Trina M. Lee

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  “I totally agree with you. I feel like I don’t get enough of you. Having you by my side at that motel the other night felt so right. Natural.” It thrilled me to hear Shaz say he needed more of me. It was much needed reassurance to my battered ego.

  The conflict with Arys had left me raw in places. Focusing my attention on what I was first and foremost, a werewolf, was important right now. Sure, I’d been born gifted as a human but nothing compared to the things I could do now. Turning my attention to the original predator in me felt good, just thinking about it. I was suddenly dying to go for a run.

  “You and me both, baby.” Shaz slid the black t-shirt over his body, hiding his firm abs from view. His platinum hair was amazingly white in contrast. “I’ll always have your back. And, with those jackasses at the motel sniffing around, more than ever I feel like it’s time to make a change.”

  “I adore you,” I said softly. Watching his eyes light up in response filled me with a warm glow.

  Rising from the bed, I went to him wearing nothing but the silk sheet wrapped around me. He groaned, but it was accompanied by his sexy grin that I loved so much.

  “You’re making it really hard for me to care about getting to work on time. I’m supposed to open tonight.” He accepted me into his warm embrace, and I snuggled in close. Every time he held me like this, I wanted time to stop.

  Before Shaz made it out the door to his car, he had a series of battles between his desire and the ticking clock. Promising that, on his first night away from Lucy’s, we would shut the world out and just be, he kissed me with longing. When I shoved him out the door to work, he was already running five minutes late.

  It was still early, barely suppertime. The sun had almost finished its descent in the western sky. A pale orange glow was all that remained along the horizon.

  I couldn’t shake the need to see Arys, to make him listen to me. After the way he’d spent his night, I was hoping he’d gotten it out of his system. Maybe he’d be more open to discussion. I had this nauseous twinge in the pit of my stomach that wouldn’t go away until we dealt with this. The thought of ongoing conflict with him held a heaviness that weighed on my mind and my soul.

  After hitting up a shower, I rushed around to get ready in the hopes that I would catch Arys before he left his house for the night. I didn’t bother with any makeup other than some lip-gloss and a stroke of blush. Since forming the blood bond with Arys, I’d grown considerably pale. It made me a little self-conscious.

  My hair was damp, and I left it loose. Slipping into a pair of black pants and a halter-top, I felt both comfortable and practical. The slightest bit of snow fell outside the window so I brought a jacket that was a combination of faux leather and fur. The moment my butt hit the seat of my car, I was wracked with nerves.

  Doubt plagued me as I drove, and more than once I was tempted to change my course. No. We had to get to the bottom of this. In the privacy of Arys’s house was better than a parking lot outside The Wicked Kiss.

  The radio captured my attention when the DJ gave a news update about bodies that had been found near downtown in the city. The details were minimal but the word “massacred” was enough for me. I’d bet money that Arys had something to do with it. It wasn’t like him to leave a body where it could be so easily found. This was all kinds of bad.

  Arys lived in a quiet neighborhood that was primarily populated by older citizens. He felt that it allowed him to stay low key and be left alone. His neighbors didn’t pay him much attention other than Mrs. Olson, whom he was strangely protective over. I attributed that to the fact that he’d slaughtered her dog in a fit of werewolf rage he’d acquired from me. He still felt guilty about the whole thing.

  The moment I drove up in front of his house, I knew that he wasn’t inside. It made no sense. The sun had just disappeared from the sky. He couldn’t have left already, not without being fried to ashes, and I would have felt that. No. He hadn’t even come home.

  That realization was startling. If Arys hadn’t come home in time for sunrise, then where the hell was he?

  I went up to the door and rang the bell anyway. I could feel the emptiness of the house. It created a hollow ache inside me. Where was my dark vampire?

  Returning to the car, I tried to talk myself out of what I was about to do. Something warned me away, but I refused to listen. I was going to tap Arys’s mind. It couldn’t show me anything worse than it had last night, could it?

  I turned the car on so that the heater blasted warm air all around me. Then I turned my focus inward and projected it to Arys. I fully expected that disorienting sensation I always got when I fell into his mind. It never came.

  Instead, it was as if a brick wall barred my entrance. I felt the slightest resistance at the edges, as if I could shove my way through with enough force. It would take more than I had in me. The bastard had blocked me out. That hurt. He was hiding something, obviously.

  The fury that filled me was scorching. It seared a path throughout my entire body until I was resonating with red-hot energy that ached to maim and destroy.

  I put the car in gear and hit the gas. The Charger slid on the ice and snow but quickly regained traction. I took deep breaths, trying to calm down before I did something really stupid. I felt like I couldn’t breathe, like I might start hyperventilating. Panic accompanied the rush of power that crashed through me like a lightning storm. I had to get some air.

  Thinking it might be a good idea to park near one of the walking paths and take a stroll to calm down, I turned down Brown Street. There was parking space right beside the path that ran beneath the train tracks. I could be alone there to get control of myself. The emotions and thoughts attacking me was more than I could take. The sting of Arys’s rejection hurt on every level. How could he do this?

  As I made a right onto Oatway Drive and then another onto Brown Street, I noticed the car behind me did the same. Could it be that I was being tailed? Putting it to the test, I took a few other turns, some without signaling and the car behind followed suit. Great, just what I needed.

  I couldn’t make out the driver with the glare of his headlights in my rear view mirror, but I didn’t have to. With the angry energy soaring high in me, I could feel his werewolf aura, just one, and it wasn’t the Alpha, either. So, he’d sent one of his lackeys to tail me. How pathetic was that?

  That was fine with me. I was ready to unleash the pain and rage I was feeling all over someone deserving. He would do just fine. It hadn’t taken them long to make their way from the city to my small town. They were going to find out that I was more than a little wolf with big words. I was happy to start with this guy.

  I drove along at the speed limit, watching him attempt to follow me without getting too close. I was purposely leading him to the outskirts of town. Since he wasn’t from Stony, I doubted he realized that I was taking him straight to the old graveyard that very rarely had visitors these days. One of the town walking paths led to the edge of town and cut off. It was just beyond that point that I pulled over at random.

  He continued past me, but I knew he was looking for a spot to ditch his car. Getting out of the Charger, I locked the doors and crossed to the walking path. I could see the end of it and the cemetery ahead, nestled in amongst an old abandoned house and a patch of trees. I couldn’t see his car, but I knew he wasn’t far. He had to be watching me.

  I walked casually, as if I had a purpose. Alive with power that fed off my emotional upheaval, my fingernails lengthened into savage claws. My fangs appeared next, and I knew that my eyes were all wolf. I didn’t think they’d be Arys’s vampire blue, but I wasn’t entirely sure. All I cared about was luring my prey into that graveyard and adding him to the bodies there.

  I reached the end of the walking path before I felt him. He was coming. I didn’t dare turn to look for him, knowing it would alert him to the fact that I knew he was following me. Instead, I sauntered along as if I didn’t have a care in the world, if only that were true.

  A secondary road separated the walking path from the cemetery. There wasn’t a car in sight. I crossed into the graveyard, reaching out with my mind to feel for his heady werewolf energy. He wasn’t far behind. I wasn’t sure why he was following me, and it almost bothered me that I wouldn’t get to find out. This was going to be a fast kill. I needed it. I ached for the moment that his blood would flow.

  As soon as I stepped into the cemetery, I was hit with a swarm of different sensations. Apparently, not everyone buried within it was at rest. That wasn’t my area of expertise though.

  I walked slowly through the headstones, reading the names and dates while waiting for the fool wolf to draw closer. It was taking all of my self-control not to spin around and rush him.

  Pausing at an elaborate grave with an angel atop the headstone, I closed my eyes and let the power take over. I was confused and more than a little pissed off. This was all just too easy. The idiot didn’t have a clue I’d just lured him into a trap. He’d never make it back to his Alpha alive.

  Yes, that’s right. Just a little bit closer. He moved with stealth, almost silent. His scent was lost on the chilly night air. I felt him as if he were inside me. Every move he made I was able to anticipate before he made it. Closer, just a little bit closer.

  When he approached from behind me, I was ready. Catching his hand before it could land on my shoulder, I snapped his wrist before I’d even turned around to face him. Lashing out with a kick in his gut, he bounced off the headstone opposite us. Part of me expected the cold chill of the undead power to rise inside me, and I was more than pleasantly surprised when I burned only with pure, hot werewolf.

  The temptation to reach for my metaphysical side was numb, almost non-existent. I just wanted to feel him struggle and listen to him scream while I tore him to pieces. I leaped on him with claws extended. He went down easy beneath me, letting out a yelp when he hit the hard packed earth and grass.

  He felt good trapped under me. I had far more strength than he did, and I knew how to use it. I straddled him, pinning him with an arm against his windpipe. My other hand was poised ready to slice his throat open.

  I had the sudden temptation to play with him a little, to draw it out excruciatingly slow. I knew the urge came from the vampire in me, but that made no difference. I was riding a high that was dark and erotic. Once his blood spilled, it would bring about a whole new world of pleasure. I licked my lips in eager anticipation.

  “Why are you following me?” I growled down into his face. His eyes were wide with terror. Had he really underestimated me that much? I was insulted.

  He made a garbled sound, and I let off just enough so that he could take a breath. “Dylan thinks you’re hiding the hybrid,” he gasped out. I choked off his words before he could continue.

  Now I had a name for the unwelcome Alpha. Not that it mattered.

  “And, he was stupid enough to send you here alone to check?” I laughed, thoroughly amused. “I love seeing that look in your eyes, that horrifying realization that you guys were all wrong about me.”

  He tried to shake his head, but I held his neck pinned too tightly. I wasn’t in the mood to chat. Dragging a claw along the side of his neck, I opened up a thick gash that instantly dripped fat crimson drops. Something tightened inside my stomach, almost painfully, as the bloodlust came on strong.

  Dipping my fingers in the strong Were blood, I brought my hand to my lips. As soon as I tasted the raw wolf blood, I lost the remainder of my control. On some level, I willingly gave in, following the promise of euphoria and satisfaction.

  I tore into him like I was a starving woman presented with a gourmet meal. Blood spattered my face as he thrashed around. It didn’t take long for the life to drain out of him. My hands were stained red. There was no conscious thought in my head when I bent to taste his blood again.

  There was no high better than this. His strong, living energy wrapped around me as I drew it in. More than that, I just wanted to devour him.

  When I’d finished with him, there wasn’t much left. His throat was splayed open in a way that would have once made me sick to my stomach. Now I felt little more than the urge to grimace. I fished around in his pocket for a cell phone. It didn’t take me long to go through the recently called numbers and find the number for Dylan, the so-called Alpha male.

  It barely rang once before it was answered by a low, hurried voice. “Tell me this is good news, Jake. Did you find the O’Brien bitch?”

  I waited a few seconds before responding, hoping to instill some worry in him. “Oh yes, he found me. Sadly, he didn’t live long enough to report back to you, Dylan. I’m afraid that you have fucked up by mistaking me for someone that isn’t capable of protecting my town and my wolves.”

  “Zoey Roberts is your wolf?” He growled in my ear. “She’s a goddamn murderous half-breed that isn’t either wolf or human. What in God’s name is wrong with you?”

  “Me? Hey, I’m not the one trespassing on your turf. So save the bullshit. Get out of my town or you’re next.” Flipping the cell phone closed with my bloody hands, I almost tossed it down on the body but decided against it.

  After stuffing it in my pocket, I dragged the cooling corpse into the trees lining the cemetery. I figured that some of the local coyotes would take care of it. They were always scrounging for something to eat.

  I was soaring on a major high. The fact that I’d just killed and then made the threat to do so again had me giddy and resisting the urge to giggle aloud. Jake’s car was a rental, and he’d used it to follow me to do Lord knows what. So, it was unlikely that it had even been rented with an authentic legal name. That worked for me. Not my problem.

  Deciding that the falling snow would take care of the bloodstains near the angel statue, I crept away through the dark. I crossed the empty road to the walking path and made my way to my car. I didn’t see another person or vehicle the entire time.

  I imagined that Dylan would be having kittens right about now. Good. I fully realized that my actions had clearly stated that I was claiming Zoey Roberts as one of my own. I wouldn’t let them have her. I couldn’t. All it took was a mental image of Raoul’s challenging eyes as he lay dying at her hand, and I knew I had to protect her for the man that I’d never stopped loving, even when I hated him. God Raoul, I thought. How I wish I could slap you.

  When I got into the car, I purposely avoided looking in the visor mirror at my reflection. I knew I looked like something out of a horror movie. Driving with claws was difficult but doable. I headed for home and a hot shower. The taste of blood was strong in my mouth. I was virtually vibrating with the newly acquired energy I’d drawn in. If this was what it felt like to feed as a vampire, maybe the future wasn’t so bleak after all.

  Chapter Ten

  Hours later, I stood outside Kylarai’s house, listening to the sound of her footfalls as she hurried to answer the door. It was shortly past midnight. I knew she would still be up. When she swung the door open, the scent of Julian hit me. Oh great, that was just what I needed on top of everything else tonight.

  “Alexa, hey.” She stepped back and waved me inside. “What’s up? You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Come in.”

  “No ghosts, but I did just kill a werewolf. We have some trouble in town.”

  I was surprised how different the atmosphere in the house was since I’d moved out. It had once felt like home when I walked in. Now it felt like Kylarai’s house. Unfortunately, Julian’s scent was overwhelming. Since I hadn’t seen his SUV outside, I assumed it was in the garage. If I’d know he was there I still would have come by, but I would have been better prepared for it. At that point, I was thankful my bloodlust was sated.

  “You mean the wolves looking for Zoey? You killed one? Is that a good thing?” Ky’s voice held a note of panic, as if she was waiting for me to give her a reason for it.

  “I hope so. Where’s Julian? He may as well get the low down on this, too.”

  I followed her into the living
room where Julian was lounging in front of the TV with a beer in hand. He looked up when we entered the room. His eyes were guarded, but his expression was neutral. We tried to avoid one another as much as possible. It didn’t always work out so well. This was different. This was about pack business, not personal issues.

  “Alright Alexa,” Ky said, perching on the arm of a nearby easy chair. “Tell us what’s up.”

  I recounted the events of the evening for them, assuming Ky had already told Julian about the visit Shaz and I had paid to the wolves at the motel. Neither of them moved nor spoke until I’d finished. It didn’t take long to give them the basics.

  Julian broke the silence first. “So why don’t we just hand the Roberts bitch over to them? They’ll be gone and problem solved.”

  The casual way he spoke of Raoul’s daughter as if she wasn’t a living being that had suffered much in her life picked at me in the wrong places. I shouldn’t have expected different from him, but I did.

  “And that,” I replied bitterly. “Is exactly why you were never fit to be Alpha. So, if you have nothing helpful to contribute, just be quiet and let the grownups talk.”

  Kylarai winced, and her eyes moved uncertainly between Julian and me. He stared daggers into me, but shockingly, never said any of the awful things that I knew were on the tip of his tongue.

  “Julian, Zoey meant a lot to Raoul. He was our Alpha. We need to show a shred of respect.” Ky moved to his side as if to be affectionate, but I knew it was to place herself between us.

  “Yeah, yeah. Alright. Forget I said anything.”

  Hmm, that was interesting. Julian backed down awfully fast. I guess getting his ass beat by Shaz had been enough to make him think twice before messing with me. Or, maybe he had more respect for Kylarai than I realized. I’d believe that when I saw it.

  “Look, I just want to know that I can count on you guys to keep an eye out for anyone new in town. And, keep a look out for Zoey, too, when you run in the forest. We haven’t seen her lately, but I know she’s still around. I’m sure of it.” I turned an idea over in my head. There had to be some way to communicate with Zoey. “Ky, do you think it would be completely ridiculous to leave a note out there for her somewhere? Just in case?”


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