Morgan's Mates (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Morgan's Mates (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 10

by Dani April

  She let out a loud scream. No! She couldn’t stand it. It was too intense. She had been a fool to try and ride this huge man.

  Then it was over, and she was subsiding down back to earth.

  Drake took her in for another kiss.

  Now Morgan could sleep and sleep peacefully all night. She crawled beneath the covers with Drake.

  She was in the middle of the bed. She had two men under the blankets with her, one on each side.

  Morgan fell asleep with a smile on her face.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The next night under a full moon, the men took Morgan out to the field in back of her house. At first she thought they had brought her there to make love. When all they wanted to do was talk, she felt disappointed because her pussy had already been wet with anticipation.

  “You need to know a few things about shape-shifters,” Drake began.

  “We thought it would be a good idea to give you an education for when your man finally does come back to you,” Hunter put in.

  Morgan smiled. “You guys have already given me an education.”

  “The problem with us shifters is there are just too few of us,” Drake told her. “You’ll find us all over the world, but only in small numbers. We’re only about a tenth of a percent of the population.”

  “Since we’re so outnumbered, some of us feel downright afraid of the outside world.” Hunter took her hand as they strolled across the field in the moonlight. “When you thought your man was feeling embarrassed to be a shifter, what he really might have been feeling was afraid.”

  This was a new wrinkle. Morgan saw a different side to shifters she had never thought about before. “Do you ever feel afraid?” she asked Hunter.

  “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t.”

  “Shifters are also very private people,” Drake said. “We’re close knit with our family and friends but tend to turn a cold shoulder to everyone else.”

  “I have noticed that about Nathan,” she admitted. “Even though he doesn’t always get along with them, I know he loves his family more than anything.”

  “That’s right. Take Hunter and me, for example. We’re as close as brothers. That’s why we can share anything.” Drake gave her a lust-filled gaze and caressed her shoulder possessively.

  “Does it make the sex more intense for you if you share your lovers?” Morgan asked.

  “I like the feeling of knowing your body is Drake’s to claim as much as it is mine,” Hunter acknowledged.

  “Other people consider the customs of the shifters to be bizarre,” Drake told her. “But shifters don’t really care what other people think.”

  “I’ve recognized everything you’re saying in Nathan before.” But then Morgan laughed and rethought her statement. “Well, everything except for the sharing part. I guess you could call Nathan a little selfish. Until he got sick, he never even wanted another man to look at me, and the idea of me giving my body to someone would have driven him ballistic.”

  “We just want you to know what you’re dealing with in your relationship with that boyfriend of yours,” Hunter explained.

  “And in your relationship with us,” Drake added.

  “This helps,” Morgan told them. She felt she knew Nathan better now, understood where he had been coming from, and would be better prepared to help him after she had this talk with the two shifters. “I hope you guys understand about Nathan?” She cast a worried look between the two men.

  “We understand you’re still his woman,” Hunter said evenly.

  Morgan felt these two were the best friends she’d ever had. They really did seem to understand her circumstances. Before she met them she had thought, other than Nathan, most shifters were people she would not like. Now her whole view on shifters was changing. Hunter and Drake were helping her at a time when she had never needed help more. In turn, they were making it easier for her to wait for Nathan and just might be saving that relationship for her in the process.

  Of course, they were not completely selfless. A small smile turned Morgan’s lips as she felt both of them fondling her. Hunters hand was running up and down her back, his fingers sneaking beneath the waist of her jeans from behind to play with the elastic of her panties. Drake was massaging her shoulders and had already worked under her halter, causing the straps to fall down her arms.

  Yes. These two shifters were definitely getting a reward for helping her and Nathan out. But it was a reward she didn’t mind offering them.

  The men were undressing. Morgan looked at them expectantly.

  “We’re going to shift now, Morgan.”

  “So that’s why you brought me out here?”

  “We wanted you to watch.”

  “Nathan has only let me watch him shift a couple of times, so I’m not too used to it.” She stepped back and let the two studs put on a strip show. It was her own private performance, and though she blushed red, she knew there was also a look of glee on her face because what she saw had never looked more inviting.

  Both men’s cocks were red and engorged after they got those tight-fitting jeans slid off their hips. Fisting his giant dick that had swollen halfway up his belly, Hunter gave her a wink. Drake did likewise, and Morgan felt her legs turn to spaghetti.

  By the time the two men turned into wolves, Morgan wasn’t even thinking about the supernatural phenomenon. All she could think about was the king-sized bed waiting for them back at her house.

  * * * *

  They weren’t gone from her long. Morgan mused that the allure of her body was greater than that of the wilds and remembered when Nathan used to hurry back to her like that.

  The two naked men took the place of the wolves.

  “Why do you still have your clothes on?” Hunter came to her and swept her into his arms, his cock head stabbing her stomach, its heat blazing even outside her shirt.

  “I don’t shift into anything,” she reminded him.

  Drake’s hands had also found her in the dark. “Another thing you should know about us. After we shift, we need to have sex.”

  “I know.” Morgan could hardly breathe. “Just watching you shift made me want to do it.”

  Morgan had picked their clothes up off the ground for them. She was going to hand them back, but could see they did not want them. Right now their distended cocks couldn’t have even fit back inside their jeans.

  Naked, the two men began walking back to the house with her in between them, their hands fondling different parts of her anatomy as their cock heads continued to graze against her jeans.

  By the time they got inside her house and closed her bedroom door behind them, Morgan had to lean against Hunter for support, as her weak legs would not carry her anymore. The feel of their touch and the sight of their bodies had disturbed her, aroused her. Never before in her life had she needed so badly to be fucked.

  Before she knew what was happening, the men had her out of her clothes and as naked as they were. Getting situated on the bed, one man on each side of her, their hands and mouths began a slow and sensual exploration of her body that drove her already runaway hormones over the edge.

  She moaned under their touch, her hips swaying to each caress.

  Unable to wait any longer, Hunter began to sheath his cock with a condom he took off the nightstand next to her bed. Positioned behind her, he reached between her thighs and dipped his index finger inside her pussy. She knew he found her wet and ready, and to let him know just how ready, she ground down against his penetration, another moan escaping her lips.

  Drake was in front of her, his mouth covering her right nipple as he sucked it to erection. Kissing across her chest, he gave equal favor to her left nipple and then slowly kissed up her neck until their lips met in a gentle claiming. Sliding into her mouth, the soft velvet of his tongue danced across her own, and she tasted his hard, rough flavor. With urgency, her hands moved down his chest, past the hardened muscles of his stomach until his cock was clasped firmly between her fingers.
  From behind, Hunter’s cock had slid down the wet canal of her pussy. He was starting to move, and she could feel her muscles stretch with each slow, deliberate thrust.

  A man venerated her body from the front and one from the back. Everywhere Morgan reached, she felt hard sinews and rigid muscles. Each breath she took brought a strong male aroma into her lungs. Tasting Drake, she turned her head around on her pillow and brought her lips into contact with Hunter, and a new flavor entered her mouth.

  Her two experienced lovers slowly drew out her orgasm. To Morgan, it was like their three writhing bodies had become suspended in time above that bed. Nothing but sensation, raw feeling, and greedy pleasure seeking like she had never felt before was left.

  When it finally happened, the climax was surprisingly sweet and warm, not hard and demanding as it had been when the men took her separately the night before. It was like she was bathed in love.

  After all three made individual trips to her bathroom, the men came back to bed and cuddled with her above the blankets. Each man made sure she was all right, that the new experience had not taken her too far. Both worshipped her body with more kisses and asked after her pleasure.

  Morgan knew she was in somewhat of a daze, but she tried to converse with them anyway. “Yes. It was fine,” she told them shyly. Inside she thought how much more than fine it had really been. But better not to give all her secrets away to them and give them too big of egos.

  “You guys have been really good to me,” she told them.

  “You’ve been really good to us, too, baby,” Hunter whispered in her ear.

  “You know this is only until Nathan gets back, right?”

  “We understand,” Drake told her softly.

  “Even knowing that you’re still going to be good to me?”

  “As long as we’re here,” both men assured her as one.

  * * * *

  “We’ve found our home,” Drake told her one night after they’d made love.

  “This isn’t even my home,” Morgan reminded him.

  “I don’t mean the house,” he said and kissed her. “I mean you. You’re our home, Morgan. Wherever you are, that would be our home.”

  The next three months were the most magical of Morgan’s life. Time didn’t seem to have any meaning. Every day was new. Morgan no longer worried. Her life was now full of hope and promise.

  She had made the right decision to take the men into her house and into her bed.

  They were teaching her things. She was learning about her body. Muscles she never knew she had before were now flexing with need and fulfillment. In bed, she tried things with the men she had never even thought to attempt in the past.

  Hunter and Drake were accomplished lovers and wonderful teachers. They even taught her what it meant to be the mate of a shifter. Where in the past the whole shifting bit had intimidated and sort of scared her, now she understood it. With understanding came acceptance. She became grateful to have two shifters of such prowess in her life.

  Normally she never allowed the men to make love to her at the same time. But most nights they ended up tag teaming her. Hunter would come first. When he was finished and rolled over on his back to go to sleep, Drake would join her. Often it was only minutes later.

  Just when she thought her body was too exhausted and she couldn’t experience any more, Drake would hammer between her legs and bring her to the brink once more.

  It wasn’t only the sexual intimacy. The three of them became close. They shared everything. Each little touch or glance with one of her guys took on meaning and brought her happiness.

  During this period, she had time to concentrate on her art. She spent long hours in her studio. There was an art fair coming up in Wolf Creek at the end of October, and she had half a dozen paintings that were going to be up for sale. She was pleased with her work and thought just maybe she had the talent to make it as a full-time artist.

  Late one night she was in her studio, putting the finishing touches on a gently flowing brook that ran past the end of her property. The brook ran in a straight line for a little while, and then some fallen rocks split it into three paths and the thin stream of water began surging. She was trying to capture both the peace of the straight line stream and the wild abandon after it got broken up.

  She mused this was rather like the course of her own life over the past year. First there had been the peace and security of her relationship with Nathan. Then that had been broken up, and next came the rough struggle with her two new men.

  The painting was coming along nicely. She thought it would be ready for sale at the art fair by month’s end.

  When she looked up from her easel, Hunter was standing in the doorway watching her work. The men rarely came to her studio when she was working. They respected her private space, and she was grateful for it.

  “How long have you been there?” she asked him.

  “I don’t know. I just like watching you work.” A strange glint shone from his eyes, and he moved forward to her.

  He bent and kissed her, not just a kiss but a ravaging of her lips that left her hot for more.

  “You have any idea how late it is?”

  “Sorry.” She set aside her brush. “I guess I got carried away with this.”

  He picked her up and sat down on the stool with her in his lap. For a moment he took his time in reviewing her work.

  “How do you like it?”

  “It’s wild on one side and peaceful on the other.”

  “Good. I’m glad that came through.”

  “You’re working hard on this one.”

  “I work hard on all my pieces.”

  He gave her another demanding kiss. She didn’t mind. He could just keep them coming, as far as she was concerned, and knowing Hunter, he probably would.

  “After the art fair you’re going to be a rich lady when you sell all your work.” She knew he really believed what he said, and she loved his confidence.

  “I’ll be happy if I just sell one piece.”

  “You’ll sell them all.” He had gotten her T-shirt out of the waist of her jeans, and his hands were roaming up under the material, his fingers grasping the clasp of her bra.

  She could barely speak with what he was doing to her. His demanding mouth was on hers. His teeth were biting at her lower lip.

  “I think you should take me to the bedroom.” She sighed into his kiss.

  But Hunter only shook his head. His eyes glowed, and a naughty smile came to his face.

  * * * *

  “I want to do it in here.” Wicked ideas flew through Hunter’s mind. The relationship he’d proven with Morgan was like none he had ever established with a woman before. He had been patient with her to a fault, and it had paid off in the most rewarding experience of his life. She had taught him to feel honest emotions.

  Now he thought it was time to push the envelope with her.

  “You want to have sex in here?” Morgan was clearly confused. They had only had sex in her bedroom on top of the bed until now.

  He unclasped her bra and pulled it from under her shirt like a magician pulling a rabbit from a hat. He placed the bra carefully aside on her worktable. Her perky nipples were outlined under the fabric of her shirt.

  “Have you ever been tied up during sex?”

  She looked at him like he had lost his mind. He kissed her once for reassurance.

  “You want to tie me up tonight?” She was clearly uncertain about this request.

  He held her in his arms and kissed down her neck. When he whispered in her ear, he knew what he told her sounded dangerous and forbidden.

  “I want to tie you to this table and fuck you hard and long. I want to ride you like I never have before.”

  A smile turned the corners of his mouth as he watched her gulp at his words.

  “You’re really serious, aren’t you?”

  “Baby, I’ve never been more serious in my life.”

  He reached down and brought
her shirt up over her head. Compliantly, she raised her arms and let him remove it from her. When he bent to take each of her nipples in his mouth in turn, she cried out. He could hear her heart pounding in her chest.

  He knelt before her on the floor, lowered the zipper of her jeans, and hooked his thumbs under the waist, lowering them down her legs. Every inch of the gorgeous flesh of her legs was slowly exposed to him. He planted kisses over the bare skin and licked it with his tongue. To feel her shiver at his touch gave him pure gratification.

  But there was so much more to come.

  “How are you going to tie me?” She stood before him in a thong. Hunter could barely restrain himself at the sight of her. She was so precious.

  He pulled down the thong and off her legs. “With this.” He held the thong in front of her. “Turn around and put your hands on the table.”

  She hesitated, but gave him a smile. “What’s gotten into you, Hunter?”

  “You.” He gave her another kiss and ran his hands the length of her naked body. This forced another shiver from her.

  “All right,” she conceded. “I trust you.”

  She turned around. Her beautiful backside was presented to him. His cock surged forward in his pants with a hot, desperate life of its own.

  “Stretch out your arms,” he ordered her.

  She did as he asked and was spread-eagled across her own worktable.

  He used her thong to tie her right wrist to the rail beneath the worktable. He made the knot loose for her comfort, but tight enough to where she could not get away.

  Then he picked up her bra and went to tie her left wrist with it. Again he left a lot of room in the knot for her circulation, but made sure it was secure before he finished.

  “How do you feel?” he asked her, stepping back to admire the view.

  “I feel foolish like this, and I’m afraid I look even worse.”


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