Sweet Evangeline (Moon Magic Book 2)

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Sweet Evangeline (Moon Magic Book 2) Page 20

by Sable Hunter

  Next, they proceeded to summon the Deities; the God, the Goddess, the Spirit, the Archangels and finally they called the quarters—asking the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water to do their bidding. Eric was mesmerized. After the preliminary ceremony; Angelique took the helm. She looked different, Eric noticed—younger, bigger, almost as if there was two of her, one overshadowing the other. In truth, Angelique was not alone. As a priestess of Santeria, she knew how to bond with the spirits—letting them connect with her—doubling and tripling her power. Angelique carried an instrument in her hand that was a cross between a rattle and a drum, and with it she kept a pounding rhythm. Her voice seemed bigger than it had before and the words she spoke resonated throughout the room. The circle closed around her and Eric found that his hands were clasped by Evangeline on one side and her grandmother on the other.

  “Blood calls blood across the miles.

  I break the blackness of lies and guile.

  Free the air of clouds that hide,

  Bring us insight with the tide.

  Break down the barriers of deceit,

  Show us how to make complete

  The family circle that has been broken down

  Let our beautiful Aimee easily be found.

  As she chanted the words, Angelique walked around the circle with a small black cast-iron cauldron and gave each one a different sterilized needle so they could prick their finger and deposit a few drops of their blood into the small container.

  After collecting the blood from everyone in the circle, she mixed in rosemary, patchouli and angelica root and then poured in some oil and lit it with a candle. As the mixture flamed, she called Arabella from the circle. “This is your strength sweetie, find Aimee.”

  Arabella carefully sat down on the floor in the center of the circle and picked up a map and a pendulum. Laying the map flat on the floor, she held the pendulum over it and let the spirits guide the movement. “I ask that the location of Aimee Beaureguarde Landry to be made evident.”

  Suddenly, outside the wind began to howl. It blew so hard that every window in the old mansion began to shake. The sound was intimidating; it almost seemed as if several freight trains were barreling toward the house. The limbs from the overhanging oaks scratched the roof, as if trying to either tear it off or rip their way inside. Every door knob in the house began to shake and the chandeliers started to sway. No one moved from the circle, but everyone stilled waiting to see what Nanette would do. She listened to the onslaught and then said quietly. “Don’t be troubled. This is a good sign, it means we’re about to succeed. That black-hearted rascal knows we have broken through and all they can do is set loose this little squall. “Go ahead baby,” she motioned to Arabella. “Do your stuff.”

  Arabella looked to Jade for strength. She sat on the floor, swollen with his child; he gave her an encouraging sweet smile, telling her with his eyes that he would move Heaven and Earth to keep her safe. So, Arabella, as well as the rest who stood in the circle, held their breath and watched as the pendulum began to swing. After a few moments, it began pulling in a southerly direction. “She’s in the quarter,” Arabella announced. Then the pendulum stopped, “She is at 1140 Royal.”

  “My God, she’s at the LaLaurie House.” Nanette gasped.

  “What’s the LaLaurie House?” Jade questioned, ready to put their plans into motion.

  Angelique cautioned, “Nobody move. We must properly close the circle before anything else can be done. Quickly, but reverently, Evangeline led out to close the circle. She thanked the deities for their assistance and dismissed the quarters.

  As soon as the circle was closed, Eric took Evangeline in his arms. “We’ll get your mother soon, love, I promise.” She clung to him, her mind reeling from the fact that her mother was alive and so close. But now she knew what stood between her and her mother was not distance—it was danger.

  “What’s the plan?” Eric asked Jade and Tyler.

  “Well, we can’t go in with guns blazing. Royal is a busy street and tourists are everywhere,” Jade explained.

  “I’m sure there’ll be some magical defenses in place as well. So, we’ve got to be prepared for both,” Tyler explained.

  “That means one of the girls has to go with us.” Eric already knew what was going to happen.

  “Obviously, Arabella can’t go.” Jade was quick to interject. “Her due-date is like now.”

  Nanette walked up about that time. “Elizabeth can’t go either.” Tyler turned to look at his mother-in-law.

  “It’s not like I want to put my wife in danger, but what are you getting at?”

  Nanette smiled. “She’s almost lost her psychic ability and the last time that happened, she was pregnant with Arabella.”

  Tyler visibly took a step backward. “Pregnant?”

  “That’s right, baby. Why are you so surprised? She’s only forty, it happens all the time. But let’s keep it quiet, don’t even tell her. There will be time to celebrate that new life when we get our Aimee back.”

  Jade patted Tyler on the back. “Congratulations, Father-in-law.”

  “Wait until you have a sister-in-law in diapers?” Tyler joked back at Jade, still reeling from the news that he was going to be a father.

  “Why assume it’s a girl?” Eric asked.

  “Because the Romee witches don’t bear male children,” Jade explained.

  “Never?” Not that it mattered to Eric, but he was curious.

  “It’s never happened, yet,” Tyler stated.

  “Well, congratulations, regardless.” Eric was happy for Tyler, but that wasn’t what was on his mind. “Evangeline would want to go anyway, it’s her mother,” he said slowly, wishing there was another way. But, if he had his way, she wouldn’t go anywhere near the actual conflict.

  “And we have Zak.” Jade spoke up. “He’s as powerful as the women.”

  “More powerful,” Eric spoke-up. “I’ve seen him flat-out disappear.”

  “That could come in handy.” Jade commented as the three men put their heads together to come up with a plan.

  * * * *

  Tyler Garrison took charge with Elizabeth as his adviser. Basically, if you took magick out of the equation, this was a take-down of a drug cartel. And this was territory the detective knew well. He was coordinating his efforts with Detective Robicheaux of the New Orleans police department. Full cooperation had been promised and was being counted on. Elizabeth, on the other hand, was questioning Zak about what to expect.

  “They keep guards at every entrance and if they have had the time, extensive surveillance equipment will be everywhere.”

  Elizabeth was making notes. “Are the guards inside the house or outside?”

  “Outside, usually.”

  “Tyler and the guys can take out the guards at one door and then you can slip in and get the lay of the land.”

  “Yea, and then I can come back out and let you know what we’re up against and maybe even where Aimee is in the building.”

  “When we start to go, we need a big distraction. What can we do?” Elizabeth poured herself and Zak a cup of coffee.

  Tyler spoke up—he had been listening carefully. “We know Evangeline can affect the weather. What if she did this…”

  * * * *

  All was nearly ready. Tyler had gotten both Eric and Jade a firearm and they were waiting to be picked up by a New Orleans police department SWAT team vehicle. Eric was spending a few moments alone with Evangeline. He had led her up to her room, away from prying eyes. “I need to talk to you.”

  That’s all it took. It didn’t matter that they were about to embark on a dangerous mission to rescue her mother, if Eric wanted her attention he got it. She looked at him, he was so still. Stepping up to him and placing both palms flat on his chest, she met his eyes. “I trust you. Everything is going to be all right.”

  “Yes it is, and to ensure that I want to firm up some plans with you.”

  “All right, love.” Then out of no
where he was down on one knee. The sight of him kneeling at her feet brought tears to her eyes. He took her hand and kissed it.

  “Evangeline, I adore you. Loving you has changed me completely. I don’t want to live another day without the assurance you will be mine forever.” Evangeline did not hesitate for a moment; she joined him on her knees and wrapped her arms around him.

  “Yes. Yes. A thousand times, yes!” He captured her lips with his own, slanting his mouth to give himself full access to her sweet kiss. Knowing he did not have time to do what he wanted and needed to do, he reluctantly pulled back.

  “I don’t have a ring to give you.” His tone was contrite and his eyes apologetic.

  “I know I will love any ring you give me. But babe, what you have given me today is much more precious and valuable than any ring could ever be.”

  “And what would that be?” Eric asked her holding his breath.


  * * * *

  The LaLaurie House on Royal had a unique and terrible history. Dating back to the 1800’s, its most infamous owner had been Madame Delphine LaLaurie. She had the reputation of being a cruel woman and legend says she tortured, mutilated and perhaps even murdered a number of her slaves. Tales of haunting and ghostly activities had plagued the house for generations. The actor Nicholas Cage purchased the home in 2007, but didn’t keep it long. Wonder why?

  They chose to begin their mission shortly after two in the morning. The police spread out over several blocks and stealthily approached the house. Tyler chose to take out the guards on the side entrance. Zak shimmered to invisibility and waited. Jade approached the two huge Cajuns by asking for directions and when they stepped forward to get rid of him, the massive fireman tackled them. Between the three friends, it was over in a matter of minutes. Zak gained access without anymore delay. The two guards were taken into custody and everyone dropped back to wait for Zak’s return.

  Due to the late hour, the LaLaurie house was quite. The guards at the other three entrances were unaware than their security had been breached. Quickly, Zak located the control center and only one guard manned the monitors and he, thankfully, was asleep. All of the bedroom doors were open, save one. No one wanted to be surprised. Zak counted ten men in addition to the guards outside the doors. Assuming that Aimee was behind the closed door, he opened it ever so slowly—just in case someone was watching. Stepping in, he saw that she was chained to the bedpost, lying on the bed, facing away from the door. Being as quite as he could, he approached her. Taking care not to startle her, he gently whispered in her ear. “Aimee, it’s Zak.” He saw her eyes flash open. “Don’t move. You can’t see me and neither can anyone else. I’m the invisible man.” He knew that now was not the time for humor—but, flat out, he was scared. There had been a lot of guns in the bedrooms he had looked in prior to this one.

  “Zak,” she whispered. “Did you find Evangeline?”

  “Yes. And everyone is here to rescue you and end this. So, don’t be surprised when you hear the commotion. I’m going to go out and tell them what I’ve found. If you hear gunshots get under the bed. We’ll be back after you as soon as it’s over.”

  Aimee swallowed hard. “Is my daughter here?”

  “Of course. Did you really think we could keep her away?”

  “Oh, God. Please help us,” Aimee breathed a prayer.

  * * * *

  Eric stood with his arms around Evangeline. “It’ll be over soon. Zak should be out any minute. When I go in, you stay back. I’ll return to you as soon as I can.”

  “Didn’t Tyler tell you?” Evangeline readied herself for a battle.

  “Tell me what?” Eric held his breath.

  “I’m going in with you.” She found his hands with her own, willing him to understand.

  “The hell you are!” He stepped back, glaring at her for a moment, then clutching her to him the next.

  “I’m going in first, Eric. I’m providing the diversion.”

  “God, baby. I don’t know if I can stand it.” About that time, the door opened and Zak materialized in front of them. He quickly explained what they were up against and Tyler turned to Evangeline and held out his hand.

  “Showtime, Evangeline.” Eric had no idea what she had agreed to do. But he stepped up to follow her, whatever she was up against, he would be right there with her.

  Evangeline had done some preliminary spell work before she left Constance Street, and now she just set it into motion. Soundlessly, she threw her request out into the universe. Raising her hands, she willed the moisture in the air to adhere and crystallize. Walking deeper into the house, she petitioned the Goddess for her beneficent aid. Eric and the other men stood behind her, waiting for the signal. No one knew what to expect, except Tyler. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that she could pull it off. It only happened about once every four years - and he was sure it had never, ever happened indoors. But sure enough, as Evangeline stood with head held high, eyes closed, hands lifted in supplication—it began to snow. Large, fluffy, white flakes began to fall on the wooden floor of the LaLaurie house drifting down from the ten-foot ceilings. Eric smiled.

  Seconds later, noises erupted from the bedrooms. The snow was falling on the sleeping beauties as they lay next to their assault rifles. They awoke slowly, wondering where the cold dampness was coming from, and then they wandered out into the hall—marveling at the falling snow—without their guns—and right into the hands of the police.

  It all seemed too easy. Way, too easy. Tyler and the New Orleans PD began to round up the dumb-founded men, but there was no sign of Duvalier or Black Eddie.

  “Shit! Shit!” someone yelled. “There are snakes in here. Big snakes! And they’re everywhere.” Sure enough, they turned to look and snakes were coming down every wall. Eric, Tyler, Jade and Zak all backed up. Eric grabbed Evangeline to get her out of harm’s way. These weren’t harmless snakes. They were King Cobras, mambas, rattlesnakes and Taipans. The deadliest of the deadly. The hissing probably wasn’t as loud as it seemed, but to the startled rescuers it was deafening.

  “God, I hate snakes,” Jade complained.

  “This is their diversion. If we don’t do something fast, they’ll disappear with Aimee and we’ll be right back where we started from,” exclaimed Tyler. The NOPD started in with their guns, but Zak stopped them.

  “You can’t just start shooting; there are innocent people behind these walls.”

  Evangeline pulled out of Eric’s grasp and forced her way forward.

  “Let me in, I can stop this.” The snow continued to fall and at least thirty snakes undulated around the floor, not knowing what to think about the falling cold concoction landing on their scaled bodies.

  Eric stepped up to shield Evangeline from any danger from the reptiles. “It’s all right, baby,” she assured him. “I have an idea.”

  To Eric’s dismay, Evangeline stepped into the room with the snakes and knelt down on her knees. Raising her hands, she called out to the elements.

  “Snow that falls and around us flies

  Turn to ice right before our eyes

  Lower the temperature in the room

  Make it cold as death, cold as the tomb.”

  In a few moments, the snow began to change to ice and the air that the men breathed out from their lungs became visible to the naked eye. The colder it got, the more docile the snakes became. Within minutes, the snakes were still and the police gingerly stepped over and around the serpents. “Let’s find Duvalier and Mr. Black.” Jade stepped forward.

  Zak, following Tyler’s instructions, headed to retrieve Aimee. Keeping his eyes open, Zak just knew that something else was wrong. He had learned the hard way that these two men would stop at nothing to further their dark deeds. Hurrying to loosen and unlock Aimee, he realized there was more to come. Just where it would come from was the question. The police gathered up more of the criminals, but Black Eddie was not one of the men that were being hand-cuffed and escorted out to the police

  “Zak, where is my mother?” Evangeline started down the hall. Eric, helping Tyler gather up the firearms and other evidence tried to keep an eye on her. Before she could get to the door of the room where Aimee was held, a crash sounded and the ceiling opened up. A door that gave the inhabitants access to the attic crashed open and Duvalier dropped down on top of Evangeline, knife in hand.

  “I’ve been wanting to meet you, cher. What took you so long?” He roughly turned her around and held the knife to Evangeline’s neck. At the clamor, Eric turned and faced his worst fear. “Let me walk and I’ll let her go—maybe.” Duvalier wasn’t used to compromise. Time seemed to stand still. Eric couldn’t charge him, he was afraid the small, wiry man would cut Evangeline’s throat. The fluffy snowflakes kept falling, giving the whole scenario a surreal quality. The snakes that lay around like stage props only added to the unreal scenario. Tyler walked back in. Jade stood as till as a statue. Eric dared not move. But none counted on what happened next.

  Zak and Aimee walked out, quietly, right behind Duvalier. Aimee turned and met his eyes. She gave him the smallest of nods. He knew what he had to do; he knew what they had talked about. He shimmered into invisibility and while the black-hearted bastard threatened the life of their Evangeline, Zak grabbed the arm that held the knife with one hand and the vial that hung around his neck with the other. The vial was flung to the floor and as soon as its contents exploded into oblivion, Aimee raised her hands and slung an energy ball into Duvalier that sent him smashing into the far wall. Enraged, he ricocheted off the hard surface and rebounded toward Evangeline and Aimee with hands curled into claws. Tyler had no choice and he did not hesitate—he shot Duvalier dead just as he placed his hands around Evangeline’s neck.


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