The Gazing Globe

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The Gazing Globe Page 20

by Candace Sams

  "I do love you, Blain. I do. And I don't care where you're from, or what you have to learn along the way." She sighed and kissed his chest and neck.

  "You're so damned sweet. I could lie here with you forever and let the world just rotate away." He pulled her into his arms and rolled them onto their sides. She cuddled close, and he felt pure joy and wonder in this, the most precious moment of his life. Like someone lighting a candle in the night, Afton's warmth reached out and led him to a safe place. He could sense the strands of it weaving a protective cocoon around his lonely soul, and he had been lonely so long. But all that had been missing in his life fell into divine place. She was in his arms forever, and he in hers. He was finding a place in this amazing world and wanted to know everything about it he could. Afton was the perfect person to help him. Her patience and tenderness brought as much peace as her lovely body brought passion. He ran his fingers down her side, to her slender waist and pulled her even closer. Life with her would be an adventure.

  Afton ran her hands over every inch of Blain. He was hers. He loved her. Because of him, her powers had finally emerged. And they would make a future. She sighed and kissed his broad chest again.

  He placed a finger beneath her chin and lifted her face. "You're so beautiful. So soft."

  Soon the kiss heated, and their passion renewed. This time Blain took her more powerfully. The sensual motions she made with her hips soon had him breathless and crying out in ecstasy. She wove such an exotic and exciting spell, that he'd never doubt a moment of his life with her. Afterward, they lay facing each other, learning how to please and be pleased. Touching and telling each other those sensual places only lovers know.

  "I shouldn't have taken you again, love. You're exhausted," he spoke softly as he held her to him. His hand lifted her long hair and let it sift through his fingers back to her shoulder.

  "I'm not made out of china. Just because I'm a virgin doesn't mean I can't keep up with you, my man. I want to stay with you all night. And I even wish we could find Shayla and handfast now," Afton murmured.

  Blain smiled when he heard her throaty admonition. "I was told we have to wait until the next major celebration. That's a few weeks away, isn't it?"

  "Yes. But it's so long to wait."

  "Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll meet you every night if you want. Right here. As far as I'm concerned, we already belong to each other. The vows have already been spoken."

  "Oh, Blain, I love you so much," she turned her head into his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him. Then she smiled. For tonight, she was one of those women who had so annoyed her in the past. She'd vowed never to cry over a man, yet here she was, lying in Blain's arms and about to sob all over him. She tried to stem the flow of tears and couldn't.

  "Hush, sweetheart. It's all right," he comforted as his arms encircled her. "I think I'd better get you home. It's almost dawn, and you need to sleep."

  "Do we have to?" She looked up at him and grinned through her tears.

  He smiled back. "I'm afraid so. Your family will be missing you, and I don't want those brothers of yours beating me to a pulp because I had their beautiful sister in the woods all night."

  "They wouldn't dare. They'd answer to me."

  "After that display you put on last night, they might have seconds thoughts about it at that. I'll have to get you to show me how to call the elements. I don't know if my powers extend into the Druid realm."

  "We'll find out together," she promised.

  "Together." He grinned and rubbed noses with her. "I like the sound of that."

  Blain changed back into human form, but dressing took a while as they kissed and caressed each other during the process. Finally, he placed his arm around her shoulders and they walked to Afton's cottage. Dawn hadn't yet arrived, but it was fast approaching.

  When they reached her home, he pulled her into his embrace, intending to kiss her once more before leaving. They were nearly as close as two beings could be when the door to the cottage swung open and Gawain stalked out.

  Before Blain could say a word or even move, Gawain strode forward, pulled Afton away, and threw a roundhouse blow which hit Blain squarely on the jaw. It sent him flying a good ten feet back. Blain landed on the ground, shook his head to clear it and was up in an instant.

  "Gawain!" Afton cried out. "What in bloody hell are you doing?"

  "Stand back, honey. I think this was bound to happen sooner or later," Blain told her as he swiped a line of blood from his lip.

  "Stay away from my sister," Gawain growled. "I won't warn you again.

  "No, you won't," Blain countered, walked forward and punched the man back.

  The fight was on, and all Afton could do was watch. It was like seeing two bulls charging each other. The sound of the fighting soon had the entire household awake. Afton watched her remaining brothers and parents file into the front yard.

  "Father do something," Afton pleaded as she raced to him and threw her arms around his neck. "They'll kill each other."

  "It's best to let them have this out, lass," he shouted over the melee. "Gawain's been spoiling for a fight ever since he saw this man near you."

  Afton turned to her other brothers. "Taurus, stop them. Drew? Sean?"

  When there was no response other than mischievous grins, Afton turned to her youngest two siblings.

  "Ian, something!"

  Bolt looked at the two fighting men and back at Afton. He shrugged and would have moved forward, but Drew and Taurus stopped him.

  Afton was about to put her powers to the test again and stop the fighting herself. But her mother appeared and latched on to her arm.

  "Come inside, darling. Let the Troglodytes fight it out. We can talk."

  Afton tried to resist her mother's strong grasp, but was caught off-guard and hauled inside the house.

  Continuing the fight, Gawain shook his head after a particularly clean blow from Blain's huge right fist. "Try that again, bloody Yank!"

  "Kiss my ass, Limey!" Blain charged at him.

  For the next five minutes, Blain heard the hoots and howls coming from the others. They were hoping Gawain would get in his licks. He was tiring, but so was the Megalith that was hitting him. "Had enough,?" Blain panted as he circled his opponent.

  "Not nearly," Gawain cried out as he charged yet again.

  "Stop this instant!" a loud voice called from the perimeter of the woods.

  Everyone, including the two battling men, stopped what they were doing. Shayla walked into the light from the cottage. Pluck and Hugh stood on either side of her.

  "Gawain, what is the meaning of this?" She crossed her arms and glared at the man.

  "He's been in the woods all night with Afton. The celebration has been over for some time. If I hadn't had too much to drink, I'd have found 'im and bloody well pulled his head off!" Gawain swung his arm in Blain's direction. "I want to know what his intentions are."

  "Can you answer him?" Shayla turned to Blain.

  "Why on earth is that his business or anyone else's?" Blain angrily responded.

  "Though I disagree with their method, Gawain and his family have a right to know what you want of Afton," she calmly responded. "We don't exactly do things here the way they're done in the outside world."

  "We're both adults, Shayla. Afton and I don't have to answer to anyone but ourselves."

  "In this place you do," Gawain insisted.

  "Tell him and his family about your feelings for Afton, lad," Hugh said. "If she were your sister or daughter, wouldn't you be concerned that she'd been in the woods all night with someone?"

  Put that way, Blain could hardly Blaine them. "I love her. She agreed to handfast with me. Are you satisfied?" He looked everyone straight in the eyes after he spoke. Even Pluck.

  "Aye, lad. I am." Afton's father grinned. "That's all we wanted to hear. Now, come into the house, and we'll let Afton and her mother tend those wounds. You too, Gawain."

  Afton's family filed back into th
e house taking Hugh and Pluck with them. Blain was left standing on the lawn staring at them in bewilderment. Shayla smiled at him and patted his arm.

  "Come inside, Blain. Afton's family will accept you wholeheartedly now. All they wanted was your promise to love Afton. And, I suspect, they were trying to see if you'd put up a good fight for her."

  "Why in hell didn't someone just ask? Gawain almost tore my ass off, pardon the language."

  "No pardon is necessary. And you know as well as I that you wouldn't have answered their questions if they had asked." She paused. "As you can see, some of our ways are rather different from anything you're used to. Now, come along. Your face is bleeding rather badly."

  Blain began to wonder if anything about his life would ever be normal again. When he would have walked into the cottage, a breeze blew through the trees. He hesitated and turned to watch the branches move.

  "What's wrong?" Shayla asked and turned to gaze where he did.

  "There are other men out there who want Afton, aren't there?"

  "Quite probably. Especially after last night's display."

  Blain clenched his fists, prepared to do battle until the last drop of blood fell from his veins. Afton and he were meant to be together. In his gut, he knew it. And something urged him to be with her as much as he possibly could. If he had to fight armies, then that was the way it would be.

  The dark, ominous feeling came back, just as it had when Lore mentioned that he needed to guard those he loved. It was almost as though he was operating on borrowed time. As if something else was about to happen and the event waiting for him would take Afton as well. It was an urgency that wouldn't go away. The future was still out there. Closing in. Blain wondered how soon he would finally be confronted with the nameless, faceless horror.


  After Blain entered the cottage, he was surprised how easily everyone seemed to cast aside the fight. Everyone but Gawain. Afton's mother and Shayla took them to the kitchen, but wisely seated him and Gawain at opposite ends of a long table. He stared at Gawain as the man stared back. But there was no longer any hostility in Gawain's gaze. Just a kind of curious intensity.

  When Afton entered the room, carrying bandages, herbs and water for their wounds, Blain kept his full attention on her. Making sure Gawain knew he was staking a claim for good. And it was hard to take his gaze off Afton. After making love, she had a kind of lovely golden aura around her. Maybe it was just his imagination, but she was so beautiful. Like some kind of nature angel who hovered over him, seeing to his wounds. Eventually, everyone drifted away leaving him, Gawain, and the object of their battle alone.

  Afton stood before Blain and shook her head. She continued to clean the wounds on his face and hands. "You look as if you've been battling an army. You'll have bruises for days." Then she turned to her brother. "Gawain, what in the world is wrong with you? Have you lost your bloody mind?"

  "I just wanted to make sure he wasn't using you, Afton. You're not like some nymph who passes her favors out like pastries," Gawain announced.

  "And I suppose you've never sampled your share?" she accused.

  "Well...I...that's different," he defended.

  "Why? Because I'm your sister? Aren't the women you play around with someone's sister or daughter?" she responded, glaring at him.

  Blain grinned. This wasn't an argument Gawain was going to win. He got great satisfaction out of seeing the other man lower his eyes in guilt.

  "You're right. All I wanted was to hear Blain tell us his intentions where you were concerned."

  "Well, now you know them. If you ever lay a hand on him again, I'll never speak to you for as long as I live. Is that clear?" Afton put her hands on her hips, glaring while waiting for his answer.

  "All right. I get the point." Gawain smiled. "No more fighting."

  "And you, Blain?"

  When she turned to him, he saw her blue eyes flash with anger. "Me? What did I do? I'm the one who got attacked, remember?" As he tried to defend himself, Afton stared at him, her gaze icy and adamant.

  "No more fighting with Gawain or any of my brothers. Not for any reason. And certainly not over me. Is that clear?" She spoke between clenched teeth.

  Blain grinned then immediately winced. The cut he'd received to his lower lip was deep and stung, but he had to smile. Afton was adorable when she was angry. But he had to remember that she had powers that could go a long way toward convincing him of the error of his ways. Especially if he didn't sound repentant. Still, all that anger made him want her more than ever. It would be fun making up after they argued. "All right, honey. No fighting."

  "Good. Now, apologize.. .both of you." The stern look she gave them made it clear she expected them to follow her order.

  Gawain rose from his chair and walked toward Blain with his right hand extended. "Sorry, Blain. Didn't know I'd be pummeling a future brother."

  Blain took his hand and shook it. "It's okay. I agree with Hugh. If Afton was my sister, I'd have torn a strip off anyone taking her into the woods for the night."

  "That's better." Afton smiled. "By the way, Blain, is the axe handling well for you, the balance good?"

  Blain stared at her, totally confused. "Uh, yeah ... yeah, it's fine. Incredible piece of workmanship."

  "Thanks," Gawain blurted, then winced as Afton grabbed his right hand and continued to clean his shredded knuckles.

  Blain looked at the man, then back at Afton. "What's he got to do with the axe?"

  "He made it," Afton explained. "Along with fighting. She pushed Gawain's wounded shoulder hard enough to make him yelp." brother's more civilized talents include being a master at metal work. He's well-known for his artistry, and you'll hear him referred to as the Craftsman."

  "That just about figures," Blain said with a sigh. Now, he'd have to thank the man who'd just cleaned his clock.

  Pardon?" Gawain asked, his eyebrows rising in sarcasm. "Didn't catch that comment."

  "I should thank you for the axe. It's an awesome weapon," Blain grudgingly admitted.

  Gawain slowly smiled. "I didn't know it would end up in the hands of someone with such a good right hook."

  "Idiot!" Afton smacked Gawain on the back of the head. "Try to act like you have some manners and say thank you."

  Blain started to chuckle. "I've seen hints of it before, but I didn't know she had this sharp a temper."

  Gawain winced while rubbing the back of his skull. "She gets her way. A lot."

  Afton glared at the both of them, then continued to tend their wounds, finally calming down. Blain's heated gaze had her pulse racing, and Gawain gave her that I'm really sorry expression he always wore after pummeling a suitor. Only this time his expression was sincere. By the time she was through, the sun was just coming up. Hugh, Shayla, Pluck, and the rest of the O'Malley family came into the kitchen after being assured everything was under control. Afton and her mother fixed them all a large breakfast and they talked well into the morning. Her mother offered Blain a spare bed for the day, but Afton knew he preferred the woods. He rose to leave, and she walked him to the front door.

  "I'll see you tonight, my love. The same place?" she whispered.

  "I'll be there, Afton. Nothing could keep me away! Sleep well, sweetheart. I love you." Blain bent to kiss her softly on the lips and left.

  Afton walked back into the kitchen, poured herself some tea and sat with the rest of her family. She'd never felt so tired and wonderful in her entire life.

  "Afton, darling, you and Blain will have to keep your plans very secret. Since you exhibited so much power last night, you'll have young men calling on you in droves from now on, especially near Lughnasadh. You don't want Blain having to fight them all on your handfasting night," Deirdre warned.

  "Yes, Mother, I know. I just wish I didn't have to wait so long." She sighed and smiled dreamily.

  "Go to bed, Afton," Shayla said. "You're tired, and you need your rest so you and your mother can start making make plans for y
our handfasting. We'll speak later."

  "I'll run you a hot bath," Deirdre said.

  Afton turned to go, but hesitated and let her mother walk out of the kitchen alone. She turned to face her mentor and watched as Shayla drained her tea cup. "You're very pleased with how things have worked out, aren't you, Sorceress?"

  "Whatever are you talking about?" Shayla asked with a smile.

  Shayla's innocent tone further fueled Afton's courage. "You wanted Blain and me together. That's why you had me go to the States with you. This is another one of those situations I've heard about where you easily manipulate people into doing what you want. You're very famous for this kind of thing." Outside the kitchen window, Afton heard a subdued chuckle and realized Hugh had been standing there, listening.

  "Hush!" Shayla ordered him in a loud, commanding voice. Then she turned her attention to Afton. "I've been doing things my own way for a great many years, my girl. How I do them isn't your concern. Just be happy." She rose and kissed Afton's cheek, then hugged her.

  Afton watched her mentor walk out of the kitchen. She walked to the open window and saw her strolling away with a smiling Hugh. Shayla didn't need to tell her to be happy. She already was. Deliriously so. But as she turned, something made her look out the window again. Shayla and Hugh were entering a very thick part of the forest and were quickly out of sight. But something made her feel as though she was being watched. And it wasn't a pleasant sensation. It wasn't like the feeling she got when one of the guards was on duty in that part of the forest. Maybe it was a strange side effect to the previous night's use of power. Maybe she'd overdone it. But whatever it was, it dampened her newfound feelings of happiness. Try as she would, Afton couldn't sleep for the rest of the day.


  Blain found a nearby oak tree, stretched out on the grass at its base and slept. It was the most peaceful and refreshing sleep of his life. Afton loved him. Her family had accepted him. Even Gawain had made peace with the fact that his little sister was going to handfast with him. He didn't know what the future held, but Afton would be in it. He dreamed of her loving him and couldn't wait to see her again.


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