Daddy's Virgin Bride: A Fake Marriage Romance

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Daddy's Virgin Bride: A Fake Marriage Romance Page 18

by Juliet Woods

  Maybe Tyler is right. Maybe I do need to cut loose a little.

  Chapter 40


  The next few days are a blur. I'm flirty with Katie but don't want to go too fast and scare her off. She seems interested in something adventurous, but her shyness holds her back. But every day makes me want her more than the day before, and I have to restrain myself from acting out my fantasies with her in real life.

  Surprisingly, Austin is flirting with her too. I mean, in his socially awkward way. It's pretty funny to watch. But what surprises me even more is that Katie doesn't seem turned off by his social clumsiness – I think she may even find it charming. I don't get that at all. Most women respond to my smooth talking and deft moves, and it’s a little irritating that Austin’s not out of the game yet with her.

  Making progress with Katie has gotten more difficult for both me and Austin now that our big new software release is going to market. We're all just swamped with work. Austin's been putting in long hours with the engineers, analysts, and developers, and I've been doing some overtime myself with the marketing, sales, and PR folks. And Katie's had her hands more than full juggling all our schedules – lunches, sales pitches, meetings with investors. So wooing Katie beyond a little flirting here and there has taken a back seat for now. That's not to say she hasn't been on my mind, because she has, big time. It's just that we're always having to discuss schedules and putting out the fires that keep popping up.

  I have to say that I've been surprising myself more and more lately. Usually, even when swamped with work, I'd be hitting the bars after a stressful day at the office to blow off steam and forget my troubles in the arms of some sexy woman. But it's like I've forgotten all about one-night-stands. They don't even interest me. I only have eyes for Katie.

  At first it kind of freaked me out. I was worried I was becoming old and boring or something. But the truth is that she’s way more interesting to me than any girl at the bar. Hell, I guess she's more interesting to me than any woman I've ever known.

  There's just something about her – her innocence and sweetness, the way she really listens to you when you talk, the way she just makes everything better. I find myself wanting to spend more and more time with her.

  I'm thinking about her and distractedly trying to read over some sales projections, when there's a soft knock at my door. I feel my dick twitch because I recognize that knock as Katie's knock.

  “Come in,” I say.

  In she walks, wearing some tight black pants that flatter her tight little body perfectly.

  “Hi Tyler,” she smiles. “Just wanted to check and see if you had anything for me before I head home in a bit.”

  Yeah, my cock, I think.

  “Hey, Katie. Yeah, could you stay and chat for a bit?” I ask, standing up and walking around to the front of my desk. “Have a seat.”

  I lean against the edge of my desk and she sits in a chair just inches away from my knees.

  “I just wanted to tell you what a great job you've been doing,” I begin. “You started your position here during our busiest time of year, and you've really done some stellar work. We wouldn't be able to manage without you.”

  She beams. “Oh, thank you so much for saying that, Tyler. I've just been trying to help in whatever way I could.”

  “Yeah, you've been a major help. It's great that you learned your way around here so fast. How are you liking the job so far?”

  “Oh, it's wonderful,” she says. “I like how challenging and fast-paced it is. And everyone is so nice here. I keep telling my mom--” she starts to say but interrupts herself, looking into her lap and turning red. “Um, I keep telling my mom how much I love it here.”

  “Oh, are you and your mom close?”

  Still looking down in her lap, she says, “Yes, actually, um, I live with her.” She says it almost as an apology. “I guess it's not very cool to live with your mother at 27,” she says, rolling her eyes.

  “Nothing wrong with that,” I say. “That's great you're close with her. I'm sure your mom is happy to have you around. My mom lives on the other side of the country and I miss her.”

  Katie pauses, biting her lip, as if considering what to say. “Well, my mom is sick, so I have to be around.”

  “Oh, shit,” I say. “I had no idea, Katie, I'm so sorry to hear that.”

  “Yeah, it's been ten years since she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I live with her and help her out, since my dad’s not really in the picture anymore. It’s a lot of hard work. It's been… it’s been so hard,” she says, and looks like she's about to cry, but then stops herself. “God, listen to me! I'm sorry to tell you my sob story.”

  I get up and walk toward her, bending down a bit to put my arm around her shoulder. “No, it's fine, Katie. You can talk to me. I can't imagine how difficult that must be for you.”

  “Thanks, Tyler. It's okay, really,” she looks up at me and smiles. “Having this job has been such a blessing. It's closer to home, and well, it pays well.”

  I'd give her a raise right this moment if I could. I had no idea she was going through so much at her young age. The fact that she has real shit going on in her life and can keep it together so well makes me respect her all the more.

  I still have my arm around her shoulder, and I know it's probably time to move away, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

  “Well, I’m always here if you need to talk. And let me know if there's anything I can do,” I say.

  “Thanks so much, I definitely will,” Katie says.

  She reaches up and hugs me, wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing her breasts against my chest. I inhale her skin. It smells like flowers. I want to stay like this forever. And the embrace seems to last forever, or at least a really, really long time. I feel her body move like waves as she breathes in and out. I wonder how long we will stay like this. Finally, finally, she pulls away, and I force myself to let her go when I really want to pull her tighter.

  I've got a raging erection, but there’s nothing I can do to hide it. After she pressed her body against mine, there was no stopping the flow of blood to my cock. She's the most incredible woman I've ever known, and I have to use all my willpower to stop myself from picking her up, putting her on the desk, and burying my face between her legs.

  We're silent for a moment, and I hear her breathing.

  “I'm so glad you're here,” I say. “Here with the company. It's been great getting to know you, Katie.”

  “You too, Tyler,” she says shyly. “Really great.”

  “Well, I won't keep you any longer. Go ahead and cut out of here early. You know next week we'll need you to put in some extra hours, so rest up tonight,” I say.

  “Okay, thanks so much. I'll see you tomorrow,” she says as she stands up, taking a deep breath as if to collect herself.

  “Goodnight, Katie,” I say as I watch her walk slowly, slowly, out the door. So slowly that I have to wonder if she's teasing me, or if she just really doesn't want to leave.

  Chapter 41


  I walk to the subway in a daze, the sunlight blinding me.

  Feeling myself in Tyler's arms blew me away. I've never had such an erotic, intimate embrace in my life. My breasts were pressed against his broad chest, and his massive arms held me so tight. I could feel his heart beating against me. I had to tear myself away, scared that I was coming on too strong.

  But as I pulled away, I saw it – his giant erection. I knew at that moment that he wanted me just as much as I wanted him.

  I was shocked to see it – that huge tent in his pants.

  I wanted so badly to unzip his pants and see that big, hard cock for myself.

  I think the fact that I had just opened up my heart to him and told him a bit about my struggles made everything more intense. I told him about my mom and how hard it's been for me taking care of her, and he wasn't uncomfortable like most people. Most people get scared off when I tell them anything ser
ious. But Tyler listened to me. He could really understand me. I found it incredibly sexy.

  I've been thinking more and more about Tyler, and Austin too, lately. I've been starting to wonder if maybe something beyond the boss-assistant relationship will develop, like Michelle suggested. The interlude with Tyler has made that possibility seem even closer to reality.

  I get home quickly, opening the door quietly to not wake my mom, who usually takes her nap at this time.

  I hurry to my room, grateful to have some time alone to think more about the moments in Tyler's office. I think about calling Michelle to tell her the news, but reconsider.

  Instead, I close and lock my door, and crawl into my bed. At first I re-play the scene in my head, but then my imagination takes it further. I caress and pleasure myself, finding myself already wet.

  My body is pressed against Tyler's, his arms around me. His breath is in my ear, and he begins to kiss my neck.

  Suddenly his mouth presses against mine and he kisses me passionately.

  His fingers hungrily move to my breasts, tracing the curve of them and cupping them gently. He pulls my shirt over my head and kisses the tops of my breasts.

  We remove each others’ clothes, and I marvel at his muscled, toned body and enormous cock. We are standing, kissing, caressing, and touching.

  He picks me up and carries me to his desk, clearing everything off the surface of the desk with one arm, then gently lying me down on it. He kisses me again, then enters me with his cock, slowly, slowly. I stretch to accommodate him. It feels so good, and I'm in heaven.

  Suddenly, to my surprise, I realize we are not alone. Austin's deep voice asks me, “Does that feel good, Katie?”

  I see him standing by my side and I reach out for him. I want them both. He touches my breasts and kisses me while Tyler begins to thrust harder inside me.

  “Do you want my cock, too?” Austin asks, already stroking himself through his pants.

  “Oh, God, yes, please,” I beg.

  Austin quickly unzips and pushes his pants down. I see his beautiful, hard cock.

  They move me back on the desk so that my head comes over the edge, supported by Austin's hands. He stands right before my face and slowly pushes his cock in my mouth.

  I'm so turned on by feeling both of their cocks inside me, taking over my body. Austin pumps in and out of my mouth, one hand supporting my head and the other moving over my breasts. Tyler is thrusting faster and faster now while he rubs my clit.

  I cry out into my pillow as I explode into orgasm, gyrating my hips and quickly rubbing my clitoris. Warmth floods my body as I slow down, writhing in my bed.

  My head is spinning as I catch my breath, lingering in the sensations. I was surprised to see Austin show up in my fantasy. I've never fantasized about two guys at once, but it is undoubtedly one of the hottest things I could imagine.

  Lying in bed, I feel a little, well, dirty. It's one thing to fantasize about my hot boss, but both of them? I've never thought of myself as the type of girl who would want sex with two men at once.

  But of course, I've never had two panty-melting men as my bosses. And I remember what Michelle said the other day – “There's nothing wrong with having sexual desires.” So what if my sexual desires happen to include two men?

  As far as my sexual fantasies happening in real life, I think that's a little far-fetched. Sure, Tyler had an erection this afternoon, but isn't that just something that happens to men? I mean, maybe he'd like to fool around with me, but I doubt he would cross the line and act on his desires.

  And there's no way that Austin would. He's so serious and professional, I can't imagine him breaking the rules in that way.

  I decide not to beat myself up about my fantasies. Just because I daydream about fucking two guys at once, it doesn't mean I'll actually do it.

  I also decide my thoughts on the train ride home were wishful thinking – there's no way I'll end up having sex with either of my bosses – or both of them – in real life. None of us wants to jeopardize our work. But a girl can dream, can't she?

  Chapter 42


  Today I've got three meetings, two conference calls, and I need to check up on four different developer teams, but all I can think about is Katie.

  Katie with her hair up, Katie with her hair down. Katie on the phone, Katie at her desk. Katie sitting in my lap and whispering in my ear.

  Okay, so not all of those things have happened yet. But I have to will my cock not to become erect as I think of her round ass sitting in my lap.

  So I was overjoyed when I saw in my inbox this morning that today is Secretary's Day. Perfect! A reason to do nice things for her without looking suspicious. And bonus: Tyler is too careless to even know Secretary's Day is a thing, so it will make me look like the good guy.

  And that’s exactly what I need right now. Katie and Tyler have been getting a little too close for my taste. I think something happened the other day, and I don't know what. I don't think they've slept together, but the past couple days they seem to look at each other a little differently. It's been driving me crazy.

  So I stop by the florist on my way to the office and see what they have. There are a bunch of bouquets available meant to give secretaries – the usual spring flowers like tulips, lilies, and daffodils. But I'm not looking to send a typical “thank you” message. I go for something sexy – a dozen red roses.

  Later that morning, a tap on my door. I know it's Katie.

  “Good morning, Austin. I just wanted to say thank you so much for the roses. I love them,” she says, walking in my office in my favorite pencil skirt, button-down blouse, and sexy high-heels.

  “You're very welcome. Just a small token of appreciation for all your hard work,” I say. “By the way, are you free for lunch?”

  “Oh sure. I usually just eat my lunch on the patio outside. The pigeons will be okay if I miss a day,” she says, laughing.

  “Perfect. I thought I could take you out for sushi, if that's okay?” I say, remembering having overheard her mention sushi to a co-worker as her favorite food a few weeks back.

  “Yes! Sushi is my favorite!” she beams.

  “Great, I know a nice place just a few blocks from here. We can walk there and enjoy the sunshine,” I say.

  “Sounds wonderful,” she says. “I'll just be at my desk catching up with emails most of the morning.”

  “Okay, I'll see you in a couple hours?” I ask.

  “Absolutely,” she says, flashing me a grin, and turns and walks out of the office.

  Hell yeah, I think. Things are looking up. Sometimes it pays to have a mind that's always working, despite what Tyler says about my “addiction to thinking.”

  The rest of the morning is a flurry of activity, and before I know it, Katie and I are seated next to each other at a sushi bar.

  “Order whatever you like, Katie, it's my treat,” I say.

  “You may regret that when you see how much sushi I can eat,” she smiles at me.

  I laugh and say, “I didn't know I was dealing with such an aficionado. Don't hold back.”

  She looks into my eyes, blinks, and says, “I won't.”

  Whoa. Does that mean what I think it means? Things are going even better than I thought. I don’t want to hold back either.

  And soon I realize she wasn't kidding about eating a lot of sushi. We're sharing a huge platter and she's definitely showed me up with the amount of rolls and sashimi she can put away. Somehow, it makes her that much sexier to me.

  Finally, she sits back in her chair and proclaims herself stuffed.

  “Is that all you got?”

  “Well, you know what they say – there's always room for green tea ice cream,” she says with a smile.

  “Ah, I haven't heard that exact proverb before, but it makes sense,” I say, and order two ice creams.

  “So, have you whipped the developers into shape?” she asks.

  “As much as they can be. Everything is
looking good with the new software. And we couldn't have done it without you.”

  “Aw, shucks,” she says, smiling, then turns to the bowl of ice cream set in front of her.

  I watch out of the corner of my eye as she brings the spoon to her mouth, her full lips parting, then wrapping around the spoon. It's such a turn on.

  She asks me about the business, about how Tyler and I got our start. I try not to talk too much about myself so I won’t bore her, but she seems genuinely interested.

  “Do you guys like working together?” she asks.

  “Well, we get on each others’ nerves a lot, as you've probably noticed. We're so opposite and we don't always share the same perspective. But really, we make it work,” I say.

  “Yeah, you guys make a great team. You seem to really complement each other.”

  We finish our ice cream as I ask about her previous jobs, about her home life. She tells me about being her mom's caretaker. I see her inner strength and determination, and I start to feel even closer to her than ever.

  “Well, I hope we haven't been too demanding at work, especially considering all the responsibility you have at home,” I say.

  “No, not at all. Although this is the first time I've had two co-bosses,” she laughs.

  “Yeah, two smart asses to put up with,” I say, rolling my eyes. “We're not the easiest to work for.”

  She laughs. I look at her as she looks down shyly.

  I can see the tops of her round breasts from this angle, and the way her long hair falls over her shoulder in soft curls. After a moment, she looks back up at me, and this time she doesn't look away. I've forgotten everything now, and my vision, my entire world, narrows down to those green eyes looking at me.

  Without thinking, before I can stop myself, I lean down and press my mouth against her gorgeous pink lips. She kisses me back, softly and gently. I put my hand on her back, pulling her toward me. Her hand goes up to the back of my neck, caressing my skin. It’s finally happening, I think. I've dreamed of this moment for weeks now. For a moment, it's pure bliss.


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