Futa Explosion: Four Hot Futa Stories

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by Lyka Bloom

  Futa Explosion: Four Hot Futa Stories

  Futa Explosion: Four Hot Futa Stories



  Edited by Lyka Bloom,

  Featuring Sally Bend, Solar Harris and Reed James


  Four Hot Futa Stories

  First Edition. August 10, 2017 at Smashwords.

  Copyright © 2017

  In considering the futa, or futanari, subgenre, it is no wonder that it has claimed such popularity.

  On the one hand, it is the taboo. A creature that exists as a thing of myth, a realization of sexuality that is unlikely or impossible, and yet there is an undeniable sensuality about a being possessed of both sexual organs. In most literature, the futa herself is presented as sexually adventurous and undeniably attractive, a seductress of often incredible power.

  On the other hand, it is the perfect vehicle for all manner of fantasies. Because of the fantastical nature of the futa, one can impose all sorts of imagined scenarios upon these creations, from the most demure to the most lustful and wanton. She is a funhouse mirror of our own desires and, as such, a vehicle for our sense of sexual identity, if not a challenge to that sort of gender definition.

  It is with this introduction I present to you, Dear Reader, a collection of some of the finest erotica writers exploring the world of the futanari. Some, like the excellent Reed James, have long used futa creatures and characters while others, like myself, are merely tourists in this forbidden land.

  In the first, Nora, Solar Harris presents a date with a very different kind of partner.

  Next, Reed James takes us to a world of futa fandom and eldritch shops where true pleasure is only a sip away in The Succubus Cafe.

  Sally Bend broadens the fantasy in A Queer Sort of Queen into an alternate timeline where a reclusive island of futanari entertain political guests and servitude often means salacious joy.

  And, finally my story, Gimme an F!, where the local cheerleading squad becomes ground zero for a very sexy invasion.

  Through all, we hope you enjoy these stories, and that you explore more of the work by these authors. And maybe, just maybe, that bulge in the girl's jeans beside you is more than the way the fabric falls...


  by Solar Harris

  Copyright 2017

  My date with Andy did not go well.

  As far as swipes left or right were concerned, he was somewhere in the middle at the start of the outing. I was even hopeful the evening was not going to prove to be a complete waste of time. But then things got gross in a hurry.

  "I feel like you get it," he said shortly after food was ordered and the lot was cast. "This whole political correctness thing has just gone way too far. What's all this shit with pronouns, anyway, am I right? Why be deliberately so confusing? If you look like a girl and I call you a 'she' shouldn't that be perfectly reasonable? It's a trap is what it is."

  I did not totally "get it" but I was anxious to salvage the evening. Poor stupid me. There would be no salvage. By the time we were waiting for the check, Andy was complaining that an over-emphasis on diversity meant that he as a white heterosexual male was at an extreme disadvantage in competing for jobs. "Really, you should be picking up the check," he not-joked. "You're going to end up with my job to fill some quota. Which is cool, I would be totally good with being a house-husband, just so you know."

  I got back to my apartment to find my roommate lounging on the couch in her pajamas, spooning the last of the ice cream into her mouth while binge-watching anime. "And how was the meat market?" Talia asked with a lazy grin. "Did you bring home any choice cuts?"

  "Give me that ice cream. I need it worse than you."

  "Woof. That bad, huh?"

  I slumped at the base of the couch and sighed. "I'm going to die alone and I'll be eaten by the inevitable cats I acquire to fill the void in my soul."

  "Hey now, what about me?"

  I turned to face my leggy, curvy roommate, she with the generous endowment and the raven-black hair she kept shiny and soft. She with the big almond-shaped eyes and that mocha skin that was irresistible to just about everything with a penis and quite a few things that lacked one. "You? You'll move out sooner or later. You'll never have trouble finding a mate. You are what all men desire."

  Talia sat up. "This one didn't desire you?"

  "Oh no, he did. He tried to kiss me in the parking lot. It was kind of an awkward lunge, though. His whole mouth was open like he was a viral vampire. I sort of dodged and got in an Uber while he was slobbering on a lamppost."

  Talia slid down beside me and offered me the last spoonful of rocky road. I didn't even use my hands, I just let her spoon it into me. She giggled. "Okay, enough feeling sorry for yourself. The truth is, your suspicions are correct."


  "Most of the men you're going to meet at this point are utter garbage. We're getting close to the point where we can't say convincingly that we're twenty-six anymore, Krys. The obvious best picks are getting married. Anyone still in the online dating pool is either a diamond in the rough or had some kind of other issue that's only going to become a bigger dealbreaker the older you get and the more you feel your biological clock ticking."

  "So far this pep talk is going fabulous places."

  Talia gave me a lazy grin. "Well there's always the alternative."

  "I can't become a nun."

  In response, my roommate just opened her mouth and waggled her long pink tongue up and down in quick fluttery motions. "No, stupid. I mean..."

  I gasped. "Stop it!"

  "What? Are you not into girls?"

  "No," I stammered. "I mean, no, no it's not that I'm like, that rigid or anything. It's just-"

  "What? Shocking? Taboo? Come on, it's the gayest generation out there. Honestly, I sort of suspect that no one is one hundred percent straight."

  I looked at Talia seriously. "Are you? I mean, have you... ever..."

  "You know what I think?" my roommate asked seriously. "I think you should let me set you up with someone. She's really cool. We dated once a while back. I think you guys would really click."

  I felt the color rising to my cheeks. "Talia, I'm not really... I wouldn't know how to act."

  "What the fuck does that even mean? It's a DATE. You go on the date with someone. She just happens to have tits the same as you do. Apart from that, I think it works pretty much the same way, except she'll smell nice and be considerate and won't feel threatened by any female science fiction reboots."

  "Fine. But it's going to go terribly," I predicted.

  "I'll set it up," Talia promised. "I think you're going to be surprised."


  The blind date ended up happening a week later. Talia suggested a fancy cocktail bar that was themed like a mad scientist lab and insisted on approving my wardrobe. I was planning on wearing jeans and a t-shirt, but this was not allowed by either the dress code or Talia's sensibilities. "Good lord, Krys, you're dressed like you're going to a nineties dyke bar. Stop acting weird. You're just going out with a friend I think you'll like. It is zero pressure. Nothing has to happen. But do put on some cute shoes and a nice dress. It's a classy bar."

  I showed up to the bar in one of my retro rockabilly dresses, something fun and girly but not full-on-slut-city, something that said that I was making an effort but still mostly just interested in having fun and not doing the proper dating thing. I tucked my hair back with a headband and paired the lilac purple dress with aqua heels. It was a little arty and hip, but Talia pronounced herself pleased enough to send me out.

  My "date" was waiting at a table near the back. She saw me almost right
away and waved me over. "You must be Krys," the redhead in the tight cocktail dress said when I got close enough.

  "How'd you know? Did I look that lost?"

  "You did, but Talia also texted me a photo of your outfit," she confessed. She held out a hand. "I'm Nora. Nice to meet you."

  We shook hands. She had a nice grip, not too firm, and I had a moment to be jealous of her nail art, which was intricate, detailed, and super flashy. "I don't think I've ever even imagined having nails that cool," I confessed. "Where did you get them done?"

  "I did them myself," Nora said with a smile. She had silver eyes, a color I'd never seen before, and her smile was radiant and perfect. I couldn't help but feel at ease around her.

  "Honestly, you're a little intimidating," I confessed to break the ice. "The nails, your hair is, like, styled... your outfit is fierce and your figure makes me jealous and demoralized because I don't know if I'm capable of betraying my love for ice cream no matter how badly I wish I could squeeze into something that tight and look that good."

  "And Talia said you'd be bad at flirting," Nora remarked with a wink.

  This caused me to go a little pink in the cheeks and stare awkwardly at the floor. It was better than staring at Nora, who got a little more amazing every second I looked at her. Her expertly-styled golden red hair, her high cheekbones, her lithe body that showed off nothing but feminine curves. Tan skin, dark like Talia's, which with her red hair made her look like a celebrity who could afford something that looked natural but probably couldn't exist in nature. I realized right then that even Talia's assertion my date would have "tits the same as you" was in error. I had breasts. Nora had knockers. They were voluptuous as all get-out, practically spilling out of her dress and inviting attention from everyone in the bar.

  "Hey," Nora said. "My eyes are up here. And so are my boobs."

  I laughed and found myself meeting her eyes. "Hey. Sorry. I'm sure Talia told you this was going to be awkward for me. I'm trying, though, I really am."

  Our drinks arrived and Talia clinked her bubbling frothy flask of something green to my own. "Hey, we're just out having a nice night and getting to know each other. Cheers. Nice to meet you."

  She was easy to talk to, I had to give her that. I was worried about awkward silences, but Nora was a natural social butterfly. She kept the conversation lively, vacillating between talking about recent movies to her interests in art and popular music and even to favorite cat gifs she kept stored on her phone. "Actually, I'm super into raccoons lately," she confessed in a stage whisper. "But those I only show on special occasions. I don't want anyone to think I'm weird."

  "I don't think you have to worry about that," I answered, pulling out my own phone to search my favorite raccoons. That was the moment we had a connection. Funny pictures of raccoons. I discovered I was having the first good time I'd had on a date in a long time while swapping favorite memes.

  "If you two are looking at your phones, I think this means you're in need of something a little more exciting in your night," someone said uncomfortably close to me. I turned to see a guy in an ill-fitting blazer with his collar popped like it was eight years ago. His buddy, a tall dude with acne scars and dark sunglasses on inside the dim club just nodded and slid in next to me.

  I shot Nora a chagrined look. We'd been so busy laughing at memes that we'd somehow signaled we were not on a date but a pair of girls lonely and hoping a guy would notice them. Something about being on a good date looked like desperation to these dudes. What a concept.

  Nora put her phone down and inched a little closer to me. "Actually, we're having more fun than we know what to do with," she said, cutting off the shorter guy from sliding between us. Her hip bumped mine and I felt her heel graze my shin, a calming subtle sign to let me know nothing was going to happen while she was around.

  The tall guy with the acne lowered his shades, let his eyes land firmly on Nora's cleavage. "Well you carry the fun everywhere you go," he oozed. "How about we see if we can add to it?"

  "Pretty good on our own, thanks," Nora said. "You two have a nice night."

  "Well it's not like the two of you can fuck each other," the short dude retorted. His breath had a sour smell to it. "Just saying. Red here's got a shot, but little miss nerdy here can't afford to turn away a pity fuck when it lands in her lap."

  I thought about throwing my drink in his face, but I was a little slow. As much as I didn't want to admit it, words like that could still hurt. Insecurity can be a bitch.

  Nora's response was nonverbal. She slid her arms around my waist and pulled me in close, her mouth on mine. There was no tongue. She was considerate and mostly making a point, but it didn't diminish how nice it was, or the flutter I suddenly got in my heart at the taste of her cherry lip gloss or the softness of her mouth on mine. It wasn't the first time I'd ever kissed a girl, but it was the most electric. "I think you guys are done here," she said when she left me gasping.

  "Lezzies can delude themselves all they want, but everyone needs dick," acneface pouted.

  "Then you two should be able to help each other out tonight," I said with my bitchiest smile. "Have fun at your swordfight, boys."

  Shorty gave me the finger and muttered the c-word at both us, but they retreated.

  "Okay, I gotta admit, that was a righteous burn," Nora said when I tuned back to her. "I'm pretty wet now."

  I blushed. "I just got tired of their bullshit. Every guy does it. They're such frightened little boys. I'm starting to agree with Talia. Who fucking needs them?"

  Nora stayed close. Her hand found mine and put it on the curve of her ass, which was warm, soft, and exciting to touch in a way I couldn't describe. "Maybe no one." She leaned in to whisper in my ear. "My place is five minutes from here. Come home with me. I think you want to. Come do something wild. I can promise you... I'm everything you need."


  We burst through the front door. I was half out of my head when the door shut and her hand went back under my dress, where it had been the whole short Uber ride. Her fingers teased the elastic of my panties, stroking me through my underwear and working me into a proper fit.

  I was breathing hard, fast, and feeling giddy with the taboo thrill of letting the night get totally out of control. Something about Nora was different in a way that made me finally comfortable with taking Talia's advice, giving in to a wild night just because, and being open to new possibilities. I awkwardly voiced all this while trying to get my dress unzipped, falling on the couch with her in a tangle of limbs and frantic making out.

  "I'm glad to hear you say that," Nora answered with a breathy gasp of her own. She took my head in both hands and guided it to her breasts for me to kiss while she worked the zipper down the side of her own dress. "Before we go further... you're seriously open, right?"

  "You could be a lizard in a human suit and I'd still want to make you cum," I answered, drunk on my own reckless lust. I rolled so she could be on top and wiggle out of her dress, laying there, one hand on my breasts that were already half out of the bra, in just heels and panties on a strange woman's couch and feeling more overtly sexual than I had in seven months of online dating.

  "About that," Nora said with a smile. She shimmied out of her dress, letting her curvaceous mocha body free of its sheathe. Her large dark nipples dragged over my stomach, tracing twin lines of electric sex over my quivering torso. She wore only a tiny pink thong that I saw when she arched her back, kissing down my stomach to my underwear, folding up and putting herself in a position to kiss me through my panties.

  "No one with an ass that nice is a lizard person," I grunted.

  Her tongue slithered under my panties, worming its way to my now eager and desperate folds. One fingernail pulled them to the side and then I was lost in sudden breathless bliss. Her tongue danced and pressed, working me into a frothy frenzy of desire. I whispered curse words and looked at the ceiling while she kept it up, torturing me into a state of horniness that I'd not known since colle

  "I think you're liking this?" Nora asked directly into my pussy. I felt it as hums that sent me even further towards the edge.

  "Gods yes," I gasped.

  "And you're okay with... me?"

  "Fuck yes, I like girls, okay? If this is being a dyke, sign me up!"

  Her tongue stopped. I almost died. How could she stop? No, please no!

  Nora loomed over me. She bit her lip. "I have something to show you."

  She shifted forward to settle her hips over my face. And then she pulled her panties down around her thighs.

  I gaped at the sight of her, of the soft petal-pink lips of her sex, wet and spread with her obvious arousal - and what was above them, the thing I couldn't process at first and mentally had to focus on only after I'd seen her feminine half.

  It was fat. Long. Engorged with her lust and giving off the heat of desire that I could feel at close range. Nora never took her eyes from mine, just held her cock in one delicate hand and showed it off to me. "So... it's not exactly being a dyke..." she began.

  I gasped. "Did... Talia... know?"

  "Of course she did. She liked it quite a bit. I think you will, too. And I have to be totally honest with you, Krys. I want to fuck you badly. I am desperate to slip inside you and put my mouth to yours while I bang the living daylights out of you on this couch."

  "You- you're-"

  "Futanari. We're real. Rare, but real. And trust me, darling. It's the only good part of men that you need right now." Her smile grew more mischievous. "What do you say? Do you want to give it a try?"

  I must have been crazy. I certainly wasn't so bold on any other day. Maybe it was something about being around Nora. Maybe it was the boldness that started in the bar and the freedom I found when I joined her in it. Maybe it was the way the glistening cockhead called to me as it hovered just in front of my mouth. Maybe I was truly ready for something new.


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