More Than Chains To Bind

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More Than Chains To Bind Page 5

by Stevie Woods

  Behind him I saw the guards unlocking the chains of another of the villagers. I couldn't remember his name just then. Guess he was going to be Hollis' opponent. I could see why Cor'lyn had chosen him, though; the man was shorter than Hollis, but he had more bulk. I almost laughed at the idea Cor'lyn thought size mattered. He had a lot to learn, or maybe he just wanted to see if he could psych Hollis out.

  The rest of us were ordered back to the periphery of the arena and then Hollis and the other guy were given swords--I was a bit surprised to see they were wooden until I understood they couldn't have the slaves getting too hurt 'til the time was right, could they? Feeling decidedly trapped, I put it out of my mind and forced myself to relax and watch the display.

  At first, Hollis and his opponent just circled each other, making the odd movement, testing each other out, but Cor'lyn soon got fed up with that and ordered them to get on with it or he'd use the whip on them. As he spoke, one of the guards stepped forward and unhooked the bull-whip from his belt. Cor'lyn had threatened punishments before, but this was the first time we had seen the guards carrying anything other than the liendas.

  I took a careful look at the guards standing at regular intervals with us in the arena and noticed a couple of them sporting whips and the others carried short, thick sticks in holsters on their belts. The guards high up on the platform were carrying the powerful long distance percussion weapons. I could only guess it was a precaution against one of the slaves getting hold of a lienda.

  The fight started in earnest then, and it was obvious Hollis was quite happy brandishing the sword, but he was well versed in the use of various hand-held weapons. He was an expert with a knife, though it was obviously more a close combat weapon, but he was also well versed using both the sword and the staff.

  Lexal--I learned his name because quite a few of his fellows were shouting for him to defeat Hollis--seemed less sure of the weapon, but what he lacked in finesse, he made up for in sheer bravado. He also seemed to think his extra weight was an advantage, but Hollis ducked and weaved and struck hit after hit, just glancing blows, but enough to prove who was winning.

  I saw the moment Hollis decided enough was enough and he allowed Lexal's wooden blade to seem to get inside his defense. Then he twisted his wrist, deflecting his own blade down sharply onto Lexal's, knocking the weapon from his opponent's hand and in a continuing movement, Hollis' blade finished up pressed into the hollow of Lexal's throat.

  "Enough," Cor'lyn declared.

  Hollis quickly backed off, saluting Lexal with his wooden sword.

  Cor'lyn was nodding, obviously pleased. "Yes, yes, I knew I was right about you. Kano," he called to the guard who had unchained Hollis, and he and another guard came forward.

  Kano prodded Hollis toward his partner in chains, and the other guard took Lexal back.

  Cor'lyn approached me. I guess it was going to be my turn next to see if I was as skilled with a weapon as Hollis was.

  "I understand you two," he said, indicating Fortil and me, "have not been getting along very well." Cor'lyn's grin was very wide as he looked Fortil up and down. "I have to admit, I cannot blame you for your...interest, but it ends now," he said to Fortil. "He's not for you." He glanced at me, and I didn't like the proprietary gleam in his eye. He turned back to Fortil. "Let's see how you get along with a sword in your hand."

  He moved off and the guard unchained our wrists. I glanced up at Fortil as he did so, trying to gauge his attitude to fighting with a sword. He met my gaze with a decided grin--confident obviously. I kept my expression blank.

  Using his short stick, the guard prodded us forward to the center of the arena, where Kano was waiting to hand us each a wooden sword.

  * * * *

  I knew this was coming, but I had hoped he wouldn't be pitted against Fortil. Anyone would have to be better than that bastard, who already had a bone to pick with Liander. I hoped Liander could keep his cool. Even a wooden sword handled harshly could inflict injury. If Liander could keep control of his emotions while Fortil lost control of his, then Liander should be able to take him. If he remembered the lesson I had drummed into him that in a fight, emotions were dangerous...

  Talking of dangerous emotions, I needed to keep my own in check. I was suddenly aware of being watched and, without looking, I knew it was Cor'lyn. The man puzzled me. He had honed in on me from the beginning, taking me when I was older than any of the others. He kept making comments about recognizing the warrior in me. While it was true, I had never given him proof until fifteen minutes earlier. He also seemed to have a thing for Liander; that was much more understandable on the surface, but I was damned sure it went deeper than just the obvious. We needed to keep an eye on Cor'lyn, which was difficult because, other than the fact we were his prisoners, Liander and I had little if any chance to talk and plan. So far, the only opportunity seemed to be during the training, if this morning was an example.

  The sound of wood on wood drew my attention away from Cor'lyn and back to Liander and Fortil. Liander was in a defensive stance, and Fortil had made the first attack, a swinging stroke from the look of his wide stance. I watched as Liander made small movements both of feet and wrist, shifting just enough to keep clear without over-exerting himself, flicking his wrist so the sword made small arcs, keeping Fortil moving to avoid the swiftly-moving sword. Fortil was wearing himself out darting about and swinging his sword almost like a club.

  The concentration on Liander's face was a carbon copy of his focus when he was studying, learning something new and exciting. I had fantasized about the day he would look at me like that; trace my contours with his long, long fingers. I looked at those fingers now, one hand gripping the sword firmly but not too tight, the other hand held slightly away from his body to keep his balance even.

  I smiled a little remembering the ancient weapons on display in his rooms back at the palace. He had a rather fine collection of swords from every period. I might have shown him the basics of swordplay, but Liander never did anything by half. He would have learned exactly how to use them. I imagine he knew the different fighting style for each weapon, too. I imagined it was possible he could even show me a thing or two.

  It wasn't long before Cor'lyn called a halt to the contest. Fortil had already been hit six times--in the loosest sense of the word. Liander had made his superiority clear, making contact to prove he could make the kill if he wanted--and Fortil hadn't managed to hit Liander once.

  Liander was standing fairly close to me by this time, and, catching his eye, I lifted my eyebrow. He gave a slight shrug, which he turned into a shoulder roll when he saw Cor'lyn approaching.

  As he took the sword from Liander, I heard Cor'lyn say, "I knew there was something about you, that you were worth watching. Yet one more reason to buy you for myself when the time comes."

  He gave Liander a smile I wanted to wipe off his face with my fist. Creation, I'd had my suspicions about him but this... Wait a moment? He might buy Liander when the time comes? What did he mean? Surely we were already his property and he was going to sell us at auction.

  As Cor'lyn made his way back to the centre of the arena, I glanced over at Liander and frowned. I was pretty sure he would guess what question I was silently asking. He lifted an eyebrow, and I knew he was as puzzled as I was. There seemed to be only one explanation, Cor'lyn was some kind of collector. He raided and enslaved people. I could only guess what happened to the women, but the men he trained to fight. Then they were sold to the highest bidder, but the proceeds did not go to Cor'lyn, at least not all of them. He must be acting as agent. The question was, for whom? Could it actually be a government position, filling an accepted need within their society?

  * * * *

  Cor'lyn called us all back to the centre of the arena, and we formed into our separate groups. He began by giving us yet another talk about what was expected of us, how we were going to be trained to use a variety of weapons, as well as in wrestling and other forms of unarmed combat.r />
  He paused and let his gaze travel along the line of men and it seemed to me his eyes lingered on Hollis.

  "After today," Cor'lyn continued, "when training in the arena, your wrist chains will be removed, but be assured the guards on the perimeter and on the platform above have permission to use whatever force necessary to ensure the rules are obeyed. You'll be trained in groups and during the training, slaves will be paired off at random so all will face a variety of opponents and practice a variety of fighting styles."

  As someone used to multi-tasking, it was easy to listen to him while considering his earlier words and Hollis' unspoken question. It was the second time Cor'lyn had mentioned buying me, but the first time it didn't quite register as I'd still been in some shock after my set-to with Fortil.

  Now, though, I began to wonder exactly what he meant. I had a pretty good idea of what he wanted from me. He'd hardly hidden it and, to be honest, I wondered why he hadn't separated me from the others and made some...overture to me. Creation, if he was so inclined, he could even have had me held down while he did what he wanted. It was not a pleasant thought and I hadn't really let my mind go in that direction. Too scared to pursue the options or my lack thereof, I suppose. I was just grateful it hadn't happened. I had enough on my plate with Fortil.

  Now, though, I began to see a different picture. If he didn't actually own me by their standards, if I--we--were only in his control on behalf of some other organization, then he was merely biding his time. Following the thought to its conclusion, if ever he did own me, he could demand my body as his right.

  Trying to put the disturbing thought out of my mind, I wondered if the system of collecting slaves was some kind of state policy. We knew nothing beyond the confines of this compound; our walk here from the harbor had revealed very little to me of these people. All we knew came from their history of raiding our homeland and whatever we were told, or overheard, in this place. The lack of knowledge was really unnerving me. Hollis liked to know what he was facing in any military situation, which was what I wanted to do by understanding the way the Diolis viewed the world and lived their lives, but so far, I had no real points of reference.

  Cor'lyn's words drew my attention back. "It is not acceptable for one slave to attack another as happened in the hall last evening between these two." He indicated Fortil and me. "The guards were lenient as it was the first night"--he looked at me and smiled--"and the victim was more than able to protect himself. But hear me well; such behavior will not be tolerated. Only in this arena, under instruction, are you allowed physical contact. Understand any further breach of discipline will result in punishment." As Cor'lyn finished speaking, Kano stepped forward, flicking his whip casually, the meaning very clear. Cor'lyn let his gaze travel from face to face, making his point understood.

  The rear gate opened again and four men entered. They were dressed a little differently from Cor'lyn and his guards. They wore the same style pants, except they were brown, and they wore similar loose tunics to ours, though each man's tunic was a different shade. I assumed they were our trainers and the colors indicated their particular expertise.

  As the men approached, the guards released our chains and divided us into four groups. I tried to edge toward Hollis again, Fortil moving with me this time without comment, but one of guards shoved us back, while Hollis and Ledo were pushed into another group.

  "These are the Guides," Cor'lyn explained. "Each is a specialist, and you will learn from them all so, when the next auction is due, you'll fetch the highest price possible."

  "Is a question permissible?" I asked, hoping I hadn't just earned a beating.

  "You may ask...this time."

  I nodded, understanding both the threat and the favor. "The auction...when will it take place?" I wanted to ask more about what we might expect, but I knew that would be a mistake.

  Cor'lyn cocked his head, considering me, then he glanced around the congregated men, his glance resting on Hollis for a moment before he brought his gaze back to me.

  "They are held four times a year. The next one is due in about thirty days." He shifted his gaze to encompass everyone. "You will work hard every day; no slacking will be permitted. Any breach will be punished. You will obey each command of the Guides or the guards. Any breach will be punished. You will be provided three meals a day. The food is balanced for optimum conditioning, so no waste is permitted. Any breach will be punished. You will look after your bodies as instructed, take exercise, perform the cleansing ritual and take rest as instructed. Any breach will be punished."

  * * * *

  Any breach will be punished! He made it sound like a damned mantra. And trust Liander to want to ask a question; he's never going to learn to keep his mouth shut, is he? I'll have to keep something handy to stick in there. Oh my, the picture that pulled up. I got hard just thinking about the possibilities.

  Lucky I'm not wearing those tight pants any longer!

  Concentrate! What did he say? Three meals a day. Right, breakfast and dinner presumably in our respective halls, but I guess lunch would be served out here in the arena. I would just have to hope I could get to Liander then.

  The group I was with was going to be taught how to use a pilum. It was a similar to a javelin in design, except the shaft was not round but square and thicker. It was made from a solid piece of metal with one end sharpened to a lethal point and the weapon was heavier than a spear. However, the training version was made from a solid piece of wood. Our Guide, Longin, explained that beside the obvious uses as a throwing weapon and a stabbing spear, it was also an extremely effective staff. He demonstrated how to thrust with it the way one would a spear, but advised us not to throw it unless the fight was otherwise lost. Rather apparent really, but then I noticed the expressions on the faces of one or two of the others and realized they had been considering doing just that.

  Longin then demonstrated some moves using it as a staff. I had some experience with such a device and the moves were similar. I didn't think there was much I could learn about this particular use of the weapon, so I took the opportunity to check on what Liander's group was doing. From what I could see, I guessed they were being taught wrestling. Something else I didn't think either Liander or I needed many lessons in, unless, of course, the rules here were much different. In fact, now I come to think of it, did they have any rules? That one would bear investigation.

  It wasn't much later when the lunchtime meal was wheeled in on a large cart pushed by four women. The guard accompanying them hit a square of metal attached to the wagon with his stick and a dull twang sounded throughout the arena. The Guides stopped their lectures, and our guard pointed us in the direction of the wagon. After a long, tiring morning in the hot sun, I was hungry and marched over there without a second thought.

  There was a cauldron containing a thick broth of meat and vegetables. A huge pile of dark bread, which proved to have a nutty flavor, covered a platter. Two huge bowls were filled with a variety of fruit, one of which was round, orange in color, but surprisingly crisp and tart. Another was also round, but larger, its color a mixture of red and orange, its texture harder, but with a flavor both sweet and light. A third was a long, thin green fruit with a heavy, soft texture that almost melted in the mouth. Some of these tasty fruits would have been very welcome back home.

  Last, but not least, there was another bowl filled with a thick paste. I had no idea what to do with, until Liander walked up and without further ado stuck a finger in and tasted the contents. At first, I was just delighted he was there and no one was pulling him away from me, then my eyes bugged as I watched him pull his finger out of his mouth and lick off the remains of the stuff. I hoped no one could hear the pounding of my heart as my imagination conjured up the image of him doing that to my cock. Oh, Lords of Creation, I had to stop these fantasies. I enjoyed them way too much for safety in my present circumstances. He looked at me and, with a flash of realization of what he was doing, blushed for second before dropping his eye

  "Well, then," I asked, grateful my voice sounded normal, "what does it taste like?"

  "It's a bit like a soft cheese, but with a lingering sharp tang. Pretty refreshing." He took a spoon and put a dollop on his plate and another spoonful on mine. "Let's take our food and sit and talk. It might be the only chance we get to do so."

  "With pleasure," I said. From his grin, I saw he knew I meant it.

  We sat with our backs to the wall near the rear gate. Other large or small groups of prisoners made themselves comfortable around the food wagon and near the back wall, but Liander and I were pretty much on our own.

  "You're keeping that bastard Fortil off balance, I gather," I said with a grin.

  "Yeah, he was demanding, trying to teach me my place, dominate me, but after my time with you, he didn't stand a chance." He smiled, a definite twinkle in his eye. "If I don't let you dominate me, why the hell should I let anyone else?"

  "I have no desire to dominate you, Lian," I said softly, keeping my eyes on my plate. "I'm into equal partners. It's not something I thought I could ever have with you, but we're friends first and foremost, aren't we?"

  He didn't look at me either as he studied the large red-orange fruit on his plate and spoke to me quietly. "Best friends for a while, Hollis, and now I believe so much more?"

  "Whatever you want, Lian, anything." My voice was huskier than I intended, but I couldn't help it. So far it had all been in my mind, my interpretation of what I thought I was seeing in his eyes. Those few softly spoken words had made it all so wonderfully real.

  "Oh Lords, why now? Why now?" he whispered. "I so want to touch you, and I can't. I daren't even look at you in case he's watching."

  The heat of his words washed over me and I'd never wanted him more. "Cor'lyn?" I whispered harshly. "I see the way he looks at you."


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