by Daniel Pool
marriages, 13, 180–86, 188, 245
cards sent for, 69
Church approval for, 113, 114, 134, 182–83
licenses for, 183–84
“market” for, 52, 93–94
sexual contact before, 187, 189
marriage settlements, 182
Married Women’s Property Act (1882), 186
Marshalsea Prison, 28, 99, 139, 140
Marylebone station, 29
“master,” 57
master of the ceremonies, 79–80
match girls, 238
Mayfair, 28, 51
Mayor of Casterbridge, The (Hardy), 87, 95, 97, 152, 167, 169, 176–77, 186, 242
measurements, 23–24
Methodists, 119
Metropolitan Police Force, 135–36
Meynell, Hugo, 171
middle class, 46–47, 90, 119, 197, 217, 224–25
Middlemarch (Eliot), 38, 41, 46, 49, 88, 95, 98, 114, 118, 119, 123, 125, 136, 154, 163, 165, 169, 170, 184, 187, 195, 204, 224, 225, 247, 248, 250, 251
Middlesex, 29
Middle Temple, 131
Midlands, 24, 158, 159–62, 172
militias, 112, 168
milk, 205
Mill, John Stuart, 187
Mill on the Floss, The (Eliot), 50, 79, 95–96, 97, 123, 130, 238, 239, 246, 252–53
mills, textile, 242
ministry, government, 103
minuets, 61, 80
Miss, 56, 57
forms of address for, 38, 43
Parliament and, 101, 102
peerages granted by, 37, 103
presentation to, 52–53, 70–71, 131, 250
reigns of, 22–23
as ultimate authority, 128
see also specific monarchs
money, 19–21, 85–88
moneylending, 95, 96–97
moonlight, 200
moors, 158, 159, 160, 161
morning calls, 66, 68–69
morning rooms, 191
mortgages, 97, 98
mosquitoes, 246, 249
“mother,” 56
mourning, 215, 254–55
M.P. (Member of Parliament), 45
Mr., 220, 251
Mrs., 56, 57, 220
mudlarks, 31, 231, 238
municipal boroughs, 170
Municipal Corporation Act (1835), 170
murders, 134, 136
muslin, 217
mutes, 253
Mutiny Acts, 112
My Lord, 39, 40, 115
names, Christian, 56–57
Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 107, 249
Napoleon III, 112
Napoleonic Wars, 106, 107, 146, 218
national schools, 126
National Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor, 125–26
navy, 106, 107–8
Neville, Lady Dorothy, 53
Newcastle, 26
Newgate Prison, 27, 137, 138, 139
Newman, John Henry, 123
New Poor Law (1834), 167, 170, 244
newspapers, 211, 220
Newton, Isaac, 123
nightlights, 198–99
nightmen, 203
no confidence, vote of, 105
noise, 31
Norman Conquest, 24, 48, 90, 168
Northanger Abbey (Austen), 59, 68, 118, 145, 188, 234, 248
notes, bank, 19–20
novels, nineteenth-century English:
bibliography on, 395–403
contemporary audience of, 13
glossary for, 259–394
melodrama of, 36
settings for, 24–26
in Victorian period, 36
see also specific novelists and novels
nursemaids, 228–29
nurseries, 191
Nursery Maid, The, 229
oakum, 140, 167, 245
oats, 154, 159, 210
occupations, 235–39
officers, army and naval, 108
Old Bailey, 137
Old Style calendar, 22
Oliver Twist (Dickens), 14, 31, 86, 136–38, 166, 167, 182, 185, 203–4, 205, 239, 241–42, 243, 245, 253
ombre, 64, 65
opera, 52
Opposition, 104, 105
orange girls, 238
orgasms, 187
orphans, 87, 225, 226, 234–35, 243
ottomans, 197
Our Mutual Friend (Dickens), 31, 51, 67, 72, 73, 74, 77, 80, 132, 212, 231, 238, 243
outbuildings, 193
overseers of the poor, 167, 169
Oxford Movement, 123, 131
Oxford University, 53, 113, 120, 121–24, 125, 133, 250, 251
oysters, 204
packmen, 238
Paddington Station, 29
palaces, 115
Pall Mall, 28, 51
palsy, 248
“papa,” 56
paper tax, 88
paraffin, 199
parishes, 88, 166–68, 170, 241, 242–245
Park Lane, 28, 51
parks, 196
Parliament, 31, 45, 188
dissolution of, 105
military policies of, 107, 111, 112
procedure in, 101–6
religious policies of, 114, 119, 121
season and, 51, 52, 53
voting in, 105
see also House of Commons; House of Lords parliamentary boroughs, 170
parliamentary divorces, 185
parliamentary trains, 149
parlormaids, 13, 189, 223, 229
parlors, 191–92, 211, 220
parties, political, 101, 103
partridge season, 54, 175
pasteurization, 205
patents of nobility, 37
patience (card game), 64
pattens, 31, 214
peas, 77
peat, 161
peddlers, 31, 238
pedigree, 48
Peel, Robert, 124, 135
peelers, 135
peerage, peers, 13, 34–43
courtesy titles for, 40–43
direct address to, 38–40
granting of, 37, 103
in House of Lords, 35, 37, 101, 102–3, 104, 106, 115, 163
as landed aristocracy, 163, 173
written communications to, 40
pelisses, 214
pence, 19, 20
pennies, 19, 20
penny-post, 151
pensions, 108, 110, 222
perpetual curates, 115, 116
Persuasion (Austen), 38, 41, 49, 66–67, 91, 92, 93, 108, 175
petticoats, 214, 215, 219
pheasant season, 54, 173, 175
Phineas Finn (Trollope), 53, 94, 95, 104, 105, 106, 133, 135, 223
physicians, 46, 250, 252
Pickwick Papers, The (Dickens), 22, 25, 64, 66, 67, 76, 77, 78, 86, 87, 100, 132–33, 182, 216, 218, 229, 235–36, 247
Picture of Dorian Gray, The (Wilde), 190
piemen, 238–39
pigs, 204, 205
pin money, 182
pipes, water, 193, 202
piquet, 64
Pitt, William, the Younger, 111, 146
plate (silverware), 86, 220, 232
pleadings, 132
pleurisy, 248
ploughboys, 156
plum pudding, 207, 208
pluralism, 118–19, 129
Pluralities Act (1838), 119
poachers, 173–74
poker, 63
police, 135–36, 137
police magistrates, 137
ponies, 142
pony chaises, 145
diseases of, 247
education of, 125–26
parish support for, 88, 167, 242–45
Pope Joan (card game), 62, 64–65
port wine, 24, 77, 191, 212
Portrait of a Lady (James), 209
Portsmouth, 26
Potter, Beatrix, 217
pounds (curren
cy), 19, 20, 21
PPC (pour prendre congé), 69
prebends, 115, 118–19
precentors, 115
pregnancy, 187, 222
Prerogative Court, 129, 131
preserves, 205
press-gangs, 107–8
Pride and Prejudice (Austen), 46, 48–49, 55, 57, 94, 112, 116, 146, 163, 180, 183, 195, 196
priests, 114, 115, 118
Prime Minister, The (Trollope), 73, 74, 132, 168
prime ministers, 103, 105
Primitive Methodists, 119
primogeniture, 90, 91
prisons, 14, 137, 139–40, 245
debtor’s, 28, 96, 98–100, 139, 140
“reform” of, 139–40
see also specific prisons
privies, 202–3
Privy Council, 103, 126
proctors, 122, 131, 133
promissory notes, 96, 97
prostitutes, 189, 235, 238, 254
prudery, 187, 188
public schools, 125, 205
Public Worship Act (1874), 121
pubs, 211
pudding, 204, 207–8
pumps, water, 202
punch, 212
Punch, 61, 187
punishment, criminal, 134–40
Pusey, E. B., 120
putrid fever, 249
Q.C. (Queen’s Counsel), 45, 131, 132
quadrille (card game), 62, 65
quadrilles (dance), 61, 80
quarter days, 22
Quarterly Review, 103
quinsy, 248
R.A. (Member of the Royal Academy), 45
racehorses, 142, 143
raddlemen, 156
rag-and-bone shops, 223, 231, 232
ragbags, 231
railroads, 28–29, 82, 86, 147, 148–49, 151, 154, 157, 170, 223
rain barrels, 202
Ranters, 119
ratcatchers, 236, 239
rate payments, 88, 245
rectors, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 123
recycling, 231–32
Reform Act (1832), 103
Regency era, 23
Regent Street, 51
regiments, 109
reticules, 214
Return of the Native, The (Hardy), 23, 111, 156, 160–61, 183, 197–98, 211
“rotten” boroughs, 170
Rotten Row, 51
round games, 62, 64, 65–66, 84
Royal Academy of Art, 45, 52
Royal College of Physicians, 250
Royal College of Surgeons, 251
Royal Exchange, 29
rum, 212
rushlights, 198–99
Ruskin, John, 188
Russell, John, 42
St. Giles and Seven Dials, 28
St. James (neighborhood), 51
St. James’s Palace, 52, 70–71
St. Paneras station, 29
salons, 191
savings, personal, 95
scavenging, 231–32
scholarships, 122–23, 124
schoolrooms, 191
Scotch Presbyterian Church, 183–84
Scotland, 54, 82, 183–84
Scotland Yard, 136
scullerymaids, 221, 228
scythes, 157
seals, 151–52, 217
season, the, 50–54
securities, government, 86–87
Sense and Sensibility (Austen), 63, 66, 117, 200, 249
serjeants, 45, 131, 132–33
Serjeant’s Inn, 132
servants, 13, 47, 218–29, 245
clothing of, 223–24
in country houses, 85
for dinner parties, 76, 218–19
farm, 159, 177
female, 219–20, 227–29
forms of address for, 57–58
hierarchy of, 222–23, 228
living conditions of, 221–22
male, 220–21
necessity of, 218–20
outdoor, 221, 222
perquisites of, 223, 231, 232
rooms for, 191, 192, 221
status and, 47, 48, 49, 218
tax on, 88, 229
types of, 220–21
wages of, 221, 223, 229
see also specific types of servants
service à la française, 75–76
service à la russe, 75, 76
servitors, 122
sessions, 22, 102
settlement laws, 167, 244–45
settles, 197–98, 211
sewers, 31, 203, 232, 239, 246–47
sex, 84, 186–90
sheep, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 161
sheriffs, 168
sherry, 75, 212
shillings, 19, 20
ships, 107–8
shires, 24, 158, 168, 172
shooting, 51, 53–54, 82, 83, 174–76
shops, 191–92
Silas Marner (Eliot), 60, 119, 164, 169, 172, 175, 211
silent system, 140
silver, 19, 86
Singh, Maharajah Duleep, 176
Sir, 35, 39, 57
Sir Roger de Coverley, 60
sitting rooms, 191
sixpences, 19, 20
sizars, 122, 123
sloe, 160
Smith, Adam, 242
smoking, 55, 77, 82
soap, 88, 203
society, English:
appearances in, 47–48
forms of address in, 38–43
hierarchy of, 33–38
major rituals of, 70–85
order of precedence in, 33–34, 46
season for, 50–54
sodomy, 134, 190
solicitors, 49, 131, 132, 133, 134, 235, 240
solitaire, 64
soot, 232
South Kensington, 51
Southwark, 28, 29
sovereigns, 19, 20
special pleaders, 132
speculation (card game), 62, 65
speeches, political, 101–2, 105
spencers, 214
spinsters, 53
sponging houses, 95, 99
spring guns, 174
square dances, 59, 61
squires, 40, 46, 163, 168
stables, livery, 143
stagecoaches, 144, 148, 149, 211
stallions, 142
Star Chamber, 136
Statute of Apprenticeship (1563), 240
statute or hiring fairs, 177–78
stewards, 220, 222
Stock Exchange, 86, 87
stocks and bonds, 86
streets, 30–31
strict settlements, 91
studies, 191
suicides, 253
Sunday schools, 125
supper rooms, 79, 81
Supreme Court, 128, 130
Supreme Court Judicature Act (1873), 130
surgeons, 250–51, 253–54
Surrey, 29
surveyors of highways, 167, 169
Swedes (Swedish turnips), 154
sword exercise, 111
swords, 111, 218
Taine, Hippolyte, 189, 226
tallow candles, 13, 199
tap rooms, 211
taverns, 136–37, 211
taxes, 87–88, 146, 199, 203, 229
Taylor, Harriet, 187
tea, 205, 208–9, 232
afternoon, 68, 83, 209, 210
teacher colleges, 124, 126
tea gowns, 83, 209, 215
telegraph, 152
telephones, 152
Temple Bar, 27, 28
tenant farmers, 49, 85, 163, 165, 221
tenements, 167
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 39, 42
terms, calendar, 21–22, 122, 128
Tess of the d’Urbervilles (Hardy), 22, 40, 47, 48, 119, 122, 138, 144, 149, 154, 166, 176, 177, 180, 190, 195–96, 207
Test Acts, 124
Thackeray, William Makepeace, see Vanity Fair
Thames River, 26, 29–30, 31
theater, 51, 52
Thirty-nine Articles, 113, 118
threepences, 19, 20
threshing, 156
tights, 216
Times (London), 117
tips, 223
tithes, 88, 113, 115–16
toilets, 202–3
tokay, 212
Tom Jones (Fielding), 187
tonsillitis, 248
top couple, 59
Tories, 103, 119, 123
town houses, 192
Tractarians, 120
trade, 38, 48, 49, 96, 97, 133, 252
transportation, 142–49, 218
of criminals, 139, 254
treacle, 205
treadmills, 139–40
treason, 134, 136, 138
Treasury Bench, 103
Treasury building, 28
Treasury Department, 103, 104
trials, criminal, 132–33, 136–37, 138, 169
Trollope, Anthony:
on card games, 62
on country house visits, 81
debt paid by, 95, 96
Evangelical movement as viewed by, 119
on forms of address, 56
as guide to social nuance, 33–34
marriage market described by, 52
Palliser novels of, 35, 51
see also specific works
trusts, 129, 182
tuberculosis, 247
tuft-hunting, 122
turnips, 154
typhoid fever, 248–49
typhus, 88, 248, 249
umbrellas, 30, 68, 217–18
union system, 244
universities, 21–22, 121–24
vacation, 22
vails, 223
valets, 85, 222, 223
Vanity Fair (Thackeray), 25, 28, 38, 45, 48, 49–50, 51, 52–53, 56–57, 62, 63, 67, 70–71, 84, 87, 93, 95, 99, 110, 112, 146, 150, 168, 169, 170, 174, 182, 210, 212, 223, 224, 225, 226, 249
vans, 144, 145
Vauxhall Gardens, 28
V.C. (Victoria Cross), 45
venereal disease, 189
vermin, 171, 175
vicars, 114, 115, 116, 118, 123
Victoria, Queen of England, 23, 101, 102, 180, 229, 255
victorias, 145, 147
Victoria Station, 29
villages, 47
vingt-et-un (card game), 65
Virginia reel, 60
viscountesses, 39
viscounts, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39
visitations, 115
volume, measurements for, 24
Volunteers, 112
waggonettes, 145
waggons, 142, 144, 145
waistcoats, 216
walking sticks, 160
waltz, 60–61, 80
Warden, The (Trollope), 38, 86, 116, 228
washing, 202, 221
watch chains, 217
water, 193, 202, 203, 210, 221, 227–28
Water Babies, The (Kingsley), 188
water butts, 202
water closets, 203
Waterloo Bridge, 29
Waterloo Station, 29
watermen, 29, 147, 193, 202, 239
wax, sealing, 152
wax candles, 13, 199
wealth, 46, 85–88
weddings, 68, 184, 215
weight, measurements for, 24
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 37
Wellingtons, 217
Wesley, John, 119
Wessex, 26, 158–59
West End, 28, 51
West Indies, 111–12