A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact

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A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact Page 18

by Richard Dolan

  Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, and Nasdaq remained closed for the rest of the week, not opening for business again until September 17. When the markets did reopen, the New York Stock Exchange dropped 684 points in the first day of trading.

  Both scenarios are about giving people and institutions time to process changes. Whatever happens after Day One, there will be a need for time to consider things.

  Taking Stock of the Situation

  One financial advisor the authors spoke to anticipated that the immediate aftermath of Disclosure would be “pure chaos and hysteria.” The only reasonable response, he thought, would be to shut things down. If Disclosure occurs on a Friday afternoon, as we anticipate, it is likely that the markets will be closed for the entire next week.

  But what happens when they resume? Most traders believe that the only way to calm markets down is to let them open up. Even then, there is bound to be a great deal of panic selling, and this may well trigger the so-called “circuit breakers,” which close chaotic markets. Put into place by the major securities and futures exchanges, these are coordinated cross-market trading halts that are activated when a severe market price decline reaches levels that may exhaust market liquidity. Under these contingencies, trading may be halted temporarily or, under extreme circumstances, markets shut down before the end of normal close of the trading session.

  These circuit-breakers will probably be triggered repeatedly. During the time period of “close-and-consider,” analysts and traders will be getting an earful from their clients. The people we have spoken with expect that anywhere from 20 to 40 percent of stockholders will want to alter their portfolios significantly, if not close them entirely, when they learn that UFOs are real and the government has been hiding this information for generations.

  Most financial analysts have spent time considering extraordinary contingencies such as terrorism, nuclear accidents, natural disasters, and criminal acts. Few to none, however, seem to have considered the possibility that UFOs might be real, and that they might have to deal with that. In the world A.D., they will be unprepared, and most of their advice will be made up on fly.

  One Certified Financial Manager from a leading financial management and advisory company had some thoughts about how he would behave personally, and how he would interact with clients—although he was told by his management that he could not use his name in an interview with us, presumably because the topic is too alarming. “My biggest job if this happens,” he said, “is going to be holding my client’s hands over the weekend when I’ll probably be freaking out myself.”

  Day-trader Peter Katz is one of the many financial experts who had never considered the possibility that he would have to take ET Disclosure into account in his stock strategy. When asked about how he would have to adjust, he replied he would not take a strong position until he could see how the market was reacting. “My gut,” he added, “is that the market would be heading south instead of north.”

  Stock analysts from Merrill Lynch to Smith Barney will scramble mightily in the aftermath of Disclosure to bring in consultants and experts to help calm their customers and assure them that they are preparing to adapt to the future. They will create bold new client PowerPoints describing their take on what might be called the After-Market.

  But the safe positions of the past may not necessarily apply in this new financial environment. For example, it would seem logical that the price of gold will rise in the panic, and this may happen. Yet, depending on the nature of the announcement, analysts may speculate that the unleashing of new technology will increase gold’s value even further or, conversely, diminish it by achieving the ancient alchemist’s dream of turning common metals into gold. In general, we can expect that the discussion of radical technologies will wreak havoc on some traditional portfolios.

  Because we are not privy to all the information, there is always a caveat. If the Disclosure announcement and news keeps within our more-or-less established view of reality, Wall Street life will continue and adapt. If, on the other hand, there is an unforeseen complexity to it (that is, the Others have the ability to manipulate time), then the entire concept of trading as currently established could be rendered unworkable instantly.

  The Biggest Bail-Out Ever

  Following the 2008 global financial crisis, Presidents Bush and Obama, along with the U.S. Congress, staged the largest bailout of banks and other financial institutions in history. Responding to the subprime mortgage crisis, The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 was enacted to rescue the financial system of the United States. It authorized the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury to spend up to 700 billion dollars to purchase distressed assets and make capital injections into banks. More rescue spending followed. Other countries able to do so staged their own versions of a rescue package.

  Disclosure that UFOs are real will trigger instability in the economic system to such a degree that the corresponding response may be even greater than that stimulus package. Global leadership will declare that the situation is one-of-a-kind, and that unprecedented action must be taken. Officials worldwide will reach a consensus that, for the short-term A.D., this is hardly the time for fiscal restraint. They will try to spend their way past the difficulties of Disclosure. The public, to a great degree, will want them to.

  Of course, one obvious problem is that if Disclosure is forced before the end of the financial crisis that started in 2008 (still continuing strong as of this writing), further printing of currencies could be ruinous. Aside from this, the grand A.D. economic plan will have strong critics. Recall that Paul Volcker, chairman of Barack Obama’s White House Economic Recovery Advisory Board, argued that bailouts signal to the firms that they can take reckless risks. If the risks are realized, Volcker said, taxpayers pay the losses in the future. “The danger is the spread of moral hazard could make the next crisis much bigger.”

  Bailout defenders will reply that unless the post-Disclosure world is quickly brought to order, we may not make it to the next crisis. Even in the best scenarios, a low-grade panic will be in the air. Governments and politicians are forever focused on the short-term. They will want to do something now, and they will act to keep the money flowing. If the economy remains healthy, it will be easier for citizens to weather the uncertainty of the new circumstances.

  Ironically, the entity that will be taxing and spending—the government—will also be perceived as the architect of cover-up. It will take an interesting double back-flip of spin to argue that they have been hiding the truth for decades, but that they need the people to trust them now in order to save the economy. Yet, without a credible alternative, they will probably get away with it.

  No matter how successfully the world adapts to the uncertainties following Disclosure, corporations and people will take a wait-and-see attitude. Only a very few companies will expand their spending. Most will sit on their money and observe how things shake down. Ordinary people will do the same. On an intellectual level, people may understand that their global economy demands that consumers spend, but the reaction will be to let someone else do it first. With a world set ablaze by historic headlines, a good amount of hysteria, and rattled institutions, keeping what they have will become priority number one for most people.

  There is one fast way to inject money into the economy and be perceived as acting in the national interest. Rather than putting Americans to work on road crews or other public works, the winner will be the military. The military establishments of the Earth—already enormous—may grow larger. They will be tasked with keeping the peace in the homeland and standing vigilant, ready to protect humanity from the shadow of the Others. More likely than not, those same armies will be primarily employed for keeping the peace among humans.

  Energy’s New Equation

  No blowback could be more disruptive than something that radically alters the engine of the global economy—a one-of-a-kind game-changer. When huma
nity publicly outs the Others through some form of Disclosure, it will put this dream/nightmare of fundamental change directly on the table.

  In terms of dollar value, the petroleum industry is the largest in the world, when one considers its production, distribution, refining, and retailing. It is critical in the maintenance of our civilization, as it underlies an enormous portion of the rest of the world’s industrial and transportation sectors. Moreover, it is more than a source of immense wealth for the world’s super-rich: of the world’s 20 largest oil companies, 15 are state-owned.8 Therefore, a substantial number of national governments rely explicitly on petroleum for their liquidity.

  Within the United States, the oil industry (along with natural gas) is the backbone of the economy. The industry supports more than 9 million American jobs and makes major economic contributions as an employer and purchaser of goods and services. In 2007, the most recent year for which data is available, the industry accounted for more than $1 trillion in value, or 7.5 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product.9

  Humanity needs a post-oil economy; humanity fears a post-oil economy. We need it in order to save the Earth’s environment; we fear it because it will threaten the way we do business with each other.

  For humanity, the prospect of moving beyond an oil-based economy is a Holy Grail. The world is addicted to oil, and most of us acknowledge our need to wean ourselves from it. The places where it lies in its greatest abundance are some of the world’s most dangerous. Oil accidents can be disastrous: In 2010, a massive spill occurred in the Gulf of Mexico. In 2011, another occurred off the coast of New Zealand.

  Once the president acknowledges that “we are not alone,” it will be obvious to a number of analysts that at least some UFOs have been real, and it then becomes crystal clear that petroleum is on its way toward becoming obsolete as a source of transportation energy. For many years, leaks have occurred and claims have been made describing radical propulsion systems in alien flying saucers, as well as in the home-grown variety. Certainly, anything that can move in perfect silence, hover indefinitely, and accelerate instantaneously is using something better than high-octane gasoline as its source of fuel, whether this be some form of the fabled zero-point energy field, a clean burning nuclear fusion, or something more exotic.

  Oil prices remain high because of the continual state of warfare that has ravaged the Middle East. If the Others have been observing us since at least World War II, then surely they have noticed this relationship. Perhaps they are confused as to why we should allow such conflict to come from a natural resource, but they can hardly miss the connection between war and oil.

  Oil experts have disagreed over the fear of peak oil. The bottom-line is, “Will the world run out of oil?” We can presume that because oil is so important to us and we are apparently so important to the Others that this debate has not escaped them. In fact, from their near-Earth observations and more sophisticated monitoring capability they may know the answer to this complex question.

  The idea of peak oil is not that the world will “run out” of oil, rather, that it will run out of the easy and cheap oil, the result of which would convulse the global economy.

  But even if oil were to continue to be abundant amid a rising global demand for the next 50 years, as some analysts predict, there are still serious questions we need to ask regarding the viability of a petroleum-based world. In the first place, assuming we have enough oil for the next 50 years, what happens then? Second, can the world environment survive another 50 years of full-speed-ahead extraction, refining, and burning of oil? Therefore, what if UFO technology provides us with an energy source that can replace petroleum in many respects? What if this new energy source is clean? What if it is easy to produce, and therefore very cheap?

  It does not matter if the Others “give” humanity their energy secret. Once we know there is a viable alternative to oil, the answer will be found. There will be incredible pressures on the world’s political leaders on the issue of energy. They may stonewall, but the answer will be found anyway. When it is, the oil industry will face its greatest crisis ever, and this will translate to much of the global economy.

  Like it or not, trillions of dollars are invested worldwide in the petroleum industry. Although something better is surely an attractive option for humanity as a whole, it certainly is not for those who own major portions of the world’s oil. Suddenly, the long-term value of oil would promise to plummet; suddenly, the portfolio valuations of the world’s largest corporations (and wealthiest families) would plummet. Unless these groups are certain that they can control and monetize whatever replaces oil, they will resist any changeover.

  In terms of the financial markets, any dramatic change in petroleum futures will affect everything. No matter what product you can imagine, most of its value is in the energy required to make and transport it. If the services of petroleum will no longer be required for much of this, the prices of many products will drop dramatically. Again, this is a good thing for most of us. It may be that the power elite at the top of the human pyramid is happy with this outcome, or not.

  This is why Big Oil has been one of the powers behind the UFO cover-up. Breaking its hold over the fabric of our society will alter the structure of economic and political power around the world. Yet, the upside in the long-term promises easily to outweigh the short-term disruptions and uncertainties.

  Repealing the Law of Gravity

  Replacing petroleum will be one of the major upheavals of the world A.D., but not the only one. Serious researchers of UFOs agree that these craft appear to negate the Earth’s gravity. The world’s militaries and governments no doubt made that connection long ago. Therefore, the next big upheaval will deal with electrogravitics.

  Such ideas have circulated since the 1950s, and they have also received attention in the classified world. During the mid-1950s, several aviation journals discussed what appeared to be imminent breakthroughs in electrogravitics. One of these, a British research company called Aviation Studies (International) Ltd., stated that “electrostatic energy sufficient to produce a Mach 3 fighter is possible with megavolt energies and a K of over 10,000.” Another report, by Gravity Rand, Ltd., agreed. According to that report: “To assert electrogravitics is nonsense is as unreal as to say it is practically extant.” Then, in 1956, such talk stopped abruptly. Did everyone at once discover that all this anti-gravity speculation turned out to be nothing more than hot air? Or did it go more deeply under cover?10

  These are the questions that have led some to conclude that Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV) is real. Of course, if such technology has existed for some time, it means that every oil-related war was waged under false pretense.

  The secret-keepers who will face the harsh questions about their behavior and decisions in that scenario will have their arguments ready. They will argue that even if the technology exists, it would have been dangerous to share it publicly, because the intentions of the Others were unclear.

  They will acknowledge that, in the long term, replacing oil with a better source of energy is desirable and perhaps the time has come. The same is true for replacing our current modes of ground-based transportation with something that can quickly, cheaply, and easily get us off the ground. But here is the rub: How would such developments affect not only the profits to those interests in control of the petroleum industry, not only the financial markets, but also the ability of human social and political elites to control society? For what happens when it becomes possible for all of humanity to have access to an abundant, clean, and cheap energy source, combined with knowledge of an electrogravitic propulsion system?

  In the first place, it would mean that you could heat your home forever, probably for next-to-nothing. It might also mean that you could make such a system of energy portable, which would enable possibilities never dreamed of with petroleum. For instance, it might allow everyone to be able to power heavy equipment inexpensively. If you wanted to build a deep underground extensi
on to your home, you might very easily be able to do it. A quick trip to Germany, Mozambique, Thailand, or anywhere else could be done easily, and perhaps without government knowledge or control.

  How would such new-found wealth and independence sit with those who have been used to controlling the masses of humanity? And, to be fair, let us also ask, what if the capabilities of new energy and electrogravitics can be easily adapted to create very destructive weapons?

  The transition away from petroleum and to something better is more than a question of improving our daily “cost of doing business” on Earth. It involves a complete overhaul of our society. The new destinations to which such changes will lead us will be public policy issues of the highest order.

  The questions of energy and how they will be resolved may turn out to only be the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sorting out the changed reality. Fortunately, we have a system set up that will begin to address these issues from the beginning.

  Legal System

  As with most other major issues in American history, from civil rights to health care, the courts will have much to say about how we deal with the acknowledged presence of the Others. Although it may seem a mundane way to deal with something extraordinary, it will be a powerful tool toward helping settle differences among individuals, companies, governments and even, conceivably, the Others, as represented through human surrogates.

  The law can be broken down into criminal law, which are injustices against society prosecuted by the State, and civil law, which are injustices against a person prosecuted by the injured party.


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