A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact

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A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact Page 1

by Richard Dolan

  “I’ve always known there was a UFO conspiracy, and this book confirms all my suspicions. Furthermore, these two authors—Dolan and Zabel—must be in on it! How else to explain the astounding level of insight and staggering detail this book offers on what is supposedly a hypothetical situation? If you ask me, A.D. After Disclosure is all part of the government’s campaign to prepare us for the inevitable. But even if I’m wrong, these guys have done a masterful job imagining the unimaginable.”

  —Brent V. Friedman, writer/producer; co-creator of Dark Skies

  “Micro-organisms on the moon, biological bacteria on meteorites, structures on Mars, and the recovery of mortal beings at Roswell have all paved the acceptance that we are not alone in the universe. And not since the Brooking Institute Study of the ramifications of contact with a higher intelligence off the earth has anyone demonstrated with such comprehensiveness just what type of a world society would wake up to on such a fateful day. Not until Dolan and Zabel. The contemporary research they have accumulated in this book should serve as a primer for present and future generations. Not only to soften the blow, but also to provide us with hope. Hope, that even though much that we have faithfully accepted as reality, forever changed, will still usher in a time when we can peer at our neighbors up in the stars, and not just over the next-door fence.”

  —Donald R. Schmitt, coauthor of Witness to Roswell

  “As a physician, researcher, and creative writer, I stand on the shoulders of others to see and climb the next mountain. A.D. After Disclosure is a brilliant, enjoyable primer that holds a feast of ideas that will make any audience think and wonder. This work offers a place to stand where others may take up the challenge and travel to places none of us could conceive. Richard and Bryce have performed a great service both to our culture and that of the ‘Others.’”

  —Dr. Jeffrey Galpin, infectious disease specialist, molecular biologist, AIDS Researcher

  “The governed can hardly give their consent when the truth is withheld from them. If insiders who claim to represent us have hard proof that we are not alone and they don’t share it with the people, then the blowback predicted by Zabel and Dolan in A.D. After Disclosure will be a mighty wind, indeed.”

  —Lars Larson, host of nationally syndicated The Lars Larson Show

  “This is an important book dealing with vital issues which are rarely considered. In my opinion, Disclosure is inevitable. Preparation for that moment should be an integral part of every thinking person’s worldview. The authors should be commended. They have done us a service.”

  —Coleman Luck, writer/executive producer; author of Angel Fall

  “If Disclosure happens in my life, this is how I imagine it would occur. Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel have left no stone unturned in capturing, in intricate detail, every aspect and every nuance of the events, the complexities and ramifications that would inevitably unfold with Disclosure. Thought provoking, highly imaginative, yet incredibly real. A must read for believers and skeptics alike.”

  —Don Most, producer, Majic Men


  When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact


  Foreword by Jim Marrs, author of Alien Agenda

  Copyright © 2012 by Richard M. Dolan and Bryce Zabel

  All rights reserved under the Pan-American and International Copyright Conventions. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without written permission from the publisher, The Career Press.



  Cover design by Howard Grossman/12E Design

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Dolan, Richard M.

  A.D., After Disclosure : when the government finally reveals the truth about alien contact / by

  Richard M. Dolan and Bryce Zabel ; foreword by Jim Marrs.

  p. cm.

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  ISBN 978-1-60163-222-7 (pbk.)—ISBN 978-1-60163-593-8 (ebook) 1. Unidentified flying objects—Sightings and encounters—Forecasting. 2. Unidentified flying objects—Social aspects. 3. Government information—United States. I.

  Zabel, Bryce. II. Title.

  TL789.D65 2012




  From Richard

  In the course of my research, there have been many individuals who have helped me in my journey on the difficult road of envisioning a world in which the truth of UFOs is openly known. Among them all, two friends stand out.

  One of them is Vince White. Through the years, Vince has described his vision of a post-disclosure world, of its inevitability, of the dramatic changes it will bring in its wake. I don’t know of anyone who has thought this through with as much detail, or as much courage.

  The other is Stephen Bassett. Anyone who has met Stephen knows the energy and focus he brings to the issue of Disclosure. Along the way he has made many admirers, and a few critics, too, who feel that “disclosure” and “exopolitics” are wrong-headed and premature in a world that will not even acknowledge the reality of UFOs themselves. Most of these criticisms are misguided, in my view. Future generations will remember Stephen as one of the key figures who helped to bring the world to an open acceptance of the truth: that “Others” are here on Earth, observing and interacting with humanity.

  Other people have helped with their conversation and insights. Among them I wish to acknowledge Thomas Darling, PhD, Edgar Mitchell, ScD, Jim Marrs (who graciously wrote the Foreword to this book), and two of my U.K. friends: Nick Pope and Anthony Beckett. To these and the many others—most of whom know who they are—I offer my lasting thanks.

  Finally, I would like to thank the support and patience of my family: Karyn, Michael, and Elaine. Through the thick and through the thin, they have been there to support me.

  From Bryce

  My journey of consciousness-raising began with my mother, Lucile Zabel, who got a copy of The Interrupted Journey when I was a kid and couldn’t put it down.

  Finding friends who will discuss UFOs without prejudice or ridicule is not always easy and, in particular, I note the many hours I’ve spent with my “two Dons,” Don Most and Don Clark. My other open-minded friends through the years have included David Chatfield, Roger Clark, Eric Close, Manny Coto, Matt Gross, Stephen Harding, Rob Kirk, John Landgraf, Stan Lee, Coleman Luck, Brad Markowitz, Bob Nowotny, Jim Parriott, Dave Ransil, Jeff Sagansky, Fred Saxon, Larry Sheflo, Adam Sigel, Peter Telep, Tracy Torme, Jeff Wachtel, Megan Ward, Rich Whitley, and Alan Zabel. Along with my gifted coauthor Richard Dolan, the researchers who have taught me the most are Steven Bassett, Stanton Friedman, George Knapp, Kathleen Marden, Nick Pope, Alejandro Rojas, Donald Schmitt, Lee Spiegel, and Whitley Strieber. And the people who helped make this specific book possi
ble include Cherish Alexander, Todd Masters, Alex Asher Sears, Nancy Tokos, and John White.

  My Dark Skies co-creator Brent V. Friedman will be one of my very first calls when Disclosure happens. Also, David E. Kelly, who hired me to work on L.A. Law, because he thought a script I wrote about alien abductions felt real to him.

  Thanks also go to my father, Harvey Zabel, who taught high school American history and, shortly before he died, finally talked about his Army buddy’s experience at Roswell, knowing that it would mean all the textbooks from which he had taught would be re-written. And to my children—Jared, Lauren, and Jonathan—whose own children will read those new books in school.

  Finally, to my wife, Jackie, who abducted my heart and always believes in me.


  Foreword by Jim Marrs

  Preface by Stephen Bassett


  Chapter 1: Day One: The Day Everything Changes

  Chapter 2: Breakaway: How Secrets Created a World Within a World

  Chapter 3: Endgame: When the Impossible Becomes the Inevitable

  Chapter 4: Threat Analysis: Who Goes There and What Do They Want?

  Chapter 5: Blowback: Collateral Damage and Unintended Consequences

  Chapter 6: The (New) Age of Aquarius: Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out

  Chapter 7: Paradigm Shift: Our New Place in the Universe

  Chapter 8: Exopolitics Rising: Moving From First Contact to Informed Contact

  Chapter 9: Open Letters: Inside/Outside



  About the Author

  Foreword by Jim Marrs

  How do you—meaning you reading these words—deal with the idea of Unidentified Flying Objects?

  Do you simply ignore the issue, like the majority of your fellow citizens? Do you disdain any serious discussion of the topic because it may cause discomfort to your cherished beliefs and worldview? Or, like a small minority, do you consider with an open mind the possibility that life may exist outside of our conventional three-dimensional material reality? Or perhaps you wait impatiently for a meeting with “our space brothers,” as does an even smaller minority?

  Regardless of your viewpoint, we—all humans on Earth—are in for a real awakening…and probably sooner rather than later.

  For some, this awakening to the reality of visitation by “Others,” the designation used by the authors of this book, will be a confirmation of long-held beliefs. For many more it will be a shattering of their worldview, leaving them in psychological shock and confusion…and most probably more than a little angry with the “experts” who have lied and dissembled for so long.

  After all, haven’t our authority figures—military officers, prominent scientists, mass media pundits—for many years told us that UFOs simply do not exist? Haven’t the people who said such things are real been denigrated as publicity seekers and nuts wearing aluminum hats? Haven’t all UFO sightings been explained as mere illusions, secret government test craft, or misinterpreted natural phenomena? And haven’t we all been schooled and conditioned to respect and trust our authorities?

  In the case of UFOs, such trust and respect has been misplaced.

  Since the 1940s or earlier, the Freedom of Information Act lawsuits have produced a mountain of documentary evidence that instituted a program of denial and ridicule within the highest levels of our military and government regarding UFOs. The message was, “You didn’t see anything and if you persist in saying you did, then you probably need mental health care.”

  And it worked admirably.

  Until most recently, the prospect of derision and ridicule coupled with a patriotic impulse to assist the government in hiding secrets resulted in thousands of citizens keeping mum about their personal experiences with UFOs. This resulted in a distorted view of our world and events and created a dysfunctional and hypocritical society.

  After all, no matter how smart you are, if you are operating from incomplete or erroneous information, you will never have a correct understanding of any issue. Those who dismiss the idea of non-human intelligent life and UFOs will never begin to truly comprehend the full picture of our world, as they have discarded a large piece of the puzzle.

  But such denial and secrecy has begun to crack in recent years with the advent of the personal camcorder and the camera-bearing cell phone. Prior to this technology, only occasionally did a person obtain a photograph of a UFO, and even then it was just a blurry spot of light in the dark sky, hardly satisfying proof to anyone.

  But today, not a day goes by that someone, somewhere in the world does not get a reasonably clear picture of something unusual in the air. Naturally, this does not impinge on those whose worldview is either locked into denial or supporting some hidden agenda.

  Although a good many photos are creations of Photoshop, a hubcap soaring over the backyard, or a shot of Venus on a clear night, enough are unexplainable to convince any thoughtful person that something is happening in the skies above.

  The reality of UFO visitation becomes even more obvious when these photos and government documents are placed into context with physical evidence such as radar contacts, the innumerable personal accounts of sightings, and physical abduction.

  So, to the open-minded, the controversy is settled—UFOs exist. Although it remains unclear whether they represent travelers from another solar or star system, another dimension, or another time line, they most certainly represent yet another part of our reality. And the sooner the human race comes to deal with this fact, the better.

  The question now becomes, “Who occupies UFOs and why are they here?” And even more importantly, “What are we going to do about this new reality?”

  It is this question that is addressed in this book and one that deserves serious consideration because, sooner or later, we will all have to answer this for ourselves.

  Jim Marrs

  Ft. Worth, Texas

  Preface by Stephen Bassett

  Disclosure, the formal acknowledgment by the world’s governments of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race, is inevitable. So was this book.

  To my knowledge it is the first work to specifically and comprehensively address the concept of “big D” Disclosure from an exopolitical perspective, which is to say it attempts to bring the concept into focus for the mass of people who may have no inkling of what is headed their way.

  If The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a how-to book about what to do when the world ends, this is a how-to book on what to do when a new world begins.

  To this purpose Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel are well suited. Richard is a grounded historian whose developing trilogy, UFOs and the National Security State, is building a chronological backbone to the history of the UFO/ET issue from 1947 onward. Bryce has written and produced for television, and thus understands how to communicate to the larger audience beyond the realms of research and academia.

  Given that most parents generally have nine months to prepare for the birth of a new human being, it is somewhat unnerving that human beings will be lucky if they have 90 seconds to prepare for the birth of a new reality. This is because the United States government has no intention of providing a user manual or early warning concerning Disclosure—the most profound event in human history. One evening you are eating Chinese take-out in front of the television. Five minutes later you are in a new paradigm, the world has changed in a billion ways and you haven’t even finished the kung pao chicken.

  The truth embargo (what some call the UFO cover-up) is in its seventh decade. According to Richard and Bryce, it will end soon. Pay close attention; you need to know that. All of the old paradigm assertions: “You don’t have a need to know,” “You can’t handle the truth,” and “don’t ask, don’t tell,” will get tossed out the window. A little preparation will help ensure you don’t jump out the window with them.

  Many thousands of books will be written on the subject of Disclosure before the sun cools, expands, and swallows u
p the solar system. You’ll want to read them all, but A.D. After Disclosure is a very good beginning.

  But permit me to suggest that there is one group of people who desperately need to read this book ASAP. They are the elected members of Congress, the commanding officers in the military, the managers of the intelligence agencies, and most assuredly the President of the United States.

  You see, there is an implicit irony in this book that may escape your notice. One of the key assumptions of A.D. After Disclosure is that governments will be forced to reveal the truth regarding an extraterrestrial presence by a dramatic event that forces their hand. This is strategically unwise. The sight of members of Congress being chased down the halls of their office buildings by packs of screaming reporters with cameras and pens clicking away will not inspire confidence in that August body, which recently hit an all time low.

  Should they bother to read this book, it is quite possible they might see the wisdom of actually doing their job and effectuating a proactive, orderly Disclosure event that gets the job done without unnecessary, self-destructive melodrama.

  If this happens the government would feel good about itself, the people would be more assured, and even the extraterrestrials might take comfort in the rare display of maturity on the part of human institutions.

  So do yourself and your nation a favor and send a copy to your elected representatives. I’m sure they’ll thank you for it in a nicely worded form letter.

  Stephen Bassett

  Washington, D.C.


  Thousands of books, all debating whether UFOs are real or just figments of our imaginations, have been published.

  This book is not one of them.

  More than six decades into this quiet revolution, we can now see the outlines of a reality that has been sneaking up on us, one step at a time.

  The issue that was hushed up by one generation, then turned into an object of derision by another, now demands to be heard straight in ours.


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