One Last Bite_A Darling Bakery Cozy Mystery

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One Last Bite_A Darling Bakery Cozy Mystery Page 14

by Brenda De Witt

  Dani quickly boxed up two cupcakes and handed them to the eager student.

  “Now I see what you did,” she whispered to Clint who had stepped behind the table to help her handle the growing crowd.

  “It’s the least I could do,” he said with a grin as he grabbed a cupcake for himself and took a bite. “Wow, Dani.” He leaned over close to her ear. “These are really great!”

  Dani smiled proudly and felt a little swell of heat when Clint’s warm breath touched her ear.

  The two of them were busy selling cupcakes as fast as they could when a voice boomed over the speakers on the stage at the far end of the gym.

  “Alright ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the Career Fair raffle!”

  Dani looked toward the stage and saw Jennifer with a microphone in her hand.

  “Oops, I’m late,” Clint said as he finished boxing up a cupcake for the customer he was helping. “Are you going to be okay here by yourself?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I’ll just call Matt and ask him to come back and help. The bakery is only ten minutes away. I’ll be fine until he gets here.”

  “Ok,” Clint said with a big smile. “I’m glad I could help a little.”

  Dani smiled back knowing Clint had probably just saved her whole day. She watched as he jogged across the gym toward the stage. Dani didn’t realize her eyes were glued to Clint’s exit until Gretchen walked up beside her.

  “Hey Wonder Woman, you’re gonna burn a hole in his pants if you keep using your x-ray vision like that.”

  “Wonder Woman doesn’t have x-ray vision,” Dani corrected while trying to pretend her friend didn’t just catch her staring at Clint’s butt. “She has a lasso of truth.”

  “All the better,” Gretchen said with a laugh. “Maybe I should start a game of truth or dare so you two can slip into a closet again. This time you could tie him up instead of insulting his kissing abilities.”

  Dani blushed. “That might not be a bad idea,” she admitted with a grin. “He probably kisses a lot better now without the braces.”

  The two women burst into giggles like teenagers, but when Dani looked back to the stage she suddenly stopped laughing.

  Sarah Peterson was now standing on the stage between Jennifer and Clint. Dani’s right eyebrow lifted as she watched Sarah take Clint by the forearm and pull his body closer to hers. She held a fishbowl full of ticket stubs out in front of him.

  “Are the two of them an item?” Dani asked trying to mask the jealousy in her voice.

  “I’m pretty sure Sarah would say yes to that question, but I don’t think Clint knows about it yet.”

  Gretchen let out a snort, but Dani felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. She couldn’t help but think of Brad and how she found out that many of his co-workers didn’t even know he had a girlfriend. Clint didn’t seem to be that kind of person, but Dani couldn’t help but be a little suspicious.

  “And we have a winner!” Sarah belted out as she took the ticket stub from Clint’s hand. “Will Karen Carson, please come to the stage an claim your certificate for a free makeover and career counseling session from yours truly, Sarah Peterson, of Peterson Counseling Services.”

  Dani watched as a young woman climbed up on the stage and walked toward Jennifer, Sarah and Clint. A photographer standing at the edge of the stage waved directions for the little group to huddle together for a picture. Sarah took the contest winner by the arm and positioned her between Jennifer and herself so that Clint was standing on Sarah’s other side. Just before the camera flashed Sarah inched her body so close to Clint that she almost looked like she was glued to him.

  “I can’t watch anymore,” Dani said turning her back to the stage.

  Inside she was swimming with mixed feelings. After all, Sarah’s cupcake order for Friday was going to save her business for the week. She couldn’t be mad about that, but seeing Sarah flirt with Clint made Dani scowl.

  “Wow, Boss! What happened here after I left?” Matt’s voice interrupted Dani’s jealous thoughts.

  “Our favorite local detective saved the day,” Gretchen answered.

  “Cool,” Matt replied and then turned to help a customer who’d walked up to the table.

  Dani helped Matt with a few more customers and then the line seemed to slow down a little.

  “Hey, Matt. Do you think you can man the table alone for a little while? I want to walk around and check out some of the other businesses at the fair.”

  “Sure thing, Boss. I can handle it if you promise to bring me back any good giveaways you might find. No pens or keychains though. I’ve got enough of those.”

  “It’s a deal,” Dani said with a laugh.

  Dani was curious about the other businesses in the area and this was a better way to meet folks than driving door to door.

  Dani stopped at the Ferguson Drugstore table and grabbed a hand full of hard candy from a dish and dropped them into the plastic career fair bag she’d scooped up off the information table— she’d keep those for herself. The Dental Barn was giving away free toothbrushes so she tossed one of those into her bag along with a book-shaped thumb drive from the Riley Library table and a stress ball from the Good Vibes Yoga Studio.

  Riley National Bank was giving away little coin purses, so Dani grabbed one off the table.

  “Hi, are you interested in filling out an employment application with us? Riley National is a great place to work,” a smiling brunette said cheerfully. Tammy was wearing a TRAINEE ribbon under her name badge just like the one Ingrid had on Monday.

  “How long have you been working at Riley National?” Dani asked out of curiosity.

  “Umm. Well, I just started there last week, but I promise you it’s been a really good experience so far.” Tammy giggled. “The bank provides all the training you need. In fact, I just finished the week-long session in Linwood, Florida.”

  Tammy said Linwood like she was talking about a big city, but Dani understood her enthusiasm. Compared to Riley, Linwood was huge. A big car company moved its headquarters there a few years ago and as a result, there had been a lot of expansion in the town.

  “Wow, that sounds exciting,” Dani said hoping that matching Tammy’s enthusiasm would keep her talking. She had another question she wanted to ask the enthusiastic bank employee.

  “Oh, it was. Well, I mean the training sessions were pretty dull, but they only lasted from 9 to 5. After that, we were free to have fun on our own. Linwood has a ton of great restaurants, an amusement park, a casino, and big shows just like in Las Vegas!”

  Dani doubted that the shows were a big as the ones in Vegas, but to Tammy, they must have been pretty impressive.

  “Hey, I think I may know someone who just started working at the bank too,” Dani said trying to sound casual. “Do you know Ingrid Mason?”

  Tammy’s face contorted before she could catch herself, but she quickly smoothed it over with a smile. “Is Ingrid a friend of yours?” she asked cautiously.

  “No, she’s not a friend of mine, but I know someone who knows her.”

  Tammy breathed a sigh of relief. “Well, I don’t really know Ingrid well. She was in the training class with me last week, but I didn’t really talk to her much. As soon as the sessions were over she’d just disappear to her room. Between you and I,” Tammy said as she leaned forward and lowered her voice. “I’m kinda relieved that she and I were assigned to different branches of the bank. I don’t think she’d be fun to work with on a daily basis.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard she can be a little hard to get along with,” Dani said in agreement.

  “That’s putting it mildly. We were in Linwood for a whole week and she never went out with any of the rest of us. I think I would have pulled my hair out if all I’d done was sit in those training sessions all day and then go back to my hotel room.”

  “So you had training sessions every day,” Dani asked teasing more information from Tammy.

  “Yep. Everyday. Monday through Friday, 9 to 5
for a whole week! Well, except for Wednesday,” Tammy whispered.

  “Really? What happened on Wednesday?”

  “Well, no one is supposed to know because technically it means that we missed some of the required training, but one of our instructors got sick Tuesday night and had to go home. It took the bank a while to get a replacement in, so we only had class from 2 to 5 on Wednesday. It was so cool! A bunch of us went to the amusement park that morning. We asked Ingrid if she wanted to go with us, but as usual, she said no. She claimed she was going to lay out by the pool, but when we got back she looked just as pale as she always did to me.”

  “Excuse me, can you tell me a little about the available positions at the bank?” A young woman who’d just walked up to the table asked.

  When Tammy turned to answer the woman’s question Dani took the opportunity to slip away. After all, she’d just found out a piece of information she needed to share with Clint immediately!

  Chapter 17

  Dani scanned the gymnasium looking for Clint. When she spotted him she wasn’t surprised to see Sarah Peterson still hovering nearby. Dani hurried over to where Clint was standing and tapped him on the shoulder.

  “I need to talk to you,” she whispered hoping not to draw Sarah’s attention.

  Dani and Clint managed to slip out of the gym unnoticed.

  “What’s going on, Dani,” Clint asked obviously a little concerned because she was acting so strangely.

  “I just found out Ingrid Mason was in town on Wednesday!”

  Clint’s eyes grew wide.

  “Well, I mean, she could have been in town on Wednesday. Linwood is only three hours away, so she had plenty of time,” Dani said excitedly.

  “Wait a minute Dani. Slow down. What are you talking about?”

  Dani took a breath and explained what Tammy had just told her.

  “Hmm,” Clint said. “That could put a hole in her alibi. I think I’d better go back to the station and do some checking.”

  “Oh, there you are!” Sarah said as she walked out of the gym door and spotted Clint and Dani. “The photographer wants to take some more pictures of the raffle winners.”

  “Sorry, Sarah. You’ll have to take the pictures without me. I need to leave. Police business never ends,” he said with an apologetic tone, but his expression said he was relieved to get away.

  Sarah just glared at Dani as if somehow she knew Dani had something to do with Clint’s early departure and she was none too pleased.

  “Well, I wouldn’t want to get in the way of police business,” she said trying to sound supportive. I guess I’ll just see you at the gala on Friday. Unless we happen to bump into each other before then.” Sarah smiled as if she was already plotting how an accidental encounter might happen.

  “Dani,” Sarah said, finally acknowledging Dani’s presence. “I was talking to your assistant inside and he happened to mention that you baked the cupcakes for today last night and frosted them this morning. I’m sure that’s fine for a college career fair, but I hope you’re planning to make the cupcakes for the gala the same day as the event.”

  Dani’s jaws clinched. She knew that as long as the cupcakes were refrigerated after they cooled and then frosted the day of the event they’d be fresh enough to serve at any occasion.

  “I can guarantee that the product delivered will be of the very best quality,” Dani answered, choosing not to get into an argument with Sarah in the middle of the hallway.

  “Sarah, you don’t have anything to worry about. I ate one of Dani’s cupcakes that had been sitting in evidence overnight. It was still great two days later!”

  Dani smiled, genuinely touched by Clint’s supportive comment. Sarah just gritted her teeth.

  “Well, if you say so,” she said to Clint obviously not wanting to disagree with him. “I’d better get back inside. I don’t want to keep our photographer waiting.”

  Dani just shook her head as Sarah walked away.

  “Don’t let her get to you,” Clint said. “She’s just one of those people who always likes to have things her way. And she thinks her money can buy her whatever she wants.”

  Dani smiled up at Clint. Clearly, Sarah’s money wasn’t able to buy her everything she wanted, Dani thought with relief.


  Dani tossed and turned all night. She kept having crazy dreams. In one, Sarah kept jumping out of a life-sized cupcake and yelling at Dani. In the other, Dani was chasing someone through the woods, but every time she got close enough the person would mysteriously disappear.

  When she woke up the next morning half of the covers on her bed were crumpled on the floor and the other half were twisted around Dani’s legs.

  Queen Sheba was laying in the cushioned window seat staring at her with an unhappy look on her feline face.

  “Sorry,” Dani said as she unwound the sheets from around her ankles. “I guess I must have slept kind of rough last night.”

  Sheba flicked her tail in the air and turned to stare out the window without making a sound.

  “Can I make it up to you with a good breakfast?”

  At the utterance of her favorite word, Sheba lifted her body from the ledge, stuck her paws out in front of her and hunched her rear end in the air in what looked like a perfect downward dog yoga pose. When she’d finished stretching she jumped down to the floor and walked towards the door. Just before she exited the room she turned and looked back at Dani.

  “So, I guess this means we’re friends again,”

  Sheba just flicked her tail and walked out of the room.

  Sheba only stayed mad until Dani put her cat food in her dish and then all was forgiven.

  “It really wasn’t my fault, Sheba,” Dani tried to explain. “I guess I’m just a little wound up about what I learned about Ingrid yesterday.”

  Sheba seemed unimpressed with Dani’s apology and continued to eat.

  Once the Queen had been fed, Dani got dressed and headed to work. She was still deep in thought trying to decide whether Ingrid or some shady mobster, was more likely to be Guy’s killer.

  When Dani turned the corner, she wondered for a moment if she was still in her crumpled bed dreaming. There was a line of people standing outside the Darling Bakery.

  “What in the world is going on?” Dani asked as soon as she walked through the back door and into the kitchen.

  Rhonda was bent over a tray of cupcakes piping frosting on top of them like a well-oiled machine.

  “We’ve got a ton of customers outside, that’s what’s going on. I don’t know where they came from, but they’re hungry and they want cupcakes!”

  Dani jumped in to help Rhonda and when she carried a fresh tray of cupcakes out to Matt in the front she could see beads of perspiration glistening on his forehead because he was moving so fast.

  “Next customer, please!” he said cheerfully waiving the next person to the counter.

  “I’ll take three of the Apple Spice cupcakes,” the man said. “And do you have any of those German Chocolate ones they had at the career fair?”

  Dani stepped forward with the tray she was carrying. “I’m sorry Sir, were all out of German Chocolate today, but maybe I can tempt you with one of these Banana Nut ones!”

  The man’s eyes lit up. “Sure, I love banana nut. It’s my favorite bread, but I’ve never had it as a cupcake.”


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