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Loving the CEO (bundle of five romance novels)

Page 22

by Noelle Adams

  “N…no,” she managed to whisper. “It wasn’t a threat.”

  A strange look passed over Dare’s face and then the anger was gone. His look was almost one of regret. “Look, I’m sorry,” he said and expelled his breath. “I didn’t mean to scare you. You just annoyed the hell out of me with your pretense.”

  What pretense, she wanted to ask. Instead, she bit her lip and waited. There was no way she was going to incite his wrath again, not while she was still alone with him. She’d just let him have his say.

  “You know I own Sunsational Resort so all this talk about my boss and getting me fired is a waste of my time and yours. Let’s just be adults here and-”

  “What did you say?” Erin’s heart jerked in shock. “You own Sunsational Resort? Are you serious?”

  Dare gave her an irritated look then he shook his head. “Here we go again. Will you stop pretending?”

  “I’m not pretending,” she retorted. “I had no idea you were…are… the owner of the resort.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You had no idea? So you’re telling me that when you spent the night with me you didn’t know who I was?”

  Eyes wide, Erin shook her head. Now that he’d said it out loud it didn’t sound good at all. Sleeping with a total stranger? She cringed inside just thinking about it. How could she blame him for having a low opinion of her?

  She could feel the heat of shame rush to her face. He would never respect a woman like her. How could he? She had absolutely no excuse except for the fact that the night he’d taken her to his villa Dare had so captivated her that she hadn’t found the power to resist him.

  Mortified, Erin could only stare up at Dare and what she saw in his eyes made her wince. Was it scorn or disgust that registered there? Either way Erin knew she was lower than dirt in his eyes.

  “Why should I believe you,” he grated, “when you all but threw yourself into my arms? Twice. Why would you have done that if you didn’t know who I was?”

  “I don’t need to explain myself,” she said with far more bravado than she felt. “You wouldn’t believe me, anyway.”

  “Try me.”

  She opened her mouth to object but then she breathed a sigh. What was the use? She might as well lay all her cards on the table and then he could do what he wished. “The first time I was just going to ask you out…as a dare, to satisfy my friends. I slipped and that was when I grabbed on to you.”

  “You weren’t trying to kiss me?’

  “Absolutely not.”

  “It sure looked like it.”

  “Well, I wasn’t,” she said, glaring at him. He didn’t have to look so pleased with the idea. “And the second time, in the bar, it was pure coincidence that I bumped into you. I was trying to get away from a most annoying man and saw you as my means of escape.”

  “Oh, so that’s all I was to you.”

  “That’s all.”

  “And the third time?”

  “What third time?”

  “Your going out on the date with me, then to the villa. What’s your excuse for that one?”

  “I…” She swallowed. She had no idea how to explain that one away. Finally, she said, “You were the one who invited me.”

  For a long time he stared at her then he spoke, his look enigmatic. “So it was.” He nodded slowly. “So it was.”

  Now what did that mean? Did he believe her or was she still nothing more than a groupie in his eyes?

  Well, groupie or not, Dare was here in her apartment, thousands of miles from his resort and his island, and she needed to know why. He’d certainly not come all this way out of love for her.

  She was loath to broach the subject but since he seemed intent on skirting around the real reason for his visit Erin decided to take the plunge. She’d always faced her problems head on and she wasn’t going to stop now, even if it meant facing off with the lion in her apartment.

  “Dare, I’ve asked you twice and you’ve not given me an answer. Why are you here?” She lifted her chin and looked him squarely in the eyes. “Is it because of the baby? You want to state your claim?”

  Erin never saw someone’s expression change so fast. His frown disappeared. In his eyes was a look of shock that was like a slap to her face. He hadn’t known. Dare had not had any inkling that she was expecting his child.

  “Baby? Are you…pregnant?”

  Erin bit her lip and dropped her eyes. Goodness, she’d said quite enough already. Oh, Lord. She’d let the proverbial cat out of the bag and now she would have to face the consequences.

  “Erin, are you pregnant?” This time his voice was stern but the shock was replaced by a calm that almost seemed more dangerous. “Tell me.”

  She swallowed but still she could not speak. Neither could she look in his eyes. She did not want to see the condemnation there. This was her baby, and no matter what she would not feel shame for carrying this life inside of her.

  In the end, she just nodded.

  He expelled his breath. “And the baby is mine?”

  Erin’s eyes flew to his and her mouth fell open in shocked anger. “Of course it’s yours. What? Do you think I make it a habit of going around sleeping with different men?”

  “How should I know?” His retort was quick and brutal. “You fell into bed with me easily enough.”

  “Do you know what? Just leave my apartment. Get out before I call the police. I don’t need to stand here taking your insults.” She marched over to the door and flung it open. “Leave. Now.”

  Dare gave her a lethal look then strode toward her. As she stepped back he gripped the door and slammed it shut.

  Erin gasped. Who did he think he was? “What are you doing? You’d better go.”

  “Listen to me,” he said through clenched teeth, “you can’t drop that bombshell and then expect me to walk away simply because you tell me to. I need to know. Are you expecting my child?”

  “Yes, Dare, I’m expecting your child as I think you already know.” She practically spat the words at him. “But never fear. I don’t expect a thing from you. I’ve already made arrangements for the baby so don’t feel you have to contribute anything. And,” her voice rose and she pointed an accusing finger at him, “if you came all this way to try to convince me to get rid of my child you can just turn around and go right back to Santa Marta because it’s not going to happen.”

  “Get rid of…what the hell?” Dare raised his hand and she flinched but he simply raked his fingers through his hand. There was a look of confusion on his face. “I don’t understand. I used protection every time.”

  Seeing his bewildered state Erin softened just a little. “They’re not one hundred percent guaranteed. You should know that.”

  “Yeah, I do, but I thought they’d have been good enough for one night.” He shook his head. “And you’re not on the pill?”


  “But what are the odds…” he began then his voice trailed off and his eyes took on a faraway look as if he was trying to remember something. Then a look of realization crossed his face. “It must have been that third time. When you left and I rolled over there was some dampness on the bed but I didn’t think anything of it. The condom must have broken.”

  “But you would have seen that.”

  “If it was a small tear, probably not. I don’t sit there inspecting the damn things. Once I’m done I just get rid of them.”

  For a moment there was silence as they both fell into deep thought. Erin had no idea what was going through Dare’s mind but her dilemma was coming to terms with the fact that he hadn’t known about the baby and yet he was here. What was the explanation for that? Dared she ask?

  She sucked in a deep breath. She had to know. Steeling herself against his anger she blurted, “So if you didn’t come about the baby why are you here?”

  “What?” Dare looked like she’d just pulled him out of a trance.

  “Why are you here, Dare? Why did you come looking for me?”

  His eyes hon
ed in on hers and for the first time since she’d met him he seemed at a loss for words.

  Then his face darkened in a scowl. “I came to take you back to Santa Marta.”


  “To take me back?” she spluttered, a look of incredulity on her face. “Are you mad?”

  “I’m quite sane, I can assure you,” he said, the pace of his heart returning to normal. The girl had turned the tables on him and given him the shock of his life.


  Dare almost felt sorry for her, she looked so confused. He knew he must be driving her round the bend but how could he help that? He couldn’t explain it even to himself. One day he’d seen her then spent the following night making sweet love to her and, like the fish in the sea, he was hooked. The funny thing was it seemed Erin hadn’t even realized she’d caught the biggest fish in the pond.

  “Why, Dare? You threw me out of your bed, remember? Out of your life. So what’s this story about coming back to get me?” She threw her hands up in apparent frustration. “For what? Another one night stand?”

  She was glaring at him now, her chest heaving with the intensity of her emotions. And who could blame her?

  He’d done everything she’d accused him of, and more. Little did she know that he’d seduced her expertly and deliberately into going back to his villa and making love to him. He’d wanted to make her pay for pursuing him so shamelessly. He’d wanted to take what she was offering. And now he would pay the steepest price. His days of philandering were over. He was about to become a father.

  He still could not believe it. Dare DeSouza, family man. When he’d left Santa Marta he’d had no idea that the joke would be on him.

  But in the end it could all turn out in his favor. Obsessed with the memory of Erin he’d finally given in and come to see her with the intention of convincing her to return to the island. Now, with this development, there was no way she could say no.

  “Erin, calm down. Have a seat.” He walked over and pulled out a chair. When she hesitated he frowned. “Come and sit before you keel over.”

  Thankfully, she headed over on shaky legs and sank down on the chair. If she hadn’t he would have gone over and lifted her off her feet. He could see that her emotions coupled with her tiredness from work were beginning to take its toll. She was shaking.

  He walked into the kitchen and filled a glass with water then brought it to her.

  She gulped it thirstily then rested the glass on the table and looked up at him.

  It was only then, in the light cast by the chandelier above the table, that he saw how thin and drawn she was. Her eyes were large molten pools in her face. They were circled with shadows of exhaustion.

  He pulled the other chair forward and sat beside her. “Erin,” he said, drawing her eyes back to his face, “you look terrible.”

  She looked surprised at his outspokenness then her face broke into a tired smile. “Thanks. You are so kind.”

  “I mean it,” he said, his voice low and grave. “You need to stop this work you’re doing. It’s too much.”

  At that she laughed but there was no mirth to the sound. “Stop this work, he says. And then eat what? Air? And how would I pay my rent and my bills?”

  “I have the solution for that,” he said. “I want you to-”

  “Oh yes, come back to Santa Marta,” she said, her tone sarcastic. “You forgot. When you came here you expected to take a slender, sexy thing back with you. I’m not any of that. Not anymore.”

  “Erin,” Dare said, trying to keep his voice calm, “listen to me. I want you-”

  “No, you don’t,” she snapped. “Not anymore. Not when I’m going to look like a pumpkin in three-”

  Dare had reached his limit. “Woman, will you be quiet and let me speak?” he bellowed. “I want you to marry me.”

  Erin recoiled as if he’d slapped her. Then her face flushed red and her eyes flashed. “I don’t appreciate you laughing at me, Dare. If this is all a joke to you I think you’d better leave.”

  “It’s not a joke,” he said quietly. “I’m serious. I want you as my wife.”

  “But…why?” Her voice was a mere whisper and she looked back at him with huge eyes.

  “I would think that’s quite obvious. You’re the mother of my child.”

  “Not yet, I’m not.”

  “Oh, but you are. The youngest of the DeSouza line is now growing inside you.”

  “DeSouza.” She said the name, a look of wonder on her face. “Can you believe I never even knew your last name?” Her cheeks grew red and she dropped her eyes as if in shame.

  “There’s no need to feel bad, Erin. Just forget the past and look toward the future as my wife.”

  “As your wife.” She repeated the words but there was no enthusiasm there. Then she looked over at him. “You never even asked me the question.”

  “Of course I did.”

  “No, you said you want me to marry you. You never asked me.” Her mouth was set in a cute pout.

  Dare laughed. If a question was what she wanted then a question she would get. He would not be accused of not being romantic.

  Just to make it more touching and more likely to be in keeping with her romantic notions Dare slid off the chair and went down on one knee. He took her slim hand in his then looked deep into her eyes. “Erin Samuels,” he said, his voice firm and full of meaning, “will you marry me?” Then he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it.

  For a moment she only stared at him then her hazel eyes flashed and she snatched her hand from his grasp. “No,” she said, her voice vehement and hard. “Never in a million years.”

  What the hell? Taken aback, Dare remained on his knees. Then, never taking his eyes off her flushed face he rose to his feet. Only then did he speak. “What the blazes was that all about?”

  She lifted her face and gave him a look of defiance. “I said I’d never marry you.”

  “Then why did you make me ask you?” He could feel the anger rise in him. Did she think she was playing with a damn puppy?

  “I wanted you to ask me so I could give you my answer,” she said, her tone smug. “And the answer is no.”


  She gave a toss of her head and one of her brown curls fell across her face. She lifted a delicate hand and brushed it away. “You rejected me so now it’s my turn to reject you.”

  “Oh, being petty are we? So you would reject my offer knowing that you can’t support yourself and the child. You would do this just to prove a point.”

  “I can support my baby and me.” She had the audacity to look offended. “We don’t need you.”

  He folded his arms across his chest and glared down at her. “If you think I’m going to let you raise my child in this dump you’re out of your mind.”

  “Dump? You’re calling my home a dump?”

  “Forgive me. Your humble abode.” His voice dripped with sarcasm. “My child will not be living here nor growing up here. My child will be with me in Santa Marta.”

  She gave a harsh laugh. “I want to see how you’re going to accomplish that when I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You are.”

  “I’m not.”

  Dare could feel his nostrils flare in annoyance. Not a good sign. Erin was intent on pushing him to breaking point. He was going to end this before things went too far.

  “Now you listen to me. You will come back to Santa Marta with me and you will marry me. If you don’t then be prepared to be cut off from the child altogether.”

  “What do you mean, cut off from the child? You can’t do that.” Her voice had risen and he heard the fear registered there.

  He pressed home his advantage. “Oh, can’t I? There’s something to be said about having money, Erin. With money comes power. I have a lot of it and you don’t.”

  Erin stared up at him, eyes wide and uncertain. He could see that she was vulnerable now.

  “I can hire the best lawyers to present a c
ase that it would be in the best interest of the child to be with me. I can provide everything that he or she would need unlike you who can barely manage to sustain yourself.”

  She was pale now, and silent. His words were having the impact he’d intended. He decided to drive another nail into the coffin. “There’s a good chance you’ll lose custody, Erin. Do you want to take that risk?”

  “You…wouldn’t.” Her voice was a broken whisper.

  “I would.” He would not yield. Not now. He was too close to victory. “Marry me, Erin, and all your problems will be solved. You won’t have to worry about money, the care of the baby, anything. But if you choose the other path, know that I will do everything in my power to claim my heir.”

  For a long time Erin did not respond. Then her lower lip began to tremble and she turned her face away. “You’re such a bastard,” she said with a sob and covered her face with her hands.

  Dare said nothing. He might be a bastard but he was a bastard determined to get what he wanted. He’d come all this way to get Erin Samuels and he was not going home without her.

  He could see she was defeated. He softened his stance and went over to take her in his arms, comfort her and let her see she was in good hands.

  As soon as his hand touched her shoulder she wrenched away and when she looked up at him her eyes spat fire. “Don’t touch me,” she said through clenched teeth. “I may have to marry you but I will never be your wife.”

  Dare sucked in his breath and scowled. So that was the way it was, was it? A marriage in name only.

  Well, he’d already won the first battle. She would marry him. Once he got her back to the island he would take on this second hurdle. He was looking forward to the challenge. He smiled to himself. There were ways to make a woman yield and he was an expert at every one of them.

  “Get some rest,” he said calmly. “I’ll be back in the morning to work out the details. Let your boss know you won’t be coming back.”

  He didn’t bother to wait for a reply. He knew she was numb from shock and exhaustion. He let himself out of the apartment and headed for the elevator where he gave a satisfied sigh. Erin Samuels was his at last.


  Within a week of Dare’s arrival Erin was in a private jet on the way back to the island of Santa Marta but this time as the wife of one of the richest and most powerful men in that land. So why wasn’t she over the moon with joy?


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