Liberty's Deception

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Liberty's Deception Page 9

by Lora Thomas

  “No. I was looking for the blacksmith.”

  “He’s not here right now. Is there something I can help you with?”

  “Who are you?” Sarah asked with suspicion as she pulled her satchel to her chest.

  “I’m his brother, Austin Mercer.”

  Sarah smiled at the young man who was no older than she. “Mr. Mercer, I have some business I need to discuss with your brother. Can you tell me where he is this evening?”

  “He’s at The Dragon’s Lair.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Mercer,” Sarah replied. She walked past the young man. He stopped her by grabbing her upper arm.

  “The Dragon’s Lair is no place for a lady.”

  Sarah turned her head sassily at the man. “This is not up for discussion. It is pertinent that I speak with your brother.”

  Austin looked at the determined woman before him. He shook his head. “This way.”

  “You’re taking me there?”

  “It’s not safe for an unescorted woman to wander these streets alone. I will take you to the tavern. But I will warn you, The Dragon’s Lair is a rough establishment. Don’t be surprised if you are…well…” he rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to come up with a delicate way to say propositioned.

  “Propositioned for sex? Asked if I am a new whore?” she filled in for him. His expression was one of surprise. “I am not unfamiliar with what transpires in taverns, Mr. Mercer. I am a grown woman and can handle myself. Now if you please.”

  The sides of Austin’s mouth came up in a warm smile. “You’re a feisty one, aren’t ya, miss.”

  “Ye hae no idea.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she mentally chastised herself. She must remember her accent. This was a dangerous game she was about to play and she needed to draw as little attention to herself as possible. An outspoken Scottish woman would definitely draw attention to herself.

  “This way then,” Austin replied as he began walking down the street.

  Several minutes later Austin and Sarah arrived at the front of the establishment. Sarah’s eyes were drawn to the image of the black dragon painted on the door. The dragon was holding a headless man. It appeared that the man’s head was in the dragon’s mouth. Sarah made a small startled noise as she noticed that the man was wearing a red jacket with white breeches resembling a British soldier’s uniform. As she studied the sign more, she noticed the crown under the dragon’s foot. So was it eating the king or had it just finished eating him and now feasted upon a British Regular? She wasn’t certain of the answer, but one thing was clear —the owner of the tavern was no supporter of the king.

  When Austin opened the door, a small bell rang, alerting the patrons to new customers. Sarah followed Austin in the establishment. As they entered, he removed his hat, and she could make out the russet locks waving wildly about. Following the handsome young man to the bar, her eyes scanned the establishment. Her vision was slightly hindered by the smoky environment. Many of the patrons were rough-looking individuals, causing her a twinge of apprehension. A man looked in her direction. He was missing his left eye and a large scar ran down the entire length of his left cheek. There was a very scantily clad barmaid straddling his lap. The doxy turned her head slightly and watched Sarah. The woman then diverted her gaze back to the man, and she took his hand and placed it on her exposed thigh.

  Austin’s call of, “Hey, Duke,” to the barkeep drew her attention back to him.

  Sarah watched the man called Duke. He was tall with a large barrel chest. His black eyes looked at Austin and then at her, causing her to tremble slightly with fear. She watched as the burly man sauntered towards them, his eyes never leaving her.

  “Whatcha want, Austin? Ya know yer not supposed to be in here.”

  “Now, Duke,” Austin spoke, “Just because I owe you a few shillings—”

  “More’n a few!” Duke interrupted as his eyes locked onto Austin. “Hell, I could buy another tavern if’n ya’d pay up.”

  “I am just escorting a friend here,” Austin replied as he nodded his head towards Sarah. “I do not plan on staying.”

  “A friend, huh?” Duke asked as his right brow shot upward. “Look, I don’t need na more whores.”

  “I am nae a whore,” Sarah defended in a thick Scottish brogue.

  “Well, this ain’t na place ta satisfy yer boredom either.”

  Sarah looked to Austin. “Ye kin take yer lea noo, Mr. Mercer. I kin handle this man.”

  Both of Duke’s brown brows shot upward.

  Austin laughed. “As you wish, ma lady.” The young man left.

  “Look, missie—”

  Remember yourself, Sarah, she warned herself. She took a deep calming breath. “Please, Duke, was it?” At his nod, she continued. “I am just looking for Austin’s brother.”

  Duke looked her up and down. She nervously pulled her brown cloak tighter around her. “What happened to your brogue?” Before she could respond, he held up his hand stopping her reply. “Never mind. How ya talk is yer own affairs. Now, what’s yer business with Joseph?”

  She nervously licked her lips. “I have some important information for him.”

  The burly barkeep pressed his lips together. “Ya one of his women?”

  “Yes.” She wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing, but surely the answer would expedite her getting to the blacksmith.

  Duke gestured his head to the back room.

  Sarah gave him a timid smile. “Thank you.” She headed towards the room in question, her eyes observing the patrons in the room. Her spine tingled with nervousness as she pulled her cloak tighter around her shoulders. A movement in front of her captured her attention. A feeling of relief invaded her as she spotted her blacksmith.

  “What are you doing here, Miss Back?” Joseph asked.

  “I need to speak with you,” Sarah answered.

  Joseph nodded his head. He took her arm. “This way,” he said as he walked her to the back room he had just exited.

  Sarah took in the occupants of the room. Her eyes were instantly drawn to the twin brothers. Both handsome black-haired devils they were. Their green eyes pierced her as they cautiously watched her. Surveying her. Trying to determine if she were friend or foe. She held her chin up proudly as she followed Joseph to the table with these men. Joseph motioned for her to have a seat and she did so reluctantly, placing her satchel beside her feet.

  Joseph sat down opposite her and motioned to her with his hand. “Now, what did you need to speak with me about?”

  Sarah’s eyes darted between Joseph and the two handsome devils. “In private,” she said.

  Joseph readjusted his position on the bench. “You may speak freely in front of my associates. I hide nothing from them.”

  Sarah swallowed nervously. Cameron could see her anxiety. “That’s all right, Joseph. Chris and I can wait by the doorway if she wishes to speak with you alone.”

  “Thank you,” Sarah responded. She watched the twins stand and then walk to the door of the room. The one who spoke leaned his back on the doorframe but kept his gaze fixed on her. She turned her attention back to the blacksmith. Her mouth twitched nervously as she looked at him. His brown eyes held her captive for a moment before she spoke.

  “I have some valuable information that I need to get to certain individuals.”

  Joseph looked at her strangely. “What individuals?”

  She swallowed nervously. “It’s about British troop movements.”

  Joseph repositioned himself on the bench again. He reached over and took the tankard that Cameron was drinking from and downed the drink. Rubbing his hand down his bearded face, he looked at her. “You are either the stupidest or bravest person I have ever met.”

  “Excuse me,” she huffed.

  “You have that type of information and tell me about it. I could be a spy for the British.”

  “Well, since ye are in this establishment willingly an nae hanging upside down from the rafters with numerous weaponry protru
ding from yer body, then a’m assuming ye ur nae a supporter o’ King George’s.”

  Her insight surprised him. But the way her Scottish tone increased with each word caused him to chuckle. “How did you come to that conclusion, lass?” He spoke the word lass with the same Scottish accent as she.

  His mimicking of her brogue reminded her to correct her tone. She angrily pressed her lips together before she continued in a subtler English articulation, “The sign above the door is the first giveaway. The next would be the unsavory sorts patronizing this place. Most were wearing a small golden button somewhere upon their person—even the barkeep. I assume that is a pass to be allowed to enter certain areas. But the main indication was the painting of King George hanging in the corner with several small daggers impaled in it.”

  “Very observant of you, Miss Back.”

  “Please call me Sarah.”

  He nodded his head. “Very well, Sarah. I do know of some people who would be interested in this information. But how do I know I can trust you?”

  “You will just have tae believe you can. My source is very reliable, considering I acquired it straight from Major Stevenson himself.”

  Joseph sat upright as if a hand had hold of the back of his breeches. Cameron caught the change in Joseph’s posture. He nudged Christopher with his foot. Chris turned towards Joseph. Joseph held his hand up to the brothers indicating for them not to approach. As he did so, he gave a slight twitch of his head—a signal to the brothers to prepare to pounce.


  “Never mind that. Can you get me an audience?”

  “Yes,” he said as he nodded his head.

  “Good. I will stop by yer shop tomorrow an’ ye can give me the details.”

  “Not that easy. You will come with me, now.” No sooner had the words left his mouth than she felt a sack being pulled over her head. She attempted to scream, but a hand covered her mouth. In an instant, her hands were tied and she was being carted out of the tavern over someone’s shoulders. With each step the man took, her body jarred, causing faint grunts to escape her. She stayed in her current position for several minutes. A door opened and she could feel the cool breeze touch her exposed calves. The click of boots on cobblestone reached her. She was tossed into a cart. She attempted to right herself, but someone pushed her back down. She could feel a blanket being pulled up over her body and then someone laid on top of her.

  “Lay still,” an unfamiliar voice whispered. “If you move or speak, it will be the end of us all.”

  The intensity of the voice urged her to comply. She felt the cart jerk forward. The rickety cart bounced over the cobblestone streets. With each rock they hit, it felt as if the man on top of her was going to crush her. The cart jostled and bounced for what seemed like eternity. Sarah wasn’t sure how far they traveled, but she believed they hit every rut in the road. As the horse slowed, she could hear people talking in the background. The salty smell of the ocean reached her. Suddenly, her body was hefted over another shoulder. She was carried another short distance and then her feet touched the ground. The sack was removed from her head. Rapidly blinking, her eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room. There were three people in the building, their faces shrouded by shadows.

  “Where am I?” she asked.

  “We are sorry for the way you were transported to us, but it is for our safety.”

  “Who are you?”

  “You may call me…Rooster,” Chris replied in a faked deep voice.

  Cameron looked at his brother and mouthed “rooster?” Chris shrugged his shoulders.

  “Rooster?” Sarah mocked. “An’ is yer cohort Cock?”

  “Your mockery is not appreciated. Joseph said you had some information.”


  “What is it?”

  “How dae I ken the second I tell ye that ye dae nae kill me? Or turn me over tae the British?” Sarah asked.

  “No harm will come to you, I promise.”

  “A promise from a man who kidnapped me ‘n calls himself a chicken.”

  “You have my word, which is all I can give.”

  “Vera well.” Sarah took a deep breath. What choice did she have? If she told them, they could kill her. If she didn’t, they could kill her…couldn’t they? She squinted in an attempt to view her captors but to no avail. “Major Stevenson plans on sending three men into Colonel Polk’s encampment.”

  “What for?” Chris asked.

  “Tae assassinate the colonel.”

  The men in the room tensed. “How?” Christopher asked.

  Sarah swallowed nervously. “He is going tae hae them dress in colonial uniforms. They’re tae say that their unit was ambushed ‘n all were either killed or captured. Once inside the camp, one will create a distraction while the other two kill Polk.”

  “When?” Joseph asked.

  “Two days time. The soldiers hae already been dispatched.”

  Christopher looked to Cameron. No words had to be spoken. Cameron bolted out of the door to alert Polk of the plan.

  Chris looked back at Sarah. “Thank you for your information.”

  “Sae will ye release me now?”

  “No. You will be kept here. Mr. Mercer will guard you.”

  “What?! Ye promised ye would release me.”

  “No. I promised no harm would come to you.” Her fury was evident in her brown eyes at his statement. “Joseph will remain here with you for the time being. Once my friend has returned, you will be released unharmed and may continue about your business.”

  “Ye cannae dae this tae me! I need tae—”

  “This is for everyone’s safety. You will be treated well.” Christopher turned and walked through a door at the back of the room.

  Her eyes turned back to Joseph. He followed the other man but stopped at the door and locked it. He then walked to the door the other man left from and locked it as well with the same key. He placed the key in his breast pocket. Turning, he walked to Sarah and untied her wrists. The second her hands were free, she slapped him fiercely.

  “I trusted ye,” she hissed.

  Joseph rubbed his jaw. To be such a tiny little thing, she certainly packed a hard punch. “You still can. This is just a precaution. Once…,” he paused trying to remember the name Christopher used. “Rooster says it is safe to release you, I will. Now for the time being, would you like a pint?”

  “I would like tae leave.”

  The corner of Joseph’s mouth twitched with humor. “Would you like to play whist?”

  She just glared at him.

  Joseph cocked his head to the right. “Come now. You might as well make the best of the situation.” Joseph walked to a shelf and picked up a deck of cards. He sat down at the table beside her and shuffled the cards. He dealt both of them two hands. She just stared at him. He gestured to her hand of cards.

  “I will be glad to teach you how to play. Although it will be a little difficult since four players are needed.” She said nothing nor did she move. “You will get terribly bored just sitting here staring at me. I can assure you there are better things to be doing than looking at my ugly face.”

  The corner of her mouth twitched. “Fine,” she said as she picked up the cards. “But just as soon as Rooster returns I must leave. My friend is in danger and I need tae check on her.”

  “Would you like me to have someone check on her?”

  “No. If she is spotted speaking with a stranger, her husband would do terrible things tae her.”

  “It really is not—”

  “I said no. I will check on her once I am released.” And hopefully her husband hasn’t killed her by the time I am released, Sarah sadly thought.

  Chapter Nine

  Cameron left immediately. He rode hard all night to reach Polk’s encampment. Luckily, he arrived just as the three newcomers entered the camp. He revealed their plans and the men were taken prisoner. Fortunately, Polk was not at his camp. He had ridden to meet with one of his officers and would no
t return until the morning.

  Cameron arrived back home two days later. Using the darkness of night as his cover, he made his way back to The Dragon’s Lair and met up with Christopher. When Cameron informed his brother of the success of the mission, they slipped behind the bar and walked to the secret passage to take them to the basement. The old stairs creaked under their weight as the pair made their way to Sarah’s location. Once downstairs they made their way to another door and knocked. The door opened several minutes later. Cameron gave Joseph a curious look. Joseph’s red hair was tussled and his lips were parted as he breathed heavily. Cameron looked over his friend’s shoulder and noticed the feisty Miss Sarah readjusting her dress.

  “Did we interrupt something?” Cameron asked with humor in his tone.

  “Umm…no, not at all. Um, we were just…sleeping.”

  “Uh-huh,” Chris replied as he pushed his way into the room. The brothers kept to the shadows as they entered. “It seems the information Miss Sarah gave us was true. Please blindfold her and take her back home.”

  “You see. I was not lying to you,” Sarah said as she stood.

  “We thank you for the information. Your identity will be kept safe and should you have any more valuable information, please locate Joseph.”

  The brothers turned to leave. Joseph grabbed Cameron’s arm and turned him around. “I think she can be trusted. Is there really a need to blindfold her?”

  Cameron raised a dark brow at Joseph. “Yes. Just because she gave us good intel this time and you had a good romp does not mean she is not a British spy.”

  “I am nae a good romp!” Sarah interjected, crossing the room to the group.

  “Stay where you’re at,” Cameron ordered.

  “Like bloody hell I will,” Sarah protested, her Scottish accent becoming more prominent with her anger.

  “What happened to your accent? It’s now Scottish?” Cameron questioned with caution.

  “My mother was Scottish. I hae lived in England the majority o’ mah life, under the thumb o’ snobbish sassenach nobility.”


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