Lone Star Heartbreaker

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Lone Star Heartbreaker Page 6

by Anne Marie Novark

At seven o'clock, the sun was just starting its descent toward the western horizon, but it was stil fairly high in the sky on this bright summer evening.

  They'd lucked out with the mild weather for the Jubilee. The thermometer had only hit ninety-five. It could have been much higher and hotter. Already, the breeze was cooler.

  Caitlyn ate her blue snow cone and marveled at how much hotter it felt here in West Texas than it did back home in San Antonio, although it certainly got hot there, too.

  The snow cone paused halfway to her mouth. Home. San Antonio wasn't her home any longer. She'd cut al ties and moved west. She didn't know exactly where she'd settle down, but the longer she stayed at the Diamondback Ranch, the more loath she was to leave.

  Kelsey appeared before them stopping their slow progress along one of the paths between the booths. "It's nearly time for the games. They're running a little late; some kind of technicality," she said. "I'm getting everybody together and we'l meet down by the track. Start thinking up strategies, Uncle Ty. We're going to need them." She trotted off in the direction of the cakewalk.

  Caitlyn smiled as she tossed the last of her snow cone in a trash barrel. "Your niece is quite the little organizer, isn't she?"

  "She's a pistol, that's for sure. I guess we should head over to the track." He maneuvered his crutches and turned around, starting off toward the area roped off for the competitions.

  "Are you sure you're up for this?" Caitlyn asked, noticing the grim set of his lips.

  He glanced at her. "Why wouldn't I be?"

  "Oh, I don't know. It won't be easy standing on the sidelines watching the races. From what I've heard, you not only plan the strategies for winning these games, you're also the star athlete of the bunch."

  "Who told you that?"

  "Oh . . . a little bird."

  Tyler snorted. "Right. It was my mom, wasn't it?"

  "Hmm. She might have mentioned it the other day when she stopped by my camper for another glass of iced tea. Just between us girls, she said."

  "Mothers. Gotta love 'em." Tyler shook his head. "Yeah, it's going to be tough to watch instead of competing. I love these games. We al do. But Cameron's here this year. He's the real athlete of the family. And besides . . . it al evens out. Gil ian has to sit out because she's pregnant, so that leaves Kelsey partnering with Dal as."

  The grim look left his lips, replaced with a smile and a sparkle in the blue eyes. "You can help me coach. And just you wait and see, sweetheart. I wasn't blowing smoke when I told Kelsey we stil had a chance to win. I may be crippled, but I stil have a trick or two up my sleeve."


  When the games final y ended, the sun had set and the ful moon had risen in the black sky amidst mil ions of glittering stars. Another Founder's Day Jubilee was coming to a close.

  "Come on, people!" Kelsey hol ered, holding the First Place trophy triumphantly above her head. "Let's get a move on. We don't want to miss the fireworks. They're Grams' favorite part of the Jubilee."

  The McCades fol owed in a procession to the grandstands with Tyler and Caitlyn bringing up the rear. Tyler tried to step lively, but truth was, his left leg hurt like a son of a bitch. He'd be glad to sit down and rest a while. He'd be even gladder when he could go home. Except then he'd be alone.

  Usual y that didn't bother him. In fact, he preferred it most times.

  But today, he'd enjoyed being with Caitlyn. They'd talked a lot and exchanged many a steamy glance. It was a new experience to actual y forge a friendship with a woman, to get to know her on a more personal level. Usual y he kept his dealings with women light and unfettered. Casual sex and nothing else.

  Caitlyn moved closer and smiled that smile that made his stomach clench. "No wonder they cal you Mr. Do or Die McCade. And here I thought it only referred to your competitive streak at the air shows. I see it's more than that. Much more."

  Tyler grinned back. "What can I say? I play to win." And he'd certainly like to win with her.

  Their gazes locked for a moment, then she broke eye contact and pul ed back. "I like to win, too. And now I've seen a true master at work. Your strategies can be summed up in two phrases : Give no quarter and Take no prisoners. The other teams never had a chance today, did they?"

  He shrugged. "There's always a chance. Nothing's for certain in this life. Nothing's a sure thing."

  She looked at him oddly, but didn't say anything. They'd reached the grandstands where they could sit and watch the fireworks display. Al the McCades walked up to the top of the bleachers to sit in their favorite spot. Tyler stopped at the bottom and gazed at al those concrete steps. No way could his leg take that much more abuse.

  "Why don't you and I sit down here?" Caitlyn plopped her butt on the bottom bleacher and patted the place next to her.

  Tyler sighed in relief and sank down beside her. The understanding and sympathy in her eyes should have raised his hackles, but he was too tired and aching too much to feel anything but gratitude for her consideration. Damn, he'd be happy when his legs final y healed.

  It wasn't long before the first fireworks exploded in the night sky. Spectacular bursts of bright colors cascaded down, one right on top of the other, the booms echoing on the soft summer breeze. The oohs and ahhs of the crowd rose and fel with each new display.

  Thankful y, there had been a gul y-washer of a rain the week before and the ground was good and damp, otherwise the fireworks show would have been cancel ed. There was always a fifty-fifty chance of cancel ation, but that's just the way it was up here on the arid plains of West Texas.

  The air had turned almost chil y and Tyler felt Caitlyn shiver next to him. She was wearing a yel ow tank top and short shorts that made her legs look long and her ankles slender. Strappy golden sandals and sexy red toenails completed her outfit, which was great for the hot temperatures of the daytime, but did little to protect her from the cool night breeze.

  Tyler moved closer and threw his arm over her almost-bare shoulders. He felt her stiffen and searched his brain for something to say to lighten the tension. "One good turn deserves another."

  She looked up at him with a question in her eyes. "What good turn would that be?"

  Her voice was breathy, her scent intoxicating. And her lips were tantalizingly close.

  Al he'd have to do would be to bend slightly forward to kiss them. He clenched his jaw and inhaled a deep breath into his lungs. "You were thoughtful enough to sit down here so I wouldn't have to make that hard climb up the bleachers. Now, I'm sharing my body heat with you. Just say thank you, okay?"

  Caitlyn searched his face. After a lengthy pause, she relaxed and smiled. "Okay. Thanks."

  Tyler wondered if she was aware that she'd cuddled closer into his embrace when she tilted her head to watch the fireworks show. He tightened his hold on her and hoped the show wouldn't end too soon.


  Caitlyn stepped from her camper into the early morning sunshine. She sat on the doorstep, sipping her coffee and petting Reba. Birds chattered in the trees, and a brown-striped lizard sat on a rock nearby lazily soaking up the sun. Two cotton-tailed rabbits played tag on one of the runways.

  Shielding her eyes from the bright sunlight, she looked around the airfield with a feeling of contentment. Or something perilously close to it.

  These past couple of months had been busy, a good kind of busy. They'd quickly flown by with Tyler training her those first few weeks, flying applications almost every day since then, and spending evenings together restoring her dad's old plane.

  Caitlyn took another sip of coffee. Already, she felt as if she'd found a place to cal home. She needed to be careful though. Home had never been this good. Never felt this permanent. Situations could change in a heartbeat. It was never safe to put down too many roots. Like as not, they'd be torn loose when it was time to move on.

  The crunch of boots on the gravel path behind the camper broke her reverie. "Good morning, Tyler." She summoned a quick smile and ignored the dip in her stomach cause
d by his sudden appearance.

  "Morning." He lowered himself onto the top step next to her and rubbed Reba behind the ears. He was silent for a moment then cleared his throat. "I need to ask a favor."

  "Sure thing," she said, a little surprised by the request. The man had confessed he hated being dependent on others. Asking her for a favor must mean he was in something of a dilemma. "What can I do for you?"

  He continued petting Reba, and of course, the dog was in heaven. Her tail wagged back and forth a mile a minute. "I need you to drive me to Abilene for my physical therapy session today. Mom was going to do it, except she's not feeling wel . Pete took the day off, something to do with col ege placement tests. Anyway, seeing as how there aren't any application jobs scheduled today, I'd appreciate a ride. I could miss it just this once, but I'm supposed to get rid of the crutches today. I'l stil use a cane, but it's a definite improvement."

  "That's wonderful. I know you'l be glad to be more ambulatory." Caitlyn gripped her coffee cup tightly. She didn't want to drive Tyler the ninety miles to Abilene, except she didn't have much choice. He was the boss and he was in charge.

  "So, wil you do it?" Tyler looked at her with those big blue eyes.

  She forced another smile. "Sure, I'd be happy to help out. What time?"

  Tyler glanced at his watch. "We'l need to leave in half an hour. You can drive the company truck. Just honk and I'l be ready." He stood and tossed her the keys. "Thanks for doing this."

  "No problem." She sipped her coffee as she watched him walk across the compound and into the company office. He did seem to be walking a lot better today. His step was firmer, and he didn't appear to be leaning as heavily on the crutches.

  Reba nestled her head on Caitlyn's lap. "I know you don't like it," she said to the dog, "but I'l have to lock you in the camper while I'm gone. Don't want you getting into any trouble while I'm not here." She ran her fingers through the soft yel ow fur, seeking the peace and contentment that almost always came from petting Reba. She needed to store up an extra amount, because Caitlyn knew she would be feeling anything but peace and contentment on the long drive to Abilene and back with Tyler McCade.


  Forty-five minutes later, Tyler heard the honk of the horn and let himself out the front door. After the past two weeks' intensive physical therapy sessions, he was final y seeing progress again. He'd seemed to hit a plateau after six months, when al progress had stal ed. He'd worked doubly hard these last couple of weeks. The pain in his leg had decreased significantly in direct proportion to becoming more bendable and strong.

  And today, he was final y trading in the crutches for a cane. A sense of triumph washed over him with the anticipation of being able to move more freely. It wouldn't be long now before he was back in the cockpit. Back where he belonged.

  Jerking open the truck door, he climbed in. He was aware of Caitlyn's green eyes on him and the death grip of her hands on the steering wheel.

  Nothing like strong sexual attraction to make a body tense.

  "Hey," she said. "Sorry I'm late."

  "No problem. We should stil make it in time, if we hurry."

  He positioned the crutches in the backseat and fastened his seatbelt. Fishing his mirrored aviator sunglasses out of his shirt pocket, he slid them onto his nose. He turned his head and al owed his gaze to travel over Caitlyn, wondering for the hundredth time why he was so attracted to this particular woman.

  She wasn't drop-dead gorgeous, by any means. But she had a freshness about her that appealed to him on some level he couldn't name. Her clothes weren't fashionable, but chosen more for function and comfort. The peach-colored T-shirt accentuated her tanned skin and the khaki shorts emphasized her shapely legs. She was wearing those strappy sandals again with her toes painted pink this time.

  Caitlyn's unique scent permeated the interior of the truck cab. Tyler's body responded with a little too much enthusiasm. Once again, he was going to have to endure an uncomfortable drive with this woman. At least this time, his body wouldn't be plastered against hers as it had been during that infamous scooter ride way back when.

  And what a damned shame that was.

  Tyler stared straight ahead as Caitlyn turned off the dirt road onto the pavement in the direction of Abilene.


  It was afternoon before they headed back to the Diamondback Ranch.

  Caitlyn tried to ignore the sexual awareness zinging between her and Tyler. She needed to keep in mind that it hadn't been very long ago since she'd been burned by a man she'd trusted and loved. Or thought she'd loved. She wasn't ready to fal for anyone right now.

  Especial y a man like Tyler McCade.

  Oh no, she wanted nothing to do with Mr. Love 'em and Leave 'em. She had too many troubles of her own at the moment, too much to handle.

  Sliding a glance toward the man who had occupied her thoughts longer than she wanted to admit, Caitlyn couldn't tel if he was just sitting silently or actual y taking a nap. Those mirrored sunglasses hid his eyes.

  When Tyler adjusted his big body to a more comfortable position, the inside of the truck cab closed in on Caitlyn. She'd never been this hyper-aware of a man before. It was difficult to ignore, because while her brain said no, no, no; her body said go, go, go.

  "Want to grab a bite to eat before we get farther down the road?" Tyler's voice shattered the silence of the drive. "I'm hungry enough to eat a horse.

  Besides, I want to celebrate getting rid of the crutches. My treat."

  Caitlyn shot a quick glance his way. "I'm happy for you, Tyler. Of course, I'l help you celebrate."

  "Excel ent." He smiled at her, and the tilted corners of his mouth pointed to two irresistible dimples.

  Caitlyn gripped the steering wheel tighter and tried to steady the loud pounding of her heart. Warning signals flashed in her brain: Danger. Strong turbulence ahead.


  For dinner that night, Tyler warmed up the remains of a hamburger casserole his mother had dropped off a couple of days ago, before she'd taken il . After returning from Abilene, he'd cal ed to check on her and was glad to hear she was already feeling better. It had only been a twenty-four hour bug, she'd said. Why didn't he come over for lunch on Sunday? She would make his favorite chicken and dumplings. She'd invite his brothers and their wives, so they could have another family meal together. Bring Caitlyn along, of course.

  Sure, Mom. Why not?

  Taking his plate to the sink, he spied the big hunk of Ruth's famous Texas Hot Cocoa cake wrapped in cel ophane sitting on the counter. Maybe he'd walk over to Caitlyn's camper and share it with her. Women went gaga over chocolate, didn't they?

  He didn't question the fact that he'd like to see her again so soon. He had enjoyed the lunch they'd shared as wel as the ride back from Abilene earlier this afternoon. Not only was Caitlyn pretty; she had a wicked sense of humor and an adorable way of crinkling her nose when she was about to let loose a zinger.

  Grabbing the cake and his new cane, Tyler let himself out of the apartment. The night was cool, the dark sky clear with thousands of stars shimmering up above. It took a few minutes to make his way over the rough gravel path from his hangar apartment to where her truck and camper were parked.

  He knocked on Caitlyn's door with his cane. Man, he'd be happy when he could chuck it in the closet along with the crutches. A couple more weeks of therapy should do it, then he'd be a free man. He squinted through the darkness toward runway four and the field beyond. He could barely make out the silhouette of the crashed plane.

  It was past time for him to investigate the cause of the accident, so he could move on with his life. Sure, he'd been cleared of al blame, but he wanted to see for himself that he'd done everything possible to avoid going down.

  He didn't like to think of himself as cowardly, but that crash had done a number on him. He'd crashed once before when he'd been younger; it had been nothing compared to this last one. Definitely time to push forward. His body was nearly healed.
Now, if only he could get his mind in gear.

  The door to the camper opened and Caitlyn stood for a moment on her side of the screen door, staring at him. Reba stationed herself next to her, tongue lol ing, tail wagging. The dog barked a happy greeting.

  Tyler held up the piece of cake. "I've brought chocolate."

  Caitlyn's eyes widened as she opened the screened door to let him in. "Oh my gosh, is that Tunnel of Fudge?"

  "Nope; better than that. It's my mom's Texas Hot Cocoa cake. I thought I'd share it with you." Shoving the cake into her hands, Tyler grabbed the side of the door and hauled himself up the steps and into the camper. It was a tight squeeze with two adults and one very large dog.

  For a moment, he and Caitlyn stood closer-than-close with only the hunk of cake between them. Her scent fil ed his nostrils, and his body went rigid with desire. Their eyes locked, and unable to help himself, he lifted a hand to her cheek, smoothing his fingers over her satin-soft skin. Her breath hitched and he couldn't resist . . . he bent down and brushed his lips across hers.

  Caitlyn moaned deep in her throat, and Tyler thought he'd never heard anything so sweet in his life. He buried his fingers into the wild tangle of hair that framed her heart-shaped face and deepened the kiss, thrusting his tongue into her moist warmth. She leaned closer and kissed him back.

  She tasted so good, so hot, so perfect; he wanted more. He wanted al of her . . .

  Suddenly, Reba barked and jumped up, knocking Tyler off balance. His cane clattered to the floor, and he clutched Caitlyn's shoulders to keep from fal ing. Her body aligned itself perfectly along the entire length of his. Her eyes widened more when she realized he was aroused.

  Well, damn. What did she expect? She turned him on big time.

  Caitlyn quickly stepped away and cal ed her dog to order. "Reba! Down!" She cast a tentative smile at Tyler. "Sorry about that."

  "I'm not." Tyler stood ramrod straight, his fists clenched tight.

  She blushed and ducked her head as she wiggled past him so she could open the door for Reba to go outside. "Don't go far," she cal ed to the dog, then turned back toward Tyler. "I always worry she'l get in one of those traps when I let her out at night."


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