Redemption (Book 3) The Fixer Series

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Redemption (Book 3) The Fixer Series Page 11

by Alyson Raynes

  I sat in the stall, contemplating how I could get out of this meeting. This should have been a fun time for me, but it ended up being a reminder of where I'd been. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and unlocked the keypad.

  Missing you. I love you. ~ Brooke

  I waited for a response, but I didn't expect that I'd get one right away. I knew Dylan was busy in meetings all day, but I needed to just hear him say...

  My phone chimed.

  Princess, is everything okay? ~ Dylan

  It's fine. Just missing my husband. ~ Brooke

  Where's Alexi? Isn't he supposed to be at lunch with you and Mandy? ~ Dylan

  Yes, don't worry, he's here. He and Mandy are in the restaurant talking. ~ Brooke

  And, where are you, Brooke? ~ Dylan

  Promise not to laugh? ~ Brooke

  I'm not laughing, as a matter of fact, I'm kind of pissed. ~ Dylan

  Oh, knock it off. I'm fine. I'm in the bathroom. Do you really expect him to come into the bathroom with me? ~ Brooke

  Whatever it takes! I'm not going to lose you again. ~ Dylan

  You're overreacting, you know that? But I still love you, anyway. ~ Brooke

  I love you, too. I have to get back to work, so if you need anything, CALL ME! ~ Dylan

  OK ~ Brooke

  I pushed my phone back into my pocket, washed my hands and joined Mandy and Alexi. My food had been delivered, but I wasn't hungry. My nerves had kicked into high gear. I felt queasy, knowing what I was about to face within the next couple of hours.

  "Is everything okay, Brooke?" Mandy asked.

  "I'm good. Just not feeling well, that's all."

  "I'm sorry, maybe we should do this another time when you're feeling a little bit better. Alexi and I were just talking about maybe going out on a double date with you and Dylan, sometime. You know? So we can get to know each other a little better. What do you think?"

  "That sounds nice. Let me talk to Dylan about it and see what he has open."

  "That would be great! The four of us would have so much fun. I was thinking, since you're not feeling well, if you want to leave, I can drive Alexi back to Dylan's after lunch. That way, you don't have to stick around here."

  Alexi's eyes grew big. "No!" he said, shaking his head. "It's nothing personal, Ms. Sommers, but I don't think Mr. Prescott would like it if I let his wife go home on her own."

  "Same Dylan, eh, Brooke? He's still having his goons babysit you?"

  "Not funny, Mandy. You know how he worries, and after everything that's happened, can you blame him?"

  "No, I guess I can't. Can you imagine what he's gonna be like when you two have kids?"

  I suddenly felt very sad at the mention of kids. I hadn't told her about the baby, so I couldn't expect her to understand, but her words hurt.

  "I'm sure he'll be a great dad, Mandy. He'll do whatever it takes to care for his family just as any father would."

  I looked over at Alexi, "We should go. I'm really not feeling well. Mandy, it's been great seeing you. We'll have to do this again, soon."

  I paid for our lunch, then stood, placing a kiss on Mandy's cheek. "Take care, Mandy, I'll be in touch."

  We walked out the door and left. I told Alexi that once we were home, I was going to lay down for a couple of hours, and asked him to relay the message to Tristan, as well. He agreed, and I headed to my room to prepare for war.

  It was only one o'clock in the afternoon, and I was already feeling exhausted from the emotional baggage of the day. I quickly changed into a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, before heading to the garage. I took another look at my car, wondering if I should take it or the truck to throw everyone off. I knew Dylan hadn't opened my letter yet, because when I texted him, his reaction was still calm. Once he read what I had to say, he'd be in full panic mode. I needed to move quickly, before he suspected anything.

  I opted to go with the truck for several reasons. The main reason being that Dylan and Tristan would never suspect that'd I take it. And, where I was going, a sports car would be impractical and stand-out like a sore thumb. I grabbed a hammer from the toolbox sitting against the wall, and looked under the back driver's side just above the tire. The little, black device was live, tracking the whereabouts of the vehicle. I took the hammer and hit it, until it was in smashed into tiny, little pieces. I was free to go, without the worry of anyone finding me.

  The truck was much bigger than what I was used to driving, but where I was going, it didn't matter. I pulled into the gas station just off the highway, and placed a long, blonde wig on my head in case there were security cameras in the area taking my picture. It was a damn good disguise, and one I was grateful for as I entered the store to pay for my gas with cash.

  I had thought about this day for a long time, thinking it would never come. Now was my chance, and I couldn't fuck it up or things would never be the same. Not for me, one!

  I filled the gas can and carefully placed it in the back of the truck, paying extra attention to not spill any. Emotions overtook me as I sat with the truck, idling. I was scared, terrified, actually, knowing that what I was about to do went against everything I'd ever been taught. As I sat there, I realized it wasn't prison that I was afraid of, because I had been living there pretty much my whole life. No, I was afraid of letting the one person in this world that loved me, down.

  I wiped a tear that threatened to fall, buckled my seat beat and headed out east. If everything went as planned, I'd be home just in time for dinner.

  Spring was in full swing out on the eastern plains of Colorado. Nothing really ever changed out here, except the weather. Barren land was what always greeted you when you were driving on these dirt roads. I remembered them well from the many trips that we'd made out here to the farm when I was a kid. I hated it then and I hated it, now. Like I said, some things never changed.

  Two hours was all it took if you wanted to disappear from civilization. You could do whatever you wanted, since your closest neighbor lived ten miles away from you. I should know. I walked it one time and calculated my steps. Ten fucking miles. It often made me wonder what was going on in those houses, why the need to live so far away from everyone. What secrets did people hide, when no one was looking?

  If you really wanted to know, you really didn't have to look too far. I wasn't saying that every house out there had shady shit going on in it. There were a lot of damn good people that lived on farms in the boonies, but what I was saying was that I always questioned, why the need to live so fucking far away from your neighbors? Why not two miles? Why did it have to be ten?

  The closer I got, the angrier I became, until I saw the house. I panicked at first, thinking I should turn the truck around and go home. But then I remembered, if I didn't do this, I'd never have peace in my life. I didn't need to write Thomas a letter, asking him why he did all of those terrible things to me. No. He wasn't worthy of my time or energy, which is why I wrote to Dylan, instead.

  Shrinks. They think they have all the answers to everyone's problems. I guess that 's what had caught me off guard the most when Dr. Marks had given me that assignment. I understood the reasoning behind his request, but it felt like I was being victimized all over again, and I had vowed that'd I never be a victim, again.

  My heart was pounding in my chest as I pulled into the driveway. The house looked the same, but was in need in repairs. It occurred to me that no one had probably been out to the place in years.

  I pulled the gas can out of the back and walked around the house, making sure to saturate and splash the gas on the ground close to the house. I wasn't there to talk or play games, I was there to kill. To end the life of a person that had made me feel worthless pretty much my entire life. I went back to the truck and grabbed the gun from my purse, carefully tucking it behind my back.

  I wiggled the door handle on the front door, and walked in. I could see a man sitting in a chair from the entryway of the house. As I walked a little further in, I saw Thomas sitting at t
he table drinking a bottle of Vodka. Some things never changed.

  "What the fuck are you doing here?" he spat at me.

  "I'm here to kill you," I answered feeling determined.

  He laughed and evil throaty laugh. "You've never been able to kill a fucking thing in your life. You ain't gonna kill me."

  I remained calm. "Well, you see, Thomas, that's where you're wrong. You don't really know me at all, but I know all about you."

  "Go fuck yourself, Brooke. Shouldn't you be at home taking care of that rich, little asshole you married?"

  "I should be, but much like me, his father was a piece of shit too! And, guess what? He killed his father, just like I'm going to kill you."

  "I knew his old man, you know? He was a good man."

  "I know all about your relationship with him and the Governor. None of you were, or are good men."

  "You think you're so smart with your college education and all your money, but you don't know shit!"

  "I know that you three assholes had me kidnapped, brainwashed and sold into slavery. Yeah, Thomas, I know all about you. And once I'm done taking care of you, no one will ever find you or miss you. I'll be doing the world a favor."

  He scoffed at me, "What do you think you're gonna kill me with? Your bare hands? You're a stupid, little girl, Brooke. Go home."

  "I'm not going anywhere, until I finish what I've come to do."

  I pulled the gun out from behind my back, and aimed it straight at his head as my hands shook from fear and anger.

  Thomas laughed at me. "That gun isn't even loaded," he said, taunting me.

  I pulled the trigger and missed, my hands shaking more. A tear escaped my eye as the smell of gunpowder scented the air. Oh God, I can't believe I missed. Oh fuck, if I don't kill him, he's going to kill me, instead, I thought, as my stomach began to churn. No, I can't get sick now...I have kill him, for all of our sakes.

  "I told you, you couldn't shoot me. You're a lousy fucking shot, you stupid bitch!"

  I brought the gun up and aimed at his head again. I gently placed my finger on the trigger, and squeezed. The gun fired loudly, jerking me back and gunpowder, once again filled the air, but this time I didn't miss. I watched him slowly fall out of his chair and onto the floor. I'd hit him square in the forehead. There was blood and brain matter splattered all over the kitchen. It was the most disgusting thing I'd ever seen. I didn't bother checking to see if he was dead, because I knew he was.

  I was in shock, crying hysterically because I had just killed a man, a man that I'd once loved and trusted. It took everything I had to pull myself together, because I had to ensure that no one would ever find out what I'd done. I let hate and anger consume me, so I could finish the job.

  I ran back to the truck, dropped the gun on the seat and grabbed the matches I'd picked up from the gas station. I stood away from the house as I lit several matches and threw them where I'd dumped the gasoline. The fire started and I ran to the truck, put the gun in my bag and drove to the dirt road that led to the house. I sat and watched as everything I once knew and loved, burned to ashes.



  I finally had a break in between meetings and tried calling Brooke. There was no answer. I left her a voicemail, thinking she was probably still at lunch Alexi and Mandy, having a good time. There was no cause for concern on my end. That was until, I opened my briefcase and found an envelope addressed to me in Brooke's handwriting.

  I immediately opened it and began reading. Nothing, and I mean, nothing could have prepared me for that. I sat in my office chair, looking out the window, trying to piece everything together. She had known all along what I'd done for her and yet, I was clueless as to what she had been through. I looked down and continued reading. Her words, her emotions, they cut right through me, and I had the sudden urge to kill every one of those fuckers that had hurt her.

  I picked up the phone and called Tristan.

  "It's your dime," he answered.

  "Where's Brooke?"

  "In your room, sleeping. She wasn't feeling well earlier, so she had Alexi bring her home early. Why? What's up?"

  "She's not there. Trust me. Remember earlier, when you thought she was up to something?"


  "She was."

  "Oh shit! Wait. Are you sure? Her car is still here."

  "Are any of the others missing?"

  "I don't think so, but let me check."

  "Tristan, go into the garage and look."


  "Are they all there?"

  "Son of a bitch! Your truck's missing and it looks like she smashed the tracking device."

  "She's in terrible danger, T. I know where she went."

  "Well, if you know, then why aren't you going after her?"

  "Because she told me in a letter, but I don't actually know where she is. Tristan, she went to find Thomas."

  "Oh shit. Stephanie doesn't even know where he is, I've asked her several times."

  "I'm on my way home, now. I'll have my secretary drop me off. You stay there, in case she comes home."

  "Will do, D."

  I was out of my mind with worry, not knowing where she was. There was nothing I could do, but sit and wait, wondering if she would return home.

  Tristan met me at the door and we headed to my office to brainstorm. We came up with nothing. He had called Stephanie several times to see if she could think of where Brooke might have gone. Again...nothing.

  I placed a call to her mother and Robert, but neither answered their phones. This day just keeps better and better, I thought to myself. Think, Dylan, think. Paper. She wrote the letter on paper from here in your office. I started going through my drawers looking for any clues that she may have left behind, and then stopped. I looked up at Tristan. "Fuck!" I yelled.

  "What is it?"

  "My gun is missing."

  "I thought you locked that drawer."

  "Normally, I do. But I was in here the other day, and forgot. She must have found it last night and took it with her."

  "This is not good, Dylan."

  "No shit! I don't even think she knows how to shoot a gun, Tristan."

  "Alright, calm down."

  "Fuck you! Don't tell me to calm down. She's fucking crazy out of her mind, and running around with a loaded gun in my truck!"

  "Listen, you're not doing yourself or her any good by freaking out like this. I know you're worried, but let's not assume the worst."

  "Stop being so damn rational, Tristan. If it were Stephanie, how calm would you be?"

  "Point made. I'd be out looking for her."

  "Exactly. Now, imagine not knowing where the fuck she is!"

  "I'd be pissed."

  "Where the fuck is your buddy, Alexi?"

  "He took off for the night. Dude, this isn't his fault. I'm just as responsible for her leaving as he is."

  "I don't care. He has to know something, he spent the entire day with her for fuck's sake."

  "Dylan, he doesn't know anything. If he did, he would have told me. I promise you, he never would've let anything happen to her."

  "I still don't like him."

  "You don't like anyone, Dylan."

  "You're right! I don't. And, do you know why? Because shit like this happens! I can't even go to work without shit hitting the fan."

  "Dylan, you need to calm the fuck down. You're gonna have a heart attack, if you don't."

  "Good. Maybe then, I'll die and I won't have to deal with anymore bullshit."

  "Hey, let me pour you a drink. It'll help relax you just a bit."

  "Fuck drinking! Damn it, Tristan, do you know what I'm dealing with? I've been looking into the company's financials and my dad was funding that human trafficking shit through several different accounts. I have spent the last couple of days with attorneys and accountants trying to clean this shit up, so if we go through an audit they won't link us to any wrong doing. It's a fucked up mess and I don't know how to fix it. I
sn't that funny? I can fix the fuck out of a crime, but I can' t fix the fucking books for a major corporation."

  "Dude, I think everything is just finally catching up with you. You have people that will be able to help you sort through the mess, I wouldn't worry about that."

  "Right. But tell me, Tristan, who can I trust? Hell, for all I know, the people that are helping me could be involved in that shit, too. Did you ever think about that? Because I think about it every fucking day when I'm talking to them, showing them confidential shit."

  "So, let them go and hire a new team."

  "I can't do that, right now. Do you have any idea how much time it's taken to go through all of that bullshit?"

  "No, I don't."

  "Too much fucking time, that's how much. And then today, I get a call from my mom. She wants me to come over and finish going through all of my dad's shit with her. Apparently, she and Luke didn't get through all of it. But the real kicker and the icing on the top of the cake, was the letter that Brooke wrote me. Yeah, I fucking sat in my chair and cried like a little bitch today, Tristan. That fucker, Thomas, did a real number on her. Not once, but twice. And I say twice, because he joined forces with my asshole Dad and the Governor. Tell me, Tristan how can one hate a human being so much, that they'll do everything in their power to destroy them?"

  "I don't know. I can't answer that. Look, Dylan, that's some pretty heavy shit you're dealing with. I never, ever, in a million years would have thought that your dad would be involved in the shit that he was. And I know that you are really worried about Brooke, but she made a choice, man. She obviously felt that this was something she needed to do. Maybe you should trust her. She's not a fragile, little doll that's going to break. She's been through a lot, yes, but...she always comes out swinging. Give her the benefit of the doubt, for once."

  "Since when do you side with my wife? Didn't you just tell me a couple of weeks ago that I should reconsider my marriage to her?"


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