The Tragedy of the Templars

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The Tragedy of the Templars Page 41

by Michael Haag

  Matilda, queen, wife of Stephen 225

  Matthew of Edessa, historian 117

  Maundrell, Henry 330

  mawalis (converts) 38–9, 44


  caravans 19, 261

  defeat of al–Zubayr 30

  direction of prayer 21, 26–7, 160, 244

  holy city 36, 68, 334

  Kaaba 19–20, 26, 62

  Mohammed’s life 20–22, 33, 282

  Night Journey 33–4

  pilgrimage to 243

  ports for 261, 272

  Umayyad family 28, 32

  Medina (formerly Yathrib)

  holy city 36, 68, 334

  Mohammed’s life 20–21

  Muslim capital 25

  Night Journey 34

  ports for 261, 272

  Melisende, queen of Jerusalem accession 147

  Armenian alliance 151

  Bethany buildings 239–40

  Church of the Holy Sepulchre 198

  Damascus alliance 162

  death of husband 185

  family 147, 166, 186, 240, 265

  grant to Templars 152

  joint rule with son 206

  marriage 132

  palace 147

  regency 206

  Melitene, fall (933) 60

  Messina 229, 294

  Methodius of Patara, bishop 84

  Michael VII Ducas, Byzantine emperor 81, 82

  Michael VIII Paleologus, Byzantine emperor 336

  Michael Rabo, Syrian Orthodox patriarch of Antioch 168, 170–71

  Michael the Syrian, Jacobite patriarch of Antioch 141, 142, 238

  Milan, Edict of 10

  Milites Templi (papal bull) 140 Militia Dei (papal bull) 140

  Militia Sancti Petri 83

  Milvian Bridge, battle 10


  Companions 20, 28

  daughter 28

  death 19

  descendants 44

  footprint 33

  life 20–22

  Night Journey 2, 27, 33–4, 36, 68, 278, 280–81, 334

  praying towards Mecca 26

  relics 94

  view of Jewish and Christian prophets 46

  view of Zoroastrians 46

  Mongols 314–15, 324, 335–7, 340

  Montferrand, siege 163–4

  Montfort, surrender to Baybars 317

  Montgisard, battle (1177), 254–6, 258

  Montségur, castle 247–8


  Saladin’s control 263, 264

  seized (1174) 236

  Mount of Olives 33, 52, 130

  Muawiya, Umayyad caliph 28–9, 33

  Muin al–Din Unur, Turkish ruler of Damascus 158, 160, 162, 169, 187, 207

  al-Muizz, Fatimid caliph 66

  Mujin al-Din Ibn al–Sufi 207–8

  Muntasir, Abbasid caliph 59

  al-Muqaddasi, chronicler 128

  Muqaddasi, Mohammed ibn Ahmed, geographer 32, 35

  Muslim, term 38

  Mutawakkil, Abbasid caliph 50, 59

  Myriokephalon, battle (1176) 256–7, 303



  Melisende at 206

  truce arrangements (1229) 306, 309

  Turkish raids (1113, 1137) 129, 133

  al-Nasr Mohammed, Mameluke sultan 334

  Nazareth 62, 139, 266, 316

  Nestorianism 40–41, 239


  First General Council of 13

  siege and fall (1097) 107

  Nicene Creed 13

  Nicholas IV, pope 321

  Nicophorus Phocas, Byzantine emperor 61, 62

  Nizam al-Mulk, chief minister to Alp Arslan 75

  North Africa 29–30

  Nubians 235, 310

  Nur al-Din, son of Zengi

  accession 169

  Antioch campaign 214

  Antioch saved from 193–4

  assaults on Muslim rivals 162, 164–5, 195

  capture of Egypt 213–14

  Damascus relations 187, 188, 207–8, 237

  death 236

  dynastic ambition 162, 164

  Egyptian rule 235, 236

  Egyptian strategy 209–10, 211–12

  Inab siege 193

  jihad 164, 192, 194–5, 208, 211, 237, 248, 280–81

  Kurdish forces 210–11, 233

  Second Crusade 182, 186

  Sunni 195, 211, 233, 245

  threat to Outremer 196, 198, 210, 218, 220

  Tortosa destruction 221

  treaty with Jerusalem 208

  tribute to Franks 208


  Odo of Montfaucon, Templar knight 178–9

  Odo of Wirmis, Templar brother 224–5

  Old Man of the Mountain 248, 250, 251

  Omne Datum Optimum (papal bull) 139–40

  Osto of St Omer, Templar knight 178

  Oultrejourdain 261


  Acre capital 300

  Acre fall 328, 331

  agreement with Saladin 299–300

  agriculture 155

  Armenian alliance 151

  Byzantine relations 257

  castles 218–20

  Christian population 195

  coast 133, 288, 289, 299, 329–30

  Damascus policy 309–10

  defence of 200, 214

  encirclement of 188, 214, 264, 315

  fall 127, 230, 329

  Fifth Crusade 303–4

  forces 267, 312

  Frankish defences 163, 167

  Frankish retreat 329

  Frankish settlement 145–7, 153–6

  frontiers 166, 219

  history 209

  La Forbie defeat 313

  Mameluke aggression 324

  Mameluke threat 288

  Muslim population 156–7, 243–9

  Muslim relations 5, 120, 127, 156–7, 236

  name 2

  Nur al-Din’s campaigns 194, 210, 218

  pilgrims 241

  ports 227, 228, 229

  relationship with the West 188–9, 191–2, 193–4, 264, 335

  religious tolerance 238–42

  Saladin’s campaigns 4, 256, 263, 275–6

  Second Crusade 185–9

  Seventh Crusade 313–14

  strategy against Saladin 264

  Templar activities 126, 127, 134, 149–50, 172, 178–9, 226

  Templar forces 204–5

  Templar independence 140, 143

  Templar lands 153, 217, 223

  Templar strategy 319–20

  Templar trade 228, 229–30

  territory 133, 287

  Turkish threat 210



  Abbasid rule 48, 58

  Arab invasion 23, 123

  Arab tribes 48, 58

  Byzantine conquests (975–6) 62

  Byzantine rule 14–15, 17

  Christian population 88, 156

  Christian recovery 207

  civil wars (788, 792) 48–9

  coastal depopulation 298

  conditions after First Crusade 128–9

  Fatimid invasion 64

  Fatimid rule 67, 77, 80

  Frankish population 156

  Frankish rule 129

  persecution of Christians 53, 60, 68–9, 334

  pilgrim journeys 86–7, 123–5

  restrictions on Christians and Jews 49

  Roman rule 9

  rural population 42, 48, 156

  settlement pattern 298

  Turkish conquest 79–81

  Umayyad rule 27, 30–32, 45–6, 64

  Papios, bishop 167

  Paris Temple

  arrest and imprisonment of Templars 345–6

  construction 230

  Inquisitorial hearings 349

  papal use of funds 321

  Second Crusade plans 178–9

  site 230

  stronghold 226, 231, 232, 345–6

  Templar banking system 226

nbsp; treasury of France 179

  Pastoralis Praeeminentiae (papal bull) 354

  Payen of Montdidier, Templar knight 142

  Pechenegs 89, 90

  Pelagius, papal legate 304

  People of the Book 39–40

  People’s Crusade 106


  Arab victories over 23

  Byzantine attacks on 17

  capture of Jerusalem (614) 16–17, 197

  Christian pilgrims 11

  conquest of Syria 66

  converts to Islam 44, 46, 47

  Peter, former Templar knight 346

  Peter Damiani, cardinal 83–4

  Peter the Hermit 91–2, 105–6

  Peter of Sevrey, marshal of the Templars 328

  Peter of les Vaux-de-Cernay, chronicler 246

  Philip I, king of France 90, 95

  Philip II, king of France 232, 293, 294, 296–7

  Philip IV (the Fair), king of France

  arrest of Templars 224, 248, 343, 345

  arrests of Italian bankers and Jews 346, 352

  Chinon hearings 359

  crusade project 340–41

  debts 352–3

  heresy charge against Templars 347–8, 352

  imperial ambitions 340

  money from Hospitallers 366

  motive for arrest of Templars 352–3

  plan to merge Templars and Hospitallers 340–42

  relationship with papacy 338–40, 352, 353–6, 361, 365

  sister’s funeral 342

  spies in Templar order 344–5

  Templars burned at stake 363, 367, 368


  Acre port 289–90

  Bethany 239–42

  Christian 11–12

  Compostela 94

  crusaders 103, 106

  economic importance 196–7, 283

  entrance fees 2, 91, 284

  hospital for pilgrims 1, 125–6, 199, 200, 283

  Jerusalem sites 129–32, 198

  journey to Jerusalem 54, 55–7, 77–9, 86–7, 123–5

  Muslim 20, 32

  Outremer landscape 129

  protection money 79

  Rome 336

  Saladin’s policies 283–4, 299

  Templar protection 125, 131, 134, 150, 178, 223, 331, 342

  pirates 60, 78, 89, 327

  Pisa, Pisans

  at Acre 289, 292, 295–6, 323, 328

  campaigns against Arabs 93

  Constantinople community 257

  Egyptian trade 65

  fleet 292


  battle (732) 37, 52

  examination of Templars 356, 358, 359

  meeting of pope and king 355, 362

  papal court 339, 353–4, 355–6

  Polo, Marco 230, 249

  Poor Clares 301

  Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ 1, 125, 126, 127

  Portugal, Templars’ position 149

  Praxedis, queen (wife of Henry IV) 90


  Qadmus, Assassin castle 248

  Qalaat al-Kahf, Assassin castle 248

  Qalaun, Mameluke sultan 321, 324–5

  Qarmatian sect 62, 64–5

  qibla (direction of prayer) 26–7, 160–61, 282

  Quantum Praedecessores (papal bull) 172–4

  Qutuz, Mameluke sultan 314–15


  Raimbald of Caron, master of Cyprus 359

  Ralph of Diss, dean of St Paul’s 255

  Ralph of Patingy, Templar knight 178

  Ramla 77, 79, 80

  Raymond II, count of Tripoli 162–3, 250

  Raymond III, count of Tripoli 210, 252, 264–71

  Raymond, prince of Antioch 175, 181–2, 186, 193, 194, 195

  Raymond of Aguilers, chronicler 111, 114–15

  Raymond of Toulouse, count 104, 107, 113, 116, 121

  Raynald of Chatillon, lord of Oultrejourdain 254–5, 261, 264, 265, 268, 272

  Revelations, Book of 84

  Rhodes, Hospitaller state 295, 341, 342

  Richard I (the Lionheart), king of England

  achievements 299–300

  Acre capture 295–6, 300

  agreement with Saladin 299

  arrival in Holy Land 293, 295

  Arsuf victory 297–8

  birth 183

  campaign against Saladin 296–7

  capture of Cyprus 294–5, 329

  departure from Holy Land 299

  Jerusalem strategy 299, 304

  journey to Holy Land 294–5

  reliance on Templars 287–8, 297–8

  sale of Cyprus to Guy 329

  sale of Cyprus to Templars 295

  Third Crusade 287–8, 299

  Riley-Smith, Jonathan 92, 146

  Robert, count of Flanders 89

  Robert, duke of Normandy 104, 121

  Robert of Craon, Grand Master 139, 178

  Robert of Sablé, Grand Master 295

  Robert the Monk 98, 99–100, 114, 115, 141

  La Roche de Roissol, castle 150

  Roger II, king of Sicily 180

  Roger of Flor, captain of a Templar galley 327

  Roman Empire 13–14

  Romanus IV Diogenes, Byzantine emperor 75–6

  Romanus Lecapenus, Byzantine emperor 60


  Arab attack (846) 54–5

  coronation of Charlemagne 52

  fall of (476) 14, 15

  papacy 15, 40, 82, 89, 122, 305, 339

  pilgrims 94, 336

  western empire 13

  Rosetta, Templar raids (1300) 336

  Rossal (Roland), Templar knight 142

  Rostan Berenguier, poet 342

  Ruad (Arwad), Templar base 333, 337–8, 340, 341

  Rum, Seljuk sultanate 256, 257, 263

  Runciman, Steven 116, 302–3


  Saewulf of Canterbury 123–4

  St Mark, Fustat 66

  St Mary, Jerusalem 56

  St Simeon, Aswan 236

  St Simeon Stylites, church of (Syria) 33

  Saladin (Salah al-Din)

  Acre loss 296

  Acre position 292–3

  Acre siege (1187–88) 291–2

  agreement with Richard 299

  aims 252

  army 234, 267–8

  Arsuf defeat (1191) 297–8

  Assassin relations 250

  capture of Jacob’s Ford (1179) 222, 259–60

  capture of Jerusalem (1187) 1–3, 5, 200–201, 280–82

  career 4–5

  childhood and education 233–4

  death 288, 299, 300

  defence of Alexandria 212

  domination of local Muslim rulers 162

  dynastic ambitions 3, 4, 164, 263

  execution of prisoners 261–2, 298

  Hattin victory 270–74, 298

  illness (1186) 262–3

  Jerusalem entry 280–82

  Jerusalem siege (1187) 277–80

  Jerusalem terms 278–80

  jihad 69, 236, 237, 248, 262

  Montgisard defeat (1177) 254–5

  relationship with Richard 296, 298

  reputation 3

  resources 256

  rule of Egypt 235

  Sunni Islam 245

  treaty with Raymond of Tripoli 265, 266–7

  Tripoli invasion (1180) 261

  truce with Baldwin 260, 261

  vizier 213, 235

  warfare against Muslims 262–3

  will 262

  al-Salih Ayyub, sultan of Egypt 309, 310, 311–12, 313–14

  San Vitale, Ravenna 33

  Saphet (Safad), castle

  design 219

  fall to Baybars 316, 317–18

  Templar castle 222, 223

  Sassanian kings 23, 46, 48

  Scheherazade 48

  Sebeos, Armenian historian 17, 18

  Seljuk Turks

  Baghdad caliphate 74, 119, 158, 162

  Baghdad capture (1055) 74r />
  Byzantine appeals to West 82–4, 90–91

  Byzantine fight-back 89

  Byzantine losses 81

  decline 158

  destruction of Ani (1064) 74–5

  Fatimid campaigns against 81, 86

  First Crusade 107–12, 180

  frontiers 166, 179

  invasion of Armenia 72, 74–5, 77

  invasion of Palestine 80

  invasion of Syria 72, 80

  invasions 70, 71–2, 76–7

  Jerusalem capture and occupation 72, 80, 86, 88, 112, 122, 147

  Jerusalem loss to Fatimids (1098) 112

  Manzikert victory (1071) 71, 76, 81

  migration 74

  Nur al-Din’s conquests over 208

  Palestine rule 86

  People’s Crusade 106

  religion 74

  revolt against 79–80

  Rum sultanate 166, 256, 257, 263

  Saladin’s career 4, 233–4

  Second Crusade 180

  threat 85–6, 92, 93

  Urban’s speech 101

  Sens, archbishop of 363, 367

  Sephoria (Tzippori) 268–9

  Shagarat al-Durr, wife of al–Salih 313–14

  Shaizar (Cezer), emir of 159–60, 161–2

  Shaizar, stronghold 182

  Shawar, vizier 209–10, 211–14

  Sheikh al-Jebel, leader of Assassins 248

  Shia Islam

  caliphate 44, 64, 75

  Fatimids 63, 64–5, 88, 195, 211

  Ismailis 63, 211, 237

  Nur al-Din’s jihad 195, 237, 248

  origins 44

  uprising against Mamelukes 333

  Shirkuh, Kurdish general 209–10, 211–12, 213, 233

  Sibylla, queen of Jerusalem 209, 265, 277, 284

  Sicilian Vespers 320–21

  Sidon 228, 329


  Frankish castles 218–19

  Frankish strategy 163

  Middle Ages 205

  Saladin’s techniques 259–60

  see also Acre, Damascus, Edessa, Jerusalem

  Siffin, battle (657) 28

  Simon, Franciscan brother 346

  al-Sinaji, Mohammed 61

  Sinan, Rashid al-Din 250, 251

  slave trade 229–30

  Sophronius, patriarch of Jerusalem 25


  Alfonso VII’s crusade 177

  Almohades 263

  Almoravids 87, 93, 177

  Arab invasion (711) 36

  Cluniac priories 94

  emirate of Cordoba 44

  house of Aragon 321

  independence (756) 58

  pilgrims 174, 198

  Reconquista 37, 93, 94, 149

  Templars’ position 149, 179, 224, 229, 232, 354

  Umayyads 52, 58

  Springs of Cresson, battle (1187) 222, 266, 269, 275, 293

  Stables of Solomon 202, 203

  Sufism 237, 267

  Suger, abbot of St Denis 173

  Sulaiman, Umayyad caliph 36

  Sunni Islam

  Alp Arslan’s campaigns 75

  Assassins and 248–9, 250, 252

  battle with dualists 245

  caliphate 44, 64, 233, 333–4

  in Egypt 63, 65, 66, 211, 237

  in Jerusalem 88

  Kurds 211

  Mamelukes 333–4


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