by Nancy Lieder
continuous massive layoffs and outsourcing to other countries with new job creation a mathematical myth generated by
Labor Department computer models, corporate and private bankruptcies at an all time high and most states as well as
the US government itself in point of fact bankrupt, homelessness endemic as those without jobs or unemployment
compensation are forced out of their homes to live in their cars or on the streets - that voters would want more of the
same? Oil prices sky high because Iraq, in open civil war without end in sight, has had its oil fields ruined by angry
sabotage; the hunt for Bin Laden put side for an obvious oil grab in Iraq that has maimed thousands and alienated the
world - and voters want more of the same?
The optimistic rhetoric from the Bush Administration is due to dozens of plans to win the election, not by popular vote,
but by fraud and disruption. Most hearing of these plans, or suspecting them, assume the Bush Administration is
powerful, and without opposition. The truth is that the Bush Administration was put into office, assisted in this, by
what we have termed the Puppet Masters, the wealthy elite who rule the world by virtue of their control of corporations, being the major stockholders, and control of countries, by their control of the World Bank and financial
institutions and their backing of Federal Reserves. This control runs beyond mere financial clout, as like the CIA and
Mafia, all routes to control their Puppets are used, including assassination, intimidation and blackmail, bribery, and the
ability in infiltrate security systems so that there is no escape from their reach. We have reported that the Puppet
Masters are not pleased with the Bush Administrations performance, and are in any case looking for a scapegoat to
point to when the truth about Planet X goes public. Bush and his cronies are not planning to go down easy.
Election fraud has been built into the Diebold system, the plan to flip the election results as easily as the polls in
state after state.
Where this fails to secure a majority of the Electoral College, the plan is to have rogue electors vote against the
popular vote, and thus the press to replace governors who are Democrats with Republicans or with compliant
Democrats, a California governor replaced, a New Jersey governor scandalized, an Indiana governor killed by a
blow to the head, among others.
And where this may fail, it at least produces controversy, so the courts will become involved and this of course
leads to the always compliant Supreme Court again.
But will this succeed? Election fraud, and rogue electors, are swords that can cut both ways, and with a reach that
surpasses security systems, the Supreme Court is not immune from intimidation by an enraged Puppet Master. The sole
remaining recourse, then, of a Puppet determined to establish itself as an independent unit going into and emerging
from the coming pole shift as rulers on the N. American continent and in control of the tatters of the US Military,
assumed to be preeminent in the world after the shift as it was before the shift, is to trigger Martial Law. This has long
been put into place in the US with Executive Orders to allow FEMA to take over the land in the event of disasters, but
this requires a disaster. This has been superseded by Homeland Security, which has been given broad command over
federal, state, and local resources as well as the US Military when a threat to the US is involved. If threats to the US
have been attempted, hundreds of times, but blocked by ourselves and our brethren in the Service-to-Other, then how
to manufacture such a threat? Initiate a war, elsewhere.[2/5/2012 11:43:08 AM]
ZetaTalk: October Surprise
What should be remembered, when contemplating the possibility of such a move, is that the Bush Administration no
longer controls the US Military, and has long been told that a polite exit from Iraq is to occur. How would it be that Bush, sneering his disdain at the UN in early 2003, as ‘irrelevant’, went begging for their assistance in 2004? The UN
is to step in, the US politely stepping to the back, despite the rabid determination to secure the oil fields where the
world saw the Ministry of Oil protected while the ancient treasures in the museum in Baghdad were looted. The US
Military is in revolt, withdrawing from Korea in order to support the Iraq campaign, and the US populace fearing a
draft the next move. War with Korea, or war with Iran, no matter how much incited by their treatment by the Bush
Administration, has not and will not occur, for these reasons. This would be seen as an act of insanity, unprovoked,
which the electorate, the congress, and the court systems would fear to support for fear the US public would go into
open revolt. This does not mean that such acts are not contemplated. It means the hand at the helm hesitates as failure
is so certain. As long as the possibility of wining the election by voter fraud and electoral college manipulation and
Supreme Court intervention exists, this path is chosen. And the likelihood of an October Surprise becoming a
December Surprise is equally unlikely, as a public and US Military anticipating a new Commander in Chief would
likewise not tolerate an unprovoked invasion from a lame duck administration.[2/5/2012 11:43:08 AM]
ZetaTalk: Military Shuffle
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ZetaTalk: Military Shuffle
written Nov 18, 2004
The US Military has lost respect, utterly, for the Commander in Chief. The military was reluctant to go
into Iraq, its advice ignored and its leadership treated like robots expected to follow orders without
question. Rebellion, at the highest levels, is seething just under the surface.
ZetaTalk: Changing Captains, written July 11, 2003
Given the decision and actions taken last August [2003] by the US Military to supplant the White House
as Commander in Chief with their own internal leadership, how should the meeting of NATO commanders
for supposed war games be viewed?
ZetaTalk: Not Politics, written Oct 11, 2003
The US Military has been a sham, publicly, since August, 2003 when the football, the briefcase of nuclear codes, was
taken from Bush, deemed a highly unstable megalomaniac as the War in Iraq demonstrated. The Navy, long at the
heart of the Planet X cover-up in its position as timekeeper of the world and with tentacles into observatories
worldwide, setting Sun and Moon times, and even controlling USGS and quake information before it is disseminated,
allied with Bush. It was rumored at that time that prosecution or impeachment of Bush might occur, but this was
deemed an impossible path given the Republican Congress and friends on the Supreme Court. Time would fix this
wound, or so it was presumed, with the elections around the corner, but now that blatant election fraud has also occurred, the sham has become a burden. Gore, as the legitimate elected President in 2000, will continue as
Commander-in-Chief after 2004, being respected for his 8 years as an executive in the Vice Presidential capacity, and
also respected for his challenge of the voting irregularities in 2000, firm and determined in the fight. Kerry is viewed
as lacking in both those qualities. As with the current CIA purges, the DOD purges after the 2000 coup of the White
House were aimed at placing political cooperatives at the helm, so the agency would not be professional as much as
political. Hundreds of early retirements occurred before the DOD finally rebelled
, in horror at what the War in Iraq had
brought. Those caught facing the public, in a sham, had the uncomfortable position of having to pretend that Bush was
the Commander-in-Chief, and to pretend that their orders had weight. What now, with more of the same ahead?
The primary quality of those who will surround a crippled Bush in the months ahead, whether replacing Military
commanders or Cabinet vacancies, will be the ability to lie with a straight face, repeatedly, with no emotional
repercussions - sociopaths. The secondary quality will be loyalty, blind loyalty, the type of loyalty a child has to a
parent where the faults simply are not seen and certainly not entertained as then the child feels insecure - cloying,
clinging personalities with poor judgment and no real inner strength. The third quality will be blind ambition, the
desire to see the self important, in with the winning or controlling crowd, and damn the pain and misery this causes
elsewhere - self serving ambition. The fourth quality will be longevity, a proven track record of such loyalty or ability
to live with a lie. Family ties, where those among the palace guard are joined with their family members is deemed an
additional safeguard, as any talking up of a course of action around the family table will likely be to continue, not
recoil. In this regard, long time family friends are seen as an extended family. The last quality to be considered is
competence, and thus the palace guard, whatever their title, becomes increasingly irrelevant. See this as a split in the
administration. Memos are ignored, orders simply not heard, an existing track continued despite a demand to change
direction, superficial cooperation or silence and stupor when in the presence of the pretender Bush and his cronies.
This may not be apparent until a real crisis hits, requiring action, when the barking orders given by the pretender are
ignored, but the federal agencies function according to their original mandates, and according to their conscience.
Acting Secretary of the Army Resigns
Acting Secretary of the Army Les Brownlee submitted his resignation today [Oct 17] effective
December 3, 2004. Brownlee served as the Under Secretary of the Army from November 2001 to[2/5/2012 11:43:08 AM]
ZetaTalk: Military Shuffle
May 2003, at which time he also assumed the duties as the Acting Secretary of the Army.
Secretary of The Air Force James G. Roche Resigns
Secretary James G. Roche today [Nov 16] submitted his resignation as Secretary of the U.S. Air
Force. Secretary Roche plans to depart January 20, 2005, or sooner if his successor is confirmed by
the Senate before then.
North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command Public Affairs
Navy Admiral Keating assumed command from General Eberhart in ceremonies here November 5th.
The former director of the Joint Staff is the first non-Air Force officer to command NORAD since its
creation in 1958. General Eberhart had been commander of NORTHCOM since its creation
following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, bringing together the four military branches --
including the reserve components -- and the U.S. Coast Guard under one new command.[2/5/2012 11:43:08 AM]
ZetaTalk: October Surprise
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ZetaTalk: October Surprise
written Sep 30, 2006 on the live GodlikeProduction live chat.
Republican Rep. Mark Foley resigned yesterday due to the sexual-toned instant messages with the 16 year
old congressional page that were attributed to him. Has predicted the downfall of other high-profile
Republicans and Democrats due to their hidden sexual exploits and the like. Can we expect an increase in
the news of scandal and sudden resignations of "Corruption-Friendly" Senators and those in the complicit
Congress as the November Elections near?
The list of embarrassing information bursting into the media as serious campaigning was about to begin for the mid-
term elections is not a coincidence. The list, all hitting the press within a single week, is outside the normal rate of
leaks or embarrassments.
1. Hundreds of visits by Abramoff to the White House, despite Bush's denial that he knew the man and despite
attempts by the White House to keep documentation on the visits from the press. This succeeded for months, so
what changed? This documentation was under the control of the White House, as is Congress, presumably, so
how is it that it was released by the Government Reform Committee at this time?
2. Woodwards book being released, a clear embarrassment to the Bush White House and staff, with revelations
about a cover-up over Iraq dead. This ensures that the Iraq issue will be dragged about as Woodward is a guest
on talk shows, as well as the reported dissention among insiders like Rice and Rumsfeld. Who coordinated the
publication date with the start of serious campaigning?
3. The NIE report leak, which releases a portion embarrassing to Bush ahead of the portions Bush may have
wanted to release. 4 of 30 pages were released by Bush, cherry picked to put the Iraq War in a good light, but
there was no intention to release the pages that stated the agencies considered the Iraq War to have increased the
intensity of terrorism and number of terrorists, not a reduction as Bush likes to claim. This leak was from within
the bureaucracies, of classified documentation. Who arranged this leak, at this time, and how is the source of the
leak being protected?
4. Republican Rep Foley being revealed, without question, as a pedophile, with sexually explicit Internet chat logs
laid out on the Internet and being reported in the major media. Who determined this week, this day, the last day
of the Congress when the Republicans were planning to crow over their legislative record, putting to rest the
claim of a ' do nothing Congress'? In addition to the timing, is the source of the claims, young boys, pages, and
their guardians, coming forth at this time. Who arranged this?
Do the Democrats have such a reach, that they could influence Woodward's publisher, and Woodward himself, could
influence the Government Reform Committee to release Abramoff visitation data, could arrange a leak from the
intelligence agencies on a classified NIE report, and could reach underage page boys and their guardians - all at once.
Hardly. This is the hand of the Puppet Master, who is determined to bury the White House via this coming election,
changing control of Congress. Even with his hand expected to be preventing voter fraud this time around, or correcting
it should it occur, counter-hacking, he wants public opinion to be solidly for a Democratic win, so the vote will not be
Signs of the Times #1642
Along With Victories, G.O.P. Takes a Few Blows [Oct 1] New revelations about Jack
Abramoff, the disgraced lobbyist whose guilty plea on Jan. 3 roiled
the party and set off the events that led to the resignation of
Representative Tom DeLay. Republicans had hoped Mr. Abramoff
would fade into the background and deny Democrats their "culture of[2/5/2012 11:43:09 AM]
ZetaTalk: October Surprise
corruption" sound bite in the final weeks of the campaign. But the
Government Reform Committee issued a report detailing his apparent
contacts with top
White House officials. [and from another] NYT:
Spy agencies say Iraq war worsens terrorism threat [Sep 23] A stark
assessment of terrorism trends by U.S. intelligence agencies has found that the U.S. invasion and
occupation of Iraq has helped spawn a new generation of Islamic radicalism and that the overall
terrorist threat has grown since the Sept. 11 attacks. The intelligence estimate, completed in April, is
the first formal appraisal of global terrorism by U.S. intelligence agencies since the Iraq war began,
and it represents a consensus view of the 16 disparate spy services inside government. [and from
another] Foley Resigns From Congress Over E-Mails [Sep 30] In a scandal guaranteed to anger
parents, a prominent House Republican has resigned after the revelation that he exchanged raunchy
electronic messages with a teenage boy, a former congressional page. Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla., who
is single, apologized Friday for letting down his family and constituents. Once his resignation letter
was read to the House late Friday afternoon, Republicans spent the night trying to explain - six
weeks before congressional elections - how this could have happened on their watch. Near midnight,
they engineered a vote to let the House ethics committee decide whether an investigation is needed.[2/5/2012 11:43:09 AM]
ZetaTalk: Hillary = Bush Lite
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ZetaTalk: Hillary = Bush Lite
written January 10, 2008
Hand Count
Machine Count
No Method Stated
Was New Hampshire compromised? Election statistics point out that where hand counting was done, the lead expected
by Obama held. Where counted by Diebold, Hillary unaccountably won. The polls going into the caucus had Obama
ahead by at least 10 points, and exit polls substantiated this. This was the margin counted in those districts which hand