Decker (Torey Hope: The Later Years #1)

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Decker (Torey Hope: The Later Years #1) Page 14

by A. D. Ellis

With a quick sniff of his nose, Sawyer wiped his eyes. “Alright, I think that’s enough of that. Thank you, brother. I think I was needing to hear that from you, and I know I needed to spend this time with you. I’m really excited about the wedding; I can’t wait to see you bust a move.”


  The next few days were quiet. A lot of work was finishing up at The Center+; almost everything that still needed done was on the inside. Decker and Katie were very happy with the way plans were playing out. Every class, both the old ones and the new courses, were completely filled with students. The Center+ had always been a central part of Torey Hope, but with the Jordan and Morgan boys’ vision, plans, and effort, it was becoming an even more integral part of the town by drawing in all ages of students to take part in the new programs being offered.

  Decker found himself with a rare down moment at the end of a productive day. He stood stoically at his large office window and watched momentarily while the workers finished up for the day. Turning, he let his eyes travel to the large blueprint he had drawn up so many years ago, with the help of the guys, and framed as their inspiration. Taking a deep breath, he savored the moment, feeling accomplished and proud. But, all too soon, he realized that these feelings didn’t complete him, he wanted someone else to share in the moment with him.

  Walking into her office through the back door, he stood and watched as she worked furiously on a last minute report he knew she was determined to get sent off that day. Not wanting to interrupt her, he quietly stood still and just observed. His pants felt tight as he took in the curves of her legs as they traveled from her backside down to her killer high heels. She had piled her hair up on her head, a habit she had when she was busy with a project, and tendrils escaped and framed her face. She hit one final key with a victory cry and stood to add paper to the printer. The sight of her ass, hugged perfectly in the black pencil skirt, was more than he could handle.

  He waited until she printed the papers and sent the report, then he walked up behind her and whispered in her ear. “I have the sexiest assistant manager in the history of assistant managers. I think you deserve a reward; why don’t you come into my office and let me give it to you.” He pressed himself against her backside with his final words and smiled hungrily when she rasped out a sexy chuckle.

  Turning in his arms to face him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself against the exact reward she knew he wanted to give her. “Mmmm, a reward, huh? That sounds promising. Let me lock up my office, and I’ll meet you in yours.” As she pulled doors shut and secured her area, Decker walked with a purpose to his office and began quickly and efficiently pulling blinds, closing doors, and flipping locks. They met at his desk mere moments later.

  “Hi.” She smiled up at him. Her big eyes sparkled with mischief, anticipation, and emotion.

  “Hi, Bug.” He leaned in and kissed her nose. “I know we work together every day, but I feel like I haven’t seen you all week. How are you?” He let his hands caress her face and down her arms. Nibbling her neck, he gave her time to speak if she wanted to.

  “I’m good. I’m better now that I’m in your arms. I can get along fine without you, but I’ve found that I don’t like it very much. Now, no more talk about work, shut up and kiss me.” She wet her lips and smiled at the sexy grumble in his chest.

  “Oh, I plan on kissing you and much more. So much more. You deserve a reward, remember?” He took her mouth with force then, his tongue plunging in to meet her waiting one. Swallowing her whimper, he shimmied her skirt up her legs so he could sit her on his desk and stand between her legs.

  “Did you bring gym clothes?” He asked as he rubbed his thumbs across her nipples and watched in satisfaction as their peaks showed under her silky shirt.

  Momentarily confused, she nodded her head, “Yeah, I have gym clothes, are we going to work out?” He grinned at her obvious disappointment.

  “Yeah, we’re going to work out, but not in the gym.” He fingered the pearly buttons on her blouse. “Was this shirt expensive?”

  “Huh? Oh, no. I grabbed it at a thrift shop a while back. Why?” Before she could say more he ripped the silk material and watched the buttons scatter over his office floor.

  “I’ll get you a new one…” He began to speak, but she put a finger to his lips.

  “Decker, I’ve got a great job, with a really hot boss, I can buy my own shirt.” Grabbing his head, she pulled his mouth towards hers, “I want my reward now, please.”

  Her bra quickly joined the button-less blouse on the floor. Laying her back, he feasted on her breasts. Sliding his hands down her hips, he made quick work of the rest of her clothing. Divesting her of her skirt and thong, he stopped short at the high heels. Kissing from her knees down to her ankles and back up, he whispered, “The shoes stay on.”

  “Decker, I’m naked on your desk and you’re fully clothed, I don’t think this is fair.” Sitting up, she scooted to the edge of the desk and reached for his tie. “I love you in anything, but you are so damn sexy in these colorful ties.” Untying the material she began to pop open each button on his shirt. He watched in breathless anticipation as her fingers worked each tiny button. At first he thought she was having difficulty, but then he realized she was purposely going slowly to torture him.

  “Time’s up, Bug.” He took his shirt off and stepped between her legs. “This is your reward for being such a good manager, so I’m in control here.” His thumb found her center with no warning and she threw her head back with a moan. “This one will be hard and fast; at home, I want hard and slow.” He pushed her back with one hand as his other hand worked at his waistband. Lowering the material, he smirked at her as she propped herself up on her elbows to watch. “Like what you see?” When she could only lick her lips and nod, he knew this was going to be the true definition of a “quickie.”

  Before he could make a move, she sat up and pushed at his chest. “Hold on, if we’re breaking all sorts of office rules by christening your desk, I think we better do it right. Office sex is always with the girl bent over the desk, right?” Katie raised her eyebrows and smiled seductively.

  “I’ve never had sex with a girl in any office or on any desk, but I think movies usually portray it that way, yeah.” Decker had to take a moment to breathe deep and clear his head at the image before him. His beautiful, perfect, intelligent girl was bending over his desk; if he thought about it much longer, he was going to be done before he even got started.

  Several quick, sweaty, intense moments later, Decker found himself pressed against her back trying to catch his breath. “That was…, damn, what are you doing to me? I went from refusing to date co-workers to taking my assistant manager on my office desk.”

  He laughed when she spoke from beneath him, “Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Now, get off me you big oaf!”

  Once they were dressed in some semblance of propriety, he gathered her in his arms and kissed her deeply. “Seriously, Kate, thank you for being so very good at what you do here at work. And thank you for just being you and for loving me. I never knew I needed to make changes, until you came into my life and showed me what was missing in my life. All of that control I thought I needed so badly? Turns out I don’t need it as much as I thought, as long as you’re by my side.” He gathered up their things and held out his hand to her. “Come on, we’re skipping the gym tonight. Let’s go get a drink with the guys and then go home. I’ve got reservations for you in my bed.” He waggled his eyebrows at her and pulled her close as she giggled at his antics.

  Chapter 21

  Decker’s cousins, Aly and Zoey, had offered to come over and help Katie get ready for the wedding. She didn’t really need help getting ready, but she figured it would be fun to have some girl time. She was sort of stuck when it came to the girls in Decker’s family; Abby and Megan were older than her and weren’t around much, Aly and Zoey were about five years younger than her. Katie liked the younger girls, and they seemed to like her. Having idle
chit-chat about random girl stuff was a nice break for her as they primped and prepped for Beckett’s big day.

  “I can’t believe I don’t have a date for this wedding, and I can’t believe you’re just going to hang out with my brother, Zoey!” Aly complained from the shower as she shaved her legs. The girls were practically the same age, but Aly acted much more like an 18 year-old than Zoey did. Katie got an old-soul vibe from Zoey, which made Aly and Zoey being best friends sort of ironic.

  “You could have asked any number of boys to come to the wedding, but you complained about each and every one of them, Aly. So, now you’re stuck dancing with cousins and uncles. As for me, Zach is my best friend aside from you; I want to spend my evening with him; I’ll have him ask you to dance a couple times.” Zoey looked at Katie, shrugged her shoulders, and rolled her eyes at the squealing emanating from beyond the shower curtain.

  “So, you and Decker, huh?” Zoey smiled at Katie’s blush. “You’re good for him. I’ve known him my whole life; being best friends with Zach means I’ve spent a lot of time with Decker. I really never thought he’d find someone who would break him out of his black and white existence.”

  “Thanks, Zoey. He’s good for me too.” Katie chewed the inside of her cheek, contemplating what she wanted to say. “So how did you end up being best friends with Zach when he’s so much older than you?” Katie immediately noticed the blush on Zoey’s cheeks and the dreamy look she got on her face when she spoke.

  “Everyone says he’s loved me since I was born. Aly was born just a little bit before me and he loved his sister, but when I was born they say he could always be found glued to my side. We grew up together, like all of the cousins, and we’ve just always clicked; we get each other. I’m lucky to have such a great group of cousins.”

  Katie didn’t miss the sad emphasis the girl put on the word cousin. Deciding now wasn’t the time to delve deeper, she let it go. “Yeah, all of you are really lucky to have such great family.”

  After the three girls were showered, shaved, and slathered, they worked on their hair and makeup. Katie had to admit that, even though she could do the prep all by herself, it was a lot of fun to have friends to do it with. With about 15 minutes to spare, they pulled on their dresses and shoes.

  “Damn, we look fine!” Aly spun around and laughed in front of the mirror.

  “Okay, we are going to take off so you and Decker can have your own little greeting time when he comes to pick you up. Zach is driving us from his and Aly’s house. Thanks for letting us spend time with you, Katie; it was fun.” As the younger girls headed out the door, Zoey spun around, “Oh! I don’t know if you know this or not, but Decker does NOT dance. Like, at all. So don’t be hurt if you ask and he refuses.”

  Katie smiled, “Yeah, he has already turned me down once and informed me that he doesn’t dance and never will. It’s okay, everyone has their faults, I love him anyway.” She waved at the girls as they left.

  Turning around, she almost ran into her grandma.

  “Oh! Grandma, you scared me! I didn’t know you were there!” Katie hugged the older woman and laughed.

  “So, what’s this I hear about you loving that boy?” Grandma squinted her eyes in Katie’s direction.

  “That boy’s name is Decker, you know that Grandma. And, yes, I do love him, very much. He’s a very good man; good to me, good to his family, and good in business. I couldn’t do much better when it comes to finding someone who fits me perfectly and loves me for me.” Katie looked pointedly at her grandmother, waiting for the woman to speak.

  “What happens when he leaves? Your father was good too, but he chose his work over his family. Where will that leave you when this boy leaves?” Grandma seemed to be challenging Katie.

  “Mother, don’t do this. Katie’s father left me, not her. It was a mutual agreement that he should leave; he wanted things in life that I didn’t have interest in. We were not well matched. Katie and Decker are much better suited; they want the same things. Now, stop meddling; go get ready for the wedding.” Katie’s mother gently maneuvered the older woman toward the bedroom.

  Before she left the room, her grandmother turned around, “Katie, I want you to be happy. But I know how boys are, they just want one thing and then they go looking for it elsewhere. Well, not my Stanley, he was as good as they come. But I didn’t give him what he wanted until we were good and married; that’s the problem these days, young girls giving it away. ‘Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?’” Grandma muttered as she left the room.

  Katie and her mother just looked at each other and laughed. “When did she become such a cynic!? I never knew she took it so hard when Daddy and you split up.” Katie still felt the sting of disappointment over her parents’ divorce, but she knew what her mother stated was the truth; they just weren’t well suited. She had a good relationship with her mother, she had a good relationship with her father; they just didn’t have a good relationship with each other.

  “Her age is really beginning to show lately. She seems to have gotten it in her head that Grandpa Stanley was the only good guy and all other guys are scum. She’s convinced that Decker just wants in your pants and then he’ll leave.” Her mother winked at her.

  “Mom! I can’t believe you just said that!” Katie blushed and thought about the last time she’d let Decker get in her pants.

  “Katie, you’re a grown woman, if you want to be in a relationship with Decker, you have every right to make that decision. You two really do seem to be good for each other; you balance each other out very well.” Leaning in to kiss her daughter’s cheek, her mom got up to leave, “I’m assuming you’ll be sleeping elsewhere this weekend?” She nodded knowingly when her daughter smiled and bobbed her head up and down slightly.

  The doorbell rang and Katie practically ran to open the door. Decker was one of the most gorgeous men she’d ever laid eyes on, but Decker dressed for his cousin’s wedding was enough to bring her to her knees.

  “Katherine Turner, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen on a normal day; today, though, you truly take my breath away.” He cupped his hand behind her head and pressed his forehead to hers as if to take a moment to catch his breath. When he pulled back slightly, his eyes glistened with tears.

  “Decker? What’s wrong?” Katie ran a hand along his cheek.

  Nuzzling his cheek into her hand, he shook his head. “Nothing’s wrong, Bug. Everything is right. Just right. Seeing you like this just really drove home to me how lucky I am to call you mine. Before you, it’s like I was living in a black and white world, then I met you and you brought color into my life.” Resting his head on hers again, he breathed her in deeply, “I love you so very much.”

  “Yeah, yeah, love-schlove. Do lines like that usually get you into the girls’ panties sooner?” Grandma’s voice echoed from behind Katie and Decker’s eyes met hers; both of them trying desperately to control their laughter, they turned to face the diminutive naysayer.

  “Good afternoon, Grandma; you look lovely today.” Decker leaned in to kiss the old lady’s cheek.

  Blushing and doing her best not to cave under Decker’s charm, Grandma tsk-tsked. “Shame on you, declaring love to my granddaughter and then flirting with me. See, Katie, this boy isn’t good for you. Once he gets what he wants, he’ll move on to the next pair of panties he can find.” She turned to Decker and pointed two fingers at her eyes and then at him, “I’m watching you, boy.”

  Rolling her eyes, Katie leaned in to hug her grandma. “I love him and he loves me, Grandma. He’s a very good man. Stop giving him such a rough time.”

  As they walked out of the house, Katie groaned and Decker threw his head back in laughter when the old woman spoke loud enough for them to hear, “Yeah, well, anyone whose ass looks that good in a pair of trousers is trouble. Trust me.”

  Once they reached the car, Decker pulled Kate into his arms. “I think your grandmother just accosted my ass with her eyes.” She swatted a
t him, but he just laughed, “Don’t worry, I’m not really into cougars. Plus, I’ve got the most awesome girl in the world on my arm, no need to look elsewhere.”

  Decker held her door open for her. As he walked around to his side, his phone buzzed. Pulling it out, he stopped in his tracks to read the text.

  Have fun at the wedding. I sure hope The Center+ is safe while you’re off playing.

  Shoving the phone back in his pants, Decker decided he’d ignore the text threat and just enjoy his evening.

  “What’s wrong?” Katie, always intuitive and perceptive to everything, knew something had upset him when he looked at his phone. The set of his jaw told her that he was pissed.

  “Just the stupid unknown number taunting me. This is our night. Well, actually, it’s Beckett’s night, but he’ll be so busy with his wife and friends that he won’t have much time for us, so we’ll make it our own little party. No worries. Right?” Katie smiled knowingly as he tried to pretend he wasn’t bothered, but she knew he was furious that his business was being threatened again.

  “Why don’t we swing by The Center+ and take a look around, tell the patrol officer about the threat, ask them to keep an extra close eye out?” Her suggestion was for his benefit as well as her own; she knew she wouldn’t be able to relax and have a good time if she thought something was going on at the place she’d come to love as much as Decker did.

  “That’s a really good idea, Bug. See, not only do I keep you around for the mind-blowing sex, but you’re pretty handy in situations like this.” He laughed at her mock outrage, and they drove off to check things out before heading over to Beckett’s special day.


  “Don’t look now, but your Grandmother is watching us.” Decker nodded his head over Kate’s shoulder and waved at the older woman. “I hope we won’t be sitting in front of her during the wedding, she may bore a hole in my head with those steely eyes.”

  Katie smiled and held his hand as they walked to their seats for the ceremony. “Hush, she’s harmless. She’ll get to know you and find out how great you are and then she’ll move on to being cynical about something else.”


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