looked extremely agitated, as if he still wanted to fight. “You know what, Dad? All my life, you’ve blamed me for everything that’s gone wrong in our family, including blaming me for Mom’s death. Well you know what? I’ve had enough!”

  Without warning, Mason slugged his father in the face and Brian crumpled to the floor.

  Satisfied that his dad was down, Mason moved to come for me, but Maddy stepped in front him, pulling out a gun.

  Mason froze and quickly put his hands up.

  “Don’t you take another fucking step,” she growled in a deadly voice.

  I looked around, wondering what I could do to help us. The situation was quickly getting out of hand.

bsp; The only thing I saw that I could use as a weapon was the hotel room’s landline phone. But I’d have to rip out of the wall to bash Maddy in the head with it, and by the time I did that, she’d have shot Mason.

  Brian stood up, yelling. “What the hell are you doing?! Put that gun away — we agreed that no one would get hurt!” He got up from the floor, his lip bloodied and swollen.

  The room fell into silence. Andre was white in the face as if knowing the situation was out of hand. Even Maddy, who was the one with the gun, seemed unsure of what to do.

  “Shut up!’ Maddy snapped shakily, her hands trembling on the trigger. I couldn’t tell if she was truly frightened or overjoyed at the opportunity to kill her ex-boyfriend. “All of you! No more talking!”

  Brian held his hands out. “Maddy, you don’t want to do this. Regardless of what he’s done to you, it’s not worth taking his life over. You have my word — I’ll see to it that the authorities take him in. Whatever they want to do with him, let that be the end of it.”

  I looked over at Andre, hoping to use reason to persuade him to my side. “Please,” I begged.

  “Be quiet, Carly.” Brian commanded. “You’re going to make things worse.”

  I ignored him. “Please Andre. You don’t have to go through with this.”

  “Shut up!” Maddy yelled. “You especially,” she said, meaning me. “Why are you talking to Andre when I’m the one with the gun here?” Then she told Mason in a quiet voice, “On your knees.”

  “No,” I moaned, hopeless despair spreading through my body.

  “I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time,” Maddy hissed. “Ever since you killed our baby.”

  “It wasn’t his baby and he didn’t kill anything,” I yelled.

  “One more word from you and you’re next!” Maddy snapped. Then she looked at Mason. “Razor, on your knees. Now!”

  Mason glanced at me, and I was surprised to see no fear in his eyes. He wasn’t going to let Maddy see him scared nor was he going to beg for his life.

  Before he could do as Maddy commanded, Andre stepped forward with his hand outreached. “Wait Maddy. I’ve supported you in everything that you’ve done, and I was willing to help you rough him up, but this is going too far. You don’t have to do this. ”

  She tossed an annoyed glance his way before snapping back on Mason. “Don’t you dare!”

  But that split second of distraction and Andre having a change of heart was all that Mason needed.

  “Now Carly!” Mason shouted, dropping to the floor.

  At his command, I jumped up from the bed and shoved Maddy as hard as I could. I cringed, thinking the gun would go off, but Maddy let out a cry of surprise and flew across the room, the gun falling out of her hands.

  Mason jumped to his feet and rushed forward to grab me as Maddy made a desperate scramble to retrieve the gun, but Andre beat her to it.

  He picked up the gun and pointed it at us, causing Mason to shove me behind him, using his body as a shield.

  “Shoot him!” Maddy yelled at Andre as she climbed to her feet.

  “Don’t do it man,” Mason urged, holding his hands up in surrender. “She’s just using you.”

  I held my breath, thinking the worst, when without warning, Andre turned the gun on Maddy.

  Maddy’s eyes widened with surprise and she took a step backward. “What the hell are you doing?” she demanded.

  Andre ignored her and gestured at the exit with one hand while keeping the gun on Maddy. “Get out of here, you two,” he ordered us. “Before the cops get here.”

  Relief flowed through me as Mason pulled me toward the door, but before we could take two steps, Brian stepped in our path.

  “You can’t leave,” he told Mason. “You’ve got to stop this, son. You can’t keep running. You need to stay and face the consequences of your actions.”

  “I did what had to be done to expose the Mayor, Dad. Maybe one day you will realize that. Now move.” Mason looked like he was prepared to remove his father by force.

  Brian shook his head. “I’m going to make you stay here until the police get here—”

  Andre pointed the gun on Brian. “Move,” he said flatly. “Now.”

  Glowering, Brian stepped out of our path.

  “Hurry!” Andre yelled as Maddy suddenly moved toward him, her eyes on the gun. He turned the gun on Maddy and she froze. Then he began alternating pointing between her and Brian.

  Not needing any further encouragement, Mason pulled me along.

  “You both are going to regret this,” Brian said sadly as we passed. He looked like he wanted to pursue us, but he obviously didn’t want to to take a chance Andre might shoot him. “It’s not fair to you or to Maddy!” he yelled.

  As we reached the door and opened it, ready to flee down the hall, Andre called out.


  Mason paused, and we both tossed glances over our shoulders. Maddy was fuming, glaring at us with hatred, while Brian was eyeing us with disappointment.“Yeah?”

  Andre grinned and saluted Mason with respect. “I always thought you were one bad ass hacker.”

  A slight smile played across Mason’s handsome features. “Thanks.”

  Then we turned and walked out.

  * * *

  The faire was still going strong when we made it back to the street and Mason and I quickly blended into a crowd of revelers. The only problem we had now was getting to the meeting place in time and finding someone who could patch up Mason’s head.

  “You did a great job back there by shoving Maddy on cue,” Mason complimented me, holding his head where he was hit by Andre as we slowly moved through the crowd.

  Mason shook his head. “If you hadn’t done that, the crazy bitch would’ve shot me, I’m sure of it.”

  “You might be right, but I could see hesitation in her eyes.” I motioned at his head. “We’ve got to get that patched up,” I said with concern.

  “Not before we get the hell out of here. This place will be swarming with cops soon, if what Dad said was true.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked. “That wound looks bad.”

  “I’ll be fine,” Mason said firmly. “We can’t afford to linger for too long.”

  We walked in silence for a little before I asked, “What do you think Brian is going to do?”

  “He’ll probably wait until the cops get there and tell them what happened.”

  I tried to be optimistic. “Maybe he will, maybe he won’t.”

  Mason snorted with derision. “He just wants to see me punished for something — for anything.”

  “But you know what? I think he knows now, deep down, that what you did was right. I just have that feeling.”

  Mason frowned. “I don’t know about that, but maybe. Before I would’ve said no, but he did at least seem to care that I might get shot.” There was hope in Mason’s voice as if he saw there could be a reconciliation in the future and it made me feel more than a little happy as we continued off into the night.


  Several Weeks Later

  “Mayor Bradley was arrested at his townhouse early this morning on murder charges,” announced the newscaster as footage of the arrest flashed across the screen. In it, Bradley could be seen being pulled out of the house in his pajamas, his hands cuffed behind his back.

  In the background, his wife held a hand over her mouth in horror as she watched her husband being put into a police vehicle, her children watching from the windows with frightened expressions.

  “When pressed for comment, Bradley only said that he is innocent and that he will prove it once he has his day in court.

  But there are those who say the Mayor is guilty as charged, and are rallying to see that he never see the light of day. One such person is Ashley Collins’ mother, Rosemary Collins, who was staging a protest outside of Bradley’s multi-million dollar home at the time of his arrest.”

  The camera cut to footage of Rosemary being inter
viewed in front of Bradley’s home while protestors shouted in the background.

  “If you ask me, the man should have never been elected Mayor in the first place. He was a damn crook from the very beginning and I don’t know what people saw in him,” she said.

  “And what do you hope the outcome of this trial will be?” the reporter asked, holding a microphone in her face.

  “That my daughter gets justice,” Rosemary sniffed.

  “And what’s justice for you, ma’am?”

  “Fry ‘em,” Rosemary said with a flat expression. “Fry him like bacon on a skillet. And Lord, I want to be there when they do. Ashley will be watching from heaven, smiling right along with me. You can bet your sweet ass on it.”

  The reporter looked like he was holding back a laugh, knowing that would never happen even if he was found guilty.

  We’d heard all we needed to hear, and Mason closed down the screen on the laptop. We were watching the clip on youtube. I looked up at him from where I was snuggled against his chest and smiled.

  Once we escaped across the border, we’d taken Mason to a hospital where they basically just slapped a bandage on it and told us to go. Thankfully the blood had just made it look a little worse than it was.

  “Well will you look at that?” he murmured, kissing me on the forehead. We were lying in a King sized bed after just making love, staying in one of the best hotels Mexico City had to offer. The luxurious suite was at the top of the building and had sweeping views of the city. I absolutely loved it. “Justice was served after all.”

  “You think he’ll get the death penalty?” I asked, running my finger across his bare chest, enjoying the feeling his flesh.

  “Of course not. But hopefully he spends the rest of his life in jail trying to repent for what he did.”

  He kissed me again. “Thank you for sticking with me in this. The easy thing would’ve been to just turn me away or let me stay a night and send me off, but just know that I’m grateful for it. And I’m sorry you couldn’t use your fifteen minutes of fame to boost your career.”


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