The Works of William Harrison Ainsworth

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The Works of William Harrison Ainsworth Page 509

by William Harrison Ainsworth

  “Some one must have followed you,” groaned Thorneycroft. “We’re watched on all sides.”

  “Ay, and from above, too,” cried the Sandman. “Look up there!” he added, in accents of alarm.

  “What’s the matter? What new danger is at hand?” inquired the iron-merchant.

  “Look up, I say,” cried the Sandman. “Don’t ye see, Tinker?”

  “Ay, ay, I see,” replied the other. “The roof’s a-comin’ in upon us. Let’s get out o’ this as fast as ve can.” And he kicked and pushed against the door, but all his efforts were unavailing to burst it open.

  At the same time the Sandman rushed towards the ladder, but before he could mount it all egress by that means was cut off. An immense iron cover worked in a groove was pushed by some unseen machinery over the top of the pit, and enclosed them in it.

  * * *



  For several hours deep sleep, occasioned by some potent medicaments, had bound up the senses of Auriol. On awaking, he found himself within a cell, the walls, the floor, and the ceiling of which were of solid stone masonry. In the midst of this chamber, and supporting the ponderous roof, stood a massive granite pillar, the capital of which was grotesquely ornamented with death’s-heads and cross-bones, and against this pillar leaned Auriol, with his left arm chained by heavy links of iron to a ring in the adjoining wall. Beside him stood a pitcher of water, and near him lay an antique-looking book, bound in black vellum. The dungeon in which he was confined was circular in form, with a coved roof, sustained by the pillar before mentioned, and was approached by a steep flight of steps rising from a doorway, placed some six feet below the level of the chamber, and surmounted by a pointed arch. A stream of light, descending from a narrow aperture in the roof, fell upon his wasted and haggard features. His dark-brown hair hung about his face in elf-locks, his beard was untrimmed, and a fixed and stony glare like that of insanity sat in his eye. He was seated on the ground — neither bench nor stool being allowed him — with his hand supporting his chin. His gaze was fixed upon vacancy — if that can he called vacancy which to him was filled with vivid images. His garb was not that of modern times, but consisted of a doublet and hose of rich material, wrought in the fashion of Elizabeth’s days.

  After remaining for some time in this musing attitude, Auriol opened the old tome before him, and began to turn over its leaves. It was full of magical disquisitions and mysterious characters, and he found inscribed on one of its earlier pages a name which instantly riveted his attention. Having vainly sought some explanation of this name in the after contents of the book, he laid it aside, and became lost in meditation. His reverie ended, he heaved a deep sigh, and turned again to the open volume lying before him, and in doing so his eye rested for the first time on his habiliments. On beholding them he started, and held out his arm to examine his sleeve more narrowly. Satisfied that he was not deceived, he arose and examined himself from head to foot. He found himself, as has been stated, attired in the garb of a gentleman of Elizabeth’s time.

  “What can this mean?” he cried. “Have I endured a long and troubled dream, during which I have fancied myself living through more than two centuries? O Heaven, that it may be so! Oh that the fearful crimes I suppose I have committed have only been enacted in a dream! Oh that my victims are imaginary! Oh that Ebba should only prove a lovely phantom of the night! And yet, I could almost wish the rest were real — so that she might exist. I cannot bear to think that she is nothing more than a vision. But it must be so — I have been dreaming — and what a dream it has been! — what strange glimpses it has afforded me into futurity! Methought I lived in the reigns of many sovereigns — beheld one of them carried to the block — saw revolutions convulse the kingdom — old dynasties shaken down, and new ones spring up. Fashions seem to me to have so changed, that I had clean forgotten the old ones; while my fellow-men scarcely appeared the same as heretofore. Can I be the same myself? Is this the dress I once wore? Let me seek for some proof.”

  And thrusting his hand into his doublet, he drew forth some tablets, and hastily examined them. They bore his name, and contained some writing, and he exclaimed aloud with joy, “This is proof enough — I have been dreaming all this while.”

  “The scheme works to a miracle,” muttered a personage stationed at the foot of the steps springing from the doorway, and who, though concealed from view himself, was watching the prisoner with a malignant and exulting gaze.

  “And yet, why am I here?” pursued Auriol, looking around. “Ah! I see how it is,” he added, with a shudder; “I have been mad — perhaps am mad still. That will account for the strange delusion under which I have laboured.”

  “I will act upon that hint,” muttered the listener.

  “Of what use is memory,” continued Auriol musingly, “if things that are not, seem as if they were? If joys and sorrows which we have never endured are stamped upon the brain — if visions of scenes, and faces and events which we have never witnessed, never known, haunt us, as if they had once been familiar? But I am mad — mad!”

  The listener laughed to himself.

  “How else, if I were not mad, could I have believed that I had swallowed the fabled elixir vitæ? And yet, is it a fable? for I am puzzled still. Methinks I am old — old — old — though I feel young, and look young. All this is madness. Yet how clear and distinct it seems! I can call to mind events in Charles the Second’s time. Ha! — who told me of Charles the Second? How know I there was such a king? The reigning sovereign should be James, and yet I fancy it is George the Fourth. Oh! I am mad — clean mad!”

  There was another pause, during which the listener indulged in a suppressed fit of laughter.

  “Would I could look forth from this dungeon,” pursued Auriol, again breaking silence, “and satisfy myself of the truth or falsehood of my doubts by a view of the external world, for I am so perplexed in mind, that if I were not distracted already, they would be enough to drive me so. What dismal, terrible fancies have possessed me, and weigh upon me still — the compact with Rougemont — ha!”

  “Now it comes,” cried the listener.

  “Oh, that I could shake off the conviction that this were not so — that my soul, though heavily laden, might still be saved! Oh, that I dared to hope this!”

  “I must interrupt him if he pursues this strain,” said the listener.

  * * *

  Rougemont’s device to perplex Auriol.

  * * *

  “Whether my crimes are real or imaginary — whether I snatched the cup of immortality from my grandsire’s dying lips — whether I signed a compact with the Fiend, and delivered him a victim on each tenth year — I cannot now know; but if it is so, I deeply, bitterly regret them, and would expiate my offences by a life of penance.”

  At this moment Rougemont, attired in a dress similar to that of the prisoner, marched up the steps, and cried, “What ho, Auriol! — Auriol Darcy!”

  “Who speaks?” demanded Auriol. “Ah! is it you, Fiend?”

  “What, you are still in your old fancies,” rejoined Rougemont. “I thought the draught I gave you last night would have amended you.”

  “Tell me who and what I am,” cried Auriol, stupefied with astonishment; “in what age I am living; and whether I am in my right mind or not?”

  “For the first, you are called Auriol Darcy,” replied Rougemont; “for the second, you are living in the reign of his most Catholic Majesty James I. of England, and Sixth of Scotland; and for the third, I trust you will soon recover your reason.”

  “Amazement!” cried Auriol, striking his brow with his clenched hand. “Then I am mad.”

  “It’s plain your reason is returning, since you are conscious of your condition,” replied Rougemont; “but calm yourself, you have been subject to raging frenzies.”

  “And I have been shut up here for safety?” demanded Auriol.

  “Precisely,” observed the other.

nd you are — —”

  “Your keeper,” replied Rougemont.

  “My God! what a brain mine must be!” cried Auriol. “Answer me one question — Is there such a person as Ebba Thorneycroft?”

  “You have often raved about her,” replied Rougemont. “But she is a mere creature of the imagination.”

  Auriol groaned, and sank against the wall.

  “Since you have become so reasonable, you shall again go forth into the world,” said Rougemont; “but the first essay must be made at night, for fear of attracting observation. I will come to you again a few hours hence. Farewell for the present.”

  And casting a sinister glance at his captive, he turned upon his heel, descended the steps, and quitted the cell.

  * * *



  Night came, and the cell grew profoundly dark. Auriol became impatient for the appearance of his keeper, but hour after hour passed and he did not arrive. Worn out, at length, with doubt and bewildering speculations, the miserable captive was beset with the desire to put an end to his torments by suicide, and he determined to execute his fell purpose without delay. An evil chance seemed also to befriend him, for scarcely was the idea formed, than his foot encountered something on the ground, the rattling of which attracted his attention, and stooping to take it up, he grasped the bare blade of a knife.

  “This will, at all events, solve my doubts,” he cried aloud. “I will sheathe this weapon in my heart, and, if I am mortal, my woes will be ended.”

  As he spoke, he placed the point to his breast with the full intent to strike, but before he could inflict the slightest wound, his arm was forcibly arrested.

  “Would you destroy yourself, madman?” roared a voice. “I thought your violence was abated, and that you might go forth in safety. But I find you are worse than ever.”

  Auriol uttered a groan and let the knife fall to the ground. The new-comer kicked it to a distance with his foot.

  “You shall be removed to another chamber,” he pursued, “where you can be more strictly watched.”

  “Take me forth — oh! take me forth,” cried Auriol. “It was a mere impulse of desperation, which I now repent.”

  “I dare not trust you. You will commit some act of insane fury, for which I myself shall have to bear the blame. When I yielded to your entreaties on a former occasion, and took you forth, I narrowly prevented you from doing all we met a mischief.”

  “I have no recollection of any such circumstance,” returned Auriol mournfully. “But it may be true, nevertheless. And if so, it only proves the lamentable condition to which I am reduced — memory and reason gone!”

  “Ay, both gone,” cried the other, with an irrepressible chuckle.

  “Ha!” exclaimed Auriol, starting. “I am not so mad but I recognise in you the Evil Being who tempted me. I am not so oblivious as to forget our terrible interviews.”

  “What, you are in your lunes again!” cried Rougemont fiercely. “Nay, then I must call my assistants, and bind you.”

  “Let me be — let me be!” implored Auriol, “and I will offend you no more. Whatever thoughts may arise within me, I will not give utterance to them. Only take me forth.”

  “I came for that purpose,” said Rougemont; “but I repeat, I dare not. You are not sufficiently master of yourself.”

  “Try me,” said Auriol.

  “Well,” rejoined the other, “I will see what I can do to calm you.”

  So saying, he disappeared for a few moments, and then returning with a torch, placed it on the ground, and producing a phial, handed it to the captive.

  “Drink!” he said.

  Without a moment’s hesitation Auriol complied.

  “It seems to me rather a stimulant than a soothing potion,” he remarked, after emptying the phial.

  “You are in no condition to judge,” rejoined the other.

  And he proceeded to unfasten Auriol’s chain.

  “Now then, come with me,” he said, “and do not make any attempt at evasion, or you will rue it.”

  Like one in a dream, Auriol followed his conductor down the flight of stone steps leading from the dungeon, and along a narrow passage. As he proceeded, he thought he heard stealthy footsteps behind him; but he never turned his head, to see whether he was really followed. In this way they reached a short steep staircase, and mounting it, entered a vault, in which Rougemont paused, and placed the torch he had brought with him upon the floor. Its lurid glimmer partially illumined the chamber, and showed that it was built of stone. Rude benches of antique form were set about the vault, and motioning Auriol to be seated upon one of them, Rougemont sounded a silver whistle. The summons was shortly afterwards answered by the dwarf, in whose attire a new change had taken place. He was now clothed in a jerkin of grey serge, fashioned like the garments worn by the common people in Elizabeth’s reign, and wore a trencher-cap on his head. Auriol watched him as he timidly advanced towards Rougemont, and had an indistinct recollection of having seen him before; but could not call to mind how or where.

  “Is your master a-bed?” demanded Rougemont.

  “A-bed! Good lack, sir!” exclaimed the dwarf, “little of sleep knows Doctor Lamb. He will toil at the furnace till the stars have set.”

  “Doctor Lamb!” repeated Auriol. “Surely I have heard that name before?”

  “Very likely,” replied Rougemont, “for it is the name borne by your nearest kinsman.”

  “How is the poor young gentleman?” asked the dwarf, glancing commiseratingly at Auriol. “My master often makes inquiries after his grandson, and grieves that the state of his mind should render it necessary to confine him.”

  “His grandson! I — Doctor Lamb’s grandson!” cried Auriol.

  “In sooth are you, young sir,” returned the dwarf. “Were you in your reason, you would be aware that my master’s name is the same as your own — Darcy — Reginald Darcy. He assumes the name of Doctor Lamb to delude the multitude. He told you as much yourself, sweet sir, if your poor wits would enable you to recollect it.”

  “Am I in a dream, good fellow, tell me that?” cried Auriol, lost in amazement.

  “Alack, no, sir,” replied the dwarf; “to my thinking, you are wide awake. But you know, sir,” he added, touching his forehead, “you have been a little wrong here, and your memory and reason are not of the clearest.”

  “Where does my grandsire dwell?” asked Auriol.

  “Why here, sir,” replied the dwarf; “and for the matter of locality, the house is situated on the south end of London Bridge.”

  “On the bridge — did you say on the bridge, friend?” cried Auriol.

  “Ay, on the bridge — where else should it be? You would not have your grandsire live under the river?” rejoined the dwarf; “though, for ought I know, some of these vaults may go under it. They are damp enough.”

  Auriol was lost in reflection, and did not observe a sign that passed between the dwarf and Rougemont.

  “Will it disturb Doctor Lamb if his grandson goes up to him?” said the latter, after a brief pause.

  “My master does not like to be interrupted in his operations, as you know, sir,” replied the dwarf, “and seldom suffers any one, except myself, to enter his laboratory; but I will make so bold as to introduce Master Auriol, if he desires it.”

  “You will confer the greatest favour on me by doing so,” cried Auriol, rising.

  “Sit down — sit down!” said Rougemont authoritatively. “You cannot go up till the doctor has been apprised. Remain here, while Flapdragon and I ascertain his wishes.” So saying, he quitted the chamber by a farther outlet with the dwarf.

  During the short time that Auriol was left alone, he found it vain to attempt to settle his thoughts, or to convince himself that he was not labouring under some strange delusion.

  He was aroused at length by the dwarf, who returned alone.

  “Your grandsire will see you,” said the mannikin.

“One word before we go,” cried Auriol, seizing his arm.

  “Saints! how you frighten me!” exclaimed the dwarf. “You must keep composed, or I dare not take you to my master.”

  “Pardon me,” replied Auriol; “I meant not to alarm you. Where is the person who brought me hither?”

  “What, your keeper?” said the dwarf. “Oh, he is within call. He will come to you anon. Now follow me.”

  And taking up the torch, he led the way out of the chamber. Mounting a spiral staircase, apparently within a turret, they came to a door, which being opened by Flapdragon, disclosed a scene that well-nigh stupefied Auriol.

  It was the laboratory precisely as he had seen it above two centuries ago. The floor was strewn with alchemical implements — the table was covered with mystic parchments inscribed with cabalistic characters — the furnace stood in the corner — crucibles and cucurbites decorated the chimney-board — the sphere and brazen lamp hung from the ceiling — the skeletons grinned from behind the chimney-corner — all was there as he had seen it before! There also was Doctor Lamb, in his loose gown of sable silk, with a square black cap upon his venerable head, and his snowy beard streaming to his girdle.

  The old man’s gaze was fixed upon a crucible placed upon the furnace, and he was occupied in working the bellows. He moved his head as Auriol entered the chamber, and the features became visible. It was a face never to be forgotten.

  “Come in, grandson,” said the old man kindly. “Come in, and close the door after you. The draught affects the furnace — my Athanor, as we adepts term it. So you are better, your keeper tells me — much better.”

  “Are you indeed living?” cried Auriol, rushing wildly towards him, and attempting to take his hand.

  “Off — off!” cried the old man, drawing back as if alarmed. “You disturb my operations. Keep him calm, Flapdragon, or take him hence. He may do me a mischief.”


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