Ultimate Sins

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Ultimate Sins Page 2

by Jean Roberta

  ‘That is so good.’

  As he groaned with pleasure, he rested his hands on her head and adjusted his pelvis so she could get to him better.

  Hot, moist kisses fell from her lips and all along his stem. Her tongue licked at his pubic hair and her hands pulled on him with a steady rhythm.

  ‘Crystal… Oh Crystal!’

  His voice had a drifting quality about it – like a breeze blowing rushes along the river bank. Like the rushes, he was helpless to do anything about it.

  ‘Crystal. Slow down, babe. I’m coming too quick…’

  The moment of no return was nigh, but just as he was about to ejaculate, she brought her head up.

  ‘Have you told Josie yet?’

  Telling her that he had done no such thing was not an option. She’d be mad. Might even bite it off rather than suck it.

  By way of consolation, he tried to kiss her. She ducked away.

  ‘Michael,’ she said in an unmistakably forthright manner. ‘I asked if you’d told your wife yet. We can’t shag in lay-bys for the rest of our lives.’

  ‘Oh come on, Crystal. We had guests tonight. Big-shot guys who I had to impress; Josie did a great job and anyway, before I could get her alone you rang and demanded I get out to see you.’

  She turned her head as he tried to kiss her mouth again.

  ‘You’re full of shit, Michael. I don’t know why I bother. I should dump you right here and now the way you treat me.’

  Michael sighed and despondently rested his head on one hand. When Crystal had called earlier that evening he had immediately wanted sex with her. That was how quickly she could turn him on. He had come out with that specific intention in mind. Now, his penis was softening as the wetness her mouth had left turned chilly. What if he were to ask her to give him time, or mention the excitement of having sex in the great outdoors – even a lay-by. Would she change her mind and stop pressurising him to leave Josie and go off with her? He doubted it.

  Crystal sat with her arms folded, staring out of the windscreen. Folding her arms made her look quite formidable. And her chin looked so square; like a prize fighter. Frightening!

  Her red, glossy lips were fixed in a self-willed pout. Michael suddenly felt very vulnerable.

  ‘Well. When are you going to tell her?’ Her voice had taken on a certain cutting edge. Michael responded by squeezing his legs more closely together.

  ‘It’s not that easy, darling,’ he wheedled and attempted to reach for her.

  ‘Don’t you darling me!’

  She hit his hands away.

  This was bad. Very bad.

  Michael felt the cold getting to his exposed dick and his stiffness was going fast. He had an urge to put it away, but had a greater longing for her to go back down and give it the kiss of life. The likelihood of it happening did not look too promising – not for the moment at least.

  But Michael wanted his own way and meant to have it. He softened his voice. ‘Look, Crys. Tonight was full of business. The moment wasn’t right, but it soon will be. Josie’s off to Cornwall shortly. Instead of just screwing each other ragged during that time, why don’t we go over things and get everything in proper order. What do you say?’

  When she turned the full force of her eyes on him, he felt like melting – or coming in his trousers. His cock stirred, lifting its head slightly as though its one eye was seeking out whatever might be on offer.

  Crystal was beautiful and knew it. Sometimes he felt as though he were falling into those eyes of hers. It was as though each sparkling glint was a chip of glass that burrowed into his flesh, pulling him closer to her like some weird magnetic field.

  Slowly, the wilful glitter left her eyes. Her jaw loosened and the sculpted perfection of her cheekbones softened.

  A smile returned. ‘All right, Mike. When Josie’s away, you and I will play. But we’ll also make plans, plans for us; for me and for you. OK?’

  ‘Oh, yes!’ Michael placed his hands on either side of her head. He ruffled her long, silky hair as he gazed at her, and then sucked in his breath as her hands ran down to his open zip. ‘Oh, yes,’ he said again, his eyes half closing as his mouth met hers.

  He was hot, he was hard again, and he was pretty sure that Crystal was about to resume what she had been doing so well.

  With no care for his pride or his comfort, he felt his penis being pushed back into his pants. To his great surprise, this was followed by the sound of his zip being closed.

  His lips left hers. ‘What are you doing?’

  She grinned and patted the bulge that pushed against his jeans.

  ‘Keeping it for a rainy day.’

  ‘But, Crys…’

  She wagged her finger at him, tapped his nose, and then kissed it.

  ‘Save it, buddy. Save it until Josie’s away and we can get down to things a little more seriously and in far less restricted a space.’

  ‘But, Crys…!’

  Crystal was already outside the car. He got out too and ran after her before she had a chance to get into her soft topped, sporty Merc.

  She rounded on him immediately, the same anger as before smouldering in her eyes. ‘I told you before,’ she said to him loftily. ‘I want you full-time. So get to it. Stop messing me around.’

  Michael stood with his mouth open, hands hanging useless at his side.

  Panic suddenly grabbed hold of him. Crystal gave him true sexual satisfaction; he couldn’t live without that, or without her. It was just about getting up the courage.

  ‘I will see you when Josie’s in Cornwall, won’t I?’

  Crystal tossed her hair so it fell over her bare shoulders and down her back like a black fountain. Her attitude was unyielding.

  ‘Of course you will. I fully intend to have you Michael Warner – one way or another.’

  He watched her go, her headlights searing through the darkness and making the tarmac of the road look wet as she drove swiftly out of sight.

  There was a hollow feeling inside him, as though she had drained him dry. Crystal played with him. She lifted him up, and she let him down. She aroused him, and then left him stranded high and dry with a full-blown erection. It was still there now, hot and throbbing in his pants.

  He walked back to his own car and drove home. When he got there, the house was in darkness. Josie had already gone to bed.

  There was a blue darkness to their bedroom like the light they use in ghost movies. The curtains wafted gently before the open window.

  Just as he’d guessed, Josie was in bed sound asleep. Her shoulders were bare and gleamed almost silver. The sheet barely covered her breasts. No matter that it was Josie and not Crystal, his penis responded to the sight of her. Crystal had left him high and dry. Now he wanted Josie.

  Josie was sweet, like a flower, he thought – a neat carnation wrapped into itself with a silky stalk and slim-limbed leaves. She was fragrant and sweet but not as wildly heady as Crystal; not as dark, not as compellingly beautiful.

  Yes, Josie was sweet, and tonight he was glad to have her.

  He ran his hands down her back, felt the angular form of her shoulder blades, the nodules of her spine only barely covered by flesh.

  As his hips pulsed against her and the tip of his penis nudged at her behind, his fingers followed the soft curve of her hip and the sweep of her thigh. Between kissing the nape of her neck and the indent between shoulder and ear, he murmured sweet nothings, told her how glad he was to have her.

  ‘This feels good,’ he said against her ear.

  In his mind it wasn’t his wife but Crystal he was doing this to. It was Crystal who had aroused him, Crystal who played with him like a cheap toy and then left him wanting. It was Crystal who had set him ablaze.

  Josie did not waken. But Michael didn’t need to have her awake. He was enjoying what he was doing; feeling her, using her without her knowing. It was a very singular thing. With closed eyes, he jerked his pelvis against her and when at last his moment came, he let his semen se
ep between the cheeks of her behind and run down to stain the sheets.

  Just as she’s staining our lives, thought Josie, still pretending to be asleep. Crystal, she’d decided, was like a stain ruining more than one life. This was not the first husband she’d seduced.

  I’d like to wash her out of our lives, thought Josie, just as I have to wash this sheet in the morning. Michael too, she thought to herself. She wasn’t into forgiveness. She’d set the wheels in motion, downloaded indecent images from the internet and onto his company files. Tonight before he’d gone out to see her, his business colleagues had been talking about a security scan taking place the following day. She smiled to herself. Well, they’d certainly come up trumps on this occasion.

  As for Michael? He’d be destroyed, and would a disgraced Michael appeal to a woman like Crystal? She doubted it. Michael would have to rebuild his career and Crystal would move onto someone else.

  ‘You’re mine,’ she whispered into the darkness.

  Michael didn’t hear, but carried on snoring beside her.

  Shared Experience

  by Lynn Lake

  The first time David asked me, I said no. And the second and third time. By the fourth time, I got pissed off. “Okay, you want a threesome, I’ll give you a threesome! I’ll drag some perv off the street – a guy, mind you – and you and him can take turns fucking me senseless! How’d you like that!?”

  He didn’t. He sulked, and mumbled something about our love life getting stale and how I used to like to experiment and how wild we were before we moved in together; all valid points, I realised unhappily. Suffice it to say that he eventually got his wish. On the one condition that I got to choose the woman from the online catalogue at the escort agency that he just happened to have bookmarked.

  So, I chose the woman; someone impersonal and professional, someone who would do her job, well, and disappear, not get involved beyond the physical. And, as I talked to the receptionist at the agency to set up a date and time, I wasn’t at all surprised to find that my recently dormant feelings of burning sexual anticipation had been seriously rekindled: the trembling of the hands and voice, the cold sweat, the hardening of the nipples and the dampening of the pussy – the feeling that I was sexually alive and didn’t give a fuck what the world thought!

  Thus, by the time our sex toy for the evening arrived, I was probably even more aroused than David. And he was plenty aroused; our preparatory hour-long, multi-positioned love-making session had left little doubt about that. I answered the doorbell before the first ring had dissipated. “Hi,” I said to the young woman on the doorstep.

  I felt my whole body start to shake slightly as I eyeballed the gorgeous filling to David’s fantasy sandwich. She was green-eyed and blonde-haired, and her provocative lips were painted blood-red, her face delicate and inviting and pretty, her body curvaceous and outrageous. She had the unlikely combination of huge breasts and tiny waist – something you normally only see in porn videos and TV exercise shows. As she stared at me staring at her, my face flushed red and sweat pin-pricked my pale skin. I’d had a few lesbian encounters in the past, but nothing of her magnitude.

  “Hi, I’m Cassandra,” the super-sized supermodel said, shattering the awkward silence. “Can I come inside?”

  Hopefully, I thought, hopefully. I smiled nervously, my mouth as dry as English wit. “Uh, sure … sorry, Cassandra. I’m Amy. I was the one who, um, phoned about you.”

  She nodded and slipped past me, and I caught the scent of her sweet, sweet body spray; caught it and held it and closed my eyes and revelled in it. It clouded my head, warmed my body, and left me vulnerable to any and all suggestions. This lady was clearly packing heat.

  “So, where’s the lucky guy?” she asked pleasantly.

  “Huh? Guy?” I gave my head a shake. “Oh, yeah – the guy.” I yelled, “David!” then escorted sexy Cassandra into the living room.

  David burst onto the scene like he’d been shot out of a cannon, exchanged greetings with the main dish in our upcoming sensual meal, and then led her down the hallway and into our bedroom. After a couple of anxious minutes, he remembered that a threesome involved three, and ran back and grabbed my sweaty hand with a sweaty hand of his own. “You still want to go through with this?” he asked, feigning earnestness.

  “Well, I–”

  “She’s one sweet babe, huh?” he interrupted, staring dreamily off down the hallway, his whole body twitching with excitement. I hadn’t seen him so gung-ho since I’d buckled myself into a strap-on six months previous. “Not as good-looking as you, of course,” he added hastily, licking his lips. “Man, you sure know how to pick ’em, baby!”

  He dragged me down the hall to where Cassandra awaited us. Efficient professional that she was, she had already stripped down to her black bra and panties. “I thought I’d get comfortable,” she said casually.

  David and I jammed each other in the doorframe for a moment, then stumbled across the threshold. I coughed out the following words: “Uh, so … how should we get started? I mean …”

  “Well, since this is David’s party,” Cassandra replied, gliding towards us, “how ‘bout if I get started with … you.” And she took me in her arms and kissed me on the lips.

  I closed my eyes and let her soft, warm, knowing lips dissolve into mine. I hugged her buff body and opened my mouth and let her tongue roam inside. She explored my mouth and my lips, and then swirled her tongue up against mine in an erotic ballet that I wished would never end. We grew bolder and more heated and passionate, and mashed our mouths together, our breasts pressed tight against one another, my pointed nipples tingling with sensation.

  The forgotten David inserted himself back into the picture by wrapping his arms around the both of us. Cassandra broke the seal on our sucking mouths, sending me headlong from heaven back down to earth. “I think we got David’s attention,” she quipped.

  David was naked, and his hard cock was pressing into Cassandra’s soft, tanned thigh. She guided him over to the bed like a mother guides a googly-eyed child into a candy store. She unfastened her bra and tossed it aside, and David fell upon her breasts and fed on them, gorging himself on her massive, bronze tits. She winked at me over his shoulder and said, “Come on, Amy, three’s not a crowd.”

  I slipped off my shorts and T-shirt and was naked. I skipped over and playfully slapped David on the ass. He yelped and looked around at me, his tongue hanging out, Cassandra’s tits glistening with his hot saliva.

  “Here’s how we’re going to do this,” Cassandra said matter-of-factly. “First time out, anyway.” She quickly instructed her two over-eager sex students on the proper positioning.

  When she was done, she was flat on her back on the bed. I was straddling her stomach and David was astride her face. He gripped the headboard with whitened knuckles, staring blindly at the wallpaper, his thick cock buried to the balls in Cassandra’s mouth. I fondled her tits, rolled her swollen nipples between my fluttering fingers, and then bent down and sucked on her rubbery nubs.

  Cassandra disgorged David’s triple X erection and ordered me to pull down her panties. I pulled down her panties – and grinned.

  It was only when David’s ears finally cottoned on to the sound of me bouncing up and down on Cassandra, moaning more and more frantically, that he twisted his head around to find out what all my excitement was about. He stared, wide-eyed, at me, as I rode Cassandra’s long, hard cock.

  I smiled contentedly as his eyes flew back and forth between Cassandra’s cock buried in my pussy, and his own cock buried in Cassandra’s mouth. “Something for the both of us, sweetie,” I groaned, already on the cusp of a mammoth orgasm.

  His body signalled the agreement his mind was slow in acknowledging by convulsing wildly as his jerking cock sprayed white-hot semen into our transsexual’s very talented, very versatile mouth. I quickly joined him in Cassandra-inspired ecstasy.

  Sweet Dreams

  by Jade Taylor

  Toyboys were
just too tiring, thought Ellie as she stood at the bar, shouting over the noise to order another Red Bull. Sure, their energy in the bedroom was an undeniable plus, but the endless rounds of pubs and clubs first were tiring, never wanting to leave until all the lights were turned on and the bouncers were asking if you hadn’t a home to go to.

  They never wanted to just stay in, no matter what incentives you offered.

  But Greg was such a cute boy toy, she thought, passing him his can. Six foot two with eyes of blue, toned and fit with a filthy laugh and a filthier mind, what more could a girl want?

  She grabbed his head and kissed him hard, determined to make him leave early tonight. Though she’d been flagging moments before the kiss roused her, his hands running down her back and grabbing her butt to pull her tightly to him.

  He was just so damn hot.

  Greg pulled away to drain his can, then grabbed her hand, pulling her back to the dance floor.

  Damn, she thought, so sure he’d been about to pull her out of the club, to take her home and ravish her once again.

  She watched him as the throbbing beat pulsed through her body, swaying her hips to the music. Greg moved closer, holding her hips to pull her to him, then moving his hands up to caress the bare strip of skin between her skirt and strappy top.

  As he moved against her she could feel his hardness grow; toyboys were so easy to turn on, so much more reliable for a hard-on.

  Ellie snaked her arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss, her tongue darting in his mouth, teasing him. He smiled as he pulled away, sensing her mood. His mouth moved to her neck, kissing slowly down to her bare shoulder, knowing the effect it had on her.

  She lets a sigh escape, the fact that anyone could see their foreplay turning her on.

  He looked in her eyes as he moved a leg between hers, pulling her closer as Ellie tried to pull away, aware of her skirt riding up around her thighs. He held her close as they continued, his leg between hers, rubbing against her, making her wet. His hands moved to her breasts, stroking across them, feeling them harden as they continued the pretence of dancing.


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