The Works of William Harrison Ainsworth

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The Works of William Harrison Ainsworth Page 409

by William Harrison Ainsworth

  As this suggestion was made, Nowell’s countenance brightened up. The expression was not lost upon the attorney, who perceived he was on the right tack.

  “Tell the worthy baronet,” continued Potts, “that his old and esteemed friend, Master Roger Nowell, is in great jeopardy — am I not right, sir?”

  The magistrate nodded.

  “Tell him he is forcibly detained a prisoner, and requires sufficient force to effect his immediate liberation. Tell him, also, that Master Nowell charges Mistress Nutter with robbing him of his land by witchcraft.”

  “No, no!” interrupted Nowell; “do not tell him that. I no longer charge her with it.”

  “Then, tell him that I do,” cried Potts; “and that Master Nowell has strangely, very strangely, altered his mind.”

  “‘May I become subject to the Fiend if I violate my promise!’” said the magistrate.

  “Ay, tell him that,” cried the attorney— “tell him the worthy gentleman is constantly repeating that sentence. It will explain all. And now, reverend sir, let me entreat you to set out without delay, or your departure may be prevented.”

  “I will go at once,” said Holden.

  As he was about to quit the apartment, Mistress Nutter appeared at the door. Confusion was painted on the countenances of all three.

  “Whither go you, sir?” demanded the lady, sharply.

  “On a mission which cannot be delayed, madam,” replied Holden.

  “You cannot quit my house at present,” she rejoined, peremptorily. “These gentlemen stay to dine with me, and I cannot dispense with your company.”

  “My duty calls me hence,” returned the divine. “With all thanks for your proffered hospitality, I must perforce decline it.”

  “Not when I command you to stay,” she rejoined, raising her hand; “I am absolute mistress here.”

  “Not over the servants of heaven, madam,” replied the divine, taking a Bible from his pocket, and placing it before him. “By this sacred volume I shield myself against your spells, and command you to let me pass.”

  And as he went forth, Mistress Nutter, unable to oppose him, shrank back.

  * * *


  The heavy rain, which began to fall as Roger Nowell entered Rough Lee, had now ceased, and the sun shone forth again brilliantly, making the garden look so fresh and beautiful that Richard proposed a stroll within it to Alizon. The young girl seemed doubtful at first whether to comply with the invitation; but she finally assented, and they went forth together alone, for Nicholas, fancying they could dispense with his company, only attended them as far as the door, where he remained looking after them, laughing to himself, and wondering how matters would end. “No good will come of it, I fear,” mused the worthy squire, shaking his head, “and I am scarcely doing right in allowing Dick to entangle himself in this fashion. But where is the use of giving advice to a young man who is over head and ears in love? He will never listen to it, and will only resent interference. Dick must take his chance. I have already pointed out the danger to him, and if he chooses to run headlong into the pit, why, I cannot hinder him. After all, I am not much surprised. Alizon’s beauty is quite irresistible, and, were all smooth and straightforward in her history, there could be no reason why — pshaw! I am as foolish as the lad himself. Sir Richard Assheton, the proudest man in the shire, would disown his son if he married against his inclinations. No, my pretty youthful pair, since nothing but misery awaits you, I advise you to make the most of your brief season of happiness. I should certainly do so were the case my own.”

  Meanwhile, the objects of these ruminations had reached the terrace overlooking Pendle Water, and were pacing slowly backwards and forwards along it.

  “One might be very happy in this sequestered spot, Alizon,” observed Richard. “To some persons it might appear dull, but to me, if blessed with you, it would be little short of Paradise.”

  “Alas! Richard,” she replied, forcing a smile, “why conjure up visions of happiness which never can be realised? But even with you I do not think I could be happy here. There is something about the house which, when I first beheld it, filled me with unaccountable terror. Never since I was a mere infant have I been within it till to-day, and yet it was quite familiar to me — horribly familiar. I knew the hall in which we stood together, with its huge arched fireplace, and the armorial bearings upon it, and could point out the stone on which were carved my father’s initials ‘R.N.,’ with the date ‘1572.’ I knew the tapestry on the walls, and the painted glass in the long range windows. I knew the old oak staircase, and the gallery beyond it, and the room to which my mother led me. I knew the portraits painted on the panels, and at once recognised my father. I knew the great carved oak bedstead in this room, and the high chimney-piece, and the raised hearthstone, and shuddered as I gazed at it. You will ask me how these things could be familiar to me? I will tell you. I had seen them repeatedly in my dreams. They have haunted me for years, but I only to-day knew they had an actual existence, or were in any way connected with my own history. The sight of that house inspired me with a horror I have not been able to overcome; and I have a presentiment that some ill will befall me within it. I would never willingly dwell there.”

  “The warning voice within you, which should never be despised, prompts you to quit it,” cried Richard; “and I also urge you in like manner.”

  “In vain,” sighed Alizon. “This terrace is beautiful,” she added, as they resumed their walk, “and I shall often come hither, if I am permitted. At sunset, this river, and the woody heights above it, must be enchanting; and I do not dislike the savage character of the surrounding scenery. It enhances, by contrast, the beauty of this solitude. I only wish the spot commanded a view of Pendle Hill.”

  “You are like my cousin Nicholas, who thinks no prospect complete unless that hill forms part of it,” said Richard; “but since I find that you will often come hither at sunset, I shall not despair of seeing and conversing with you again, even if I am forbidden the house by Mistress Nutter. That thicket is an excellent hiding-place, and this stream is easily crossed.”

  “We can have no secret interviews, Richard,” replied Alizon; “I shall come hither to think of you, but not to meet you. You must never return to Rough Lee again — that is, not unless some change takes place, which I dare not anticipate — but, hist! I am called. I must go back to the house.”

  “The voice came from the other side of the river,” said Richard— “and, hark! it calls again. Who can it be?”

  “It is Jennet,” replied Alizon; “I see her now.”

  And she pointed out the little girl standing beside an alder on the opposite bank.

  “Yo didna notice me efore, Alizon,” cried Jennet in her sharp tone, and with her customary provoking laugh, “boh ey seed yo plain enuff, an heer’d yo too; and ey heer’d Mester Ruchot say he wad hide i’ this thicket, an cross the river to meet ye at sunset. Little pigs, they say, ha’ lang ears, an mine werena gi’en me fo’ nowt.”

  “They have somewhat misinformed you in this instance,” replied Alizon; “but how, in the name of wonder, did you come here?”

  “Varry easily,” replied Jennet, “boh ey hanna time to tell ye now. Granny Demdike has sent me hither wi’ a message to ye and Mistress Nutter. Boh may be ye winna loike Mester Ruchot to hear what ey ha’ getten to tell ye.”

  “I will leave you,” said Richard, about to depart.

  “Oh! no, no!” cried Alizon, “she can have nothing to say which you may not hear.”

  “Shan ey go back to Granny Demdike, an tell her yo’re too proud to receive her message?” asked the child.

  “On no account,” whispered Richard. “Do not let her anger the old hag.”

  “Speak, Jennet,” said Alizon, in a tone of kind persuasion.

  “Ey shanna speak onless ye cum ower t’ wetur to me,” replied the little girl; “an whot ey ha to tell consarns ye mitch.”

  “I can eas
ily cross,” observed Alizon to Richard. “Those stones seem placed on purpose.”

  Upon this, descending from the terrace to the river’s brink, and springing lightly upon the first stone which reared its head above the foaming tide, she bounded to another, and so in an instant was across the stream. Richard saw her ascend the opposite bank, and approach Jennet, who withdrew behind the alder; and then he fancied he perceived an old beldame, partly concealed by the intervening branches of the tree, advance and seize hold of her. Then there was a scream; and the sound had scarcely reached the young man’s ears before he was down the bank and across the river, but when he reached the alder, neither Alizon, nor Jennet, nor the old beldame were to be seen.

  The terrible conviction that she had been carried off by Mother Demdike then smote him, and though he continued his search for her among the adjoining bushes, it was with fearful misgivings. No answer was returned to his shouts, nor could he discover any trace of the means by which Alizon had been spirited away.

  After some time spent in ineffectual search, uncertain what course to pursue, and with a heart full of despair, Richard crossed the river, and proceeded towards the house, in front of which he found Mistress Nutter and Nicholas, both of whom seemed surprised when they perceived he was unaccompanied by Alizon. The lady immediately, and somewhat sharply, questioned him as to what had become of her adopted daughter, and appeared at first to doubt his answer; but at length, unable to question his sincerity, she became violently agitated.

  “The poor girl has been conveyed away by Mother Demdike,” she cried, “though for what purpose I am at a loss to conceive. The old hag could not cross the running water, and therefore resorted to that stratagem.”

  “Alizon must not be left in her hands, madam,” said Richard.

  “She must not,” replied the lady. “If Blackadder, whom I have sent after Parson Holden, were here, I would despatch him instantly to Malkin Tower.”

  “I will go instead,” said Richard.

  “You had better accept his offer,” interposed Nicholas; “he will serve you as well as Blackadder.”

  “Go I shall, madam,” cried Richard; “if not on your account, on my own.”

  “Come, then, with me,” said the lady, entering the house, “and I will furnish you with that which shall be your safeguard in the enterprise.”

  With this, she proceeded to the closet where her interview with Roger Nowell had been held; and, unlocking an ebony cabinet, took from a drawer within it a small flat piece of gold, graven with mystic characters, and having a slender chain of the same metal attached to it. Throwing the chain over Richard’s neck, she said, “Place this talisman, which is of sovereign virtue, near your heart, and no witchcraft shall have power over you. But be careful that you are not by any artifice deprived of it, for the old hag will soon discover that you possess some charm to protect you against her spells. You are impatient to be gone, but I have not yet done,” she continued, taking down a small silver bugle from a hook, and giving it him. “On reaching Malkin Tower, wind this horn thrice, and the old witch will appear at the upper window. Demand admittance in my name, and she will not dare to refuse you; or, if she does, tell her you know the secret entrance to her stronghold, and will have recourse to it. And in case this should be needful, I will now disclose it to you, but you must not use it till other means fail. When opposite the door, which you will find is high up in the building, take ten paces to the left, and if you examine the masonry at the foot of the tower, you will perceive one stone somewhat darker than the rest. At the bottom of this stone, and concealed by a patch of heath, you will discover a knob of iron. Touch it, and it will give you an opening to a vaulted chamber, whence you can mount to the upper room. Even then you may experience some difficulty, but with resolution you will surmount all obstacles.”

  “I have no fear of success, madam,” replied Richard, confidently.

  And quitting her, he proceeded to the stables, and calling for his horse, vaulted into the saddle, and galloped off towards the bridge.

  Fast as Richard rode up the steep hill-side, still faster did the black clouds gather over his head. No natural cause could have produced so instantaneous a change in the aspect of the sky, and the young man viewed it with uneasiness, and wished to get out of the thicket in which he was now involved, before the threatened thunder-storm commenced. But the hill was steep and the road bad, being full of loose stones, and crossed in many places by bare roots of trees. Though ordinarily surefooted, Merlin stumbled frequently, and Richard was obliged to slacken his pace. It grew darker and darker, and the storm seemed ready to burst upon him. The smaller birds ceased singing, and screened themselves under the thickest foliage; the pie chattered incessantly; the jay screamed; the bittern flew past, booming heavily in the air; the raven croaked; the heron arose from the river, and speeded off with his long neck stretched out; and the falcon, who had been hovering over him, sweeped sidelong down and sought shelter beneath an impending rock; the rabbit scudded off to his burrow in the brake; and the hare, erecting himself for a moment, as if to listen to the note of danger, crept timorously off into the long dry grass.

  It grew so dark at last that the road was difficult to discern, and the dense rows of trees on either side assumed a fantastic appearance in the deep gloom. Richard was now more than half-way up the hill, and the thicket had become more tangled and intricate, and the road narrower and more rugged. All at once Merlin stopped, quivering in every limb, as if in extremity of terror.

  Before the rider, and right in his path, glared a pair of red fiery orbs, with something dusky and obscure linked to them; but whether of man or beast he could not distinguish.

  Richard called to it. No answer. He struck spurs into the reeking flanks of his horse. The animal refused to stir. Just then there was a moaning sound in the wood, as of some one in pain. He turned in the direction, shouted, but received no answer. When he looked back the red eyes were gone.

  Then Merlin moved forward of his own accord, but ere he had gone far, the eyes were visible again, glaring at the rider from the wood. This time they approached, dilating, and increasing in glowing intensity, till they scorched him like burning-glasses. Bethinking him of the talisman, Richard drew it forth. The light was instantly extinguished, and the indistinct figure accompanying it melted into darkness.

  Once more Merlin resumed his toilsome way, and Richard was marvelling that the storm so long suspended its fury, when the sky was riven by a sudden blaze, and a crackling bolt shot down and struck the earth at his feet. The affrighted steed reared aloft, and was with difficulty prevented from falling backwards upon his rider. Almost before he could be brought to his feet, an awful peal of thunder burst overhead, and it required Richard’s utmost efforts to prevent him from rushing madly down the hill.

  The storm had now fairly commenced. Flash followed flash, and peal succeeded peal, without intermission. The rain descended hissing and spouting, and presently ran down the hill in a torrent, adding to the horseman’s other difficulties and dangers. To heighten the terror of the scene, strange shapes, revealed by the lightning, were seen flitting among the trees, and strange sounds were heard, though overpowered by the dreadful rolling of the thunder.

  But Richard’s resolution continued unshaken, and he forced Merlin on. He had not proceeded far, however, when the animal uttered a cry of fright, and began beating the air with his fore hoofs. The lightning enabled Richard to discern the cause of this new distress. Coiled round the poor beast’s legs, all whose efforts to disengage himself from the terrible assailant were ineffectual, was a large black snake, seemingly about to plunge its poisonous fangs into the flesh. Again having recourse to the talisman, and bending down, Richard stretched it towards the snake, upon which the reptile instantly darted its arrow-shaped head against him, but instead of wounding him, its forked teeth encountered the piece of gold, and, as if stricken a violent blow, it swiftly untwined itself, and fled, hissing, into the thicket.

hard was now obliged to dismount and lead his horse. In this way he toiled slowly up the hill. The storm continued with unabated fury: the red lightning played around him, the brattling thunder stunned him, and the pelting rain poured down upon his head. But he was no more molested. Save for the vivid flashes, it had become dark as night, but they served to guide him on his way.

  At length he got out of the thicket, and trod upon the turf, but it was rendered so slippery by moisture, that he could scarcely keep his feet, while the lightning no longer aided him. Fearing he had taken a wrong course, he stood still, and while debating with himself a blaze of light illumined the wide heath, and showed him the object of his search, Malkin Tower, standing alone, like a beacon, at about a quarter of a mile’s distance, on the further side of the hill. Was it disturbed fancy, or did he really behold on the summit of the structure a grisly shape resembling — if it resembled any thing human — a gigantic black cat, with roughened staring skin, and flaming eyeballs?

  Nerved by the sight of the tower, Richard was on his steed’s back in an instant, and the animal, having in some degree recovered his spirits, galloped off with him, and kept his feet in spite of the slippery state of the road. Erelong, another flash showed the young man that he was drawing rapidly near the tower, and dismounting, he tied Merlin to a tree, and hurried towards the unhallowed pile. When within twenty paces of it, mindful of Mistress Nutter’s injunctions, he placed the bugle to his lips, and winded it thrice. The summons, though clear and loud, sounded strangely in the portentous silence.

  Scarcely had the last notes died away, when a light shone through the dark red curtains hanging before a casement in the upper part of the tower. The next moment these were drawn aside, and a face appeared, so frightful, so charged with infernal wickedness and malice, that Richard’s blood grew chill at the sight. Was it man or woman? The white beard, and the large, broad, masculine character of the countenance, seemed to denote the, former, but the garb was that of a female. The face was at once hideous and fantastic — the eyes set across — the mouth awry — the right cheek marked by a mole shining with black hair, and horrible from its contrast to the rest of the visage, and the brow branded as if by a streak of blood. A black thrum cap constituted the old witch’s head-gear, and from beneath it her hoary hair escaped in long elf-locks. The lower part of her person was hidden from view, but she appeared to be as broad-shouldered as a man, and her bulky person was wrapped in a tawny-coloured robe. Throwing open the window, she looked forth, and demanded in harsh imperious tones —


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