Liberty's Deception

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Liberty's Deception Page 12

by Lora Thomas

  “I’ll walk you to the corner of the street where your home is located.”

  She nodded her head. The pair left the tavern and traveled the back alleyways to Anna’s house. As they walked, Cameron let his curiosity take over.

  “If you do not love your husband, then why did you marry him?” The darkness hid her shock at his question. Her silence made him continue. “I’m sorry. I spoke out of turn.”

  “No, that’s quite all right. My father utilized me to prove his allegiance to King George. I was paired with the major to prove his loyalty to king and country. I am the major’s porcelain doll to make his peers jealous and to bear him children.”

  The thought of Stevenson in bed with this beautiful woman angered Cameron. She should be in his bed, not Stevenson’s. His thoughts disturbed him.

  “I’m sorry,” he said again.

  She gave him a pained smile. “It’s a woman’s station in life. We are to be seen and not heard. To be a pretty face on our husband’s arm to make his colleagues jealous. As I told you at our first meeting, we are brood mares auctioned off to the man who can increase our family’s station the most. It is most unfair but something that I have come to accept.”

  Cameron touched her arm and stopped walking. As she turned to face him, he spoke, “It doesn’t have to be that way.”

  “If only all men thought that way,” she responded.

  He watched the pain cross her face. He fought the desire to pull her into his arms. The harder he fought, the more his body rejected. His body overruled his mind and pulled her to him in a tender embrace.

  She did not fight his embrace. The tender way he held her caused her heart to melt. She closed her eyes and took in his presence—his scent, the feel of his body pressed to hers. She had dreamed of him holding her like this since she first saw him—before she knew him. And now here he was, allowing her to live out her fantasy.

  He pulled back from the embrace and tenderly stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers. In the next instant, his lips found hers. She did not fight the kiss but accepted it like it was a precious gift and returned his affection. The feel of his lips on hers created a stirring sensation deep within her body. She could feel her blood course through her veins, spreading warmth all over her body.

  Cameron was shocked by his body’s reaction to this woman. She dulled his mind and made him forget they were standing in a dirty alleyway. Her sweet taste invaded every sense he possessed. He wanted her. He wanted her body to the point that he could take her right here in the alley. The realization of what was transpiring hit him with the force of a raging bull. He pulled back and looked down at Anna. She still had her eyes closed, but he knew they had darkened with passion. He could hear her rapid breathing and knew she was experiencing the same feelings.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that,” Cameron admitted.

  Anna opened her mouth to speak but no words would form.

  “Your home is the next block down. I will watch you from here to make certain you arrive safely.”

  She nodded her head and looked up at him. He is so handsome, she thought. She turned from him and walked down the sidewalk to her home, wondering how she was going to keep up the façade of a faithful wife when in the presence of such a wickedly handsome, desirable man. Sarah’s words entered her mind. “You can take a lover.” She stopped and turned to look back at the alleyway. Cameron was hidden in the shadows, unseen, but she could feel his eyes on her. Yes, she could take a lover. And his name was going to be Cameron.

  Chapter Eleven

  Anna decided a walk in the small park beside her home would be wonderful. Albert had returned late last evening and this would give her an excuse to get out of this horrible home she shared with her husband as well as an opportunity to look for Cameron. It had been four days since she had seen him and she could not wait to see him again. His taste, his scent, the feel of his arms holding her close—she craved to have that again. She crept down the steps and peered around the corner. No one was in sight. She grabbed her cloak and slipped out the front door. Elation filled her soul. She felt like she was walking on clouds. Her joy left just as quickly when she heard the door open behind her. She turned to find one of her guards, Gibson, following her. Her cheeks flared outward as she made an unladylike sound. So much for finding Cameron. But on the positive side at least it was Gibson following her and not Walters.

  “Where are you going, Mrs. Stevenson?” Gibson questioned as he approached her.

  “For a walk. Would you care to join me?” she asked as a tight-lipped smile crossed her face.

  “You know you cannot leave this house without an escort.”

  Anna flicked her wrist in a dismissive manner. “I swear, Mr. Gibson, I believe my husband would have you follow me to the outhouse if we had one.”

  “It is for your own safety, Mrs. Stevenson,” Gibson reminded her in a stern voice.

  She closed her eyes and clenched her jaw. She turned from him in a whirl of purple fabric and walked out the front gate. She kept the pace she had the other day, hoping Gibson would become as winded as Walters. Unfortunately, the younger man was in better shape. He had no issue keeping up with her hurried pace.

  As they entered the park, she noticed several of the mistresses scattered about on the few benches present. The officers’ wives and their children played in the open area near a large gazebo, opposite of the benches. Her eyes traveled to a gardener’s shed and watched as several robins landed on the roof. A loud honking noise captured her attention. Her eyes turned to the pond in the center of the park where numerous ducks were scattered about. Their heads would disappear from view as they bobbed for insects. A goose was on the bank preening its feathers. Another goose lowered its head, honked again, and hissed at a passing child, shooing the girl from her nest. She would have found her walk enjoyable if it wasn’t for Gibson. She could feel his breath on the back of her neck. She wanted nothing more than to turn and yell at him to go back home. But if she did, then she knew her daily outings would cease.

  She approached the lake and a figure caught her eye. She turned and saw Mr. Christopher—or whatever his name actually was—walking with Sarah. Happiness entered her. If Mr. Christopher was here, did that mean Cameron was nearby? She approached the couple.

  Cameron noticed Anna approaching and grew nervous. He looked to Sarah. Sarah smiled at him. “It’s all right. That is Mr. Gibson with her. He is easily manipulated. You distract him while I see what’s going on.”

  Cameron did not like this game. Christopher was summoned away for debriefing, leaving Cameron to use their identical images to play Chris’s role. Cameron did not like playing a prissy merchant. This was one of the few things he hated about being a twin in intelligence; when one was called away it was up to the other one to fill in.

  Cameron smiled at Sarah. She was unaware of the fact that Chris and he had switched places. He had to keep this in mind and keep his speech and demeanor as similar to his brother’s as possible.

  Cameron leaned to Sarah and whispered, “I have a better idea. You distract him.”

  “Honestly, how you ever got into espionage is beyond me. You, sir, are a coward.”

  Cameron chuckled. “No, I am overly cautious. Now, how do I explain your presence with me?”

  “Worry about that if she asks.”

  At that time Anna approached and smiled at both of them. “Good morning, Mr. Christopher.” She then held her chin up high and in a derogatory tone said, “Sarah.”

  Sarah gave Anna a puzzled look but said nothing.

  “Mrs. Stevenson,” Cameron began, trying to sound as close to Chris as possible. “So good to see you again. Your bonnet looks lovely.”

  Anna placed her hand to her head. “Do you think so? I was hoping it looked presentable.”

  Cameron cleared his throat and nudged Sarah with his elbow.

  “Huh? Oh!” Sarah said. “Mr. Gibson is that a new…,” she gave a doe-eyed look trying to think of

  “Sash,” Anna supplied.

  “Yes. Sash? I must say it…makes ye appear more…regal.” Her Scottish accent coming out slightly from her nervousness.

  “No,” Gibson replied drily, drawing his brow together with a frown, looking down at the dirty sash around his waist.

  “Well, something about ye is different,” Sarah replied as she approached the man. She walked behind him, placed her hands on his biceps and turned him to face her as she distracted the sentry. “My, what large muscles ye have. Being a soldier must be very physically trying.”

  Gibson puffed his chest out with pride. “Why, yes, it is, Miss Back.”

  Anna tuned out Gibson and turned her gaze back to Mr. Christopher. He had a different feel about him. There was a more controlling presence. His stance was more controlled, almost like a trained soldier. She could sense him watching his surroundings, taking in every aspect, every person around. She furrowed her brow causing a deep crease to appear between her eyes as she studied him. He gave her a smile and that’s when she noticed it…the dimple.

  “Cameron,” she whispered in disbelief.

  Cameron kept up the ruse. “Who?”

  Anna peered towards Sarah and noticed her former maid had pulled Gibson quite a distance away.

  “Don’t play coy with me. I know you are not Mr. Christopher.”

  The corner of Cameron’s mouth twitched. “How did you figure it out?”

  “First, you mimic your brother horribly. I swear you sound like your knickers are on too tight.”

  He interrupted her with a deep chuckle.

  “It’s not that funny, Cameron. Besides, your voice is somewhat deeper than your brother’s. I suggest you suck on something sour before you talk to see if that would raise your tone an octave or two.”

  “You have a unique perspective on things, don’t you?” Cameron questioned as his eyes turned towards Sarah.

  Anna gave Cameron a hard look. “No. But just be thankful it’s me you’re speaking with and not my husband. If so, he would possibly see through your disguise and put your entire mission in danger.”

  A disgruntled snort escaped Cameron. “Stevenson’s only interest is finding a willing wench to bed bef—” He abruptly ended his sentence as he looked at Anna.

  “That’s quite all right. I know my husband is not faithful to me. In truth, I hope his infidelity causes him to catch something horrible from those women he likes to visit—something that will cause his painful and timely demise.” Her face turned downward with anger.

  The corner of Cameron’s mouth twitched with humor. “Would you care to go for a stroll, Mrs. Stevenson?” He extended his arm out to her.

  Anna looked at the offered appendage and chewed on her lower lip. She glanced back the distracted Gibson. Should she dare? If she were caught, her husband would beat her, but she so desperately wanted to spend more time with this handsome spy.

  “Mr. Gibson,” she called to her guard.

  The sentry turned to her. “Yes, Mrs. Stevenson?”

  “Mr. Christopher and I need to discuss a matter. I find myself growing bored standing here. He has offered to escort me around the park to discuss this matter as well as introduce me to the officers’ wives.”

  “I must object—”

  Anna held her hand up silencing Gibson. “I swear, Mr. Gibson, you are more protective of me than that goose is of her eggs,” she said as she pointed to the animal in question. Gibson looked to the pond and noticed the goose chasing away a duck.

  Before Gibson could respond, Cameron interjected, trying to make his voice sound as whispery as Christopher’s when in disguise. “Mr. Gibson, I can assure you Mrs. Stevenson will be quite protected under my care. This is a quaint little park. We will be within your sight the entire time. But, of course, feel free to come with us.” At his invitation, Anna’s mouth dropped open slightly. Cameron looked to her and winked. “However, I find it hard to believe you have any interest in stockings, shifts, and shoes.”

  Gibson looked between Cameron and Sarah, his mouth working as he contemplated what was told to him. His eyes grew wide as an idea sprang into his head. “I will follow several feet behind.”

  Before Anna and Cameron could reply, Sarah jumped in. “Splendid! I will walk with ye Mr. Gibson. I have always dreamed of being escorted through the park by a handsome soldier. Ye have just made my day!”

  Cameron’s eyes had a mischievous sparkle to them at Sarah’s unexpected invitation. One thing this mahogany-haired woman could do was talk. She would distract Gibson and keep him from hearing his conversation with Anna. Although he was looking forward to being out of sight from the guard—maybe a stolen kiss.

  Anna placed her hand on the sleeve of the mauve coat Cameron was wearing. The corner of her mouth twitched with humor. Seeing this robust man wearing such a feminine color was humorous. His entire ensemble reeked of femininity. His coat and knee breeches were both mauve. The cream colored vest he was wearing was adorned with dainty embroidered pink and blue flowers scattered about the front. His stockings matched his vest. His shoes were a hideous maroon color with large gold buckles. He was wearing a blondish colored wig. The ringlets looked strange around his chiseled jaw. And the piece de la resistance was that each finger was embellished with a gold ring, some with large, gaudy colored stones.

  “Is something amiss, Mrs. Stevenson?” Cameron asked as he noticed Anna’s humor.

  “No,” she squeaked, trying to control the giggle in her throat. “I was just admiring your attire.”

  Cameron looked down and gave a flourished bow. “It is all the rage in London.”

  “Oh, I’m fully aware.” A humorous smirk crossed her face.

  Cameron extended his arm to her again. She placed her gloved hand on it. “Shall we, Mrs. Stevenson?”

  “Yes, by all means.” Anna glanced over her shoulder and noticed that Sarah had latched on to Gibson’s arm. Her Scottish friend was babbling loudly. How Anna missed Sarah.

  Sarah’s mother was Scottish and her family was part of the Jacobite Rising, coined “the forty-five” by locals, in 1745. Sarah’s grandfather, Ian, was a supporter of Charles Edward Stuart. Bonnie Prince Charlie—or “The Young Pretender” as he was called—wanted to become the rightful ruler of Scotland again by overthrowing King George II of England. Ian joined the cause before he and Sarah’s grandmother, Mary, were to be wed. The Bonnie Prince was nearly successfully in his mission. He was supported by many highland clans—including the one Sarah’s grandfather was part of—the McTavish. Ian was killed during the final battle at Culloden and The Young Pretender fled to France in defeat. After Ian’s death, Mary, was distraught and desperate. For not only did the love of her life die, but she was expecting his child. A pregnant unwed woman had only one option for survival…prostitution. Mary had no family to speak of. Ian’s family rejected her, so she fled Scotland to hide from the persecution of the title of being an unwed mother. At the border of Scotland and England she found a naïve farmer and quickly convinced him that she was in love with him. They married. Soon afterwards she informed him she was expecting a child and passed Sarah’s mother, Claire, off as his child. The farmer died when Claire was three and the two left the outskirts of England and traveled to London. Mary was then graced with the title of widow and found respectable work as a maid. She managed to get Claire employment as a maid as well.

  Claire soon found herself in the same situation as Mary, a single unwed mother. Sarah’s father, John, was a sailor and was looking for a good tumble. However, Claire was naïve and thought that John loved her. When Claire informed the man she was expecting, he rejected her, stating she was a whore—even though she had been a virgin when he bedded her. Claire confided in her mother. Mary arranged for Claire to marry a stable master by the name of Milton. Mary taught Claire how to conceal her loss of virginity. Milton was delighted when Claire informed him that she was expecting his child several weeks after they wed. Both were overjoyed when Sarah
was born.

  However, fate is cruel and deception has its price. Claire and Milton could never conceive any children of their own, leaving Sarah to be an only child. When Sarah was twelve, Milton was killed when he was kicked in the head by a horse. Several years later Claire died. Mary could not handle the loss of her only child from her true love and died shortly after Claire, leaving Sarah alone at the age of sixteen. Sarah could not continue working for the same employer as her mother and grandmother. She hated the couple. The only reason she stayed was because of her family. She left and several years later found employment with Anna.

  “Sarah is quite the talker,” Cameron spoke, bringing Anna’s thoughts back to the present.

  “That she is. Are they far enough behind us so we can talk?”

  Cameron glanced over his shoulder. “Yes. But even if they were right on our heels, I doubt Gibson would be able to hear a word of what we have to say.”

  Anna gave a small nod. “Liberty has more information.”

  “What has she discovered?”

  “There are maps locked in Albert’s desk. They lay out locations and movements of troops.”

  “Can you get them for us?” Cameron whispered.

  “No. I have tried to pick the locks, but I do not know how.”


  Anna nervously licked her lips. “Albert will be gone tomorrow morning. I will slip a tonic in my guard’s drink.”

  The idea she was proposing entered Cameron’s mind. “You want us to break into your home?”

  “No. I will wait for you at the servant’s entrance in the back of the home. I will take you to his study.”

  Cameron shook his head. “It’s too dangerous.”

  “What would you have me do, Cameron?”

  Cameron shook his head. “I will not put you in harm’s way?”

  “It is dangerous, I agree. But I believe in the cause too much to let a little thing like getting caught stop me.”


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