Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story

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Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story Page 8

by Tiece

  “I do and because of what has transpired, I think we should. Yes, I was wrong and way out of line for what happened, but I caught you there with another man. The same man I met a couple of months back at our place of business.”

  “My place of business,” Olivia cut in.

  “Okay, however you see it, but you know that shit wasn’t cool. How long have this relationship been going on?”

  “Why don’t you ask Felisha since she is the one who told you?” She said trying to divert the heat off her and back onto him.

  “I’m asking you,” Mark softly said. It hurt him to the core to even be talking with her about fucking another man, regardless of his past transgressions.

  “Mark, this doesn’t matter.” Olivia responded.

  “It does matter. I did something horrible, something that I never thought I’d do to the woman that I’ve loved since the day we met. How could you think that this doesn’t matter? I thank God that I didn’t hit you. I didn’t want to. I was just so out of my mind at the moment. Seriously, I was and I hope that dude is alright.” He sincerely said, after having all night to think about it.

  “He got hit by one of your bullets, but he’s better. Thank God,” she added.

  Pressure was relieved as Mark nodded his head, feeling bad that he’d even gone there with them. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but I am sincerely sorry that this happened.”

  “I hear you,” she said. She didn’t know if she should feel sorry for him or not. She too was in the wrong. It was a known fact that two wrongs didn’t make it right. “Listen, I know I was wrong in some of the things that I’d done, but only because you weren’t being the husband to me that you should’ve been. We’ve been married for six years and in that six year time frame I can count the number of times you had oral sex with me. I can count the times that you allowed me to ride you or that you even hit it from the back, for that matter. You were this perfect gentleman in the streets and sweet as hell to me, but you lacked so much potential in the bedroom. I’ve tried to speak with you about it, but my words have gone in one ear and out the other. Then, just out the blue when you’re supposed to be making up, you lay it DOWN. I mean, you have never made love to me like you did these past few weeks of us trying to figure things out in our marriage. Those kinds of skills just don’t come out of nowhere. You have BEEN doing that, but with who?” She questioned. “Because it sure as hell wasn’t with me,” she added.

  Mark cleared his throat, trying to get his thoughts to catch up with his words. “Believe it or not, I wasn’t messing around on you like you think.”

  “But, you were fucking my best friend. I take that back, my EX-best friend.”

  Mark got quiet. He didn’t want to admit it even though it was true. “It’s not what or how you think it is.”

  “Why don’t you explain it to me then,” she said.

  “This is getting us nowhere. I only wanted to personally apologize. Just know that regardless of what you may think or feel about me, I still love you. I will always love you.” He apologetically stated.

  “Okay, well you’ll be hearing from my lawyer next. No need to call me back.”

  “If that’s how you want it,” he responded. And with that, Olivia hung up the phone in his face. He wouldn’t admit what he’d shared with Felisha and she wouldn’t admit what she’d shared with Zay. That conversation didn’t get either of them anywhere.

  Olivia pulled up to her parent’s house and switched off the ignition. The phone call with Mark had her feeling some type of way. She hated the fact that he’d done what he did and wished things could’ve been different. However, they weren’t. Their marriage was certainly over and hopefully she could move on with Zay. She just had to get in touch with her lawyer to make sure that the divorce didn’t turn even uglier than their break-up.Something she felt probably would, but with this shooting hanging over Mark’s head, he’d be smart to just let it be and not fight her for anything she asked for.

  Chapter 8

  Olivia entered her parents’ modest, five bedroom house. Immediately, she came out of her burgundy Forever 21 Futuristic sneakers. They went great with the denim style leggings and burgundy Forever 21 v-neck tee that she had on. Walking in her clean white socks across the white carpet throughout the house, she entered the kitchen where Mrs. Jackson had just finished cooking breakfast.

  Mrs. Jackson turned to smile at her. “Hey sweetheart, I was hoping that you were coming over for breakfast this morning.”

  “Hey mom,” Olivia spoke back as she walked over and kissed her mom lightly on the cheek while also giving her a warm hug. “Zoe had messaged me and said that she was over here. So, you know I wouldn’t miss out on a family gathering with us four.”

  “I know,” Mrs. Jackson said with a smile. “It always feels good to have you girls home.”

  “I know,” Olivia said. Over on the counter, Mrs. Jackson had cooked a bowl of turkey bacon and Olivia quickly grabbed a piece then ate it. “I’m starving.”

  “I can tell,” Mrs. Jackson said with a light chuckle. “How have you been?” She asked while putting the plates of food on the dining room table. Eating at home always felt like Thanksgiving to them, because whatever their mom cooked, she always had it nicely arranged in different plates or bowls lined in the middle of their dinette table for them to dig in and eat. Olivia helped by carrying the bacon and the homemade biscuits to the table. Mrs. Jackson had the grits and eggs which were both in large glass bowls. Then she made her way back to the kitchen to get the dish that contained the blueberry pancakes.

  “I’ve been good.” She responded to Mrs. Jackson’s question, but inside she was far from good.

  Mrs. Jackson looked her way with a warm smile. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes mom, quit prying.”

  “Okay, Okay,” she repeated not wanting to pressure her. “Well, go get your dad and your sister so we can all sit down and have a nice, long awaited breakfast together.”

  Ten minutes later, they were all seated to the table and had started eating their breakfast. Mr. Jackson always sat at the head of the table with Mrs. Jackson at the other end and Zoe and Olivia always sat in the middle, but across from each other. To Olivia, it felt good to be surrounded by her family at that moment. She’d had so much going on that she didn’t know what to do with herself. Mark had certainly caught her off guard with his phone call, pretending that he cared so much about her. And, Zay was laid up in the hospital due to a bullet wound that came from her sneaking around and getting caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

  Mrs. Jackson looked over at her baby girl. She loved Zoe with all of heart, but nothing would please her more than to have her daughter move back to Augusta. “How has the boutique been?” Mrs. Jackson asked her.

  “It’s been doing great,” Zoe responded. “We got in some new items just last week and they’ve sold out already. I had to make a new order a couple of days ago to restock.”

  Mrs. Jackson smiled while she drank her orange juice. “That’s good,” she sincerely said. “I need to visit again soon. Maybe I can help you out with a little decorating to really get your boutique on a more sophisticated, upscale level.”

  “Mom, it’s already as nice as I can get it so far. I’ve added more touches since the last time you were there, but you know I’ll listen to any ideas that you may have.”

  Mrs. Jackson sat her orange juice down then picked up her fork to eat. “Well, that’s the least I can do since you won’t let me or your father help you out financially.”

  “Mom, that’s because I want to do this on my own and prove to you and dad that I can do this. I know that I’ve started some projects and never finished, but I actually love what I do now. I love fashion and urban wear. I love doing fittings and I’ve even sewn a few pieces of my own that always sell quickly off the racks.”

  “That’s great, Zoe.” Olivia chimed in. “You were always good with hooking up some trendy outfits back in the days for us.”

/>   “I know,” Zoe laughed. “You loved that lil short denim skirt I made for you out of a pair of jeans.”

  Mrs. Jackson frowned and then with a playful tone she said, “What skirt?”

  Zoe laughed a little. “Never mind, mom.”

  “Yes, please don’t get her started.” Olivia stated.

  “I’m not going to start anything,” Mrs. Jackson responded then decided to change the conversation. “Baby girl, have you met someone new while you’ve been in Atlanta?” Zoe instantly blushed at just the thought of Dillon and the incredible night they’d spent together at the hotel. “What is that look about?”

  “I don’t know,” Zoe shamefully answered. “I’ve not met anyone.” She lied.

  “I don’t know,” Mrs. Jackson mocked her with a light chuckle. “I think that you have.”

  Olivia looked up from her plate to address her sister. “I think she has too, mom.”

  “Y’all stop it. No, I haven’t.” Zoe said while grabbing the glass to take a drink of her juice.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Olivia playfully said then continued eating. She knew that something was going on between Dillon and Zoe even if she didn’t say anything about it. It was just a matter of time, before the real truth would come to light.

  For the next five minutes, they ate in silence until Mr. Jackson decided to speak on Olivia’s disturbingly distant behavior. “Sweetheart, are you okay?” He asked her. Zoe and Mrs. Jackson looked her way. Mrs. Jackson wanted to pry, but she knew that Olivia would shut down in a heartbeat and she didn’t want to be the one to ruin their family breakfast.

  “I’m fine, dad.” She responded then out of nowhere, she broke down in tears.

  Mr. Jackson instantly got up and rushed over to hug her. Mrs. Jackson just remained in her seat, knowing that Mr. Jackson always had a way with his girls and could easily handle the situation without her interference. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Olivia cried for the next few minutes, unable to speak as Zoe and Mrs. Jackson sat back helplessly watching. They knew that she’d been going through a lot with Mark, but only Zoe knew the extent of how deep her scars really were. Finally, she backed off from her father as he pulled up the seat next to her and sat down to listen to what his eldest child had to tell them.

  “I’ve been seeing someone else for the past few months and I’m in love with him.” She admitted. Zoe sat quietly stunned that she’d even confess her feelings the way that she did.

  “You’ve been what?” Mrs. Jackson curiously questioned. She was completely caught off guard by this revealing information.Mr. Jackson just sat and listened almost like she was one of his most important clients.

  Olivia cleared her throat and wiped her eyes. “I’ve been seeing someone else due to the problems that Mark and I have been having in our marriage. I know that it’s not right, but Mark has been sleeping with Felisha no telling how long, and my cheating on him had nothing to do with that. I honestly just found out not long ago.”

  “Mark has been sleeping with Felisha?” Mr. Jackson questioned. Mrs. Jackson acted surprised even though she’d known about it since Olivia returned from Montego, Bay. For once, she wanted to keep her daughter’s issue a secret in hopes that she would find the courage to tell her father on her own.

  Olivia’s tears wailed in the corner of her eyes. “Yes dad,” she responded. “I don’t know how long, but it has definitely been confirmed.”

  “Sure has been,” Zoe chimed in under her breath while thinking about the information that Felisha had given her about Lil Romeo. Mrs. Jackson cleared her throat, wishing she had more than orange juice inside of her glass as she glanced over at Zoe then back to Olivia.

  “I met my guy friend last night at a club to clear my thoughts and Mark showed up, just out the blue.” She told them.

  “He did what?” Mrs. Jackson finally chimed in. “What happened? I know he couldn’t have taken that very well.”

  “Oh, he didn’t.” Zoe chimed in again under her breath.

  Olivia cut her eyes over at Zoe then she glanced from her father then back to her mother. “He shot at us.”

  Mrs. Jackson immediately stood to her feet with her hand across her chest. “HE DID WHAT?!” She and Mr. Jackson nearly asked in unison.

  “He shot at you?” Mrs. Jackson asked again just in case she didn’t hear them the first time.

  “Yes mom, but he missed me, of course.”

  “He missed you, but who did he hit?” Mr. Jackson pondered with anger knocking at his front door. He was always a smooth type of guy that kept his composure quite well, but hearing this news was making it hard for him to keep up the act.

  “He shot my friend in the lower left abdomen.” She confessed.

  “Oh my God,” Mrs. Jackson stated. “Is your guy friend okay? Where is Mark? Did you call the police on him? His ass should be in jail this morning.”

  “Mom, he is okay. He only sustained a flesh wound at best and no I haven’t called the police on Mark, not yet anyway.”

  “Why not?” Mr. Jackson asked. “You’re not going back to that hotel. You’re staying here with us until you find a new place. I don’t trust Mark. As a matter of fact, I’m going to call him right now.” He said as he stood up.

  “Don’t dad,” Olivia said to stop him. “I spoke with him when I was on the way over here. He called to check on me.”

  “He called to see if you’d pressed charges. Why haven’t you pressed charges?” Mrs. Jackson curiously pondered.

  “I didn’t press charges because no one was seriously hurt. Plus, I could use this over Mark’s head when I divorce him. I don’t want it to be a long, drawn out, bitter divorce, just one that will make him sign the papers immediately so I can move on.”

  Mrs. Jackson frowned. “You don’t think this man will be out to hurt you? Mark has certainly showed us a side of him that we never knew existed,” she added.

  “I guess you don’t know a person until you know a person.” Zoe stated with her two cents added.

  “I’m beyond shocked that things have taken this turn in such a little time.” Mr. Jackson said. At that moment, he didn’t know what else to say. Mark was a man that he accepted into his home and their lives. He loved him like he’d become a part of the family. He’d thought that he was loving and sweet and had turned out to be the perfect man for his daughter. Boy was he wrong. He’d displayed some very reckless behavior that he didn’t approve of and certainly something had to be done about it.

  “Will you girls please excuse your father and me? I think we need to go upstairs and talk this through. I don’t want to do anything hasty and I’m sure that he doesn’t want to, either. Right Winston?” she questioned already knowing that her husband was two seconds away from calling Mark over to beat his ass and or calling the police on him so they could lock his ass up.

  “You’re right, Kay. You’re absolutely right.” He responded. He actually needed the break to clear his thoughts. “And don’t you two go anywhere.” He sternly said to Olivia and Zoe.

  “Yes sir,” they said in unison. They hadn’t heard that tone in forever and knew that he meant absolute business when he said it. Mr. & Mrs. Jackson exited the dining room leaving Zoe and Olivia staring at each other like they were about to get in trouble for misbehaving.

  “I can’t believe you told them all of that.” Zoe whispered across the table.

  “Hell, me neither. It just came out of nowhere.” Olivia responded with a look on her face like why the hell did I just say all of that?

  “You told mom that you’d been cheating. My God O’,” Zoe commented. “I definitely wasn’t expecting that.”

  Olivia shook her head. “I’m sure that they weren’t, either. I’m just tired of hiding shit, Sis. I don’t know about you, but I’m just tired of it. Had I just left Mark when my gut was telling me to then none of this would’ve happened. I should’ve just been up front and kept it moving.”

  “So, you think that he would’ve made that transition easy for you?�

  “Probably not, but he wouldn’t have snapped and tried to kill me.” Olivia responded.

  “I------- don’t know,” Zoe sang. “Mark is kinda unstable girl. You can’t tell by now?”

  “I don’t want to talk about Mark anymore. Let’s talk about you and the shit you keep hiding.”

  Zoe instantly frowned. “What shit, O’?”

  “Like, who’s your new love interest?”

  “I don’t have one,” Zoe responded.

  Olivia tooted up her lips. “Yeah right,” she said just as Zoe’s phone beeped alerting her of an incoming text message. “Hm, that’s probably him right now.”

  Zoe looked over at Olivia and rolled her eyes. “Whatever,” she said then checked her phone. She had a blank look on her face as she read the text message.

  I really want you back. Please can we just meet somewhere, soon? Chico

  Zoe looked back over at Olivia and shook her head. “It’s my ex, Chico.”

  Olivia was stunned to hear Chico’s name. She thought that relationship was over and done with. “Did you say Chico, your ex-husband? My God Zoe, is that who you’re back fucking around with?”

  “NOOOOOO,” Zoe responded. I don’t want his ass back. “He wants me back, but I’ve moved on.”

  “So you are seeing someone else?”

  “I never said that. I just said that I had moved on.”

  Olivia folded her arms across her stomach. “With who?”

  “Damn, you are so fucking nosey.” Zoe said as she then ignored her sister and messaged Chico back.

  Chico we’re divorced. I don’t think that would be a good idea. Zoe

  “I wonder how Dillon would feel to know that you’re text messaging Chico.” Olivia slid in right quick.

  “He knows that I don’t want Chico,” she said having to catch herself, but it was definitely too late.

  “I knew you were seeing Dillon!” Olivia exclaimed with a light chuckle.


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