Liberty's Deception

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Liberty's Deception Page 7

by Lora Thomas

  The soothing timbre of his voice caused Anna’s fear to subside, and she nodded her head. She felt his hand slowly move away from her mouth. “What are you doing in my home?”

  Cameron gave her a puzzled look. “Your home? No one has lived here in years.”

  “That is because I have…been away. But, yes, this is my home. Now answer me.”

  “Been away to where?” he asked. He watched as she opened and closed her mouth several times, unsure of how to answer. “Who are you?”

  “Who are you?” she returned.

  The corner of his mouth twitched with humor at her sassy rebuttal. “Ladies first.”

  She pressed her lips together tightly refusing to answer.

  “You must be someone of importance; otherwise you would not have three guards. So I will ask again, who are you?”

  “Why should I tell you? Do you plan on holding me for ransom?”

  “I have no desire for Redcoat money,” he said with disgust. “But if this is your home and you are being escorted by Redcoats, then I assume you are my enemy.”

  “You’re a soldier?” she asked as her brows shot upward.

  “No. But the British certainly are not my friends.”

  “Very well.” He was a colonial sympathizer. Despite the love the two shared, could she trust him? As she gazed upon the resolute expression on his face, a notion entered her. “I will tell you who I am if you release me.”

  He nodded his head and loosened his grip on her dainty wrists. Once free from his grip she rubbed her wrists and walked to the center of the room. She turned to face him. As she took in the rest of his appearance, her heart skipped a beat. He was tall with broad shoulders and a slim waist. His clothing was of high quality. His garments were dirty and unkempt, but it only gave him a manly appearance—almost rustic. Someone she would love to dream about.

  “I am Anna Stevenson.”

  Alarm entered Cameron. “Stevenson? Any relation to Major Stevenson?”

  “Yes.” She nervously licked her lips, looked downward, and whispered, “He is my husband.” As the words left her mouth, she closed her eyes.

  Cameron stared at the beautiful woman in front of him as though she had just admitted that she was married to Satan himself. How in the hell did Stevenson manage to acquire such a breathtaking woman? Chris forgot to mention Mrs. Stevenson’s attractive appearance. Being the straightforward person that he was, Cameron asked, “Why in the hell did you marry that bastard?”

  Her eyes locked on his. “Women do not have choices about their lives or who they marry,” she snapped. “We are auctioned off to the person with the most influence, like brood mares. So do not stand there and question my personage, for should you have a daughter of your own, you would do the same.”

  “Brood mares?” he questioned with humor.

  “Out of all that, that is what you focused on?” she questioned with disbelief.

  “Well, it is apparent from your tone that you do not care for your husband.”

  “I am not discussing this with you, a total stranger. Now, please leave my home before my guards find you.”

  “Are you planning on turning me over to them?”

  “For what reason? It is not against the law to enter an abandoned home during war. Are you a spy or something along that nature? Is that your worry?”

  Before Cameron could respond one of her guards yelled, “Mrs. Stevenson? Are you up here?” Gibson’s footsteps could be heard as he climbed the stairs.

  Anna’s eyes grew wide with fear. “You must hide,” she whispered as she raced to the door and closed it.


  “If they report to my husband that I was in here alone with another man, he will kill me.” She raced over to the wall by the chimney and pressed in on a discolored brick. There was a soft pop and then a swirl of dust as the wall moved. “This is a passage that leads to the downstairs sitting room. Stay hidden in here until we depart.”

  “Why are you helping me?”

  She ignored the question. “Do not come out until we are gone.”


  “Please,” she beseeched with desperation. “He will kill me and my guards will take you prisoner. You must hide.”

  “Only if you tell me why you are so fearful of your husband.”

  “That is none of your concern, sir.”

  Cameron leaned back against the wall.

  “Mrs. Stevenson,” Gibson could be heard yelling again.

  Anna looked desperately towards the door, then to the man. “He is not overly kind to me. Now, please.”

  For some unknown reason a cold rage entered Cameron. He clenched his jaw as he stood and walked to the secret opening. He stopped just before her.

  “What has he done to you for you to be so fearful?”

  “Really?” she asked with aggravation. “Now is not a time for you to be chivalrous for you do not know me. Now go before my guards come.”

  “Mrs. Stevenson,” Gibson yelled again. He could be heard opening the door to the room next door.

  “Has he beaten you?” Cameron insisted again.

  “You, sir, have overstepped your bounds. As I have said numerous times, you do not know me. We will never meet again. Why is it so important for you to see the humiliation I must endure?”

  His gaze was unyielding. “Call it a morbid curiosity.”

  Gibson yelled her name again as he exited the room next door. The man in front of her refused to budge. If she was caught with him, Albert would not believe nothing happened—especially since she did not alert her guards.

  “Please get in,” she begged frantically, as she pushed him backward.

  The fear in her eyes enraged Cameron. He allowed her dainty form to push him into the passageway but stopped in the doorway to the passage refusing to move further.

  “Come with me,” Cameron replied. The instant the request left his lips, he questioned his actions. Why had he asked her that? He didn’t know her, but for some strange reason, he felt compelled to help her.

  The door to the room could be heard opening. It screeched in protest as it slid against the warped flooring. Anna’s eyes grew wide as she looked back to the handsome man. She needed to daze him. In an instant, she grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulled him down to her and kissed him. His lips felt so warm and caring and she fought the desire to continue the encounter.

  “Mrs. Stevenson,” Gibson could be heard saying again.

  Anna pulled away from the intimate encounter and shoved the man into the hidden passageway. He watched as she pushed the hidden door closed, blocking all light from view. He placed his hand on the door, resisting the urge to open it—to rescue her. The thought startled him. Why should he care what happened to that bastard’s wife? She was a traitor. She chose England over her own place of birth. But if she was a faithful wife, then why had she kissed him? He could hear voices and pressed his ear to the wall to listen.

  “Mrs. Stevenson,” Gibson said with relief. “Why did you not answer me when I called for you?”

  “I was lost in the past. Nostalgia called and I could not let go, Mr. Gibson,” Anna nervously replied as she turned away from the wall to face Gibson.

  “I do not see what would be so nostalgic about this Godforsaken country.”

  Anna tilted her head to the right as she spoke. “Mr. Gibson. This is my home. I love it and the people here.”

  “They are colonial pests who must be taught proper respect for their king and country.”

  “And they would have gladly given their respect if King George hadn’t made it impossible for the hardworking men in this land to support their families.”

  “Mrs. Stevenson, do not make me have to report your thoughts to your husband,” Cameron heard the soldier say as he held in the desire to rush to her aid.

  “There is no need,” Cameron heard her speak. He halted. “I spoke out of turn. I guess just being around the place of my mother’s death has made me somewhat bitter towards eve

  “Very well. Let’s be off. Mr. Benson has returned and would like to get you home before dusk.”

  She gave Gibson a tight-lipped smile. “Then by all means.” Anna looked back to the passageway again. She turned and followed Mr. Gibson from the room.

  Cameron could hear the click of her shoes grow farther away. He exited from the hidden passage and walked to the window. Pressing himself against the window frame, he peered out at the group. He watched as the beautiful Mrs. Stevenson led her mare to a stump and climbed onto the saddle. She adjusted the peach gown over her legs and looked towards the window. She gave a discreet nod and spurred her mare to a run back down the lane she had arrived from. The guards rushed to their steeds and gave chase after the departing woman they were to be protecting. Before long, the group was out of Cameron’s sight, leaving him wondering how he was going to meet the lovely Mrs. Stevenson again.

  Chapter Seven

  Anna and her guards rode through the streets of Wilmington towards the three-story home in which she was currently residing. As they came to an intersection, a group of soldiers passed in front of them. Anna fixed her gaze on the weary men. They looked like they had been to hell and back. They were covered in dried blood, mud and soiled bandages. Some were missing limbs. Many hobbled down the street with the assistance of their comrades. A soldier looked up at her and gave her a blank stare. He looked as though his soul had been stripped from him, leaving only a shell of his former self. His eyes lacked life and his flesh was as translucent as an apparition.

  “Anna, what are you doing here?” she heard her husband ask.

  She tore her gaze away from the man. Time to turn into the obedient wife. “I was just out for a ride.”

  “You should not be riding in your condition,” he scolded her.

  She lowered her gaze. “I know I should have taken a buggy but there were not any to be found.”

  “Mr. Benson,” Stevenson said. “Where did my wife go?”

  “We rode to her family estate, sir.”

  At that instant Anna wished the ground would just open up and swallow her. She could sense her husband’s fury and a cold chill ran down her spine. Her chin quivered with fear.

  “Did you now?” Albert replied in a cold, sinister voice.

  “Yes, sir,” the young soldier replied.

  “You had orders to not leave the city.”

  Benson twisted in his saddle. “You instructed us to not leave your wife’s side. I do not recall—”

  “That is your mistake if you cannot recall your direct orders!”

  “Husband, please,” Anna interrupted. She knew that if Benson was taken from her group of guards, then she would not be able to return to her family home. Benson had a soft spot. She would not be as lucky with the next group leader.

  “Do not interrupt me, Wife. Now return home. I will deal with your disobedience when I return.”

  “Yes, Husband.”

  “Corporal Henderson! Please escort my wife to our home and make certain she does not get lost.”

  “Yes, Major,” the strait-laced corporal acknowledged. “This way, Mrs. Stevenson.”

  Anna nudged her horse to a walk behind the corporal. She turned her head slightly and noticed the corporal’s men following them. With each click of the horse’s hooves on the cobblestone streets, her nerves became more on edge. She adjusted the reins in her grip and watched her gloved hands tremble with fear. Her mouth had become as dry as sand, causing her lips to stick together.

  Once at her home, one of the corporal’s men assisted her to the ground. The second her feet touched the cobblestone street, she was surrounded by soldiers—boxed in, like a prisoner on the way to execution. In her mind, execution would be a blessing. It would get her out of this current hell. Once in the house she walked to the stairs. Placing her hand on the rail, she closed her eyes.

  “Please inform my husband that I will await for his return in my chambers.”

  “Yes, Mrs. Stevenson,” Corporal Henderson answered.

  With each step Anna took, she prayed for a miracle. She prayed for the home to catch on fire. She prayed for a sudden thunderstorm. She prayed for a chimney to topple and crush her husband to death. She prayed for a miracle. Once at the second-story landing, she called for Sarah to join her in her room.

  As Anna entered her chambers, Sarah entered behind her and closed the door.

  The candid servant could sense something was amiss and questioned in a whisper, “What’s wrong, Anna?”

  Anna turned to her only friend. “I’m pleased to see you are keeping your articulation in an English tone.”

  “Ye are nae ans—I mean, you are not answering my question.”

  Anna’s lip twitched. “Everything.”

  “Well, that’s not helpful in any fashion. Please elaborate.”

  “I went to my home and found that it was intact.”

  “That’s good news, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. But…,” her words stopped.

  “But what?”

  “I met the most handsome man there,” Anna confessed as she sat down on her bed and clasped her hands together in her lap.

  “What?” Sarah croaked with disbelief.

  “He was hiding in my old bedroom. He was so handsome, Sarah. He had a very authoritative presence; however, there was a kindness to his eyes. When he touched my flesh, I had the strangest sensations course through my body.”

  Sarah held both her hands up. “Hold everything. What dae ye mean ‘when he touched yer flesh’?”

  “Accent,” Anna reminded. Sarah shot her a heated look and she continued, “He thought I was going to report him to my guards and covered my mouth with his hand and captured my wrists in his other.”

  “Oh, by all means, that sounds just like a wonderful man,” Sarah replied with sarcasm. “Sae where is this wonderful man now? Did yer guards find him and kill him?”

  “No. I helped him escape.”

  “Escape? Was he wanted?”

  “I don’t know. But he was hiding. I believe he was a colonial soldier on leave, but I’m not quite certain. He looked oddly familiar, though.”


  “Accent,” Anna reminded.

  Sarah took a frustrated breath as she glared at her friend. “So a very handsome, familiar looking gentleman held you hostage for a brief period?”

  “Yes and no. He did not hold me prisoner. He just wanted to make sure I did not let his location be known.”

  “How did you manage to meet this mystery man with your watch dogs?” Sarah asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I sent them on errands. I sent Benson after apples—”

  “Apples aren’t in season.”

  “I know that,” Anna replied with a twinkle to her eyes. “But he apparently did not. Anyway, I had Gibson and Theo picking strawberries.”


  “Yes, and there will be an entire bucket waiting for you in the kitchen. So you had better make some jam out of them, or I will be in more trouble than I already am.”

  “You’re confusing me,” Sarah said as she drew her brows together.

  “I told Theo and Gibson that I had a craving for strawberry jam and had them pick the berries so I could explore my old home without my shadows. When we returned to the city, we ran into my husband. That big mouth Benson told Albert where we had been.”

  “Oh, no,” Sarah whispered as she sank onto the bed beside Anna.

  “Yes. So I was escorted home by that priggish Henderson and am now awaiting my husband’s return.”

  Anna stood and walked over to the window. She watched as a squirrel jumped from branch to branch in the large maple tree behind the home—envying its freedom. Envying its carefree ways. As she watched the animal, a movement captured her attention and she noticed her husband’s return along with three other officers.

  “What are we to do?” Sarah asked.

  “Nothing. The beating he will give me wou
ld be enough to cause a miscarriage.” She turned to face her friend. “And once he finds out I am still a virgin, then the next one will kill me.”

  “No. I’ll figure out something—”

  Anna held up her hand stopping Sarah. “I will eventually have to have sex with my husband. I might as well prepare myself now.”

  Before Sarah could reply voices could be heard—close. Both women looked at each other with baffled expressions.

  “Where is that coming from?” Sarah asked as she crossed the room.

  “Shhh,” Anna said. She tilted her head and walked silently around the room. When she was beside the chimney that was for the downstairs fireplace smoke, her eyes grew wide. She motioned frantically with her hand for Sarah to join her. Anna pointed to the small metal door that was used to remove the creosote. Earlier, the chimney sweeps stopped by to clean the fireplace. A piece of the flammable material had become entrapped in the chimney. The object would not break up from the roof so the chimney sweep had to enter the home to dislodge the large black object. The man had used the door to reach the creosote and had apparently left the it open when he was finished. The voices from the open metal door carried to them as though they were in the same room as the officers. Every word was heard plain as day. The women listened for several minutes. The men were discussing the prior skirmish. Their conversation turned to an upcoming planned battle. Anna and Sarah listened intently to the plans being made. The conversation then turned to which mistress the men were going to see. Anna closed the small metal door and walked to the center of the room.

  She spun towards Sarah. Anna’s eyes opened wide as an idea sprang into her mind. “Do you know what this means?”

  “That Captain Moore is planning on visiting his lady friend?” Sarah asked as she looked at Anna as though she had lost her mind. “And I pity that poor woman for he is as large as a house and will suffocate her.”

  “We know what is planned for the next skirmish. We must tell someone.”

  “But the officers will tell their men on the battlefield.”

  “No, Sarah,” Anna replied, frustrated at her friend’s comment. “We must tell the colonial army.”


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