The Doctor's Husband (The Watson Brothers #3)

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The Doctor's Husband (The Watson Brothers #3) Page 9

by Ann B. Harrison


  The photographer clapped his hands and raised his voice over the chatter of the wedding guests. “Attention, people. If I could have all the immediate family on the steps with the bride and groom, please. Quickly now, we need to take advantage of this light while it’s so perfect.”

  A pang of loneliness hit Denver as the family gathered around the newlyweds for photos only to flash away when Evan grabbed her arm and held her close. She was included and that went a long way to how she felt. “Don’t you want some family-only pictures, Gina? I don’t mind, honestly.”

  Gina glanced at her and smiled, the briefest wink flashed at Denver. “You are family as far as I’m concerned. Get in there with Evan and stop being silly.” She grinned at Evan and then snuggled in with her new husband. They posed as they were directed, finding some of the requests from the photographer hilarious.

  “I asked for something different as well as traditional. Looks like he’s taking me seriously.” Gina giggled as her husband picked her up in his arms and posed alongside his brothers who did the same thing with the woman in their lives. The girls kicked their legs in the air and laughed, enjoying the session.

  When Evan put her feet on the ground, she turned to kiss him. “I think I’ve fallen in love with you, Denver. I hope that doesn’t scare you away.”

  She sucked in a breath and looked into his eyes. “It should, but for some reason it doesn’t.” She leaned in and placed her lips on his, deepening the kiss as her hands cupped the back of his head. She lost herself in the heady romance of the moment, imagining being with Evan for life as Gina and Rory had just pledged to be. They could make a go of it, she was certain of that fact.

  It was in that moment that she realized the job was no longer the focus in her life. Making a future with this man was more important and if she didn’t get the job and he did, she would stay and make the most of it. Someone would employ her or if all else failed, she could open her own clinic. She had the means to do it. An untouched bank account accruing interest from her trust fund would more than cover anything she wanted to tackle. Not getting the administrator job wouldn’t be the end of her ten-year plan. It would only require a little tweaking, of that she was convinced.

  The heat between them sizzled and Denver barely registered the chatter or the clicking of the photographer as he walked around them, snapping off shots of them lost in each other’s arms at Gina’s instructions.

  “Get a room.” Chance’s voice finally broke through the fog surrounding the two of them and Denver moved her lips from Evan’s. She kept her hands around the back of his head.

  “I think I love you too. This is so unlike me, Evan. I don’t make impulsive decisions and I usually spend more time getting to know someone before I go to bed with them. I want you to know that.”

  “I understand, Denver. I’ve watched you for years to get an understanding of how you are.” He kissed her forehead. “Seems like we’re making a spectacle here. Let’s go and make small talk. We can discuss our future later when we’re alone.”

  “Sounds good.” She stepped back and glanced around at the guests. The photographer beckoned her to where Gina, Callie, and Layla were standing.

  “Over here now please, love.” He posed them together and clicked off shot after shot. “Now, the men in the family please.” Denver watched as Rory headed over with Fisher in his arms looking as cute as can be. The other brothers sauntered over and amid the back slapping and manly comments, posed for photos.

  “You’re very sweet, Gina, including me in the photos. Thank you.”

  “I plan to cover all bases today. When it’s your turn you can do the same.” She grinned at Callie and they shared a knowing look.

  “What’s going on here? Do you know something I don’t?” She glanced between Gina and Callie, not liking the way she nodded her head as if she agreed.

  “Well, I do know how the Watson boys work and I’d say you’ll be next. Especially after the way you two were wrapped up in each other a moment ago. And I have the photos to prove it so don’t even think of denying the attraction. This isn’t a week away with benefits for either of you. I was just wondering how long it would take you to realize that.”

  “Are we that transparent?” Denver knew the color was high in her cheeks and glanced down at her feet, trying to gather her emotions. The pretty pink shoes were a special treat for this wedding, along with the summery strapless dress she’d brought. When she’d found it in the dress shop, she couldn’t help but indulge herself with the hope it would impress.

  “Well, kind of. I think it’s sweet. The boys fall hard and fast, that I can tell you and from what I’ve seen you seem to be the same. Tell me if I’m wrong.” Gina rested back on the wooden railing once used to tie up horses. It’d made the perfect place to pose for photos with the wild rambling rose bushes as a backdrop, their perfume hanging heavy in the air.

  “No, you’re not wrong. I’ve never felt this way before.” She flicked a stand of hair from her face and looked the bride in the eye. “I’m usually more stoic with my decisions. Never make an impulse move unless it’s in surgery when I have to in a case of life or death. I prefer to work out the pros and cons of anything I do.” She gave a short laugh, trying to settle the nerves in her stomach. “My father will think I’ve lost my mind.”

  “Well, maybe you need to do what you want, not your father. Now, enough analyzing the emotions for now. Here come our men. Ready to party, ladies?” Gina reached for her son and husband, kissing them both in turn.

  Evan slid his arms around her from behind, and Denver sighed. She leaned back feeling the hardness of his chest against her. He nibbled her ear, sending thrills down her spine. She was happy and that was the main thing. At the back of her mind though was the thought of telling her father what she was doing and praying he didn’t try to hold her back from what she wanted because he knew better.

  Chapter Fourteen

  They gathered in the backyard of Rory and Gina’s home for the celebration. Champagne flowed freely and laughter reigned over the pretty ranch with the loved-up couple taking center stage. Gina held a wine glass filled with sparkling mineral water, which Denver had managed to switch with her as she was the only one who knew the secret she hid.

  “I’m sure a sip won’t hurt you when you toast your husband, but I advise against it. If you get caught drinking this, just say you’re too thirsty to start on the bubbly. You’re saving it for tonight when you get your husband alone.”

  “Good idea. I wasn’t sure how I was going to explain that one to Rory if he said anything.” Her eyes misted over and she lifted a finger to dab at the happy tears. “I want to tell him when it’s only the two of us. It can be our secret for a while until I get over the initial stage, you know what I mean?”

  Denver leaned back against the wooden table and reached up a hand to brush down Gina’s arm. “Of course I do and I understand your thinking. But I have a good feeling about this; trust me and go and enjoy yourself.”

  “Rory said you’re applying to the hospital for the administration job. Does that mean you’ll be moving here soon?” She plonked herself down next to Denver and turned to look at her.

  “If I get the position, yes. You know Evan applied for the local doctor’s job, too. If he gets that I’ll gladly move here with him whether I get the hospital job or not. If he wants me, that is. I’m sure someone will give me a position.”

  “Of course he’ll want you. Have you seen the way he looks at you? Just about devours you with his eyes. So damned sexy, but I kind of expect that from the men in this family.” She waved a hand in front of her face. “They are pretty hot. I’m sure I could combust with a mere look from Rory, and Callie and Chance are always tearing each other’s clothes off.”

  Maybe that’s too much information. “I did notice they’re always making googly eyes at each other. It’s kind of sweet though.” She glanced around the small crowd. “What’s the go with Tyson and Layla? I really hav
en’t had much time to get to know either of them.”

  “Well, Chance says she has her eye on him and I think she does too. Can’t seem to keep her hands off him. Poor guy looks right scared more often than not. I don’t think he knows how to cope with her. I mean, not being nasty. He’s a small-town cowboy and she’s a big-city lawyer used to living life in the fast lane. Who would have put them together? I sure wouldn’t have.”

  “When it hits, it hits, I guess. Nothing you can do about it.” Denver sipped the champagne and let the bubbles dance over her tongue before swallowing the sweet golden liquid. It sparkled all the way down her throat, sending ripples of pleasure over her skin. By the time Evan suggested they go home, she’d drank more toasts to the bride and groom. When the fresh air hit her face, she staggered slightly but Evan was there to guide her to the truck. He helped do up her seat belt and she grabbed his face, covering it in kisses and promised him a night to remember. On the drive home, she gripped his hand, with every intention of showering him in love when they were alone.

  When she crawled into bed that night, her head swam with information overload and too much champagne. She’d spoken to so many people and learned a lot about the family and the town locals, and enjoyed every moment of it. Moving here would make her very happy. She fit in with the family and the locals seemed to like her. All she had to do was get married and move into the white house with Evan. Things couldn’t get any better than that.

  She watched Evan go into the bathroom and strip off his clothes. Of all the Watson boys, he was the most serious and she liked that about him. He could be fun one moment, acting like a schoolboy the next, and in the blink of an eye be the serious doctor dedicated to his job. His patients at the hospital loved him and so did the rest of the staff. He was reliable and considerate. Kindness was his middle name. And he had a body to die for, as she could see from her position on the bed.

  What more could she want in a partner and father for her children? She closed her eyes and waited for him to come to bed.


  Evan rinsed his mouth and turned off the bathroom light. Soft snores came from the bed and he shook his head. Denver was asleep, her arms thrown out wide and her mouth open. He had wanted to talk to her about moving back home and getting married. And then he was going to make love to her—long and slow—and fall asleep in her arms.

  Guess that will have to wait until the morning then. He slid under the sheets and reached to turn out the light. As he nestled down on the pillow, he pulled her into his arms, resting her head against his chest. She mumbled and then resumed the soft snoring he found adorable.

  Evan closed his eyes and went to sleep with her in his arms dreaming about proposing to her tomorrow in the long grass by the river at the ranch with the horses eating grass close by. He’d take a picnic, a rug, and they would have time to themselves so they could talk. In minutes he became lost in the land of sleep.

  When he woke the next day the first thing he did was reach for Denver. Her pillow was indented where her head had been and the sheets were cold on her side of the bed. He sighed with disappointment before he noticed the bathroom door closed and heard the shower running.

  He threw the sheets back and vaulted out of bed, dropping his boxer shorts as he went. Evan opened the bathroom door and peeked in behind the shower screen. Denver shampooed her hair with her eyes closed as she stood under the spray of hot water. He stepped in and gently slid his hands around her waist.

  She jolted and then smiled. “Is that a gun in your pocket, cowboy?”

  He rubbed his erection against her bottom and leaned down to nibble on her neck. “I’m just pleased to see you.”

  “That is such a corny line, but I couldn’t help it.” Denver ducked her head under the water. “Let me get the soap out and then I can look at you.”

  “With what I have planned, you don’t need to use your eyes. We can do this from touch alone.” Evan groaned as her wet butt cheeks rubbed against his cock with every move she made.

  “Well, it just so happens I like to look at you. Such a handsome man, it would be a shame if I couldn’t get my fill of you.” She did a final rinse and turned in his arms, pressing her breasts against his chest as she blinked the water from her eyes. “I’m sorry I fell asleep on you last night. I know you wanted to talk about us. Too much champagne and good company made me more tired than I thought.”

  Evan nipped at her bottom lip. “That’s okay, we can make up for it now, talk later.” He cupped his hands under her butt and lifted her up. He pressed her against the shower wall, holding her there with both hands as he positioned himself at her opening. Carefully, he slid in and watched her eyes roll back in her head. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist, taking him deeper again.

  “Oh my goodness, that feels so damned good, Evan. I don’t think I can get enough of this.”

  “Marry me, Denver. Marry me and I swear we will spend every weekend in bed.” He slid in and out of her, the sensations rocking through his body as she tightened around him. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I meant to do that later today when we were out.” He looked into her startled eyes and swore at himself.

  “I’d like to spend the weekends in bed with you.” She groaned, let her head fall back, and clenched around him when he pushed back into her. A gasp came from her lips as Evan upped the pace. He pumped faster and harder, desperate to complete this lovemaking so they could talk. He wondered fleetingly if he wanted to leave his scent on her to let her know he wasn’t going to let her go. Mark her as his own.

  She clawed his shoulders as her body started to tense. Her climax was so close. Another second and he would be going over with her. Evan pushed his feet solid on the floor of the shower for the final thrust and rested his head against hers as his body pulsed and pumped with the most intense orgasm.

  He let the hot water of the shower wash over their bodies as they gathered their breath. When he could make a coherent thought, Evan spoke. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t a very good proposal. I had actually planned it all last night when you were sleeping. I want to take you on a horse ride today with a picnic and I was going to ask you to marry me then.” The water rolled over his head and into his eyes, but he kept his gaze on her face looking for a positive answer.

  “If you’re sure it’s what you want, Evan, of course I’ll marry you. With sex like that on offer, what girl could refuse?” She smiled at him and wiped a finger under his chin. Denver lifted it up to reach his lips. She traced her tongue over his bottom lip and sucked it into her mouth. His body started to react again as she bit down on his mouth. The sensation was quick and painful, but so seductively sweet it left him wanting more.

  Evan reached out and hit the tap to the off position. Without pulling out of her body, he walked them out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. He sat on the edge of the bed with her in his lap, kissing her fiercely. He moved his hands up to tangle them in her wet hair and pull her closer. Denver pushed him back on the bed and leaned over him, their mouths locked, their bodies fused.

  She pushed his arms above his head and held them there and began to move. When she lifted her mouth from his for air, he grinned. “Taking charge, Dr. Sinclair. I think I like that about you.”

  “Be quiet and concentrate, cowboy. The shower sex was to make up for last night, this one is your morning wake-up call.” She rode him hard and fast until they were both lying breathless on the bed as their skin dried with the heat from their bodies.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “I have the job if I want it. The other party pulled out.” Denver stood in front of him with a smile on her face and her hands clasped in front of her.

  “Congratulations, Denver. That’s great news.” Chance reached over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Now we only have to wait and see if Evan gets his job and you two are set. It’ll be nice to have you back home again, Brother.”

  “I spoke to Doc Hennessey at the wedding. I can start anytime I want to.”

nver turned a frown his way. “Why didn’t you say anything?” Her mouth turned down and he could tell she was hurt.

  “Because I didn’t want to push you to move here unless you wanted to. I would have stayed in the city if you didn’t get the hospital job.” She rewarded him by launching herself into his arms, the relief obvious by the sudden grin on her face. She kissed him soundly on the lips.

  “Now we have to go back to the city and pack up.”

  “No, the first thing we have to do is go down to the courthouse and get a license. I want to marry you before we go home.”

  “What?” She stood stunned at his words. It might seem unrealistic and Evan had given it a lot of thought. He knew her father pressured her to do things his way and she found it hard to fight him when she needed to. From now on she would have Evan to back her up and if he was to be taken seriously, he needed to be her husband when they faced Dr. Sinclair.

  “I think it’d be a good idea. I know you struggle with your father from what you’ve told me and with me by your side, it won’t fall to you to tell him we’re leaving the city. It’ll be my responsibility, too. Besides, you said to me yesterday you didn’t want a big wedding. Did you mean it?”

  “Of course I did. I’ve never needed those trappings to be happy. I only need you.”

  “Prove it then. Marry me tomorrow at the courthouse. Chance and Callie can be witnesses. What do you say, Brother?”

  “Hell yes. If you’re sure it’s what you want. Make sure the lady agrees though before you call it.” He looked between them and then glanced at his wife standing quietly beside him. “I didn’t need all of that either but each to their own.”

  “No.” Denver wiped a shaky hand across her cheek. “He’s right. I did say that and as cowardly as it may seem, I’d rather go back to the city with my husband by my side when I face my father.”


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