Liberty's Deception

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Liberty's Deception Page 18

by Lora Thomas

  “Major Stevenson!” Peggy yelled before Anna could reply. The servant rushed out the door. “Major!”

  Anna turned to Sarah. “Oh, no! What am I to do?”

  Sarah looked at the door, then the bed. “Quickly, get into bed and hold your belly. Moan a bit, too.”

  “Do you think that will work?” Just as the question left Anna’s lips, a look of horror crossed her face. “Oh, no. He’ll want to try to have another baby which means…,” She stopped and began to pant heavily with anxiety.

  Sarah rushed to Anna. “Worry about that later. But ye must make him think ye have miscarried. Now get into bed.”

  Anna nodded and climbed into bed. Her excitement for Cameron’s safety was forgotten as this new worry entered her. The worry for her life. Just as soon as she climbed into bed, Albert entered the room.

  “Anna,” he said with worry in his voice.

  The moan that came from Anna was not falsified, but it was not one of pain but of dread.

  Albert looked at Peggy. “Quickly, get the physician.”

  “Oh, Albert. Please don’t take the physician away from your men. They need him more than I,” she said. She knew if the doctor examined her, the falsification of her pregnancy would be revealed.

  His eyes focused onto Anna. “No. This is my child’s life that is in danger.” He looked back at Peggy. “What are you still doing here? I said to go get the physician—now!”

  Albert pulled a chair over to the bed and sat by Anna, taking her hand lovingly in his. He looked over at Sarah. “Your presence is not needed here.”

  “Albert, please,” Anna begged. “You might need her should the doctor be delayed. Allow her to stay.”

  The major clenched his jaw with anger. He did not like her outspokenness. Once this issue passed, he would correct her behavior, but right now his worry was his child. His only worry. He nodded his head but said no more.

  Shortly after Peggy’s departure, she returned with the physician. He ushered all occupants in the room out except for Peggy. The major waited in his study, overindulging in port. Sarah found an excuse to clean the hallway just outside the major’s study.

  She saw the doctor approach, and his expression caused her stomach to knot. He looked at her through slanted eyes with his mouth drawn tight and walked straight into the study.

  Albert was at his desk, a glass of port in hand. When he saw the doctor enter, he stood and crossed the room. “How is my child?”

  “I am afraid to inform you that your wife has duped you, sir. She was not pregnant.”

  The cold look the major gave the doctor made the room feel like it was filled with ice. “What?”

  “I’m sorry, sir. But your wife was never expecting.”

  “Are you certain?”

  “Yes. I was doubtful at first. She told a very convincing story. But after speaking with her servant, I concluded otherwise.”

  “What did Sarah say?” Albert asked, his voice rising.

  “Not Sarah but Peggy. She said that, prior to her becoming Mrs. Stevenson’s lady’s maid, she was responsible for washing your wife’s clothing and located several bloody clothes in the basket of soiled clothing. She put the articles off as belonging to another servant. She questioned the other household staff. All denied the articles belonged to them. Peggy said that the material was of high quality, too expensive for servants to be able to afford.”

  “Thank you, Doctor Ross. Your assistance in this matter will be duly noted. I would greatly appreciate secrecy in this.”

  “Yes, sir. Should anyone ask, I will convey the story of a miscarriage,” Doctor Ross turned and left the room. A feeling of pity entered him for the beautiful Mrs. Stevenson. The major was notorious for his heavy hand on soldiers in his regiment who were caught lying. He walked out the front door praying that the major’s famous brutality would not be made known to his wife.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The major climbed the steps to Anna’s room two at a time. His determined strides echoed down the hall and resembled a demon’s death moan. As he approached Anna’s room, the words the doctor spoke repeated in his head. Anna was not pregnant. No—Anna had never been pregnant. Why had she lied to him? Why?

  He calmly pushed open the door and took in his wife’s appearance. She was sitting in the chair by her window with her hands in her lap. She looked at him, and he could see the fear in her eyes as silent tears ran down her cheeks. He wanted to kill her with his bare hands. He wanted to watch as she struggled to take her last breath as his fingers tightened around her throat. But alas he could not. Her father was a shrewd man. Anna’s dowry was substantial; however, only half of it was granted on the wedding day. The other portion along with her lands would not be his until they safely returned to England. Patience, he told himself. Her muffled sob caused him to forget his patience.

  “You stupid bitch!” he yelled as he approached her.

  “Husband, please, I can—” Her explanation was interrupted by the back of his hand hitting her mouth. She cried out and instinctively covered her now throbbing lip.

  “Explain what?! How you lied to me?! Deceived me? Well, let me tell you something, Wife, I do not go easy on liars. Especially those under my rule.”

  “I am not one of your soldiers!” she retaliated as she defiantly stood.

  He roughly grabbed her by her upper arms and aggressively shook her. Her head shook violently back and forth like a rag doll. “No, you are not, but you are my wife, and I can do with you what I please.”

  She pulled back from his rough treatment, but it was futile. She was no match for his strength.

  “Let me go!” she demanded.

  He kept hold of her left arm and slapped her cheek with his free hand. Her fear took over, and she balled up her fist, striking Albert in the eye. He abruptly let her go, her retaliation taking him by surprise. She rushed around him towards the door only to feel her body being pulled backwards as he grabbed her hair.

  He grabbed her and pulled her in close to him. She struggled against his grip as he pressed her back to his chest and coldly seethed, “Why did you lie to me?”

  Before Anna could stop herself, she blurted out, “Your touch revolts me! I would just as soon be covered in leeches than to allow you to touch my flesh.”

  “Since you find my touch so appalling, then we will just have to rectify that matter.”

  “You will never take me!”

  “I will take my husbandly rights on you—eventually. But right now I will show you my full wrath. They do not call me The Enforcer for no reason.”

  She felt his cold hands on her gown and then panicked as she heard the material rip.

  “Get off me!” she yelled again, struggling against his attack.

  Turning her to face him, he yelled, “Shut up!” and struck her in the stomach, knocking the breath from her lungs. “I need a whip. You are like a rebellious steed. The only way to handle a headstrong animal is to beat it into submission. Their spirit leaves them when they realize who their true master is.”

  Albert’s words were lost to Anna as she attempted to gasp for air, but her lungs refused to work. Only a small amount of the much needed air would enter her body. She gasped and panted until she felt her lungs fill with air just in time for her to feel Albert’s hand knock her to the ground. She watched in horror as he pulled the belt from his breeches.

  Think! her mind screamed. “I thought you found me unarousing?” she whispered as she panted with fear, thinking that the removal of his belt meant he was taking his husbandly rights now.

  “I still do, you dunce woman. I have no desire to place my cock inside your body. But your flesh shall feel the sting of the leather of my belt.” He drew his arm back, holding the leather belt behind him and began to bring the thick black belt down towards Anna.

  Peggy was in the corner of the room, her back pressed against the wall by the wardrobe, out of view of the quarreling couple. Her fear caused the words the fighting couple shouted at eac
h other to be incomprehensible. She watched in horror as Major Stevenson beat his wife. She had no love for Mrs. Stevenson but no woman should be whipped. All the times she had heard them arguing, was this what was happening? If so, Mrs. Stevenson hid it well. She kept her poise and demeanor of being a happy wife, not an abused one. As she watched the major rip Mrs. Stevenson’s gown from her body, her eyes grew wide. She had to do something. No woman deserved this!

  “Major!” Peggy yelled.

  Albert was about to bring the belt down across Anna’s back when he heard his name. He turned to find Peggy. “Get out!” he ordered as he pointed to the door.

  Peggy just stared at him, her fear keeping her words trapped inside her.

  “Did you not hear me the first time? I said get out!”

  Anna saw her opportunity. As Albert was distracted talking to Peggy, she raised her foot and hit Albert’s manhood with all her might. His loud outcry of pain caused her ears to ring. He doubled over and grabbed hold of his groin and tumbled to the ground. Anna attempted to scurry out of his reach only to feel his hand wrap around her ankle. Fear enabling her, she kicked at his head with her free foot. She struck his nose, causing blood to pour. But that did not stop him. All it did was anger him further.

  She was going to die. He was going to kill her right here, right now. Her eyes locked with his. The satanic eyes held her as if sucking her soul and will away. The fury in those orbs made her unable to move as she waited for the beating. A look of astonishment crossed her face as she watched Peggy strike Albert across the head with a silver candlestick. Albert collapsed the rest of the way to the floor. His hand slipped from Anna’s ankle. Anna looked at Peggy.

  Peggy dropped the candleholder. She rushed to Anna and helped her stand. “We’ve got to get you out of here.”

  “I’m fine,” Anna said as she pulled the coverlet from her bed.

  “You can’t stay here! When he wakes—”

  “He will think he fell down the stairs in his drunken state,” Anna calmly interrupted.

  A confused look came to Peggy. “I don’t understand. Why do you want to stay with him?”

  Anna looked into Peggy’s eyes. She couldn’t tell her the reason. Spying would only get her hung. “He is my husband.”


  “I don’t expect you to understand. Now please retrieve Sarah for me. She has assisted me in the past in this matter.”

  “This is not the first time?”

  “No. Nor do I expect it to be the last. I cannot say that I am getting accustomed to it, but I know the routine. Albert only acts this way when he has been drinking. As long as you don’t tell him differently, he will think his injuries occurred otherwise.”

  “I won’t say a word, ma’am. If he found out I was the one to hit him, I fear he would do the same to me.”

  “You are correct. So you must keep this our little secret. Understand?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Good. Now please retrieve Sarah for me.”

  When Sarah arrived, Peggy was instructed to send the guards to the well to retrieve some water for Mrs. Stevenson. When the sentries were gone, the three women moved Albert downstairs to the sofa in his study.

  “Peggy, you stay here. Make sure you are here when he wakes and tell him what we discussed. He will believe you,” Anna ordered.

  Peggy nodded.

  Anna turned to Sarah. “I thank you for your assistance in the matter, Sarah. I would appreciate your silence on this issue. Please tell no one.”

  Sarah gave Anna a look that said, “Why can’t I tell Cameron?”

  “It has been a trying morning. Go home and rest. I will see you tomorrow.”

  “But, Mistress, what about your injuries?” Sarah asked.

  Anna gave her a weak smile. “They are nothing I am not accustomed to. Now be off. I am certain there is someone else you should be attending.”

  Sarah left. Anna gave Peggy a weak smile. “I think I shall go to my room for a while. Should you need me, please send for me.”

  Anna climbed the stairs as if her movements were hampered by iron shackles, each step more trying than the next. Her hands trembled on the banisters with such force that she thought the sturdy wooden structure would break. When she reached the safety of her room, she sat down on the bed. Holding her hands out in front of her, she watched them tremble. Never had she been beaten this badly. Never had she been so afraid. When she was certain her legs would hold her, she walked to her dressing table and addressed her injuries. Once the dried blood was cleared, she didn’t look as bad as she thought she would. She could see no visible injuries other than the small cut to her lip and the slightly red coloring of her cheeks—which appeared like rouge.

  About an hour later Peggy appeared. “The major is awake now.”

  “How is he faring?” Anna asked, not that she really cared, but she needed to keep up the pretense of being a caring wife.

  “His head aches, but otherwise he is fine.”

  “Did he ask?”

  “Yes. He has vowed to drink no more during the day. Apparently his head is hurting terribly.” A nervous smile came to the servant’s mouth.

  “He always does.” Anna glanced nervously at Peggy. “I want to thank you for—”

  “Stop right there. You do not need to thank me. No woman should be subjected to such harsh treatment. But do not expect me to aid you again.”

  The shock on Anna’s face was undeniable, making Peggy continue, “I do not care for you or the way you treat your husband—”

  “The way I treat my husband?!” Anna exclaimed in distress.

  “You did not have the right to deny him his husbandly privileges. He is entitled to an heir that you are required to give him.”

  “So why did you stop him?” The icy chill to Anna’s words caused a shiver to run down Peggy’s spine.

  “No woman should be raped.”

  “He wasn’t planning on raping me, you ninny. He was going to remove the flesh from my back. But when he decides to come to me, rape would be exactly what he would be doing! I will never consent willingly to my husband’s touch.”

  “I suggest you ready yourself for your husband’s touch when your flux is over. I will not interfere again.” At Anna’s appalled expression, she elaborated. “Don’t fight him. It is your duty to allow your husband to pleasure himself with your body until an heir is conceived.” A malicious sneer came to Peggy. “But, of course, you are terribly homely. It will be up to me to make him ready for you.”

  “Then by all means, you give him his bloody heir! His touch is revolting, and the thought of you two together makes me retch.”

  “You know that isn’t possible. But do not worry, he will be ready for you. It will be swift. Just lie there and don’t move.” Peggy turned her head sideways and needled. “Then again, I may need to join the two of you, to keep him aroused.”

  The force of Anna’s hand connecting with Peggy’s cheek could be heard out in the hall. The upstairs maid rushed to the room. The sight of the two enraged women caused her to gasp. The women resembled caged animals, ready to kill one another.

  “Is everything alright, Mistress?” the petite brunette asked, still watching the women square off.

  “Yes, Nancy. All is fine,” Anna answered, her gaze never leaving Peggy.

  The maid left.

  “You can go, too, Peggy. I do not need your assistance any further today. Why don’t you go see if you can assist the stable master? Some of the horses are coming in season. He may need a bitch for the stallions to sense to get them ready.”

  Peggy raised her hand to strike Anna. “If you hit me, I will tell Albert it was you who struck him on the back of the head.”

  “This isn’t over,” Peggy warned, storming from the room.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Anna looked nervously about the room as Peggy prepared it for slumber. Peggy had behaved strangely since the incident with Albert seven days ago. She was actually…nice—we
ll, for Peggy anyway. The disrespectful tones and derogatory statements of the past had vanished. Hateful looks were still tossed Anna’s direction but that was it. The sound of Peggy closing the wardrobe captured Anna’s attention. Working the pink quilt in her hands, Anna waited impatiently for the servant to finish inspecting the room.

  During the time since the incident, Albert was surprisingly hospitable. Which made Anna worry. What was he waiting for? He had not once mentioned what had occurred. But she knew it was only a matter of time before the monster would appear.

  “I take it you are satisfied that I have not hidden anyone up here? Have not squirreled away any potions or tonics?”

  Peggy gave Anna a tight smile. “I have my orders, Mrs. Stevenson,” she replied frostily.

  Facing the door, Anna lay down and pulled the coverlet to her shoulders. Closing her eyes, she spoke, “Please extinguish the lamp when you finish. I find myself growing tired at this late hour.”

  Pretending to fall sleep, Anna waited for Peggy to exit the room. She could hear her heart beating in her ears. She lay in the bed for several minutes, until she saw the lamp in the hallway go out. The creak in the hallway indicated that Peggy was making her way downstairs to her quarters.

  Easing out of bed, Anna tiptoed to the wardrobe and pulled out a dark colored gown, along with her cloak and boots. She quickly dressed and made her way to the window. Peering out, a malicious smile crossed her face. The soldiers who were to be guarding the house had become lax since Albert left yesterday. Even they were growing weary of his tyrannical rule. The second he departed the city, the sentries opened a cask of ale and had been celebrating ever since, bringing a new significance to the term, “While the cat’s away, the mice will play”.

  A playful squeal emitted from the guardhouse in the back. Anna could see the silhouette of a woman in the window of the building. Maybe celebrating was an understatement. The soldiers had basically turned their quarters into an orgy since last evening. Anna had lost count of the number of women she had seen come and go in the past two days.

  She didn’t say a word to the men. Let them have their drink and women. It would keep them distracted, allowing her an escape.


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