Daddy's Virgin Bride: A Fake Marriage Romance

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Daddy's Virgin Bride: A Fake Marriage Romance Page 1

by Juliet Woods

  Daddy’s Virgin Bride

  A Fake Marriage Romance

  Juliet Woods




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33


  Double Boss Me

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Chapter 61

  Chapter 62

  Chapter 63

  Chapter 64

  Chapter 65

  Chapter 66

  Chapter 67

  Chapter 68

  Chapter 69

  Chapter 70


  Copyright © 2017 by Juliet Woods

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  All sexual acts involve consenting adults over the age of 18.

  Dear readers,

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  I hope you love Daddy’s Virgin Bride!

  As my way of saying thank you for reading, I’ve included a copy of Double Boss Me, a super steamy billionaire MFM romance, after Daddy’s Virgin Bride. Enjoy!





  “If I know what love is, it is because of you.”

  — Herman Hesse

  I knew what she wanted the moment I heard her faint knock on my door.

  She stands before me in a dress that skims her curves in a thin silk, and my eyes move over the cleavage that peeks out.

  I see her glance at my defined abs and broad chest under my unbuttoned shirt. She quickly looks away, blushing.

  She’s nervous and flustered. Her chest heaves as she talks to me. She should have known what would happen when she knocked on my door this late at night.

  She’s been flirting with me for days, tempting me with those big, innocent eyes. She’s too good for me, too sweet and trusting. But that’s not going to stop me from giving her exactly what she wants. And she wants it just as much as I do.

  “I want to see you,” I growl. She wiggles out of her dress as I slide it down her body, letting it fall to the floor.

  I step back to look at her, taking in her tight, nubile curves. She stands before me, shyly looking up as if to see if I approve.

  “Turn around.”

  She does as she’s told. I step forward and press my hard length against her plump ass. I move my hands over her belly, up to her breasts. She gasps.

  She’s not used to being touched like this.

  I remove my shirt and she turns around to face me, running her hands over my chest and thick shoulders. I pick her up in one swift movement and carry her over to the bed, laying her out before me like the prize she is. The prize I finally get to claim.

  I nuzzle my head against her neck, kissing her soft skin. She gasps for air and bites her lip. Even as she arches her back, even as I know she’s aching for this, I see her innocence.

  “Ethan – I’m a virgin.”

  A devilish grin spreads over my face.

  “I know.”

  Chapter 1


  I'm hopelessly drunk off the smell of jasmine flowers.

  Glancing around to make sure no one can see me, I bend my head down to the airy, sprawling bouquet of peonies, roses and jasmine. Closing my eyes, I inhale deeply. The rich, fruity scent goes straight to my head. A smile spreads across my face. For just a moment, none of my troubles exist.

  One very brief moment.

  “Lily! What the hell are you doing? A customer's waiting for that!”

  I look up, startled, to see Carl, my boss, scowling at me, his eyebrows forming a V like an angry cartoon character. He wants me to work at lightning speed without a moment's break, and he's always pissed when he catches me slacking off.

  “Sorry, Carl, I was just finishing this one up.”

  He rolls his eyes and pushes past me to grab some gerbera daisies.

  “Don't take all day about it!” he scolds.

  I let it roll off my back. Carl's always on my case, but today's especially bad since my co-worker, Laura, is home from work, sick. Normally I'm here in the back room working on flower arrangements while she works the front end of the shop. But today I'm on double duty. And customer service is not exactly my specialty.

  With a towel, I wipe the water off the vase of the floral arrangement I've been working on. It's breathtaking. Whoever ordered it knew what they were doing.

  I walk to the front register with my eyes on the flowers, being careful not to slip on the wet floor and give Carl more reason to yell at me. Setting the vase down on the counter, I blow a strand of hair out of my face, then look up at the waiting customer.

  And suddenly, I'm drawn into the pair of smoldering brown eyes looking down at me. I feel my breath catch in my lungs. Who is this?

  I blink, and my eyes flash quickly over his body, taking it all in through hungry, fleeting glances: the stubble along his rough jaw, the broad shoulders ready to burst out of his dress shirt, the strong hands resting on the counter. I've never seen anyone like him before.

  I look back down at the flowers as I feel my face turn red. There's something I'm supposed to say now, isn't there?

  “Hi, um, you, uh...”

  I'm dying from embarrassment. The more I try to talk and remember what a normal person would say, the more I stumble over the words. And now I look up to see him trying to hide a smile? Is my awkwardness amusing him? God, he must think I'm an idiot.

  “Looks like that's the arrangement I ordered,” he finally says, to my relief.

  “Yeah, it's all ready,” I manage to squeak out, looking back down at the flowers.

  “Did you do it? It's gorgeous.”

  I look back up at him, nodding my head. God, I'm so pathetic. Talk to him.

  I clear my throat, forcing myself to open my mouth and move my vocal cords. “The, uh, jasmine was a nice choice,
” I manage. “The fragrance is... nice.”

  “My thoughts exactly. It's a very intoxicating scent.”

  His eyes rake down my body without shame, lingering where the apron is pulled tight around my waist and hips. Those hungry eyes make their way slowly back up to my face, meeting my gaze dead on.

  I gulp. Is he checking me out?

  His voice is so deep it sends a shiver down my spine. It goes to my head and makes me feel drunk just like the flowers do.

  “What's your name?” he asks. He's looking into my eyes in a way that makes me feel a burning sensation in my core. It feels good, but also a little scary.

  “Lily,” I breathe.

  “Lily,” he repeats, chuckling. “Well, Lily from the flower shop, why don't you let me take you out to dinner tonight?”

  I gulp. I want to say yes, I want to run out the door with him right now and go wherever he wants, but my damn anxiety is turning me into a basket case.

  “I, uh, I don't know...” I croak.

  I'm not used to getting hit on, and definitely not in the flower shop where I work. Most men who come in here are looking for flowers for their wives or girlfriends. And anyway, they're probably not interested in a socially awkward dork like me.

  I look down at the flowers, the only safe space for my eyes to fall.

  As if he can read my mind, he laughs. He lowers his voice, as if we already shared a secret between us: “These flowers are for my daughter.” He holds up his left hand, wiggling his fourth finger to show that it's free of a ring. “Now, how about that dinner?”

  Just as I open my mouth to stutter out a response, I hear a loud crash in the back room. My head jerks in the direction of the noise, and I hear Carl's enraged voice yell, “Fuck! Lily, get in here!”

  I glance at the gorgeous man in front of me, then turn to hurry into the back room.

  The air gets knocked from my lungs as I survey the scene: broken glass and flowers everywhere. There must be at least nine or ten arrangements destroyed – hours of work. Carl's on the floor, picking himself up and looking himself over for wounds.

  “Are you OK?” I ask, hurrying to get the first aid kit. He waves it away as he stands up, towering over me.

  “Yes, yes, I'm fine, but all these orders are ruined! I've told you over and over to mop up spilled water, Lily! Look at what you've caused. I took down the whole shelf of today's orders when I slipped on the wet floor.”

  I shake my head in disbelief. This is a disaster.

  “What the fuck is the matter with you? Is there something wrong with your brain?”

  My heart's pounding and my vision is clouded. I feel sick to my stomach, and the urge to run out of the room is overwhelming. I can't handle confrontation like this.

  “I'm so sorry, Carl,” I stammer. “I'll pay for the damages...”

  “You think that's good enough, Lily? Do you know how many customers you've lost me because of your stupidity? I ought to teach you a fucking lesson, you little--”

  Carl stops mid-threat as his gaze shifts to something behind me.

  I turn to see the hot customer looming in the doorway, his fists clenched at his sides and his eyes narrowed to slits. Carl's threatening face changes instantly to a look of terror as he stands in the shadow of this imposing man.

  “What lesson were you going to teach her, asshole?”

  “Uh, can I help you, sir?” Carl asks, practically trembling.

  “I've got a mind to teach you a lesson, you sorry sack of shit.”

  Carl swallows.

  “Where the fuck do you get off talking to her like that? Looks to me like you destroyed a bunch of merchandise, so you should get started cleaning it up.”

  He shoves Carl with one hand, who stumbles backward, righting himself before he falls down again.

  “Now apologize to this young lady.”

  Carl scowls at me. Through gritted teeth, he mutters, “Sorry, Lily.”

  “You better watch it, asshole,” the jasmine-loving customer says. “Next time I won't be so forgiving.”

  He motions for me to walk out of the room first, then he follows me into the store front, leaving Carl to fume alone.

  It's all too much for me. Panic is surging through my veins. Heart pounding and gasping for air, I wipe the sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand, eyeing the front door: escape.

  I’m grateful to this man for rescuing me. I don’t know what Carl would have done if this customer hadn’t been here. Something in Carl’s eyes really scared me.

  But I’m a prisoner to something this man would never understand.

  “I'm sorry you have to work with that guy, Lily,” he says. “Maybe I could help you find something else? Here, let me give you my card--”

  “I – I'm sorry – I can't!” I sputter as I race past him, grabbing my bag, pushing open the glass doors and flying out with the shop's entrance chime ringing in my ears.

  Gasping for air, I turn and rush down the sidewalk, catching a glimpse of him through the store windows out of the corner of my eye. He's still holding his card.

  Chapter 2


  The hot flower shop girl rushes out of the door, leaving me bewildered. I consider running after her, but she looks so shaken up I don't want to traumatize her more.

  What the fuck just happened? It was confusing on so many levels.

  She was painfully shy, I get that. But to run out of here like that? She looked so terrified. She seemed to be having a panic attack or something. The helplessness, the fear in her eyes – it sparked a primal urge to protect her. I want to hold her close against me, to take her into my arms. I want to make her feel safe.

  And that's the other thing – why am I feeling this way about someone I just met? She's gorgeous, stunning even, with her full, pouty lips, deep blue eyes, and tight little curves. She's young, too – probably not over 20 – and I can imagine how tight her pink little pussy would feel with my cock plunged deep inside. Damn, she was fine.

  I have my share of beautiful women. A steady stream of them, to be specific. But they're just pretty faces and fuckable bodies. They're just a release. None of them get me all twisted up inside. None of them make me want to put my arm around their shoulders and soothe all their fears away.

  There's something special about this girl, and I'm not going to rest until I have her all to myself.

  I'm going to make Lily mine.

  I stick my head in the back room to see if that cowering jerk is back there. No sign of him. He must have exited the store from the back, or is simpering in some nook or cranny until I leave.

  No biggie. I'll just come back tomorrow and convince Lily to go out with me. And I won't take no for an answer.

  I throw a couple of hundreds down on the counter – no one could ever call me a thief – and leave with the flowers for Masie. She's going to love them.

  I hop into my black Aston Martin and pull away from the curb. A lot of guys in my position ride around in limos, but that's not for me. I like my cars. And I'm not the type to get my employees to run all my errands for me. Especially when it comes to picking out things for my daughter. Masie deserves the best.

  With the image of the beautiful flower shop girl in my mind, I drive to pick up my daughter from school. I park the car and lean against the door as I wait for her, basking in the sun.

  It's not long before I see her running out of the imposing school building. Her long, blonde braids go flying, her backpack bouncing on her back as she smiles a toothy grin when she sees me – well, not quite toothy since she's missing a couple of her bottom teeth at the moment.

  She's the light of my life, no doubt.

  “Hey, cupcake! How was school?”

  “Pretty good. I got picked for the school spelling bee!”

  “That's awesome, Maze! That's my smart girl. Are you proud of yourself?”

  She nods, getting into the back seat.

  “There's a surprise for you back there,” I say, watching her
climb in.

  “Oooh! My favorite. Thank you, Daddy, they're very pretty.”

  “Pretty flowers for a pretty girl. I know how you like jasmine.”

  She lowers her face to the flowers and sniffs, crinkling up her nose. I laugh, walking around to the driver's seat and starting the car.

  “You look different, Daddy. You're smiling a lot.”

  “I'm usually smiling when I pick you up, aren't I?”

  Masie considers this. “Well, that's true. But today's different. Did something happen?”

  I can't really tell my daughter that I met a woman I'm smitten for. I keep that part of my life completely separate from Masie. The last thing I want is for her to see an endless stream of women coming and going.

  “Just had a good day at work, I guess,” I smile at her in the rear view mirror. I don't consider it a lie, just protecting my daughter. “So, did you and Alexandra make any progress on your story today?”

  I listen attentively as she tells me the details of the play she and her best friend are writing. She loves to write, and is way ahead of her class when it comes to language skills. It still amazes me to think I helped create this creative, smart, beautiful little person.

  I watch her face light up as she talks, and I see her mother in her gestures and her facial expressions. Not a day goes by that I don't see something in Masie that reminds me of Sara. It seems so unfair that she can't be here to see her daughter.

  But life ain't fair. That's for damn sure.

  I push those thoughts away so I can listen to Masie and not miss any details from her imaginative story. In a few hours, after Masie's tucked away for the night, I can mentally replay those few moments with Lily. I don't want to forget any detail about her, either.

  Chapter 3


  Breathe in for 5 counts, breathe out for 8.

  It's become second-nature to me, the breathing exercises I've been practicing lately in preparation for my new job. And I desperately need something to help me stay calm as I make my way through the crowded, bustling sidewalk in the Financial District.


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