Object of My Affection

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Object of My Affection Page 8

by Tracey H. Kitts

  “Have you come for me?” he sounded genuinely afraid now and I felt like a jerk.

  “Not tonight.”

  “Then how can I be of service?” he gulped.

  “You can get out of my way.” I jerked my head in the direction of the parking lot. “And if those two ever stop arguing, they’re with me.”

  I retracted my claw and he waved me past with a barely audible, “Welcome to The Oasis.”

  I made my way through the crowd and over to the bar.

  After a few shots of whiskey, I decided to have a look around.

  The large dance floor covered nearly all of the building. Up above you could see what looked like a second story of offices. Someone was probably up there spying on everyone below. To the left of the dance floor was a fake corral that had a mechanical bull bucking away with some nut trying his best to hang on. After you’d jumped on the back of a live werewolf, bull riding was nothing. It’s all in the hips, but I wasn’t drunk enough to demonstrate. On the far right side of the floor was a stage where a live band wasn’t doing too bad of a job. It wasn’t nearly the nightmare I’d expected. The atmosphere was actually pretty comfortable.

  About the time that I was starting to feel really guilty for how I’d treated the bouncer Elijah sat down beside me. I ignored him and ordered another drink. I was surprised and disappointed in him and Kat. They were arguing like siblings.

  It was good to be an only child sometimes.

  “I’m really sorry,” he said.

  I continued to ignore him and gulped down my sixth shot.

  “I acted like an idiot and I’m sorry.”


  “And I had no right to say what I did about Sam, whoever he is. It was none of my business.”

  I remained silent.

  “And this is the last chance I’m likely to have for a long time, maybe ever to spend time with you like this, and I’ll be damned if I let it be ruined by your stubbornness, my pride, or Kat’s ass on her shoulders.”

  Well, that got my attention.

  A slow song started to play and before I could bring the next whiskey shot to my lips Elijah placed his hand over it.

  “You’re going to dance with me, and you’re going to like it.”

  He pulled me to my feet, and I said, “I like a man with confidence Elijah, but don’t push your luck.”

  “Didn’t you know? That’s how I get most of my exercise.”

  Despite my best effort at sulking, I smiled.

  He led me onto the floor and swept me into his embrace.

  When Elijah held me close, the world came into focus again, and as I looked into his deep blue eyes, I couldn’t remember why I’d been so upset.

  “That’s better.” He sighed.

  “Yes, it is.” I rested my cheek against his shoulder with my nose just touching the side of his neck. We danced this way for several minutes and I felt better than I had all night.

  “If we ever do get a chance to go out again, remind me to not suggest bringing Kat,” he said.

  “What was that all about anyway?”

  “I have no idea. It was like getting in the truck with my sister.”

  “I thought you and your sister got along.”

  “We do, just as long as we don’t have to be trapped in a car with one another. When it comes to driving, she knows everything and no matter what I do it’s wrong. If I’m not driving too fast, then it’s too slow. I didn’t signal soon enough, or I signaled too soon I just....”

  I kissed him until he stopped mumbling. I’m not sure what made me do it. It could have been the fact that I realized this was probably our last chance to go out, too. Or it could have been the fact that he smelled so good.

  “I’m sorry,” I said as I pulled back.

  “Don’t be. I needed to shut up.” He smiled.

  The next song was another slow one, and one of my all time favorites. Apparently the band was taking a break and a DJ had taken over for a while. My opinion of The Oasis was beginning to improve.

  As I held Elijah close I knew he realized the sparkle in my eyes was not for him. I cared for Elijah, but he was right about that sparkle. However, I also knew if Alfred didn’t get back soon that could change. Elijah wasn’t the world’s greatest dancer, but he didn’t step on me and he had a nice smile. Some times, that’s all it takes. The tempers that had flared earlier in the evening were forgotten while we danced and for the next few hours, I had a really good time. We took a break to sit at the bar and I saw the bouncer walk past me toward the back. I excused myself for a minute and called after him.

  He froze at the sound of my voice. There was a tension in his broad shoulders that made me feel even more guilty for the way I had treated him earlier.

  “You got a minute?” I called.

  He turned to face me and I realized he was much bigger than my first impression had taken in. Maybe my bad mood had stolen some of his thunder. He had to be at least as tall as Alfred, if not taller. If I had to guess, I’d say he was around six foot ten.

  “I just wanted to apologize for the way I treated you earlier,” I blurted out.

  He raised an eyebrow in surprise.

  “My pissy mood wasn’t your fault. I had no right to threaten you.”

  He just stared at me blankly.

  “Are you listening to me?” I asked.

  “Yeah. I just didn’t expect to hear Death apologize.”

  I smiled. “Call me Lilith.”

  “And I didn’t expect her to have a pretty smile.” He smiled at me and I was amazed at how he could go from menacing to handsome with one simple gesture. “My name’s Mark,” he extended his hand in greeting.

  Mark had a firm grip that said he wasn’t easily intimidated and I liked that. He was the second man I’d met lately who knew how to shake hands with a woman. No soft grip here.

  “Nice to meet you, Mark. I really am sorry about how I acted before.”

  “That’s alright. It’s not every day I get felt up by a werewolf hunter.”

  It took me a second to realize he was joking.

  “You liked that huh?”

  “Well, I would have if I’d known you weren’t planning to cut anything off.”

  “Relax. I’m not here to kill you or maim you in any way and as long as you don’t go ape shit and start killing people, that’s not likely to change.”

  “Well, that’s a comfort,” he said sarcastically.

  “It should be.”

  I had sensed something else besides confidence when I’d touched his hand though it took me several minutes to place what I’d felt.

  “You’re a member of Marco’s pack?” I made it a question.

  “Yes. How did you know?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  “Does it have a happy ending?”

  “Your guess is as good as mine.” I sighed. “Look, I should get back to my friends. I just wanted you to know I had no intention of jumping you in the parking lot.”

  “That’s a damn shame.” He laughed. “Seriously, thank you. I appreciate the gesture. Believe it or not, not that many people find me easy to talk to.”

  “I wonder why?” My voice dripped with sarcasm.

  Mark laughed and his deep voice was easy on my ears. I watched him turn and walk toward the back before going back to the bar.

  “What was that all about?” Elijah asked.

  “Oh, I was just apologizing for something I did earlier.”

  He looked shocked. “What did you do to the bouncer? That guy looks like he should be a pro wrestler!”

  “I threatened him on my way in.” I sighed.

  “You what?”

  “How do you think that you and Kat got in so easy after making a scene like that in the parking lot?”

  “You did threaten him.” He made it a statement. “What did you say?”

  “I threatened to castrate him and told him that you guys were with me.” I grinned.

  Elijah just shook his h
ead. About that time I looked over and saw Kat on the mechanical bull. She was just about to lose her grip when the ride stopped.

  “We should be going.” I smiled at Elijah.


  “Kat’s shit-faced. It’s time to go.” I laughed.

  After we collected Kat from the coral we were almost to the door when Lola stepped in front of us. The look on her face told me without words she didn’t have anything nice to say.

  “My goodness, you do work fast Mercury. First that Sam fellow the other day and now back to Mr. Jasper here.” She looked thoughtful for a minute. “Didn’t I see you groping the bouncer on your way in?”

  I backhanded her. Before she could wipe that smug look off her face Lola was eating floor. Her nose was gushing blood and a few guys who had been standing off behind her stepped forward.

  “You want some, too?” I asked.

  I had held back with Lola. My strength was more than human and even though she’d asked for it, I didn’t want to permanently damage her. But these guys weren’t going to be so lucky. Any man who would jump on a woman half their size deserves what they get.

  Fortunately for them, Mark stepped forward.

  “Is there a problem?” the question was clearly directed at them.

  “No,” one man stammered while the other picked Lola up from the floor.

  She just kept staring at me, completely stunned.

  Just when I thought we were going to be able to leave without causing a worse scene Lola broke out of her daze.

  “You bitch!” she screamed as she lunged at me.

  My hand was a blur as I slapped her open handed back to the ground before she took a step closer. Judging by the look on his face, Mark was impressed. He made no effort to break it up. On the contrary, he seemed to be enjoying the show.

  Why anyone would keep getting back up is beyond me. You’d think she would’ve been embarrassed enough the first time.

  Despite my best effort to restrain myself, I’d hit her harder the second time. When she was helped to her feet that time, she walked away. Maybe Lola wasn’t as dumb as I’d thought.

  Chapter Six

  Mark escorted us to the truck and was sure to tell me with a smile, “Come back anytime. It’s not often you see a woman who can hold her own in a bar fight.”

  Once we were safely on our way out of the parking lot Kat said, “Ooo, I think he likes you.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I was afraid of.”

  “Why? He seemed harmless,” Elijah said sarcastically.

  “The last thing I need is another werewolf who likes me.”

  Elijah swerved slightly as he and Kat said together, “A what?”

  “Mark, the bouncer, he’s a werewolf.”

  I didn’t make eye contact with either of them, but watched the road instead. They were quiet for a minute before Elijah asked, “What do you mean another werewolf liking you?”

  “You know, Sam and Marc ... OH!”

  I jabbed Kat in the ribs to shut her up.

  “There’s that Sam guy again. Who is he anyway?”

  “Like I said before, he’s a friend. He was visiting from out of town recently. It’s not my fault everyone in town was spying on me and got the wrong idea.”

  “Oh,” he said.

  We took Kat home first with Elijah promising to give her a ride to pick up her car at my house the following day. Kat lived a good thirty minutes away from my house. Once Elijah and I were alone together I didn’t bother to move to the other side, but stayed in the middle.

  “I’m sorry about tonight,” he said softly.

  “It’s alright.” I rested my head against his shoulder. “You can’t control other people.”

  “No, but I can control me, and I was an ass.”

  “Yeah, you were.” I chuckled. “But, I got into a fight, so I really can’t cast stones.”

  I lifted my head up and smiled at him. “After you and Kat stopped arguing and before I slapped Lola, I had a really nice time.”

  Elijah’s smile lit up his eyes and I couldn’t resist kissing him again. Since we were at a stop sign, I didn’t have to worry about running him off the road. Elijah was a good kisser and I thought that might be my last opportunity to kiss him, so I took advantage.

  “What was that for?” he asked.

  I couldn’t speak. I didn’t want to tell him that I wanted to kiss him before Alfred came back. How stupid would that sound, even if it was the truth? Once Alfred was back, I planned to pick up where we’d left off. That just wasn’t fair to Elijah, but he’d known my plans from the beginning.

  After I didn’t answer for a few minutes he whispered, “It’s alright. I understand....”

  “No, you don’t,” I interrupted. “I never meant to hurt you I just....”

  “You haven’t,” he said softly. “I knew what I was getting myself in to.”

  I started to get misty eyed and turned back to face the road. We drove for several more minutes before Elijah tried to lighten the mood by asking about what had happened with the bouncer. I recounted for him the whole discussion, including the part where I pressed my claw against the front of his pants.

  “Ah, that’s where she got the idea that you were groping him,” he said.


  “Lilith, this is off the subject, but I just wanted you to know that I didn’t look that night we were kidnapped,” he blurted out.

  “What do you mean, you didn’t look?”

  “When Bade ripped up your clothes, I didn’t look,” he said.

  During the struggle between Bade and me that night my leather catsuit had been ripped completely from my torso, revealing my breasts, and eventually winding up around my ankles during my attempt to escape Bade’s clutches.

  “Then how do you know what happened?” I was half teasing, but Elijah was serious.

  “I was getting my ass kicked pretty bad for one thing. By the time I realized all of my body parts were still attached, Alfred had taken off his shirt and covered you with it. Before that, I could hear you still fighting, so I knew you were alive.

  I just couldn’t get free to help. I felt so helpless. I couldn’t even save myself, and I thought I could help you. Of course by the time I got loose, Alfred showed up and shot everybody, so what did it matter?”

  He was so serious that I wasn’t sure how to respond.

  “What exactly are you getting at?” I asked carefully.

  “I’m just saying it’s no wonder that you would rather date somebody like him.” He sighed. “I can’t even save myself.”

  “Elijah I....”

  “Don’t know what to say,” he interrupted. “I know. That’s because I put you on the spot and I’m sorry. I just wanted you to know how I feel.”

  “You wanted me to know that you’re overly morose about something that was out of your control? Or was it that you wanted me to know you felt worthless for not being able to single-handedly take on a pack of werewolves?”

  He just stared at the road.

  “Elijah, don’t feel bad,” I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder. “Most people would not have survived the night.

  You didn’t embarrass yourself.”

  He sighed again. “I just felt like I could have done more.”

  “Well, you couldn’t. Alfred’s had a lot of years of experience. You couldn’t possibly have been expected to live up to killing a pack of werewolves. First, it’s not your job and second, you’re only human. Even Alfred is used to working with a partner. Don’t beat yourself up.”

  When he didn’t argue the point further, I asked, “Would seeing me naked make you feel better?”

  He burst out laughing. “That was not the reason I mentioned that. I just wanted you to know I didn’t try to take advantage. I didn’t want you to feel awkward thinking I’d sneaked a peek.”

  “Sneaked a peek? You come up with that one all by yourself?”

  “Shut up.” He chuckled.

  It was nice
of him to mention it, but I honestly hadn’t given any thought to whether or not he might have seen anything that night. I was more concerned with my life than any modesty I might still possess.

  Later, when Elijah walked me to the door, I hugged him tightly, but couldn’t bring myself to say goodnight. It felt more like goodbye, and I didn’t want to say goodbye. Finally, I pulled back and he said, “Goodnight.”

  I just smiled. I couldn’t bring myself to repeat the farewell.

  Elijah kissed me softly and I let him. I was excited about Alfred coming back, but I was going to miss Elijah. Of course, I would still see him, but not like this. Why was nothing ever easy?

  When he pulled back from me he smiled and I felt better just to see it. That smile reassured me without words that everything was alright.


  After I watched Elijah drive away, I went into the kitchen before making my way upstairs. Smacking Lola around had given me an appetite. Even though it was the middle of the night, I knew better than to let myself go hungry. I did not want to be sick a few hours later because I hadn’t taken the time to eat.

  As I walked into the kitchen, I pressed the button to get my messages. I had one call of obscene noises immediately followed by a shrill laugh I knew belonged to Kat. She was one of the very few people I liked to watch get drunk. Maybe I found it so entertaining because it didn’t affect me the same way. The next message was Kat apologizing for the first message and saying she needed Elijah’s number because, “I don’t want him here at the butt crack of dawn or anything.”

  The third message was from Richard. He just wanted to thank me for listening. He also said things at work had progressed to the point he felt he needed to seek legal advise on how to handle the situation. I felt bad for him, but there was really nothing I could do.

  I looked into the fridge and thought how wonderful it would be to have Alfred back to do the grocery shopping. I’d made the effort to keep fresh fruit in the house since that’s my preference for breakfast, but I hated grocery shopping.

  Actually, I hated shopping of most any kind which made me really weird according to Kat. Occasionally, I did enjoy shopping to redecorate the house, or something along those lines, but that was about it.

  I took out a bowl of fresh cherries and called Kat while I ate. After I’d eaten nearly half the bowl of cherries and hung up with Kat, I felt like I should call Richard. I looked at the clock and thought he might be asleep. Well, any normal person would be asleep, but not Richard. He was probably up watching some sort of sci-fi marathon. I should have called, but I was tired.


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