by Nancy Lieder
the whole picture. This was an omission, and deliberate, on our part.
What is known at the current time, much discussed on the Internet, is that
Israelis were advised to stay away from the WTC on 911, that
gold was being trucked out of the WTC just prior to the attack, that
insider trading occurred just prior to the attack on transactions anticipated to be destroyed in the blast, that
explosions occurred in the basements and that the collapse appeared to be a controlled demolition, that
the TWC changed hands to an owner of Jewish descent just months before the attack, that
wiring for a demolition might have been a condition of securing insurance on large highrise buildings in NYC,
the owner did receive his compensation, that
the WTC buildings had asbestos problems and correcting this would have cost more than a demolition, that
new maintenance men were about just prior to the attack and bomb sniffing dogs not allowed in the building
thereafter, and that
Cheney was in charge of a drill, involving the US defenses and NORAD and the FAA, of a potential attack on
the WTC on that very day, and delayed lifting the drill so that air defenses were delayed.
Does this indicate that financial interests were aware of the threats being made, the plans being laid, and took
advantage of them? Does this fall in line with our statement at the time of the attack that the banking industry,
dominated by men of Jewish extraction and connected to the Puppet Master, were involved? Why then did we not
reveal more, as there are many more fingers to be pointed, and surely we knew of the plotting and the involved parties.
Why did Cheney not lift the drill when it was clear the plans were going beyond a threat? He's an opportunist. How
did he know the attack was to happen on that day? He didn't, but the attackers knew when the drill was planned. Would
the White House likely have had Bush in a school room during the attack, in front of cameras looking the fool, if they
knew? Why did the FBI not allow the Minnesota FBI branch to snatch a laptop, and thereafter punish the field agent in
charge? Because the extent that the FBI was aware of the threat was to be hidden, part of the cover-up, just as the
knowledge the White House had was to be suppressed. All the guilty throw up smoke, and as the White House itself
was not the perpetrator, they were trying to determine when the attack might happen, and hauling those they were
tracking and monitoring would have stopped that intel flow. Yes the White House wanted an opportunity to declare
Martial Law, but they wanted to pick the time and place, not have it visited upon them. Control freaks operate like
this, they must be in charge.[2/5/2012 11:42:06 AM]
ZetaTalk: On Point re 911
Beyond the known parties, there are over a dozen more involved. Why would we pull back from revealing all about
911, and why are we not revealing the details even today?Nancy's prime job is to talk about the coming pole shift, the
Earth changes and where they are leading, the spiritual Transformation that is in process, the spiritual polarizing
between good and evil that accompanies every Transformation, the burgeoning awareness of the alien presence, and
attempt to hammer holes into the cover-up over the presence and approach of Planet X. She has a lot on her plate, and
deals with tremendous heat over the message that she is delivering, struggles to overcome disinformation teams that
target her as part of their job, and find time to brush her teeth once a day and catch a few hours sleep at night. What
would happen if she were to be front and center of the 911 cover-up? This would consume her life, increase the
attacks she suffers, and her main message would suffer. We knew this subject would not be ignored, would have many
champions, many of which have literally devoted their lives to this issue. We kept Nancy out of the fray, and are doing
so today. She knows no more than is already known by her fellows. She's on point on the pole shift and
Transformation issues, and that's where she should be.[2/5/2012 11:42:06 AM]
ZetaTalk: Echelon
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ZetaTalk: Echelon
Note: written on Sep 15, 2001
During the Cold War, it was all the rage to get into space. This was viewed not only as a prestige issue (as in who is
the best, the first, the fastest) among those who considered politics a game or were into power plays, it also was driven
by a fear factor. What would the other party be able to do, from that vantage point? Rain down death and destruction
with great accuracy? Peek into bedrooms and boardrooms and undress corporate and government lies as well as
personal lies? How could the current status quo, which is to lie to the people one governs, to lie to business partners and competitors alike, and to lie to the auditors, one’s family, one’s neighbors and church - continue? The thought of
having to be honest is discombobulating to those who have lied since childhood and done this as a way of life during
their professions as politicians, executives, or lawyers. Thus, the ability to put up spy satellites was deemed a strong
offensive against any other party unable to do likewise.
Though the Russian were the first into space, with Sputnik, the US soon dominated and has more satellites up than
publicly acknowledged. They have come to rely upon them, as the easier means of snooping compared to sending in
live bodies that can be seduced and lie to their handlers and switch sides. So much safer having that live feed recorded.
The allies of the US shared this information, at least in part, which was a strong reason to become an ally of the US in
the past. So why are England and others in Europe in an uproar over Echelon, which monitors electronic transmissions
as well as what can be seen from space? What changed? As the Attack on America on September 11, 2001
demonstrated, all is not well within the ranks of the elite who would remain on top during and through the coming
changes. There will be winners and losers - those who drown on islands going under the rising sea level and those who
live smugly in the highlands and deny immigration, those whose assets retain their worth due to manipulation in the
financial market and those who find themselves holding worthless paper, those with influence over the populace and
those whose voices are like noise that gets ignored.
England no longer trusts the US, since the maneuver of wrenching the Presidential election from the rightful electee,
Gore. Where this was deemed a partisan issue in the press, it was clear to those who knew otherwise that strong arm
tactics were going to be allowed, done boldly and without shame or fear of repercussion. Anything goes. Corporate
interests in the US would be pushed overriding all agreements with other countries or the law. This had been the
Republican agenda in any case, increasingly, but now all the stops would be pulled. Arms agreements with Russia
tossed into the wastebasket. Refusal to even consider Global Warming issues, the current explanation for the wild
weather devastating the entire globe, in the Kyoto summit. America first, always, and to hell with anyone else. No
ethics. No regret. And thus deep distrust of a former ally has developed in all countries still publicly calling the US a
All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:42:07 AM]
/> ZetaTalk: Terror Tactics
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ZetaTalk: Terror Tactics
Note: written on Oct 15, 2001
Following the attack on America on September 11, 2001 there was immediate consideration of what might be next -
poison gas, poisoned water, hazardous materials, nuclear bombs, car bombs, or the mass sickness that could be caused
by bioterrorism. All these means, of course, had been used throughout history and in many countries and by many
groups with varying agendas. Any consideration of what might be next should include, first and foremost,
consideration of what a group might have to gain or lose.
Poison gas is quickly diluted and is therefore most notably used by those committing suicide, such as the carbon
monoxide deaths easily arranged via a tube from the exhaust from a car. Poison gas has likewise been used
during warfare, such as the mustard gas used during World War I and II. And included in this category must be
the Agent Orange spraying of foliage used by the US in Vietnam, so deadly to the Vietnamese as well as
causing lingering sickness in US soldiers. Poisoning by gas, thus, is more likely to be done by one country to
another during warfare, requiring elaborate paraphernalia and technical support, and highly unlikely to be done
by terrorists who must slip in unnoticed and effect damage quickly.
Poisoned water has long been a means of wiping out a village, or protecting turf, over the ages. Unsafe water is
a factor mankind has had to deal with in any case, as water found standing in ponds or even flowing in streams
can carry organisms causing disease or heavy metals such as lead, so most cases of poisoning by water occur
naturally, not by the hand of man. Man has poisoned himself, in fact, by using utensils that leach lead, or
allowing sewage water to leach into his drinking water, or allowing corporate interests to prevail so that PCBs or
other chemical poisons degrade the quality of life of millions to allow the wealthy few to step higher on their
perch. As deliberate poisoning of water requires massive amounts of chemicals to be added to avoid the poison
being diluted and thus ineffectual, this is also unlikely to be used by terrorists who could not travel encumbered
in this way.
Using some of the poisons corporations regularly manufacture, such as Chlorine or Sulfuric Acid, has been
viewed as a means terrorists might use to create a disaster. It has been found that the groups causing the World
Trade Center disaster also arranged for hazardous material licenses in the US for some of their members.
Clearly, tipping a truck over in a populated area would cause some consternation, but the disaster would be in
the dozens, or at most hundreds, of lives, and has faint chance of success to completion. Trucks designed to
carry these materials have multiple safety guards to prevent such spills, even in the face of a crash or roll-over
on the highway. Thus, once again, this is a case where corporations, not terrorists, create disasters for mankind.
These poisons are released into the soil and air and waterways today, by corporations, once again allowing the
elite few to degrade the quality of life of millions.
The threat of nuclear bombs being manufactured and carried in suitcases into urban areas has long been present,
and is not an unlikely event. The actual portion of an atomic bomb that is lethal is small, but requires supporting
mechanisms in order to do anything but fizzle, so most often these devices do not explode but simply create
radiation poisoning among their handlers. Nevertheless, this threat is real, and could result in a small nuclear
incident near a target, along with some lingering radiation. However, contrary to popular fears, there is little out
there in already manufactured material of a grade that would support such terror tactics. Lower grade nuclear
material abounds, but explosions, to be really effective or even to occur at all, need high grade material, and this
is in the hands of super power countries at present. Low grade nuclear poisoning, of course, occurs at the hands
of these super powers all the time, in using, for instance, depleted uranium in weaponry such that the US soldier
gets poisoned during warfare by the weaponry they are instructed to use.[2/5/2012 11:42:08 AM]
ZetaTalk: Terror Tactics
Utilizing the common car or van as a bomb carrier is highly likely to be a source of terrorist steps, as they are
used world wide for common conveyance and to prevent vehicular travel as a safety precaution causes such
disruption in commerce that it becomes unthinkable to the corporate interests that in fact dictate government
actions. Traffic must flow, workers need to come to work, goods and materials must be conveyed, and checking
all those vehicles as they move about is simply unworkable. Thus, bombs in cars or vans could be brought into
the workplace, into parking garages or under buildings or alongside installations and boom. However, these
bombs are limited in their scope, damaging the immediate area with great heat and force, but delimited by the
amount of explosive that can be carried by the vehicle. As desirable targets are closely watched and traffic
restricted, such bombs are unlikely to be used as any but an expression by terrorists to unnerve the populace of a
hated country.
Bioterrorism, using infectious organisms, has of course been used in the distant and recent past, most recently
with great effect by the CIA who encouraged and assisted the dissemination of the AIDS and Ebola viruses.
Unleashed, these agents have gone amuck and gone beyond what the CIA intended, which is of course the
problem with these agents. Infection has natural bounds, requiring transmission means such as blood or breath or
spoiling food, and as all these means have existed as long as mankind, man has evolved means of dealing with
them. The immune system kills most deadly agents, the few becoming sick rather than the many, and in the case
of truly deadly agents such as Ebola killing the entire village so spread is delimited. Truly deadly agents almost
invariably kill their handlers before they can be unleashed, so prove impractical. They are likewise delimiting in
that those affected are obviously sick and thus avoided, so spread does not occur. Thus, this is unlikely to be an
agent used by terrorists except to make a minor statement and hopefully create consternation in the government
of a hated country.
All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:42:08 AM]
ZetaTalk: Anthrax
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ZetaTalk: Anthrax
Note: written on Nov 15, 2001
Following closely on the September 11 Attack on American and insidious Anthrax attack began to surface, with first
one target and then another surfacing so the exact goal and scope of the attack was unknown, and this was by design.
As with the practice of voodoo, the victim’s psychological state actually allows them to become a victim, to die on
schedule, where they otherwise would not be adversely affected. They believe they are cursed, so create their own
demise due to panic and heart stoppage. This is the goal those undertaking the Anthrax attack hope for, such that the
healthy commerce of the hated enemy, the US, is stymied and falters due to fear.
By using the airlines to create instant torpedoes during the September 11 attack, they created a fear of flying that
he airlines will find they cannot recover from. Periodically there will be a resurgence, other attempts, that will
partially succeed, so that only those resigned to the possibility of a quick death will take to the skies. The effect
on commerce was two-fold, both in the downturn that a lack of tourism and travel would have on many
industries, and in the ability for face-to-face business deals which often falter without such contact.
By infecting the mail, a key ingredient in commerce is affected, in that not only correspondence could be
affected but eventually produce and food stuffs and any physical item passing between hands. Is the populace to
grow their own food and make their own clothing and correspond only by telephone or e-mail? The initial
targets were highly visible, by design, for maximum impact in getting the populace nervous. The media could be
counted on to be noisy about such events, and public official are closely watched so that anything disrupting
their routine would be noticed.
Where is this leading, and who has designed and implemented such an insidious attack? As we mentioned when the
Attack on America occurred on September 11, the instigators are not always obvious, not will they always be brought
to justice. If such an Anthrax attack were possible before, why was it not used? If those who have sworn a Jihad
against the US had done so years ago, then why the delay between then and now? Would Anthrax alone not have
brought some satisfaction, even before the hijacking of planes to be used as bombs was arranged? And why the
constant talk of Smallpox, if only a handful of germs in a couple highly guarded facilities exist? What is the public not
being told, that those in authority in the US know?
In the private meetings that high level officials and the elite with power or wealth, who influence these official to a
degree only suspected by the populace, heated arguments preceded the Attack on America. In a shrinking economic
world, where not only a worldwide recession but an economic depression is in process, where stock markets are so
shaky that panic is just under the surface, where riots in the populace of all countries are expected to emerge as food