When to Call a Cowboy

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When to Call a Cowboy Page 17

by June Faver

  Beau seated Dixie beside Ty and took the chair next to her. “What’s up, Bro? You look like you’re about to bust. Going on another big tour?”

  Ty’s grin went wall to wall. “Nope. I’m going to be recording some new songs, but no tour until next year.”

  Big Jim brought a platter of fried chicken to the table. “Make way, kids. Leah’s been slaving over a hot stove, so let’s get this dinner on the table.”

  Tyler jumped up eagerly. “Let me help.” He went to the breakfast bar separating the kitchen preparation area from the dining area. Leah had placed several dishes there, and Tyler began carrying things to the table.

  Colton came into the room with Ava, Gracie, and Mark. “All hands have been washed,” he announced. The children took their places at the table. Misty caught up with Colton, and they walked arm in arm to take their seats. Soon, the entire Garrett clan had gathered around the table.

  Beau’s chest tightened as he gazed around at the family he loved. This was the way it was supposed to be. All he had to do was make sure Dixie and Ava remained a part of this tribe.

  “Who wants to say grace?” Big Jim asked.

  The three children immediately raised their hands.

  “I think it’s Mark’s turn,” Big Jim pronounced, which caused Mark to grin and sit up a little taller. He reached to hold hands with those on either side of him, which caused a chain reaction of hand-holding. He said a simple blessing: “And please bless my family. Amen.” This was followed by a chorus of amens.

  Beau glanced at Dixie, who seemed to have been overcome with some kind of strong emotion. He squeezed her hand and brushed a kiss on it before he released her. “Okay, baby?” he whispered, and she nodded.

  Tyler pushed his chair back and stood. He tapped his spoon against his glass of iced tea. “If I can have everyone’s attention for one minute. I know you’re anxious to partake in this great meal my beautiful wife has prepared, but we have some exciting news for you.”

  There was a hush as everyone turned to stare at him.

  “I wanted to share with you that the love of my life, my beloved wife, and I are expecting a baby around Christmastime.” He leaned down to give Leah a kiss as those sitting around the table broke out in cheers and applause.

  “I’m going to be a big sister,” Gracie announced proudly.

  “And you’re going to do a fine job of it, I’m sure.” Big Jim beamed at her.

  Beau reflected that his father’s happiness seemed to be centered around his children and grandchildren. It’s all about family.

  “Who wants a leg?” Big Jim roared. Both Gracie and Ava raised a hand.

  Chapter 12

  Dixie drove home with Ava secured in her safety seat right behind her. She glanced in the rearview mirror and saw that her daughter was drowsy, her beautiful blue eyes heavy-lidded.

  The rearview mirror also revealed a pair of headlights following behind.

  She couldn’t suppress her smile.


  He was following along behind and would spend the night. That alone brought a smile to her lips.

  Dixie was a little anxious to see how Ava felt about the newly stripped bedroom, but she thought the opportunity to choose her own paint colors might please her little darling, and it would be fun to share this experience. She hoped Ava’s color choice would not be dark purple or neon green.

  Dixie had folded all the bedding and draperies from the two rooms and would donate them to some local charity. She figured she would stage her seduction of Beauregard Garrett in the guest room, which was decorated with heavy burgundy drapes and bed coverings. It hadn’t been updated since the eighties. But at least it had clean bedding in place and smelled nice, thanks to a little recent attention. She wasn’t sure she could sleep in her father’s room yet. Not until she had stripped the memories from it. But she could claim the guest room as her temporary nesting place, at least until the redecorating process was complete.

  By the time she pulled to a stop in front of the Moore ranch house, Ava was fast asleep. She turned off the motor and killed the lights. In a few seconds, Beau was parked beside her. With a finger to her lips, she signaled Beau to be quiet.

  With as much stealth as possible, Beau climbed out of his truck and came to release Ava from her safety seat. “Come on, sweetheart. Easy does it.” He arranged her in his arms and followed Dixie up to the house and through to the bedroom now designated as Ava’s.

  He glanced around at the bare walls and bed made up with sheets and a summer-weight blanket. He shot Dixie a questioning glance, but she pulled back the bedding so he could slide Ava into bed.

  Dixie gently removed Ava’s outer clothing and snuggled her under the sheet and blanket.

  Beau gestured to the bare walls and windows. “What’s going on?” he whispered.

  She drew him out into the hallway. “I thought I would make some changes.”

  He looked puzzled. “Changes? What kind of changes?” His intense blue eyes seemed to bore right into her soul.

  “Nothing too serious,” she said. “Just a coat of fresh paint and maybe new bedding to match.”

  “Sounds like a good idea. What brought this on?”

  Dixie reached up to unbutton the top buttons of his western shirt. “I just thought I should settle in. After all, I am going to be here for a while.”

  A smile played around his mouth. “Yes, you are.”

  “A year, at least.” She finished the buttons and flipped open the buckle on his belt.

  “At least,” he agreed, stripping the belt from the loops.

  She took a few steps toward the guest room. “And I thought Ava needed her own room. Maybe you can go with us to pick out paint colors.”

  Beau reached around her to open the door to the guest room and made a gesture for her to enter. “After you.” His expression started a tingling sensation spiraling around her chest. She stepped into the dark room and turned around to face him.

  He was gazing at her fondly. “That sounds like a great idea. I’d be happy to help pick out colors for Ava’s room.” He shrugged out of his shirt and arranged it over a chair. “I’m so glad you’ve resigned yourself to your fate. You belong here…with me.”

  Her breath caught in her throat. She gazed up into his eyes. “I do?”

  He lifted her chin. “Yes, you do. You and Ava belong with me.” His kiss was tender yet stirred her to the tips of her toes.

  Dixie sucked in a breath and blew it out. “Well, we better get those clothes off so you can show me that I belong with you.”

  “Happy to oblige.”

  Dixie started to shed her own clothes, but only got as far as removing her denims. She realized that she had left her best lingerie back in Dallas. Maybe she could drive to Amarillo for a little retail therapy because she really would like to knock Beau out with something luscious.

  When she started to unbutton her shirt, strong arms wrapped around her and pulled her back to lean against his chest. Beau took over her task. His fingers worked the tiny buttons, opening them all the way down. Then he placed his palm flat on her stomach. “I cannot believe you grew our daughter right here and I didn’t even know about it.”

  “Yeah, well, those were really sad times for me. Not turning me on.”

  Slipping her shirt from her shoulders, he kissed the side of her neck. “Sorry I wasn’t there for both of you.”

  Dixie turned to face him. “Me too.” She leaned her cheek against his chest. “I don’t want to talk about sad things. I’ve had enough sad feelings for one day.”

  “Then I’ll just tell you how much I love you. I loved you then, and I love you now. I’m going to love you when you’re a wrinkly little old lady.”

  This made her laugh, really laugh with her head thrown back. “What makes you think I’m going to be a wrinkly old lady? I will use sun

  “Mmm.” He made an appreciative noise. “I’ll rub it on for you.”

  She was laughing when he nudged her toward the bed. “How generous of you.”

  “Yeah, that’s me. Generous to a fault.” He gave her another nudge. “Now I’m going to help you with the rest of those clothes.” He released the clasp on her bra and cupped her breasts in his slightly callused hands. “I thought these were pretty when you were a teen, but now these are a work of art.”

  “You don’t have to say that.”

  He gathered her in his arms and pulled her against his chest. “I’m just stating the truth. I think I’m a boob man.”

  She was laughing again. She liked that he made her laugh…that he made their lovemaking fun. “Did you know that I love you?” She had spoken the words in a rush, and now she was staring into Beau’s remarkable blue eyes…eyes that reflected so much love he didn’t even have to say the words. She grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him. He lifted her against him, and she wrapped her legs around his torso. If he only knew how hot he was, how the desire to jump on him was always hovering at the edge of her consciousness.

  His hands cupped her bottom, holding her even closer. He took two steps to the bed and climbed onto it, rolling on one shoulder to lie on his back with Dixie on top of him. He reached up to brush one of her errant curls away from her face. “You love me? I sure do hope you do because I’m crazy in love with you.”

  She gazed down at him. Such a beautiful man. “Good,” she whispered. “I’ve got you where I want you. So pucker up and kiss me while I’m hot.”

  He reached up, taking her face in both hands. “Yes ma’am.” He drew her close, kissing her lips tenderly and then more vigorously. His hand grazed down the side of her body, setting a tingling in its wake, from her breast down her ribs to her hip and grabbing a handful of her buttock.

  Her body seemed to ignite anyplace he touched, no matter how casually.

  He rolled her onto her back and began to trail kisses from her shoulder to her breasts. His lips and tongue teased, suckled, and caressed her breasts, causing her to catch her breath and arch toward him, eager for more pleasure as he was dealing it out. She was on fire. Flames spread from her taut nipples, from his mouth suckling and teasing her, burning a path to her core.

  His was kissing her stomach, causing an explosion of feathers to whirl around in her stomach.

  “Such a cute little belly button,” he whispered before exploring it with his tongue. He traced a path lower, grazing his way to her mound.

  She gasped when he found his target. Spiraling waves of passion lapped at her in time to the rhythm of his sensual massage. The pressure increased, driving her closer and closer to the edge of the abyss.

  “You’re torturing me,” she groaned. “I—I can’t…”

  He laughed and kissed the inside of her thigh. “I’m loving you.”

  “Come here!” she commanded. Her strong thighs encircled his hips, drawing him to her. Her short nails skimmed his skin.

  Beau hesitated a moment, then reached for a condom in the pocket of his Wranglers. As he entered her, he gazed into her eyes.

  Dixie let out a soft moan as their bodies connected and again with every stroke that reached deep inside her. She held him tightly, lifting her hips into his thrusts. When the first waves of her orgasm washed over her, she went rigid. “Oh, Beau,” she cried out.

  He grinned, continuing to thrust into her. “I love you, Dixie,” he whispered.

  She whispered his name and grabbed him around his waist, matching his thrusts. As her passion built again, she was aware of Beau holding her tenderly. When she climaxed again, Beau gripped her, exploding inside her.

  She kissed his neck, tasting the salt of his sweat, feeling his pulse beat against her lips as he pulsed inside her.

  * * *

  In the morning, Beau awoke with Dixie in his arms. This was the way he wanted to start every day. He knew his dad probably had lined out a bunch of tasks for him on the Garrett ranch, but he planned to spend as much time as he could with Dixie and with Ava.

  Getting to know the amazing little creature he had cocreated had him entranced. He had gone from free-as-the-breeze bachelor to daddy with the first meeting.

  He stared down at Dixie’s beautiful face, so similar to Ava’s. Her hair was the same fiery red, and her fair skin had the same high color in her cheeks and lips. He was glad he had been able to contribute Ava’s eye color. Yeah, those eyes stamp her as a Garrett. Can’t deny those.

  After a rousing night of lovemaking, his tempestuous darling was at peace, her auburn lashes resting on her cheeks. She was even lovelier as a woman than she had been as a girl.

  “Are you staring at me?” she asked without bothering to open her eyes.

  “As a matter of fact, I am.” He brushed a strand of curls off her face.

  She giggled, opening her eyes wide. “Why?”

  “’Cause I love you. ‘Cause I can’t seem to get enough of you.”

  She let out a most unladylike snort. “Seems to me like you got a healthy dose of me last night. In fact, I’m not sure I can walk straight yet.”

  “Not a problem. I’ll carry you anywhere you want to go.”

  That elicited another giggle. “You will? I would have had a second helping of those buttery mashed potatoes and cream gravy last night if I had known.”

  He kissed her cheek gently. “It’s fine with me. I’ll love you if you gain a ton. You’ll always be beautiful to me.”

  She punched him on the arm. “Oh, Beau. You always say the right thing.”

  “I hope I always do the right thing.”

  She gazed up at him, suddenly vulnerable. “What is the right thing?”

  Here goes. “With all my heart, I believe the right thing is for you to agree to marry me. I promise to love you for as long as I live. I’ll take care of you and Ava and protect you always.”

  She seemed to be frozen in his arms. A beautiful nude statue. She didn’t even blink.

  He felt as though his chest was compressed in a vise. Time stopped as he waited for her to respond in some way. Would she laugh and blow him off? Maybe she would recover and be angry. He held his breath.

  “Oh, Beau. That is the most wonderful thing anyone has ever said to me.”

  “Actually, there was a question in there. In case you missed it, here it is again.” He gave her a more thorough kiss. “Will you, Dixie Moore, please marry me, Beauregard Garrett, and make me the happiest man on the planet? Will you spend your life with me and raise our daughter with me? Will you meld into the Garrett family that also loves you and Ava? Will you join the chaos that is a part of being a Garrett as long as we both shall live?”

  Her chin quivered, but she caught her lower lip between her teeth and then grinned. “Actually, I think that sounds like a great idea. Dixie Lee Moore Garrett. Dixie Garrett.” She giggled. “Mrs. Beauregard Garrett.”

  He fixed her with a skeptical glare. “Is that a yes?”

  “Yes, it is a definite yes. I will marry you.” Tears spangled her lashes.

  “Aw, baby. Please don’t cry. There’s been enough tears between us. I just want to do everything in my power to make you happy.”

  She sucked in a ragged breath. “I am happy. I’m very happy.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he rolled onto his back, carrying her with him.

  “It’s about time. Just think, we could have gotten married years ago and been old married folks by now. We might have another little one running around.” He drew back to glimpse her face, but she looked strained. “Dixie? What’s wrong?”

  “Oh, Beau. I’m so mad and hurt and…and angry.” She brushed tears away with the back of her hand. “Mostly, I’m sorry I hurt you, and I’m sorry I hurt my father.”

  He stroked her shoulder with his fingert
ips. “But we’re both here now. We survived all the misery, and we can be together forever.”

  Shaking her head, she made a sound like a newborn kitten. “But my father is dead. Someone murdered him, and I’ll never have a chance to make it up to him.”

  Beau recalled how devastated Vern had been after Dixie’s departure, but he neglected to share that memory. Instead, he continued to stroke her shoulder and murmur soothing words. “I’m sure your dad knows how you feel. He was always so proud of you.” This set off a new round of tears.

  “I—I’m so mad at my mother I could just strangle her.” A huge tremor shook her body. “She—she lied. She lied to me all these years.”

  Beau had suspected as much but thought he should keep his mouth shut. Not a good time for I told you so. “Dixie, I hate to see you so upset. Maybe you can think about our beautiful daughter and the life we have ahead of us. Don’t look back. It’s too painful right now.”

  She nodded. “You’re right. I have to think about Ava. She’s going to start school next fall. She’s so ready for kindergarten.” A sudden smile ripped through the tears. “She is really excited about it. We need to go shopping for school clothing, and…and I want to paint her room.”

  He smiled in return, encouraged by a flash of good humor. “That sounds awesome. I hope I’m included in both projects.”

  “Well, I was going to ask you to help me paint, but are you up for all that girly shopping?”

  He laughed, deep in his chest, shaking her atop him and eliciting a laugh in return. “Of course. I’m thrilled to be Ava’s daddy. I want to know how to shop for little girls. I want to see her try on girly stuff.”

  “You’re on.” She laid her cheek down on his chest, appearing to be far more relaxed. “I guess we better get up. Ava will be coming to find us. She’s addicted to breakfast.”

  He gave one of her buttocks a playful swat. “We better feed our girl.”

  She started to move off him but then settled in place. She took his face in both her hands. “Thank you, Beau. I found letters my father tried to send me but my mother returned. I’ve been so angry with her…and so hurt for my father.” She leaned down to kiss him tenderly. “But you helped me to feel more centered. I’m still angry, but at least I can focus on something besides choking my mother till she turns purple.”


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