Liberty's Deception

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Liberty's Deception Page 20

by Lora Thomas

  Drawing her brow together with suspicion, Peggy righted herself and followed Anna up the stairs. Her face cringed as the top step creaked under her weight. She lifted her foot up, preventing any more weight from being distributed to the noisy board and stepped over the protesting object. She crept along the wall, like a thief, making her way to Mrs. Stevenson’s room. The door was closed but voices could be heard.

  Using both hands, she twisted the doorknob slowly. At the same time, she pulled the door towards her, allowing the gasket free access of movement. The soft click of the latch sliding back went unnoticed by Anna but not by Peggy. She held the doorknob in the present position and silently opened the door.

  She spied Mrs. Stevenson standing next to the chimney. But that was not what caused her to be alarmed; it was how Mrs. Stevenson was standing. She was bent over the metal door used by the chimney sweeps. The door was opened and she had her ear next to the opening. The voices then carried to her again. It was the officers! Peggy could hear with clarity the discussion of the men about troop movements and supplies. Her eyes locked on Anna at the realization that Mrs. Stevenson was a traitor and gathering information to deliver to the enemy. No—her lover!

  She silently backed out of the door and quietly closed it. She rushed to the study and burst the door open.

  “Here now! What is this all about?” Major Stevenson asked in annoyance.

  Peggy’s eyes frantically took in the room. “Your wife,” she panted. She began pointing frantically towards the fireplace.

  “She has the vapors,” Colonel Roberts said, observing the gasping servant.

  Peggy gave him a smart-aleck sneer and approached the major. “Pardon me, Major. But there is something I need to discuss with you in private.”

  Anger crossed Stevenson’s face like a wildfire. Ice was in his words as he spoke. “Can’t this wait?”

  “No, sir. But if you want I can tell you in front of the officers.” Realizing her tone was less than respectful, she lowered it to a whisper. “But they would not like to hear what I have to say.”

  “Is everything all right?” another officer asked.

  Albert’s eyes stayed locked on Peggy. “Yes. She just has the vapors as Colonel Roberts suspected.”

  “Women,” Colonel Roberts replied, dismissing the dramatic servant. “That is all the information I have to report on, Major.”

  “Thank you, Colonel. This meeting is concluded. We will adjourn and meet again the day after tomorrow.”

  “Yes, sir,” the men in the room acknowledged and left.

  Albert turned heatedly to Peggy and forcefully grabbed her upper arm in his vice-like grip. She cried out with pain as she felt her check burn from his forceful stinging slap.

  “How dare you interrupt me and my officers.”

  Peggy muffled her cry of pain. Lowering her voice to a whisper, she said, “Your wife is listening to your entire conversation.”

  He drew his brow together. “What?”

  Peggy pointed to the fireplace and then upward. She placed her index finger to her mouth and whispered. “Shhh.” Walking to the hallway, she motioned for Stevenson to join her. He reluctantly did so. Once in the hallway, Peggy spoke, “She can hear every word, every plan, plain as day. As if she’s sitting right here in this same room.”


  “She’s listening though the opening used to clean the chimney and delivering the information to her lover.”

  The malevolent expression that crossed Stevenson’s face caused Peggy to take a step back with fear.

  “Are you certain?”

  “Well…no, but she was listening to your conversation with the officers. Why else would she do so? She was gathering information. She plans on sneaking out of the house to meet him again tonight.”

  “I mean about the lover?” His voice was tight and caustic.

  “Yes. I heard her discuss it with Sarah just moments after the officers arrived.”

  His bellow of “Anna!” was easily heard throughout the house.

  When Anna heard her husband yell her name, panic set in. She was already nervous when the study had grown quiet and the officers left. When she heard Peggy’s voice in the study, her nerves tensed more. Once no more words were heard coming from Albert’s study, she began to calm down. She had closed the metal door and proceeded to her bed. But now, her fear returned. The way he yelled her name was unlike any she had heard before. It sounded like a demonic hell beast.

  Fear gripped her and she raced to the window. She looked to the left and right but soldiers were everywhere outside. Escape was not an option. She circled in the room like a scared rabbit trying to elude a hawk. Her eyes flew to the door. She bolted, but the second her foot was out her open door, she ran straight into Albert’s thin chest.

  Calm yourself, Anna, her inner voice instructed.

  She bestowed a brilliant smile. “Is something amiss, Husband?” She inwardly groaned when she heard her voice quiver with nervousness.

  The sneer that crossed Albert’s face caused the hairs on the back of her neck to stand at attention. She braced herself for the blow she was expecting but was taken aback by his one-word question.


  Blinking rapidly, she shook her heard in uncertainty. “Pardon?”

  “Your lover. Who is he? Mr. Christopher?”

  Anna’s nervous laugh sounded like mockery to Albert.

  “Don’t mock me, Wife! I know you have a lover. Now who is it?!”

  “I…I have no idea—”

  Albert’s features were set in hard lines and his scowl was hot enough to singe her flesh. “Peggy overheard you and that little Scottish bitch discussing your lover. I will have him hung!”

  “What? Who?!” Anna’s eyes grew wide. If he knew that Cameron was her lover, then life might as well end for her. Albert would kill Cameron and life would not be worth living without him.

  “Mr. Christopher, that’s who!”

  “For what reason?”

  “I will not tolerate infidelity in a wife.”

  “But it’s appropriate for you?” Anna coldly seethed.

  She cried out with pain as Albert grabbed the hair on the back of her head and forced her to look up at him. He smiled bitterly. The evil snort he gave startled her.

  “I told you, I find your body lacking. I couldn’t get a rise for you even after Peggy sucked my cock.” His words caused a disgusted expression to come to Anna. Shaking her violently, he demanded, “Now who is he?”

  “I’ll never tell you,” Anna spat.

  Her defiance was met with the hit she was expecting. Albert was in shock when she didn’t fall to the floor, like normal, but stood her ground and did the unthinkable—she laughed.

  “You want to play games, Wife? I’ll give you a game. Since you seem to find great delight in sneaking out of my home, see if you can sneak out of this.” He grabbed her arm roughly and began dragging her down the hall.

  “Let me go! Where are you taking me?!” Anna shouted as she struggled against her husband’s grip.

  Her protests did not reach his ears. He kept walking. When they reached the stairs, she pulled backwards, fearing he was going to kill her by tossing her down. He turned to her and slapped her face with all his force. She collapsed to the floor from the pain. He grabbed her hair. She cried out and instinctively reached out to stop the assault. He ignored her attempt and pulled her down the stairs by her hair. Each step they went down caused painful screams to escape Anna.

  Sarah emerged from the study but stopped short when she noticed the brutality. The major’s eyes locked on hers. “Guards!”

  Thomas and Theo entered the house.

  “See that Miss Back remains here and then send someone to Mr. Christopher’s home. I would like a word with my wife’s lover.”

  “Yes, sir,” Thomas answered.

  “Major, sir. You’re hurting your wife,” Theo said with horror as he observed the scene. The second the words left him, he knew h
e should not have tried to interfere. The rigid set of the major’s shoulders let him know that his concern was a grave mistake.

  “Bring that Scottish bitch to me. Once you have taken care of that duty, prepare the private for his lashes.” Stevenson instructed Thomas.

  Sarah’s eyes grew wide and she bolted back into the room she just left.

  “Stop!” Thomas yelled after her, giving chase.

  “Leave her out of this!” Anna screamed as she regained her footing.

  Theo looked to Mrs. Stevenson. The fear that was etched across her face caused a newfound sense of morality to enter him.

  “Major, sir,” Theo protested again.

  His response was met with a pistol being pointed at him. “Do not interfere in my affairs, Private Holland. I will kill you should you intervene.”

  Theo nodded and backed out of the room.

  Albert did not turn to face his wife. He twisted her hair and shoved her in front of him. They walked to the kitchen at the back of the house. He opened the door leading down into the attached cellar.

  “Enjoy your new home.” He shoved her and she stumbled down the stairs into the dark opening.

  The world twisted and turned on her downward descent. All she could see was darkness. She seemed to fall for eternity. Suddenly, she landed with a thunderous thud on the dirt floor. The wind was knocked from her body. Short, rapid breaths did not give her the air her lungs craved. Calm yourself, her inner voice spoke. Closing her eyes, she slowed her intake of breath until her lungs worked properly. When her body had the much-needed air it craved, pain shot through her hip. Her eyes turned to the stairs. With horror, she watched the door close and the light fade away.

  “You can’t do this!” Anna screamed in protest. Scurrying up the stairs, she pounded frantically on the door. “Albert! Please!” Tears flowed down her cheeks. “Please!” she yelled again.

  The answer to her appeal was the resounding click of the lock.

  “Mr. Walters, guard her and allow no one to enter. Understand?” the major ordered.

  “Yes, sir!” Walters answered.

  Anna’s chin began to tremble. Pressing her back to the door, she looked down into the dark hole. Her breathing increased with panic as she imagined all sorts of vile monstrosities living in the dark cellar. Pulling her knees up to her, she rocked back and forth on the top step. In the back of her mind, she knew her only salvation was if Sarah had managed to escape. She sent up a silent prayer to God, asking Him to watch over her friend and speed her escape.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The second Sarah heard Stevenson order for her to be captured, she bolted. She knew this house. Knew the secret passages. She quickly darted to the wall adjacent to the music room and pushed. A small doorway opened. She slipped inside, just as Theo and Thomas entered. She didn’t dally in the hidden passageway but eased her way through the darkness and emerged in the major’s study. She raced to the side entrance and out the door.

  The soldiers around the yard were unaware of her predicament. She greeted each one as she normally did. Once at the street, she ran like the wind. Her apron fell off, but she did not stop and headed straight to The Dragon’s Lair.

  Bursting through the door with the speed of a cat, she shouted in a pant, “Where is he?” and looked at Duke.

  The few patrons that were in the tavern stopped their conversations and turned to the commotion at the door.

  “Joseph is at his shop,” Duke said, coming closer to the bar.

  Her eyes took in the patrons. She leaned closer to Duke. “No, Cameron. Anna’s in trouble.”

  “He went to her home place.”

  “How dae I get there?” The desperation in her question was undeniable.

  “I’ll take you,” Duke said.

  “We have tae go…now!”

  “What’s the hurry?”

  “The major’s men are searching fur me. Now dinnae dally any longer.”

  At the mention of Redcoats looking for her, Duke jumped over the bar. “Take over, Jack,” he yelled to another man and walked to the secret entrance to the lower levels.

  “There aren’t any horses down there,” Sarah reprimanded, descending the steps behind the burly man.

  “I know. But there aren’t any Redcoats either. With them hunting for ya, I’ll have to smuggle ya out of the city.”

  “What?” she asked, shaking her head.

  “You’re wanted—am I wrong in my assumption?”

  “Aye and no. I am no wanted. The major just wanted me held in his home. He accused Anna of taking a lover ‘n then ordered me held.” Her eyes grew wide. “He thinks Christopher is her lover!”

  Duke walked to a shelf and pulled out a small sack. He tossed the bag to Sarah. “Put these on. From here on out your name is Steven.”

  “Excuse me?” she asked drily.

  “They are looking for a woman named Sarah, not a boy named Steven. Wear those until we reach Cameron. While ya change, I’ll gather horses and send a runner to inform the others and warn Christopher.”

  “Better hurry. He was going tae send men tae Chris’s home.”

  Nodding his head, Duke slipped out the back entrance. Sarah picked up the clothing presented to her and quickly changed. Braiding her brown hair, she twisted it into a bun on the back of her head and placed the small hat on her head. She had just finished dressing when Duke returned.

  “Come on. I saw a couple of those lobsters heading this direction. We better hurry.”

  Sarah followed Duke out the back of tavern. Walking, she reflected on her life—past and present. Never in a thousand years would she ever have dreamed that she would be part of a spy ring for America. Betraying England at every turn. Her ancestors would be proud. The duo slipped out of the tavern and up the side steps undetected to their awaiting mounts.

  Sarah and Duke rode hard. Their horses were well conditioned for such a gruesome pace. Duke had selected the two best built to handle hard traveling from the livery. Pulling back hard, Duke brought his roan gelding to an abrupt halt. The horse snorted in protest and danced.

  “What’s the matter?” Sarah asked, pulling up to Duke.

  “I think we’re being followed.”

  Sarah’s eyes grew wide. Before she could speak, he continued. “Take this road until it forks to the right. Ride until you see an old barn. Hide behind it.”

  “Where are ye going?”

  “We’re only about a mile from our destination. If I don’t rejoin you in ten minutes, come back and continue on. Take the first path on the left. Ride hard and fast. Don’t stop. Don’t look back.”


  “Don’t argue with me, woman. Now do as I say.” He turned and roughly smacked her mare on the rear, sending her steed off at a full gallop.

  The pounding of the horse’s hooves on the ground matched her heartbeat. Daring a glance over her shoulder, she saw three uniformed British soldiers emerge from the wooded area she just left. She lowered her body to her horse and kicked the animal, encouraging it to run faster. She spied the fork in the road. Before she could make the turn, her horse fell, landing on top of her.

  Panic stricken, she struggled under the fallen beast, trying to move out from under the heavy object pinning her to the ground. Glancing at the struggling animal, she noticed blood pouring like a river from the animal’s back leg. The mare attempted to rise but gave a mournful snort and lay back down.

  Looking back the direction she had just come, she saw one of the British soldiers race towards her. Placing her hand on the animal’s back, she pushed with all her might. The movement caused the horse to attempt to rise again. The poor creature was unable to and fell back down. However, it raised just enough for Sarah to release her pinned leg.

  Sarah didn’t look at the rider but bolted in the direction she was instructed to go. Her leg screamed with pain. Panicking, she looked behind her again. The rider was so close she could see the whites of his eyes. Terror set in, making her legs run like s
he had wings. She could see the barn in the near distance. But it might as well have been across the ocean. She could sense the rider approaching. The feel of his body landing on hers, caused her to scream.

  “What?!” the soldier blurted out when he heard the female voice.

  Sarah was pinned—again. At least this object was lighter than the horse. “Get off me, ye bloody Sassenach!”

  The soldier stood, bringing Sarah with him. An evil sneer crossed his face. “Yer man won’t be savin’ ya.” He looked up and down her body. “Pity that you’ll have ta hang. Ya might have been entertainin’ fer a while.”

  An idea entered Sarah’s mind. She seductively licked her lips and batted her brown eyes at the man in front of her. “Who says ye hae tae return me? We could ‘entertain’ ourselves first.”

  The corner of the man’s mouth twitched with excitement at her meaning.

  “There’s a barn right behind me. Let’s take advantage of that.”

  He reached out and roughly pulled her to him. “I don’t need no barn. I’ll take ya right here.”

  Sarah traced the man’s collar and allowed her fingers to travel to his tri-fold hat. She tossed the garment to the ground and intertwined her fingers into his greasy brown hair. Her other hand made its way down to the man’s crotch. She stroked him through his clothing.

  Her touch on his manhood caused him to lose focus on her other hand until he felt the blade of his knife leave the protection of its sheath on his belt. Before he could react, she jabbed the sharp object up under his ribs. Using her weight, she shoved the blade forcefully up. She pulled it out and repeated the action. The man collapsed to the ground, clutching his side and reached out to her with his free hand.

  “I would just as soon slit me own throat as tae bed a Redcoat,” Sarah seethed.

  The sound of something approaching caused her to turn. The angry expression on her face quickly melted to elation upon seeing Duke. The tall man jumped from his horse and raced to her.

  “Are you hurt?”

  Shaking her head, she answered. “No.”


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