The Works of William Harrison Ainsworth

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The Works of William Harrison Ainsworth Page 412

by William Harrison Ainsworth

  “Why this intrusion? I did not summon thee, and do not require thee.”

  “You are mistaken, madam,” he replied; “you had never more occasion for me than at this moment; and, so far from intruding upon you, I have avoided coming near you, even though enjoined to do so by my lord. He is perfectly aware of the change which has just taken place in your opinions, and the anxiety you now feel to break the contract you have entered into with him, and which he has scrupulously fulfilled on his part; but he wishes you distinctly to understand, that he has no intention of abandoning his claims upon you, but will most assuredly enforce them at the proper time. I need not remind you that your term draws to a close, and ere many months must expire; but means of extending it have been offered you, if you choose to avail yourself of them.”

  “I have no such intention,” replied Mistress Nutter, in a decided tone.

  “So be it, madam,” replied the other; “but you will not preserve your daughter, who is in the hands of a tried and faithful servant of my lord, and what you hesitate to do that servant will perform, and so reap the benefit of the sacrifice.”

  “Not so,” rejoined Mistress Nutter.

  “I say yea,” retorted the familiar.

  “Thou art my slave, I command thee to bring Alizon hither at once.”

  The familiar shook his head.

  “Thou refusest!” cried Mistress Nutter, menacingly.

  “Knows’t thou not I have the means of chastising thee?”

  “You had, madam,” replied the other; “but the moment a thought of penitence crossed your breast, the power you were invested with departed. My lord, however, is willing to give you an hour of grace, when, if you voluntarily renew your oaths to him, he will accept them, and place me at your disposal once more; but if you still continue obstinate—”

  “He will abandon me,” interrupted Mistress Nutter; “I knew it. Fool that I was to trust one who, from the beginning, has been a deceiver.”

  “You have a short memory, and but little gratitude, madam and seem entirely to forget the important favour conferred upon you last night. At your solicitation, the boundaries of your property were changed, and large slips of land filched from another, to be given to you. But if you fail in your duty, you cannot expect this to continue. The boundary marks will be set up in their old places, and the land restored to its rightful owner.”

  “I expected as much,” observed Mistress Nutter, disdainfully.

  “Thus all our pains will be thrown away,” pursued the familiar; “and though you may make light of the labour, it is no easy task to change the face of a whole country — to turn streams from their course, move bogs, transplant trees, and shift houses, all of which has been done, and will now have to be undone, because of your inconstancy. I, myself, have been obliged to act as many parts as a poor player to please you, and now you dismiss me at a moment’s notice, as if I had played them indifferently, whereas the most fastidious audience would have been ravished with my performance. This morning I was the reeve of the forest, and as such obliged to assume the shape of a rascally attorney. I felt it a degradation, I assure you. Nor was I better pleased when you compelled me to put on the likeness of old Roger Nowell; for, whatever you may think, I am not so entirely destitute of personal vanity as to prefer either of their figures to my own. However, I showed no disinclination to oblige you. You are strangely unreasonable to-day. Is it my lord’s fault if your desire of vengeance expires in its fruition — if, when you have accomplished an object, you no longer care for it? You ask for revenge — for power. You have them, and cast them aside like childish baubles!”

  “Thy lord is an arch deceiver,” rejoined Mistress Nutter; “and cannot perform his promises. They are empty delusions — profitless, unsubstantial as shadows. His power prevails not against any thing holy, as I myself have just now experienced. His money turns to withered leaves; his treasures are dust and ashes. Strong only is he in power of mischief, and even his mischief, like curses, recoils on those who use it. His vengeance is no true vengeance, for it troubles the conscience, and engenders remorse; whereas the servant of heaven heaps coals of fire on the head of his adversary by kindness, and satisfies his own heart.”

  “You should have thought of all this before you vowed yourself to him,” said the familiar; “it is too late to reflect now.”

  “Perchance not,” rejoined Mistress Nutter.

  “Beware!” thundered the demon, with a terrible gesture; “any overt act of disobedience, and your limbs shall be scattered over this chamber.”

  “If I do not dare thee to it, it is not because I fear thee,” replied Mistress Nutter, in no way dismayed by the threat. “Thou canst not control my tongue. Thou speakest of the services rendered by thy lord, and I repeat they are like his promises, naught. Show me the witch he has enriched. Of what profit is her worship of the false deity — of what avail the sacrifices she makes at his foul altars? It is ever the same spilling of blood, ever the same working of mischief. The wheels Of crime roll on like the car of the Indian idol, crushing all before them. Doth thy master ever help his servants in their need? Doth he not ever abandon them when they are no longer useful, and can win him no more proselytes? Miserable servants — miserable master! Look at the murtherous Demdike and the malignant Chattox, and examine the means whereby they have prolonged their baleful career. Enormities of all kinds committed, and all their families devoted to the Fiend — all wizards or witches! Look at them, I say. What profit to them is their long service? Are they rich? Are they in possession of unfading youth and beauty? Are they splendidly lodged? Have they all they desire? No! — the one dwells in a solitary turret, and the other in a wretched hovel; and both are miserable creatures, living only on the dole wrung by threats from terrified peasants, and capable of no gratification but such as results from practices of malice.”

  “Is that nothing?” asked the familiar. “To them it is every thing. They care neither for splendid mansions, nor wealth, nor youth, nor beauty. If they did, they could have them all. They care only for the dread and mysterious power they possess, to be able to fascinate with a glance, to transfix by a gesture, to inflict strange ailments by a word, and to kill by a curse. This is the privilege they seek, and this privilege they enjoy.”

  “And what is the end of it all?” demanded Mistress Nutter, sternly. “Erelong, they will be unable to furnish victims to their insatiate master, who will then abandon them. Their bodies will go to the hangman, and their souls to endless bale!”

  The familiar laughed as if a good joke had been repeated to him, and rubbed his hands gleefully.

  “Very true,” he said; “very true. You have stated the case exactly, madam. Such will certainly be the course of events. But what of that? The old hags will have enjoyed a long term — much longer than might have been anticipated. Mother Demdike, however, as I have intimated, will extend hers, and it is fortunate for her she is enabled to do so, as it would otherwise expire an hour after midnight, and could not be renewed.”

  “Thou liest!” cried Mistress Nutter— “liest like thy lord, who is the father of lies. My innocent child can never be offered up at his impious shrine. I have no fear for her. Neither he, nor Mother Demdike, nor any of the accursed sisterhood, can harm her. Her goodness will cover her like armour, which no evil can penetrate. Let him wreak his vengeance, if he will, on me. Let him treat me as a slave who has cast off his yoke. Let him abridge the scanty time allotted me, and bear me hence to his burning kingdom; but injure my child, he cannot — shall not!”

  “Go to Malkin Tower at midnight, and thou wilt see,” replied the familiar, with a mocking laugh.

  “I will go there, but it shall be to deliver her,” rejoined Mistress Nutter. “And now get thee gone! I need thee no more.”

  “Be not deceived, proud woman,” said the familiar. “Once dismissed, I may not be recalled, while thou wilt be wholly unable to defend thyself against thy enemies.”

  “I care not,” she rejoined; “

  The familiar stepped back, and, stamping upon the hearthstone, it sank like a trapdoor, and he disappeared beneath it, a flash of lightning playing round his dusky figure.

  Notwithstanding her vaunted resolution, and the boldness with which she had comported herself before the familiar, Mistress Nutter now completely gave way, and for awhile abandoned herself to despair. Aroused at length by the absolute necessity of action, she again walked to the window and looked forth. The storm still raged furiously without — so furiously, indeed, that it would be madness to brave it, now that she was deprived of her power, and reduced to the ordinary level of humanity. Its very violence, however, assured her it must soon cease, and she would then set out for Malkin Tower. But what chance had she now in a struggle with the old hag, with all the energies of hell at her command? — what hope was there of her being able to effect her daughter’s liberation? No matter, however desperate, the attempt should be made. Meanwhile, it would be necessary so see what was going on below, and ascertain whether Blackadder had returned with Parson Holden. With this view, she descended to the hall, where she found Nicholas Assheton fast asleep in a great arm-chair, and rocked rather than disturbed by the loud concussions of thunder. The squire was, no doubt, overcome by the fatigues of the day, or it might be by the potency of the wine he had swallowed, for an empty flask stood on the table beside him. Mistress Nutter did not awaken him, but proceeded to the chamber where she had left Nowell and Potts prisoners, both of whom rose on her entrance.

  “Be seated, gentlemen, I pray you,” she said, courteously. “I am come to see if you need any thing; for when this fearful storm abates, I am going forth for a short time.”

  “Indeed, madam,” replied Potts. “For myself I require nothing further; but perhaps another bottle of wine might be agreeable to my honoured and singular good client.”

  “Speak for yourself, sir,” cried Roger Nowell, sharply.

  “You shall have it,” interposed Mistress Nutter. “I shall be glad of a word with you before I go, Master Nowell. I am sorry this dispute has arisen between us.”

  “Humph!” exclaimed the magistrate.

  “Very sorry,” pursued Mistress Nutter; “and I wish to make every reparation in my power.”

  “Reparation, madam!” cried Nowell. “Give back the land you have stolen from me — restore the boundary lines — sign the deed in Sir Ralph’s possession — that is the only reparation you can make.”

  “I will,” replied Mistress Nutter.

  “You will!” exclaimed Nowell. “Then the fellow did not deceive us, Master Potts.”

  “Has any one been with you?” asked the lady, uneasily.

  “Ay, the reeve of the forest,” replied Nowell. “He told us you would be with us presently, and would make fair offers to us.”

  “And he told us also why you would make them, madam,” added Potts, in an insolent and menacing tone; “he told us you would make a merit of doing what you could not help — that your power had gone from you — that your works of darkness would be destroyed — and that, in a word, you were abandoned by the devil, your master.”

  “He deceived you,” replied Mistress Nutter. “I have made you the offer out of pure good-will, and you can reject it or not, as you please. All I stipulate, if you do accept it, is, that you pledge me your word not to bring any charge of witchcraft against me.”

  “Do not give the pledge,” whispered a voice in the ear of the magistrate.

  “Did you speak?” he said, turning to Potts.

  “No, sir,” replied the attorney, in a low tone; “but I thought you cautioned me against—”

  “Hush!” interrupted Nowell; “it must be the reeve. We cannot comply with your request, madam,” he added, aloud.

  “Certainly not,” said Potts. “We can make no bargain with an avowed witch. We should gain nothing by it; on the contrary, we should be losers, for we have the positive assurance of a gentleman whom we believe to be upon terms of intimacy with a certain black gentleman of your acquaintance, madam, that the latter has given you up entirely, and that law and justice may, therefore, take their course. We protest against our unlawful detention; but we give ourselves small concern about it, as Sir Ralph Assheton, who will be advised of our situation by Parson Holden, will speedily come to our liberation.”

  “Yes, we are now quite easy on that score, madam,” added Nowell; “and to-morrow we shall have the pleasure of escorting you to Lancaster Castle.”

  “And your trial will come on at the next assizes, about the middle of August,” said Potts, “You have only four months to run.”

  “That is indeed my term,” muttered the lady. “I shall not tarry to listen to your taunts,” she added, aloud. “You may possibly regret rejecting my proposal.”

  So saying, she quitted the room.

  As she returned to the hall, Nicholas awoke.

  “What a devil of a storm!” he exclaimed, stretching himself and rubbing his eyes. “Zounds! that flash of lightning was enough to blind me, and the thunder wellnigh splits one’s ears.”

  “Yet you have slept through louder peals, Nicholas,” said Mistress Nutter, coming up to him. “Richard has not returned from his mission, and I must go myself to Malkin Tower. In my absence, I must entrust you with the defence of my house.”

  “I am willing to undertake it,” replied Nicholas, “provided no witchcraft be used.”

  “Nay, you need not fear that,” said the lady, with a forced smile.

  “Well, then, leave it to me,” said the squire; “but you will not set out till the storm is over?”

  “I must,” replied Mistress Nutter; “there seems no likelihood of its cessation, and each moment is fraught with peril to Alizon. If aught happens to me, Nicholas — if I should — whatever mischance may befall me — promise me you will stand by her.”

  The squire gave the required promise.

  “Enough, I hold you to your word,” said Mistress Nutter. “Take this parchment. It is a deed of gift, assigning this mansion and all my estates to her. Under certain circumstances you will produce it.”

  “What circumstances? I am at a loss to understand you, madam,” said the squire.

  “Do not question me further, but take especial care of the deed, and produce it, as I have said, at the fitting moment. You will know when that arrives. Ha! I am wanted.”

  The latter exclamation had been occasioned by the appearance of an old woman at the further end of the hall, beckoning to her. On seeing her, Mistress Nutter immediately quitted the squire, and followed her into a small chamber opening from this part of the hall, and into which she retreated.

  “What brings you here, Mother Chattox?” exclaimed the lady, closing the door.

  “Can you not guess?” replied the hag. “I am come to help you, not for any love I bear you, but to avenge myself on old Demdike. Do not interrupt me. My familiar, Fancy, has told me all. I know how you are circumstanced. I know Alizon is in old Demdike’s clutches, and you are unable to extricate her. But I can, and will; because if the hateful old hag fails in offering up her sacrifice before the first hour of day, her term will be out, and I shall be rid of her, and reign in her stead. To-morrow she will be on her way to Lancaster Castle. Ha! ha! The dungeon is prepared for her — the stake driven into the ground — the fagots heaped around it. The torch has only to be lighted. Ho! Ho!”

  The Ride Through the Murky Air.

  “Shall we go to Malkin Tower?” asked Mistress Nutter, shuddering.

  “No; to the summit of Pendle Hill,” rejoined Mother Chattox; “for there the girl will be taken, and there only can we secure her. But first we must proceed to my hut, and make some preparations. I have three scalps and eight teeth, taken from a grave in Goldshaw churchyard this very day. We can make a charm with them.”

  “You must prepare it alone,” said Mistress Nutter; “I can have nought to do with it.”

  “True — true — I had forgotten,” cried the hag, with a chuckling lau
gh— “you are no longer one of us. Well, then, I will do it alone. But come with me. You will not object to mount upon my broomstick. It is the only safe conveyance in this storm of the devil’s raising. Come — away!”

  And she threw open the window and sprang forth, followed by Mistress Nutter.

  Through the murky air, and borne as if on the wings of the wind, two dark forms are flying swiftly. Over the tops of the tempest-shaken trees they go, and as they gain the skirts of the thicket an oak beneath is shivered by a thunderbolt. They hear the fearful crash, and see the splinters fly far and wide; and the foremost of the two, who, with her skinny arm extended, seems to direct their course, utters a wild scream of laughter, while a raven, speeding on broad black wing before them, croaks hoarsely. Now the torrent rages below, and they see its white waters tumbling over a ledge of rock; now they pass over the brow of a hill; now skim over a dreary waste and dangerous morass. Fearful it is to behold those two flying figures, as the lightning shows them, bestriding their fantastical steed; the one an old hag with hideous lineaments and distorted person, and the other a proud dame, still beautiful, though no longer young, pale as death, and her loose jetty hair streaming like a meteor in the breeze.

  The ride is over, and they alight near the door of a solitary hovel. The raven has preceded them, and, perched on the chimney top, flies down it as they enter, and greets them with hoarse croaking. The inside of the hut corresponds with its miserable exterior, consisting only of two rooms, in one of which is a wretched pallet; in the other are a couple of large chests, a crazy table, a bench, a three-legged stool, and a spinning-wheel. A caldron is suspended above a peat fire, smouldering on the hearth. There is only one window, and a thick curtain is drawn across it, to secure the inmate of the hut from prying eyes.

  Mother Chattox closes and bars the door, and, motioning Mistress Nutter to seat herself upon the stool, kneels down near the hearth, and blows the turf into a flame, the raven helping her, by flapping his big black wings, and uttering a variety of strange sounds, as the sparks fly about. Heaping on more turf, and shifting the caldron, so that it may receive the full influence of the flame, the hag proceeds to one of the chests, and takes out sundry small matters, which she places one by one with great care on the table. The raven has now fixed his great talons on her shoulder, and chuckles and croaks in her ear as she pursues her occupation. Suddenly a piece of bone attracts his attention, and darting out his beak, he seizes it, and hops away.


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